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Advancement of Human Civilization

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Canvas above was painted some 500 years ago, hardly to tell if human civilization has become more happy right now, 2007/8?

Therefore the Vedas remind us, athato brahma jijnasa, human life is not meant for improving material comforts, this human life is meant for understanding God.


Prabhupada: Yesterday in San Diego one press representative met me. So I told that America is advanced in material civilization, all comforts of bodily concept of life. But why the American young men are becoming hippies and crazy. Yesterday, I saw, some of the girls came almost naked. So why they are dissatisfied in spite of so much material advancement? They have got enough food, enough shelter, enough clothing, enough cars and everything. There is no scarcity. Why they are disappointed? Can you answer, why they are disappointed? It means they requires spiritual fulfillment of desire. That is the nature. When in the primitive stage of life, a man is concerned about the bodily comforts. And when one is advanced or satisfied--not satisfied; advanced--in our bodily concept of life, the next question is about spiritual life. So America is in that point, specially. So unless you fulfill their spiritual needs, they will remain in such disturbing condition. So I compared it just like there are many zeros: one zero, two zero, three zero, or hundreds and millions of zero. All these zeros together--the value is zero. But if there is one, then one and zero, it makes 10. The ten times of one value increases. Another zero, it is hundred. Another zero, it is thousand. Similarly, this material advancement of America, if it is added with God consciousness, then the value will increase. Otherwise, it will remain zero. You may advance materially as far as possible. but if you don't take God consciousness or Krsna consciousness, then the value of all this material advancement is equal to zero. Nobody will be satisfied. So therefore this Krsna consciousness movement should be taken very seriously. It is the finishing touch of American advancement of material comforts. Then people will be very happy, and America is already leader of the world. They will be first-class leader. The world will be benefited, and you will be benefited. And my endeavor will be also successful. Don't keep yourself in zero. Take the one. Then it will be very nice. Just like... You can understand very easily. This life, very important man, but if there is no spirit soul, it is zero. It has no value. However an important man may be, when the spirit soul is out of the body, it is a lump of matter; it has no value. Anything you take--this machine, that machine, any machine--if somebody, some spiritual being, some living being is not tackling it, what is the value? No value. Therefore, everywhere this spiritual consciousness must be there. Otherwise it is zero.


Reporter: Would you comment on the political situation in India now. What do you think about Mrs. Gandhi's...?


Prabhupada: Well, we are not very much concerned with political situation. But our proposition is--either political, social, economical or philosophical, anything--without Krsna, it is all zero. So far Mrs. Gandhi is concerned, she is inclined to some spiritual understanding. So actually if she becomes very advanced spiritually, then this emergency situation will improve. Otherwise... and it is the public opinion against democracy. So democracy is not very much beneficial anywhere and everywhere. In your country also, you voted Mr. Nixon, democracy, but you were not satisfied with him. That means democracy, ordinary men they select somebody and again they try to bring him down. Why? When he was selected, it means it was a mistake. So according to Vedic civilization, there was no such thing as democracy. It was monarchy, but the monarchy means the king was very highly spiritually advanced. The king was called rajarsi, means king, at the same time, saintly person. We have got another example in our country--Gandhi. When he was political leader, he was practically dictator, but because he was a man of very high moral character, people took him, accepted him as the dictator. So dictatorship is good, provided the dictator is highly qualified spiritually. That is the Vedic verdict. The battle of Kuruksetra was there because Lord Krsna wanted rajarsi, Yudhisthira, should be on the head. So the king is supposed to be the representative of God. So he must be a godly person. Then it will be successful. That's all right. (end)


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Airport July 28, 1975



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the Vedas remind us, athato brahma jijnasa, human life is not meant for improving material comforts, this human life is meant for understanding God.


So the wisdom shares quite good but then the rest of the post shared opinion of someone who was unlearned of what the day held already true even at that time period.


SO since the tangents of providing things is foolish; still we have electricity.


As the pursuit of big corporations to build cheaper, faster and of better profit; the people have learned lessons.


