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My response to iskconirm dot com's article Reply_to_Gaura_Govinda_Swami

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How beautiful.

I am reading Amrutera tarangini by Gour Govinda Maharaja now and I am loving it despite being a neophyte teenager without any understanding.

Sinful people can say all they want about him but he will be untouched. The offenders will be the ones who will repent over their words.

Hare Krishna and Jai Nitai!


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(since the original formatted text would not display in the original msg - however it is in the downloadable Word File - i am attaching the original message below)












he guro jnana-da dina bandho svananda-datah karunaika-sindho

vrndavanasina hitavatara prasida radha pranaya pracara





O Spiritual Master! Divine wisdom you give.

O friend of the fallen, your own sweet bliss you give

O unique ocean of mercy,

Please be kind upon me.

Though dwelling etern’lly in Holy Vrndavan

You descend to care for the fallen like this one!

O unique ocean of mercy,

Please be kind upon me.

Preaching the glories of the most Divine Couple,

You extol Radha’s love for Krsna so subtle!

O unique ocean of mercy,

Please be kind upon me.




My Dearest Pranesvara Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Mahasaya Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble dandavat pranams at your sweet-scented lotus feet.



All glories to you, my eternal spiritual master…..janme janme prabhu sei.



All glories to your Pranesvara Guru-Maharaj Sri Srimad A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada WHO IS ALWAYS IN YOUR TRANSCENDENTAL VISION BOTH IN YOUR PRAKATA LILA AND NOW.



All glories to Lord Nityananda Whose direct expansion you are, decorating yourself with only the unique bamboo-leaf-shaped ‘NITYANANDA-TILAK’ worn by those belonging to Sri Nityananda-parivar.




Dearest Sadhu Gurudeva, just a few days ago, by providence, my Search in the internet for “Gour Govinda Swami” took me to an abominble article by ISKCONIRM. Dated 2nd March 2003, it is festering in their website:






It is designed primarily to insult you, thereby ignorantly insulting its writers’ own Guru Srila Prabhupada who was so very intimately proud and fond of you as his most elevated, confidential sadsisya. Entitled “SRILA PRABHUPADA IS LIVING”, and described as IRM’s “Reply” to Gour Govinda Swami, it was written by the sick ritvik group called ‘ISKCON Revival [or Reform ?] Movement’, IRM, dishing out an unsolicited foolish “REPLY” to you, venomously ridiculing your innocently spoken simple but uncommon truths far beyond their SADHU-NINDA-minded brain to grasp or digest. In your words, “FROGS CANNOT DIGEST GHEE, BABA!” Adult-bodied babes can imbibe only a bit of Apara-vicar. So how can they digest TATTVA-VICAR? Impossible! Srila Prabhupada taught them things at their kindergarten level, expecting them to grow up in time and learn higher things. But they want to remain in their toy-filled crib fantasizing in their frivolous childhood mood. Frogs in a well, too proud for submissive tattva-jijnasa, ridicule anyone glorifying the wide ocean beyond… .




No doubt most top leaders in ISKCON are in dire need of reform over many notorious issues too numerous and painful to include in this letter to Your Divine Grace chiefly addressing IRM’s sinful maligning of your pristine name and reputation. NOTHING I have ever read in our scriptures or heard in the past can compare with such DASTARDLY BLASPHEMY AT ITS MALICIOUS WORST, not counting how the envious vociferous and the complicit silent, indifferent GBC members remain collectively and individually guilty eternally of and responsible for your premature aprakata pastime triggered by their WANTON PREACHING OF TOTAL MISCONCEPTIONS on ‘JIVA TATTVA’ in particular, while indulging in shameless practices and cover-ups in general! It was of them that you first said for their benefit, “FROGS CANNOT DIGEST GHEE, BABA!” … now equally applicable to the IRM naradhamas.




Such are the self-centred self-styled “preachers” whom you, out of compassion, not anger, were so desirous to preach to, to reform them. As a bona fide acarya, that desire is gradually fructifying through your potent vani that teaches the fully faithful few how to ‘SEE’ with their EARS. Then when at last their faith blossoms, they advance slowly from ‘seeing’ with their ears to actually seeing with their present PURIFIED eyes! Alas! IRM is deaf! So how can they see with their ears, what to speak of seeing with their present polluted eyes?




