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I saw a Mantra in Sanskrit in my friend's diary and I think it is to destroy my life. :crying2:

I am writing this here in English, please someone translate it in hindi and tell me what is it for?


Sa: "my name" Sah: "my wife's name" Uchchaatanam Kuru: Kuru:


Please someone help me out. I don't know from when he is doing this but from last October 2007 I am facing lots of problems that are healthwise and financially both kind of. :crying2:


Please someone tell me, if there is any way to cancle all the ill effect of this Mantra and to save my life and wife's life as she is on bed from October. :crying2:


Please help me out.:crying2:


With regards!



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chant this as much as you can when you can :


aum namo hanumante bhay bhanjanaayah sukham kuru faht svaha.


Especially Tuesdays and Saturdays. Maybe your friend has done some black art on you. Whats more effctive is chanting this mantra on a mala on each bead. Then when you come to then end dip it in water. Then spray this waer on your wife, yourself and drink few drops. Do three of these rounds in the morning before eating after bathing. You should be physically and mentally pure. it is a mantra of Hanuman.

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go to sarangpur temple in gujarat ...... over there they cure people affected with black magic or ghosts......the temple is called kasthbhanjan dev hanuman mandir ..... ir is located at Sarangpur which is 3 to 4 hr drive from ahmedabad......you can find many buses which go from the bus depot ..which is 5 to 10 mins in a rickshaw from the railway station..........go there as soon as possible....... and in the mean time do hanuman chalisa and bajrang baan........ if u do an oil diya when u do hanuman chaaleesa then even better ......



the above mantra given by das ka das is the mantra of salangpur hanuman.... if you go there you will get another mantra along with the exact procedure and the time frame in which your problem will be solved...

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Hi Friends!

It is greatful to get quick help, but right now I am out of India and can't go leaving my wife here and she is not able to go by flight.

Is there any strong way from which I can get over this and nullify the effect of this thing?

And what is the meaning of this Mantra?

could anybody convert this in hindi or in english and tell me what is it for?


With Regards




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normally when it comes to black magic the forces try to prevent the person from getting help ......so your wife's illness is preventing u from getting help ... but to get the exact procedure you will have to go to the temple .... if your wife cant go then you should go ..and once you go there.. and start your practice things will get better and you ccan take your wife there as well..... also understand that in the short term once u start any mantra you problems may increase .........but the mantra given above is safe ....and is best received from someone who regularly chants it.....thats why i am suggesting that you go to the temple.....


also when you go to the temple make sure that you register for the morning and evening sessions there ..when u register ..and when your name is called tell the pujari there about your problems and then he will suggest the remedy...


the meaning of the above mantra is calling for hanuman' s help to get rid of fear and to be happy......


also another thing you can do in the mean time is to do hanuman chaleesa and the bajrang baan ...... do an oil diya and give dhoop if possible ....


the mantra in your friends diary is not addressed to any entity which suggests that either your friend controls some entity (ghosts or some worse entity) or he has been given the mantra by a tantrik...... it is relatively easy to deal with ghosts but if you friend is receiving some help from a tantrik then i would strongly suggest you to go to the temple immediately......looking at the problms you are facing i suggest that you go there by all means ........


our religion is ritualistic in nature because there is a science involved in the procedures involved ......so only devotion will help you only in cases when you have a strong guru ..in other cases you will have to follow the procedures ........which may involve restrictions over kind of food you have because certain foods make it easier for such entities to influence you....


my suggestion is dont take any chances ... go to this temple ..it is a very famous temple .......in the short term .....you can contact a local swaminarayan temple or any other temple in case they have any remedy...

in which country are you at present? .......

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yes the Saranpur Hanuman temple is extremely helpful, bought my mom back from jaws of death when giving birth to my brother. The thing is continue doing Hanuman Chalisa and if you can't go immediately, make a sankalp but remember to fulfill it. It has to be from your heart. You can say anything from "Oh Hanumanji Maharaj, we are going through troubled times, just as you helped Lord Rama, please help this son of yours from the dillema. As soon as my wife gets better, we vow to do darshan at the temple and donate..." Then please do not forget to go and seva can be anything from feeding a preschool to helping out a poor person.


In the end, everything depends on your faith, no one is above or better than the Lord and if you call him with a pure heart, he will come running. No ghost, tantra or black magic can challenge the power of God.

I wish and pray that life get better for you...


Jai Shri Krishna

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में कोशिश कर रहा हूँ और आगे की प्रोग्रेस में आप लोगों को बताता रहूँगा.

में वहाँ जा नहीं सकता और वादा भी नहीं कर सकता जाने का पर में घर पर ही पूजा करूँगा.

आप सब ने वाकई में मेरी बहुत मदद की है और में इसके लिए आप सभी का आभारी हूँ.

एक बार फिर में आप सभी को धन्यवाद देता हूँ.

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