As time has revealed all the ill regard and selfish enterprise; the experience has been valuable.


Since God (crishna) has been a part of all time to now and then, purpose had wisdom to share.


now as humanity has learned that religions isolate, contradict and promote the path of humility and still have no reason in fact; then the change must combine each in order to 'advance humanity' towards civilization of global peace.


The truth is absolute so each must retain this precept or the faith in fibs continues.

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still we have electricity.




Well we have created a situation where we have become dependent upon electricity. But what about all those millions of animal species - they have a situation to perfectly eat, fly, dive, navigate, construct, etc. etc., without there's any need of having power outlets in their homes. In fact they even can produce electricity without paying, just within their own bodies.




"Electric Eel; Electrophorus electricus, a fish dwelling in the Amazon and other rivers of South America/Africa/Asia. These eels use electrical charges generated in their muscle tissue to stun their prey. Voltage of the shock varies with the size of the eel and lasts 1/500th of a second. Since their eyesight is very poor, the eels also use electrical impulses to “feel” their surroundings; similar to how bats use sound waves.




The upper half is an aquarium with two small electric eels, each about 24” long. The lower portion has enough space to accommodate someone lying face up looking at the eels through the glass bottom of the aquarium.

Upon touching the copper plate on the underside of the aquarium, minute electrical charges emitted from the body flow to the copper leads in the tank to be sensed by the eels. Sensing this electrical “presence” the eels will strike the copper leads transferring a jolt to the person below. A jolt from such small eels would not be harmful, but would enable a brief communion with these creatures while momentarily being part of a circuit."


source: http://www.petereudenbach.com/proposals/eel.html

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good to see the depth in using learned knowledge. Yet without the technology of man's creations, none of us could communication in this fashion in which knowledge is at our finger tips.


So in one sense 'what is' is that time has granted the gifts within the knowledge pursued by selfish minds (capitalism).


As many atrocities can be experienced during the progress, reality shares it still existed, with purpose. Such as WWII isolated the 'chosen ones' for the birth of the olive tree (Israel)..... point is which is worse;


the holocaust or the birth of Israel?


In each a lesson is learned; in each predetermined!


The growth is recognized as inevitable as well of intent.


Or how about the kicker?.... the collective conscious begets the beginning but that hasn't happened yet.


Meaning 'we are responsible to our beginning'

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point is which is worse;


the holocaust or the birth of Israel?


In each a lesson is learned; in each predetermined!


The growth is recognized as inevitable as well of intent.


Or how about the kicker?.... the collective conscious begets the beginning but that hasn't happened yet.


Meaning 'we are responsible to our beginning'

Studying the situation when Lord Sri Krishna took birth 5000 years ago it becomes clear that this universe is not made for peace. Since the spirit soul is immortal/eternal all this dualities on the material plane cannot check the original nature of the soul - as soon someone dies in this material world, he/she is immediately born again. Either in this material world or by going back home back to Godhead in the spiritual kingdom of God, see below.



Peter Paul Rubens. Adoration of the Magi. 1624. Oil on panel. Koninklijk Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium


2000 years ago was fighting, 5000 years ago was fighting, today there's fighting. Will there ever be no fight?

However, as soon we understand Bhagavad-gita 4.46, things start to actually improve.


One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.



The Lord's descent from His transcendental abode is already explained in the 6th verse. One who can understand the truth of the appearance of the Personality of Godhead is already liberated from material bondage, and therefore he returns to the kingdom of God immediately after quitting this present material body. Such liberation of the living entity from material bondage is not at all easy. The impersonalists and the yogīs attain liberation only after much trouble and many, many births. Even then, the liberation they achieve — merging into the impersonal brahmajyoti of the Lord — is only partial, and there is the risk of returning to this material world. But the devotee, simply by understanding the transcendental nature of the body and activities of the Lord, attains the abode of the Lord after ending this body and does not run the risk of returning to this material world. In the Brahma-saḿhitā (5.33) it is stated that the Lord has many, many forms and incarnations: advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam. Although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are still one and the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. One has to understand this fact with conviction, although it is incomprehensible to mundane scholars and empiric philosophers. As stated in the Vedas (Puruṣa-bodhinī Upaniṣad):