Oh my maltreated innocent Gurudeva, You are ever present everywhere, even in this danger-filled internet cyber-space! When ignorant people envious of your super-elevated spiritual status insult and minimize you, we fear for their hereafter, and dread talking to them directly, face to face, for they are deaf, blind and maliciously dangerous for their own good. Even my own god brothers tend to be obstructive for they dislike my candid outspoken modus operandi, assuming that you will not approve my ways while they themselves do little or nothing to fight injustices done to Your Divine Grace. Right or wrong, I have full faith that you will support me so long as you know my real intentions: first, to glorify you, and second, to try to rescue your blasphemers [with your help of course] even if I have to use rough tactics, like a life-saver has to sometimes knock out a drowning person before rescuing him, lest both drown in the struggle.





Your consoling presence everywhere gives me courage and confidence to try to defend your integrity, my pranadhana Gurudeva, not that it is necessary or possible for this powerless fool to defend you in any way when you are already far from all danger, for you are krsnalingita vigraha, always in the sweet and safe embrace of Krsna. Still, if I’m worth my weight in stool, it behooves me to offer this insipid seva to defend and speak your glories hoping it makes your adversaries repent or less envious of you after I debunk the junk they wrote---the dung in which they’ve sunk themselves so deep, trapped in Kali’s boomerang effect! They are bent upon rushing on a ONE-WAY-NO-RETURN-TRIP, using sadhu-ninda as their foolish passport-cum-visa, to that damned hell where they’ll suffer so long as the sun and moon keep shining. However, if, by your forgiveness, even one if not all of them can be saved, I’d consider my endeavour worth it.




Dearest Gurudeva, mindful of your compassionate, ‘wake up’ verdict that the only qualification possessed by your so-called sisyas---[read that as almost ALL of kaliyuga’s so-called devotees within and without ISKCON and other religious organizations] ---is disqualification, I admit being the lowest of those insignificant followers of yours, unqualified to be your real sisya. In your last prakata days with us you had lamented [and you still lament in your aprakata lila], as did “Simha-guru” Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur before you, that you are an ‘abhagyavan guru’, an unfortunate guru who has not even a single real sisya. Why? Well, because we are not really surrendered to you. Our so-called surrender is conditional, artificial, and partial. This is also true of almost every so-called sisya of Srila Prabhupada, what to speak of his guru’s sisyas. Of course, he and you are the extremely rarest, superexcellent examples of ‘SADSISYAS’!




Guru-mahasaya! Your own Gurudeva whom you always SEE and refer to so sweetly as “My most revered spiritual master” also says the same thing in his Bhagavad-gita [Preface], “We hope….that people will derive the greatest benefit by studying Bhagavad-gétä As It Is as we have presented it here, and if even one person becomes a pure devotee of the Lord, we shall consider our attempt a success”, indicating the rareness or virtual absence of real devotees [in a tangent way to not discourage his indelibly conditioned yavana-mlecca followers thinking themselves great Vaisnavas [!]. Reading this, only those of your ‘followers’ who are sentimental fools will rush to the conclusion that Srila Prabhupada was referring to you, my pranadhana Gurudeva, as that one unique person. No, You did not have to become a real devotee. You were ‘born’ one. At your very first meeting with Srila Prabhupada in Vrndavan he had already recognized you as his most elevated fellow nitya-siddha devotee of Krsna, a Radha-priya-sakhi like himself. Out of external formality, even without your asking, he offered you sannyas on the very day you both met. He first gave you diksa followed quickly by sannyas. Of course this made many very green with envy. You had both descended directly from the spiritual world out of compassion to try to save us nitya-baddha worthless fools groveling in the sweet urgings of Maya’s lap, without ACTUALLY wanting to dislodge ourselves from her ugly yet ravishing clutch. As long as any atomic traces of [what to speak of deadly contagion in] our material diseases, Kama-Krodha-Lobha-Moha-Mada-Matsarya [Lust-Anger-Greed-Illusion-Madness-Envy], remain in close contact with us, ‘avaliptasya’, it is impossible to escape Maya’s sinfully sweet embrace. Then what can we SEE? Can those blind sadhu-offenders of IRM SEE your revered Gurudeva as you SEE him?




