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Ayurvedic Medicines for mental health?

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Dear freind Trisilx

thre are many medicine in AYurveda and also some pure herbs which have amazing result the name of some medicine are






tell me more about ur symtomps we had cured many ill dosorder and mental disorder.. whre are u from and whre are u now??


vaidya adwait tripathi

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I'm letting my Doctor know what I'm taking.. Ive already given her a list of Herbs that Ive been trying. So I am being careful.


As for symptoms.. I hear the voice of my previous Buddhist Lama and his wife.

They tell me how to run my life in everything I do.. From going to the bathroom to Books I read and well just about everything.

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Ayurveda is not only to read from books about the herbs and given, it depends upon the Siddhant of Prakrati and vikrati of body and all those dose arise due to implance of tridosh and according to those dosh all herbs also have there siddhant and so what will be best for his prakrati that is very effective not to given any and all type of herbs..



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I'm letting my Doctor know what I'm taking.. Ive already given her a list of Herbs that Ive been trying. So I am being careful.


As for symptoms.. I hear the voice of my previous Buddhist Lama and his wife.

They tell me how to run my life in everything I do.. From going to the bathroom to Books I read and well just about everything.


Glad to hear that. In the past I have gotten into trouble by self prescribing all sorts of things classified as Smart Drugs and Nutrients. Not knowing what I was doing I fouled up my brain chemistry for a time. If I had had a serious condition such as schizophrenia who knows where I would have ended up.


Good luck in your search.

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To make what "ayurveda4uall" said more understandable:


In Ayurveda the treatment doesnt just depend on the disease, but on your body's constitution. Each body is classified based on combinations of "mucus", "bile" and "air" constitutions. The medicine prescribed is related to your particular constitution. So two people may suffer from the same sickness but may be given different medicines.

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thanks for support me Nitai das .. thats what i want to explain him without know draya guna and herbs can pretend to give every drugs.. like some herbs in Ayurveda like Sarpa gandha is very effective and very side effect and i m sure it will provide the side effect.. thats what i had given the combination that is best .. even if i come to know more about the patient near by invorment and more sypmtoms i come to diagnose it more.. becoz all those condition whre patient is leaving the climate and alll things matter in body state.. so i come to need more details and symtoms about it .. and u also know that there is nothing in suggetion and evry thing suppose i will tell the whole formula and every details about the herbs but untill the quality of herbs is good cant have much effect and all those thre are many factor involved in it.. and Ayurveda shastra Physican also should be spritual who have siddhi ..


adwait tripathi

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