eko devo nitya-līlānurakto

bhakta-vyāpī hṛdy antar-ātmā

"The one Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally engaged in many, many transcendental forms in relationships with His unalloyed devotees." This Vedic version is confirmed in this verse of the Gītā personally by the Lord. He who accepts this truth on the strength of the authority of the Vedas and of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and who does not waste time in philosophical speculations attains the highest perfectional stage of liberation. Simply by accepting this truth on faith, one can, without a doubt, attain liberation. The Vedic version tat tvam asi is actually applied in this case. Anyone who understands Lord Kṛṣṇa to be the Supreme, or who says unto the Lord "You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead," is certainly liberated instantly, and consequently his entrance into the transcendental association of the Lord is guaranteed. In other words, such a faithful devotee of the Lord attains perfection, and this is confirmed by the following Vedic assertion:

tam eva viditvāti mṛtyum eti

nānyaḥ panthā vidyate 'yanāya

"One can attain the perfect stage of liberation from birth and death simply by knowing the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and there is no other way to achieve this perfection." (Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 3.8) That there is no alternative means that anyone who does not understand Lord Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is surely in the mode of ignorance and consequently he will not attain salvation simply, so to speak, by licking the outer surface of the bottle of honey, or by interpreting the Bhagavad-gītā according to mundane scholarship. Such empiric philosophers may assume very important roles in the material world, but they are not necessarily eligible for liberation. Such puffed-up mundane scholars have to wait for the causeless mercy of the devotee of the Lord. One should therefore cultivate Kṛṣṇa consciousness with faith and knowledge, and in this way attain perfection.

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Studying the situation when Lord Sri Krishna took birth 5000 years ago it becomes clear that this universe is not made for peace


Then we have nothing to discuss as you are not representing truth but belief founded in ignorance.


Meaning to suggest that line shares that Love is not binding your compassion but that debate in fueling your continued arrogance to faith.


Go chant in a closet with yourself. Love governs compassion and the choice to give up our ignorance for the evolution of tomorrow is the premise to a moral life.

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Then we have nothing to discuss as you are not representing truth but belief founded in ignorance.


Meaning to suggest that line shares that Love is not binding your compassion but that debate in fueling your continued arrogance to faith.


Go chant in a closet with yourself. Love governs compassion and the choice to give up our ignorance for the evolution of tomorrow is the premise to a moral life.

Thanks Bishadi, great post, good points! Once a New York doctor said to a Hare Krsna, oh yes, this believe in a personal God was rejected 700 years ago, we're now focusing on scientific advancement.


Prabhupada: "Just like today one of our students, he had been to some doctor for some business. He had some talks with him. So when the student said that “We believe in personal God,” then the doctor answered that “Oh, we believe…




The world believed seven hundred years before like that.” Now people have advanced so far that they cannot believe in the Personality of Godhead. Now, people think, think that they have made very much advance in the material science. Well, actually, if we scrutinizingly study how much advancement they have made, then we can know that practically we have been more illusioned than we have made advancement.Now, seven hundred years before, people were dying. Death was there. So has the advancement of material science during the seven hundred years, has stopped death? No. That is not possible. People were suffering from diseases seven hundred years before. Then has the material science so much advanced, stopped diseases? No. People were embarrassed with increase of population. Has that been stopped? No. People were embarrassed with so many death rate. Has that been stopped? No. That is now… Now, seven hundred years before, the sun was rising on the eastern side. Has the material science stopped the sun rising on the eastern side? Has it gone to the western side? No. Then what is this advancement? Simply defying the existence of God, is that the advancement of knowledge? If we materially calculate that… Practically the major questions which are embarrassing us… Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi. We are embarrassed with the material miseries of life. That has not been solved. The major questions have been set aside. Simply by thinking that “There is no God. We are God. Science is everything,” oh, do you think that is advancement of knowledge? No."



full lecture: http://causelessmercy.com/t/t/660828BG.NY.htm





Bhagavad-gītā 5.14-22

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

New York, August 28, 1966


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Well we have created a situation where we have become dependent upon electricity. But what about all those millions of animal species - they have a situation to perfectly eat, fly, dive, navigate, construct, etc. etc., without there's any need of having power outlets in their homes. In fact they even can produce electricity without paying, just within their own bodies.