Dear Gurudeva, I find it pointless to rebut IRM point by point. Their entire sore point rests SINGULARLY on their inability to SEE Srila Prabhupada WHILE YOU ARE ALWAYS SEEING.HIM. If they are not ignorant, they must be envious of you. What can ignoramuses and envious people SEE beyond their material vision? Rebutting such people’s scholarly insults is a waste of time. Just SEE---their pitiful case rests on 18 quotations of Srila Prabhupad, 17 of them ---including a few repetitions---are from his letters, conversations, talks and walks. Only one is from Srimad Bhagavatam which has practically no relevance to IRM’s BLIND way of SEEING. I can’t help feeling sorry for IRM’S shallow IQ. They are too dumb to acknowledge the fact that in his walks, talks, letters and conversations Prabhupada is addressing the limited intellectual level of his neophyte listeners, according to time, place and circumstance, hoping for their own sake that at least one or two of them may mature in due course of time. Alas, I’m alarmed that they want to go on crawling in their crib! They reject your words of compassionate wisdom. They spitefully see only apparent contradictions where you give absolute truths. Yes, Gurudev, “FROGS CANNOT DIGEST GHEE” even after decades of acting as ISKCON-devotees! Ruining their lives with sadhu-ninda, they remain a nuisance even after deserting their Guru’s ISKCON! ALAS!




Please permit me to show how retarded they are in their vision. Although veterans like Adridharan of Kolkata, Sundargopal of Singapore, etc, of IRM-infamy, had the good fortune to have met you in person, spoken with you, listened to your incredibly wonderful classes, etc, they envied you. So they could not understand or SEE who you really are. That’s not new. If such pathetic ring leaders of meaningless rebellion have no quality to SEE beyond mundane vision, it’s obvious they never really SAW their guru Srila Prabhupad beyond the physical plane. NO WONDER THEY GET ALL WORKED UP WHEN THEY HEAR YOUR QUESTIONS “Do you see Prabhupada? Do you hear from Prabhupada? Is he speaking to you?” How many who had close contact with Krsna could SEE Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, what to speak of SEEING Him after winding up His earthly lila? Are Krsna and great acaryas made of flesh and bone?



The IRM leaders cannot cover their shame when i contrast their blindness with the crystal clear vision of a very young, well-informed Belgian admirer and true worshiper of Your Divine Grace named
Jaya-gopal das
. He had never seen or met you in this life…perhaps in some past lives. Yet he has the right vision to SEE you as a result of having had the greatest opportunity of getting your mercy through your books, lecture tapes, CDs, VCDs, and hearing of your unlimited mahimas through proper association. He SEES you with his EARS and other senses, though not with his EYES. In his 2006 Vyasa-puja offering to you, Gurudeva, you yourself SAW how he glorified you with his most touching and inspiring rendering of his 4-page Vyasa-puja. Some excerpts from that offering can help your croaking adversaries SEE you better:



“As a river cannot flow without its two banks,
similarly ISKCON, in its real and supreme identity cannot exist without both you and Srila Prabhupada simultaneously united.”



“Your mission is to factually give Krsna-prema to those
deserving souls being purified by Srila Prabhupada’s preliminary instructions. Your life simultaneously shows a perfect example of devotional service, guru-nistha, and seva, preparatory bhajana, loyalty to the siddhanta in all respects and dedicated preaching. Without accepting you as such, from this point onwards nobody in the entire universe will ever be able to achieve the prema Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu came to taste Himself and distribute. Indeed there is no alternative but through you. It is not that Srila Prabhupada couldn’t give this prema, but it is the Lord’s desire to have it accomplished through you. Who amongst Srila Prabhupada’s followers other than yourself was qualified to receive it? Of course, your receiving of this highest benediction is a mere lila, as there was never a time when you were not drowning in this ocean of prema-bhakti. Indeed, thirty years after Srila Prabhupada’s departure, you are the only one of his disciples thus far known to be authorized by Srila Prabhupada to become guru. To the best of my knowledge everything else is laghu. Thus it is transcendentally established that after Srila Prabhupada you were the acarya of all gaudiya vaisnavas in the entire universe. Nitya-siddha acaryas come very rarely, only to complete a specific mission. In the future, more may come according the divine will of Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu, but a perfect and complete basis has been laid by the divine couplet of both you and your Master, to have the parampara spread out for ten thousand years in this blessed Kali-yuga.”



“I know what you have done for me, what you are doing for me and what you want to do for me. Therefore I belong to you.”
….[My exact sentiments that moisten my eyes, Gurudeva.]





