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Narasimha Puja questions

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I'm not sure. I am using the Picture of Lord Narasimha Killing Hiranyakashipu.

He is quite angry, so I presume it is Ugra Narasimha. I am drawn to the Fierce form of the Lord. I have been using Red flowers and I like the the way they make me feel.

thanks for your help,


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What color flowers does Lord Narasimha prefer for his worship?

I don't think it should matter what colors. Whatever color you prefer. Sri Krishna (who is Narasimha) says in the Gita, "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it with joy." He'll accept whatever you offer Him with love :)

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I'm not sure. I am using the Picture of Lord Narasimha Killing Hiranyakashipu.

He is quite angry, so I presume it is Ugra Narasimha. I am drawn to the Fierce form of the Lord. I have been using Red flowers and I like the the way they make me feel.

thanks for your help,



White flowers are good, but take Radhe Radhe's advice as well. It doesnt matter as long as the devotion comes through.

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Thanks Radhe for your response. In a general sense, I agree it isn't a big deal. Both are avatars of Vishnu. But there is a difference in Tantric Sadhana between Krishna and Narasimha. Krishna resonates with the vibrations of the Moon and the left nadi. Narasimha resonates with the power of Mars. They each achieve different energetic and psychic aims within the individual. So, if one is a Krishna devotee, it doesn't matter. But for my purposes, it does matter. And even though they are both avatars of the infinite, some details in sadhana for a jnani can make a difference.

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indulekhadasi wrote...

< Because Narasimhadeva is the avatara who takes away everything, it is stated in some sastras that grihasthas cannot worship Him.>


Om Kshruam Namo Bhaghavate Narasimhaya


Thank you indulekhadasi. Yes, I have been told before by an ISKCON priest that I cannot worship Narasimha until I join his sect and become an initiate into ISKCON priesthood. If that is what is taught in your sect, I respect that (for you) and I believe you should obey that, if that is part of your CHOSEN sect.

However, for me, I have not chosen to belong to this type of sect of vedic religion. I believe that these kinds of rules which seek exclude people from worshipping God are created by Priests in order to control their followers. If that works for you, I am happy for you and I support your right to worship God how you see fit. For me, I have found that this type of Clique mentality is actually in the minority in the Worldwide Vedic Spiritual community and, for me, feels very destructive.

So, with the deepest respect, I support your right to worship God how you see fit, but until I decide to willingly join your particular sect with all its rules and beliefs, I would kindly ask that you not deny me my right worship God as I choose.

Om Kshraum

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No, no prabhuji.


I meant to say worship Narasimhadeva by all means but if you want to worship Ugra Narasimha stick to the worship of the photo not an actual deity. Because Ugra likes to take away all the material things of a person which may not be convenient for a grhastha. However, if you have no objections to Him doing this then please keep it up. I know for myself, my mother was worshipping Ugra Narasimha and from then on I kept on having health problems to the point where I could have died. Since my mother is attached to me, it seemed obvious that Ugra Narasimha would try to take me away from her, so that she could focus more on the Lord.


I agree that deity worship is not meant for just specific sects, and I apologize on the behalf of the person who said that to you. Yes, it seems too forceful sometimes. I myself am a member of ISKCON but I don't particularly have a sectarian mentality. There are devotees all over the world who could be pure and belong to no sect, whether we know them or not.


Of course I wont interfere, I am just putting here what I have learned.

Your servant eternally,


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I apologize. I misunderstood your intent. Thank you for that information. I will keep it in mind. Sri Narasimha has made it clear he wants me to worship him. I am attracted to Ugra Narasimha but he does bring up a great deal of energy from within me and I sometimes fear the ferocity I feel. I apologize if I snapped at you. I can see how it might be best to be celibate with this kind of ferocious energy flying around.



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I personally prefer the form of Prahlada Narasimha, so sweet! The devotion Prahlada had is unparalleled for a person of his age and a person in his type of environment (demons all around).


Grhasthas are permitted to worship Ugra Narasimha in his picture form, so since thats what you are doing I don't think it is much of a problem.

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true ugra devatas (or ugra forms of devatas) are not meant to be worshipped in homes... their worship is always confined to temples... the benevolent forms of gods are worshipped with ease. the pooja of a ugra devata is generally full of rituals which should always be done in the correct form. if a idol of a ugra devata is kept in the house it is perfectly all right but when such an idol is worshipped regularly with the proper rituals some householders have experienced negative feedback. that is why we find ramayan in peoples homes but the mahabharat is generally not kept in the house and mahabharat readings are not encouraged in homes.