What a naive view. If it were not for these advancements people like yourself would not have been exposed to a religious doctrine such as GV from a foreign country. Most people in India have never heard of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and in spite of its obvious lack of flavor in its own country, the only reason foreigners know about it is due to technological advancements in the past few centuries, which have made it possible for people and information to cut across geographical boundaries. You ought to be grateful to all these scientists (and electricity) for else you would never even have heard the name Krishna!


This is the problem with rejecting a real world view in favor of some idyllic utopia which is only good on paper.



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What a naive view. If it were not for these advancements people like yourself would not have been exposed to a religious doctrine such as GV from a foreign country. Most people in India have never heard of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and in spite of its obvious lack of flavor in its own country, the only reason foreigners know about it is due to technological advancements in the past few centuries, which have made it possible for people and information to cut across geographical boundaries. You ought to be grateful to all these scientists (and electricity) for else you would never even have heard the name Krishna!


This is the problem with rejecting a real world view in favor of some idyllic utopia which is only good on paper.




to say that Lord Krsna's mercy is dependent on Development of Technology???


I would like to think of Technological advancement as a catalyst for spreading the Holy name/Naam Prabhu (Hare Krsna Mahmantra). Thus spreading of the Holy Name is not soley dependent on technological advancement.


What may be "Real World" to you is to me, through the eyes of Shastra, is an illusion. By illusion I mean non-permanant. Shelly's poem comes to mind the poem titled "Ozymandias" what man creates will eventually crumble and turn to dust like the great Egyptian civilization.


To you Shastra vision of reality may be an illusion but for me it is a reality or you may call it my "utopia on paper"


What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage (Bhagavad Gita 2-69)


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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to say that Lord Krsna's mercy is dependent on Development of Technology???
No... but in the pursuit of .....knowledge has evolved



What may be "Real World" to you is to me, through the eyes of Shastra, is an illusion. By illusion I mean non-permanant.
So you typing any opinion is an illusion?


Or that common sense shares that change is pure within time.


Is just the same as recognizing what you believe as true will change.





The major questions have been set aside. Simply by thinking that “There is no God. We are God. Science is everything,” oh, do you think that is advancement of knowledge? No."
Just the same that to say the words hare crishna hare crishna hare hare, will help you learn how to birth a child. Or that to be humble shows us how to do?


Knowledge is constantly in the midst of change and as life continues in this evolution the consciousness of crishna evolves in the knowledge of truth.


So to honor what truths are represented by the great teachers then honor the change to be inclusive.


Know that knowledge evolves and prepare for the gifts to unfold.


set the beliefs aside; the children are dependent upon our integrity not our faith

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No... but in the pursuit of .....knowledge has evolved


So you typing any opinion is an illusion?


Or that common sense shares that change is pure within time.


Is just the same as recognizing what you believe as true will change.




Just the same that to say the words hare crishna hare crishna hare hare, will help you learn how to birth a child. Or that to be humble shows us how to do?

Knowledge is constantly in the midst of change and as life continues in this evolution the consciousness of crishna evolves in the knowledge of truth.

So to honor what truths are represented by the great teachers then honor the change to be inclusive.

Know that knowledge evolves and prepare for the gifts to unfold.

set the beliefs aside; the children are dependent upon our integrity not our faith

Sometimes the way you write really throws me off and I just can not get what you are saying but on this thread for some reason I think I got some of your posts and I can see both sides to this argument. I can see how the materials scientists do sometimes become puffed up and do not give credit to God but I can also see your point about knowledge evolving and preparing for gift to unfold etc.

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Know that knowledge evolves and prepare for the gifts to unfold.