Gurudeva, I cannot imagine that, after reading just these few transparent excerpts from the very fortunate, simple but bright young Jaya-gopal, there can still linger any doubts in the hearts of the IRM, GBC, and other envious leaders and their gangs. Are they not aware after all these years that, but for the material covering, every jiva-atma can really SEE every other soul? As a descending acarya, you were free from any such covering. Therefore you could SEE Prabhupada even after his aprakata lila. Knowing that we, your fallen sisyas, were not as fortunate, you goaded us to shed our blindfold and SEE Prabhupada everywhere. That IS after all your special way to teach us how we should not only SEE and feel your presence when you are bodily ‘present’, but also to SEE you even more clearly when you are ‘bodily’ absent but ‘spiritually’ present. Of course it will take us many lifetimes to reach that level of vision. But Gurudeva, you just want to speed it up for us. That’s why, as the first step, you told us that with proper hearing, we will be able to “SEE” with our ears the real guru from the bogus. Later real SEEING will manifest.



So, why can’t your IRM and other peers SEE what Jaya-gopal SEES in you though you are beyond vision? What wonderful spell are you casting over those who have never even seen you? Why can’t your foolish adversaries be drawn into your magic aura? Those of us who are lucky to have a tiny bit of understanding of Your Divine Grace’s status as our most loving sadguru, though we be your useless and unqualified sisyas, have only you to thank because you have yourself shown us in numerous ways how much you love, adore and obey your own Guru-maharaj Srila Prabhupada. That’s what Paramatma prompted me not only to address you at your 1995 Vyasa-puja as the ASTRONOMICAL ANUGA OF SRILA PRABHUPADA, but also to acknowledge you as “THE SWEETEST BREATH OF VRNDAVAN AIR”. Also, “UNIVERSES SHRINK UNDER YOUR WIDE UMBRELLA OF COMPASSION” to show why you descended from the Spiritual World when you could hardly bear to see the suffering masses of this dark world of maya. One day when all your wayward envious peers and god brothers are reformed, they will SEE you as their greatest peer and god brother and worship you as they are supposed to worship their
own Guru, Srila Prabhupada.



My Dearest Gurudeva, Thank you very much for inspiring and guiding me through this rather unpleasant affair. I am acutely aware that I am not ‘diplomatic’ in handling it, for if I try to be artificially diplomatic, the gravity of the offences committed against you will be diluted. Kali will continue to reign over the offenders. So I’m praying that my spontaneous, necessarily abrasive style will prick the conscience of the more introspective ones among your willful offenders. Then you being the real SEER not only of your Jagadguru Srila Prabhupada but also of all jivas including your nitya-baddha followers, can shower your causeless mercy on the repentant ones. Then their vision will become clear, first through their ears, then their eyes. When they understand this, they will say, “I SEE what you mean. “



Please forgive this patita-adhama-pamara soul, Gurudeva, for all my offences committed knowingly and unknowingly against you and other real Vaisnavas..




g s senan


8th February 2008


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thank you mataji


all glories to Srila Gurudev! :)


pls feel free to forward my letter to Gurudev to other admirers of Gurudev.


hare krsna




Huh? Sorry- I am not understanding, here. Gurudeva is in Goloka, how can I foward it to him?

Have you sent it to Madhavananda prabhu yet?


All glories to Goura Govinda Maharaja!

Hare Krishna and Jai Nitai


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  • 3 weeks later...


Huh? Sorry- I am not understanding, here. Gurudeva is in Goloka, how can I foward it to him?

Have you sent it to Madhavananda prabhu yet?



Dear Indulekha-mataji

i wrote pls feel free to forward my letter to Gurudev to other admirers of Gurudev of Gurudev. It misled you. So let me reword it for you: pls feel free to forward to other admirers of Gurudev the letter that i wrote to my Gurudev. I have not sent it to others yet.

I hope there are more people like you who can see the truth about great acaryas so clearly even when they are not visibie.



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  • 3 years later...


is this guara govinda swami the ritvik elected by Sridhar Maharaj?



no, that was probably Bhakti Sudar Govinda Swami Maharaj. Srila Gour Govinda Swami Gurudev is a beloved disciple of Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and served on the GBC till he left this mortal world in Mayapur Dham on the Holy Appearane Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada in 1996.

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