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Few questions son_of_erin2000:


Do you worship Him?

How long have you had Him and/or worshipped Him?


sorry for the long delay, havent been back to the site since my last post. well,i do prey to ugra- narasimha. do chant. as for worship, no i dont know the archana associated with him yet.my wife does also pray and chant daily, and she offers a short puja in her family way, she says i got an image in my head of what puja is supposed to be,but its not that:P but im wanting to do things properly. have thought of going to ahobilam to learn proper archana. but once i learn the proper way,i do intend to begin doing puja also. but till then, i will just continue to pray and chant.

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true ugra devatas (or ugra forms of devatas) are not meant to be worshipped in homes... their worship is always confined to temples... the benevolent forms of gods are worshipped with ease. the pooja of a ugra devata is generally full of rituals which should always be done in the correct form. if a idol of a ugra devata is kept in the house it is perfectly all right but when such an idol is worshipped regularly with the proper rituals some householders have experienced negative feedback. that is why we find ramayan in peoples homes but the mahabharat is generally not kept in the house and mahabharat readings are not encouraged in homes.


dont see how you can peretuate this myth.do think everyone is just trying to scare away everyone from appraching the ugra narasimha. my wife is a bangali, and in her family,they waship kali's feirce form as well,and that to in the home.

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What color flowers does Lord Narasimha prefer for his worship?


Better yet, what kinds of flowers do you prefer to have around?


Your own enjoyment is what you are offering, rather than the actual flowers.




Unless Lord Narasimha shows up in person to tell you otherwise, of course, and if he does then using the wrong flowers was well worth it.

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Son of Erin...

Hare Krishna!

Well I would go on in your worship of Ugra Narasimha with chanting etc. I think that would be the best way to worship him while being a householder.

I am bengali too by the way. :)


thank you for your advice.i get a lot of people telling me not to worship the ugra.in one of your earlier post,you were saying how your mom was worshiping Narasimha's ugra rupa also and you were getting sick,that he was takeing you away from your mom. it makes it sound scary,but the fact is,people naturally become sick over anything at all. why attribute it to worshiping ugra- Narasimha? there is that one famouse verse about Narasimha being loving towards his devotees, like a tiger with her cub would be. and this is how i see his influence in my own like. i do pray and chant for his protection and may other types of assistances,and have not had any negative results. my wife does her puja to the ugra every day, but nothing bad has happened. we have had only sucess from our efforts, and we do feel that He is helping us in many ways.i just think there is a lot of fear out there, and superstition. and if someone is seriousely wanting to appraoch Narasimha's feirce form, i dont see it being a bad thing at all. i rememer when we got married,we went to the kali temple, and after that bad things started to happen in our lives. i was also attributing that to some "curse of kali" :P but it was no curse, and the reasons were totally man made.

thats neat to know you are bangali as well. where are you from? not being nosey. Im attaching a photo that was taken at our wedding


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Originally from Burdwan!

Well...my sickness happened right after worshipping Him. I never had any health problems before and in 8 months having 3 operations for no good reason sounds a little bit out of it, you know? Especially since I was only 13 at the time. Lord Narasimhadeva thought that it was best that He took me away from my mother, so she could fully concentrate on the Lord. Perhaps the case is different in your family, perhaps you are so detached that the Lord sees no reason to take anything away from you. I know my mother was overly attached to me and while I was sick she gradually became detached and focused on the Lord. I think it depends on the family worshipping Lord Narasimhadeva.

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that definately is a strange scenario.but you say 3 operations for no good reason, do feel there had to be some reason if they were going to operate 3 times. i remember for a long time i felt i had some sort of "curse of kali" after our wedding. its a family custom of hers of visiting the kalis temple for blessing after a marriage. after that,everything imaginable that could go wrong did go wrong. its like my world started crumbleing. so in the back of my mind i was attributing all the bad that was happening to kali. but it wasnt,it was my own faulty planning,but it was easy for me to blame things on her.sometimes things just happen. in my case it was a little of that and poor planing on things.things still are not perfect,but little by little things are working out for the best. neiter of us are realy religiouse types.

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