Knowledge might evolve but we have to see the quality of this so called evolving knowledge. University graduates, are they becoming independent by this kind of education?


Prabhupada: Yes, they are creating so many dogs. “Can you give me any service?” “No vacancy! Get out!” And somebody becomes a… “All right, a bit of bread…” And: “Oh, oh, you are so kind.” These sudras… The number of sudras have created this world situation so bad. In your country also the farmers wants to go to the city to become educated and never comes back again. They are no more interested.


Morning Talk

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

April 25, 1977, Bombay




Prabhupada: Yes. The modern education means to create dogs. The dog goes door to door and moves the tail, “Please give me if you have anything.” So this educated person with application goes, and they say, “No vacancy. Get out.” Therefore they are dogs. Educated means dogs. They are creating dogs. In Vedic culture no brahmaṇa will accept any job. No ksatriya will accept any job. No vaiśya will accept any… Only śūdras. Only śūdras.

Dr. Patel: Now they are keeping dogs in their kitchens.

Prabhupada: Yes. Doggish mentality is there.



Morning Walk Conversation

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

November 17, 1975, Bombay




"But unfortunately, the modern rascal society, they utilizing that extra intelligence than the cats and dog for the same purpose: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is the defect of the modern civilization. In spite of advancement of education, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, this knowledge, that knowledge, they remain the same cats and dogs.


This is the defect. Therefore people are dissatisfied, disappointed. God has given him extra intelligence for understanding God, but they are being misled: “There is no God. You utilize it for your sense gratification.” This is education. Extra… Therefore they are thinking, “The dog is eating on the street. We are eating in a very good hotel on nice table, nice dishes. This is advancement of life.” But they do not think that after all, the dog is eating, you are also eating. You may be a better dog, that’s all. So what is your extra business?"


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.37

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

San Francisco, July 19, 1975


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No... but in the pursuit of .....knowledge has evolved


So you typing any opinion is an illusion?


Or that common sense shares that change is pure within time.


Is just the same as recognizing what you believe as true will change.




Just the same that to say the words hare crishna hare crishna hare hare, will help you learn how to birth a child. Or that to be humble shows us how to do?

Knowledge is constantly in the midst of change and as life continues in this evolution the consciousness of crishna evolves in the knowledge of truth.

So to honor what truths are represented by the great teachers then honor the change to be inclusive.

Know that knowledge evolves and prepare for the gifts to unfold.

set the beliefs aside; the children are dependent upon our integrity not our faith

Dear Bishadi I do not know But your intelligence seem like it is on a different level But if you could bring it down a notch or two it could really help to improve our communication. I would like to know what you mean by "Set the belief aside"??

What is this belief you are talking about. If you are alluding to knowladge given by Shastra then I would like to correct you.

The existence of the soul as taught by Shastra does not depend on my belief in it.

For example the life force (Soul) that causes the body to grow is present in all living beings and this can be extrapolated by looking at similarities and differences between a living being and dead body or similarites between different species. Like trigonometry in mathematics - In order to prove certain angles to be equal whe have to use extrapolation when certain data are not available.

Just because we do not have a proper intelligence or equipments to measure and collect the "unknown data" are you thus calling the knowladge given by Shastra as belief?

Hare Krsna/Krishna

Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Sometimes the way you write really throws me off and I just can not get what you are saying but on this thread for some reason I think I got some of your posts and I can see both sides to this argument. I can see how the materials scientists do sometimes become puffed up and do not give credit to God but I can also see your point about knowledge evolving and preparing for gift to unfold etc.
Peace to you brother. See that big picture as you are capable of. We are equal in compassionate ability to comprehend.. So now share for the next generation these lessons. Teach what you see. Keep the lessons herein learned and begin to live within the truth. Do you see the whole frontier? All within ‘the light’?


Knowledge might evolve but we have to see the quality of this so called evolving knowledge.
That, is also evolving within the interactions of compassionate associations. As the question are experienced the revealing unfolds, such as this thread. A new experience, a new realization; we are evolving; we are One with existence; Us all!


