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Age of Planet Earth

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just a note concerning the Egyptian hieroglyphs at Abydos: what appears to be a helicopter and a submarine is a simple case of palitation (the superimposition of one cartouche upon another, combined with erosion) produces this unusual shape. the practice of writing ones name over another (the cartouche) was quite common in ancient egypt as pharaohs would often take credit from pre-existing rulers. Abydos dates to 1500 BC, sorry to say there were no helicopters then, if there were they would have been written about in the texts of Egypt (of which there are over a thousand), and besides the digitally enhanced image you see here is far clearer than the murky original ..........................................................

fundamentalism- where the fun comes before the mental


That is untrue. The conventional explanation for these mysterious carvings, fielded by Egyptologists, is that they are just illusions. The most likely cause of these anomalous hieroglyphs, as you have referred to, is considered to be due to re-facing and re-carving of the original temple stonework and to weathering effects. Over a protracted period of time, it is believed that parts of the reworked stone have fallen away, revealing older hieroglyphs underneath. In effect, sections of the original and re-carved hieroglyphs have become overlapped to produce altered images that bear little, if any resemblance, to the original images. Such images are termed 'palimpsests' by Egyptologists.

Re-carving of inscriptions was a common phenomenon in ancient Egypt. When newly installed Pharaohs adopted the structures of previous rulers, they sought to make them their own by overwriting the hieroglyphs of their predecessors. Indeed, some refurbishment of the Seti I temple at Abydos is known to have taken place when it was acquired by his son and successor Ramasses II. If you carefully look at the photograph I have shown, however, or higher resolution photographs readily accessible on the internet, it is clear that NOTHING has fallen away from the carving of the helicopter and other military craft. They are continuous intact images. The helicopter, for example, is precise in every detail, down to its finely carved rotor blade.

Not only this, but the respected Arab newspaper 'Al-Sharq Al-Awsat' published several photographs taken at another Egyptian temple, the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. The photographs are of carvings believed to be three thousand years old. They appear very similar to the carvings found at Abydos. There is a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit, and nearby, other modern-looking flying craft. So, there are in fact not one, but TWO almost identical sets of carvings at Karnak and Abydos. What are the chances of that being due to identical palimpsest effects at both locations? There is NO possibility of that. None whatsoever!

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Yes! Very eloquently said, my friend. I wholeheartedly agree with you! Not only is everything that is a part of this material world changing at every moment within every moment, but the atoms which constitute ALL the matter of this material world are composed of 99.9%incessantly popping in and out of existence at every moment! empty space! And the 0.01% of an atom that has 'something' in it is I'm not making this up either. This is what the discoveries of modern science tell us. There is not only unlimited variety, but unlimited variety in unlimited combinations eternally. That is only a fragment of the glory of Krsna! The rishis were correct when they declared that this world is but a transient illusion. Maya. And now the wisdom of the rishis that was shared with ALL of humankind COUNTLESS eons of time ago is being confirmed by the constant discoveries of modern science. We're living in a cosmic phantasm! Move along, there's nothing to see here. Literally! ;)


Whoo! :eek3: 99.9% space. I never heard that figure. What a hallucination this is. Prabhupada wrote in some purport that this material world is actually formless. So many philosphers say this world is of form therefore spiritual eternity being the opposite must be formless. They have it totally backward.



Move along, there's nothing to see here. Literally! ;)


We are trying to make a permanent nest out of the void. That means we are :crazy: as loons. Yep "move along" is the best of advice.

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Strongly depends on your personal awareness. Could be that others can see how wonderful Krishna must be when seeing how He created everything so perfectly.


Agreed. You are speaking of the devotees vision which beholds Krsna everywhere and Rishi is speaking to we the entranced or looky loos as the cops refer to people entranced by an accident or some other tradgedy.



Unfortunately present humanity's brain can only think so far that everything is defective and came into existence by accident. Thanks to the discoveries of modern science which tell us, God is dead.


In the same way that you speak of the devotees vision Krsna through modern sciencecan reveals Himself to us. The problem is the interpretation of the data these scientists collect.

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I saw a bicycle imbedded in a huge maple tree 200 feet up. Kid never came back after he leanded it up against a sapling.

What a sight. Must of thought you were having a flashback. Goes to show how useless it is for people to try to extrapolate a vision of ancient history from having found some old bones or pottery buried somewhere.


Who knows what phases this planet has gone through. It's all too much.

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Prabhupada wrote in some purport that this material world is actually formless.


Yup! Remember in the Mahabharat that Yudhisthira was asked by a yaksha what this universe really is. Yudhisthira's response, as far as I can recall, was actually just 'empty space and nothing more'. The yaksha that asked Yudhisthira that question accepted his answer as being correct. What Yudhisthira already knew over 50 centuries ago is being confirmed today by the discoveries of modern science! :cool:

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