University graduates, are they becoming independent by this kind of education?
As such the first publication was in 82’ for the ‘educational system’ to see but the change is to affect all knowledge, which shares that the paradigm shift will come from the ‘new’ rather than within the ‘system’ of current knowledge. The current regime is highly governed by the business of knowledge rather than the undying requisite of teaching for the benefit of humanity as a collective.


Prabhupada: Yes. The modern education means to create dogs.

So guess what, we are with you, the people, the Love for existence, still a trust must be recognized even as the sharing shall remove the rituals of faith.


Dear Bishadi I do not know But your intelligence seem like it is on a different level But if you could bring it down a notch or two it could really help to improve our communication.
In silence of other, remaining capable to articulate that meets the underlying predeterminations of each person is without perfection (none are perfect). The gift is the importance; not the man as each is but a compilation of our experience. The choice is what shares the good. The ‘footprint’ reveals the direction.


I would like to know what you mean by "Set the belief aside"??
Teachers each have retained the belief that knowledge is unknown; this is what the humility of unknowing retains. In a sense this is proper as the time was unprepared. There is a difference in your understanding; today from yesterday. Such is the same in existence.

This is that time; This is that beginning. And then to be capable of understanding, the beliefs in faith and retention of unknowing is over. We can Understand!

Each can comprehend ‘life’ ……. how? And what is? The experience, with existence, can be put to words and live within ‘mind.’

Perhaps your fathers made a covenant with existence and the return is at your door. The material representations are not for practice; the knowledge exists and is very much alive.

Do you see? Are you One with existence? Then that feeling you are experiencing is true!

So to lighten up the conversation; who remembers the line: better start believing in ghost stories Ms. Turner; you’re in One! ???

Or simply what is being presented is what the whole period of existence has been awaiting; the truth!


Just never mind the arrogance of the man; he's a wimp, with a bark! :P

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Peace to you brother. See that big picture as you are capable of. We are equal in compassionate ability to comprehend.. So now share for the next generation these lessons. Teach what you see. Keep the lessons herein learned and begin to live within the truth. Do you see the whole frontier? All within ‘the light’?

That, is also evolving within the interactions of compassionate associations. As the question are experienced the revealing unfolds, such as this thread. A new experience, a new realization; we are evolving; we are One with existence; Us all!

As such the first publication was in 82’ for the ‘educational system’ to see but the change is to affect all knowledge, which shares that the paradigm shift will come from the ‘new’ rather than within the ‘system’ of current knowledge. The current regime is highly governed by the business of knowledge rather than the undying requisite of teaching for the benefit of humanity as a collective.

Hence So guess what, we are with you, the people, the Love for existence, still a trust must be recognized even as the sharing shall remove the rituals of faith.

In silence of other, remaining capable to articulate that meets the underlying predeterminations of each person is without perfection (none are perfect). The gift is the importance; not the man as each is but a compilation of our experience. The choice is what shares the good. The ‘footprint’ reveals the direction.

Teachers each have retained the belief that knowledge is unknown; this is what the humility of unknowing retains. In a sense this is proper as the time was unprepared. There is a difference in your understanding; today from yesterday. Such is the same in existence.

This is that time; This is that beginning. And then to be capable of understanding, the beliefs in faith and retention of unknowing is over. We can Understand!

Each can comprehend ‘life’ ……. how? And what is? The experience, with existence, can be put to words and live within ‘mind.’

Perhaps your fathers made a covenant with existence and the return is at your door. The material representations are not for practice; the knowledge exists and is very much alive.

Do you see? Are you One with existence? Then that feeling you are experiencing is true!

So to lighten up the conversation; who remembers the line: better start believing in ghost stories Ms. Turner; you’re in One! ???

Or simply what is being presented is what the whole period of existence has been awaiting; the truth!


Just never mind the arrogance of the man; he's a wimp, with a bark! :P

Thanks Bishadi, great post, chant Hare Krsna, yes, let's become civilized, and learn how to make chapati.



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