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when i first came into contact with devotees , i felt that we were all in hospital , i liked and did not like , rejecting or accepting seemed futile , i only new i needed a cure , now after 23 years of accosiating , i keep asking who has mutured, for myself many things have changed , if it were not for prabhupada and his mercy i would not of survived ,but now i am as a child ,like beeing born again , ie i feel more human , but behind me is the broken wreckage off what use to be my life ,

for whicth i suffer less and less, but what now , i pray for service , for association , to be engaged , but i also look for afermation of process , so as to confirm progress, not competition , i dream of the great good we can achieve in prabhupada's name , if we come togeather ,this posting is to probe into this possibility, i have my thoughts ,and dreams, radhe shyam

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when i first came into contact with devotees , i felt that we were all in hospital , i liked and did not like , rejecting or accepting seemed futile , i only new i needed a cure , now after 23 years of accosiating , i keep asking who has mutured, for myself many things have changed , if it were not for prabhupada and his mercy i would not of survived ,but now i am as a child ,like beeing born again , ie i feel more human , but behind me is the broken wreckage off what use to be my life ,

for whicth i suffer less and less, but what now , i pray for service , for association , to be engaged , but i also look for afermation of process , so as to confirm progress, not competition , i dream of the great good we can achieve in prabhupada's name , if we come togeather ,this posting is to probe into this possibility, i have my thoughts ,and dreams, radhe shyam

There are so many in the same situation as yourself. But unless you're prepared to jump through the institutional hoops, association through the formal channels of ISKCON will end in frustration. At least that has been my experience. If you can find a senior devotee who isn't a 'company man' and who is sincere, then you are very fortunate.

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... now after 23 years of accosiating , i keep asking who has mutured, for myself many things have changed , if it were not for prabhupada and his mercy i would not of survived ,but now i am as a child ,like beeing born again , ie i feel more human , but behind me is the broken wreckage off what use to be my life ,

for whicth i suffer less and less, but what now , i pray for service , for association , to be engaged , but i also look for afermation of process , so as to confirm progress, not competition , i dream of the great good we can achieve in prabhupada's name , if we come togeather...


These are good realizations.


Who has matured? First we need to be honest about our own maturity. How much have I matured? Don't expect more maturity from others then what you yourself can deliver.


How is maturity manifested? To me, maturity is all about true humility and having desire to serve others. It is about being happy in the execution of devotional service. Sour faced "renunciates" basking in the glory of their renunciation are hardly mature in my book. They often do it mostly for fame, profit, and distinction. A happy renunciate who is always eager to serve others is a mature devotee, worth hearing from and associating with.


A humble householder, who has properly fulfilled his family responsibilities while maintaining a steady level of sadhana and service, is a sign of true maturity as well.

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dear prabhu your response is welcome ,i want to look under and over this situation , my recent time in radhakund , made me feel concerned , so much division , all claiming top dog , i have been a builder all this time ,this makes me practical , i believe we must show an example , the boss for me is ultimatly chaitanya, via prabhupada , where are the fearless ones , whatever we all may think prabhupada movement is perfect , because his message is pure , do the work and success is garanteed, this promise is not empty, my own life is proof , this is surely the case for many , when will it be our day, after all off prabhupadas direct deciples are dead , like vetrans of some lost cause , some must have advanced, they must show themselves now , no more high or low

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when will it be our day, after all off prabhupadas direct deciples are dead , like vetrans of some lost cause , some must have advanced, they must show themselves now , no more high or low


yes, I am waiting too, for some mighty general to lead the troops, like general Guderian leading his Panzers into battle riding a lead tank.


but if no such general comes along, I will be happy to continue with my own preaching program.

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my own expirience of comming into contact with prabhupada mercy was initialy terror , how will i one so perverse ,approach this man ,let alone krishna , and then words like "i have come for the most fallen" to , neither accept or reject but use your intelligence, god gave you " for me this was enough, my words are you wake up in hell not heaven , 23 years later , i would not wish the strugle on any one, but the result so far, i weep with gratitude for prabhupada, and i still think of my self so low , as wish these sins to be cleansed from my heart,

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my own expirience of comming into contact with prabhupada mercy was initialy terror , how will i one so perverse ,approach this man ,let alone krishna , and then words like "i have come for the most fallen" to , neither accept or reject but use your intelligence, god gave you " for me this was enough, my words are you wake up in hell not heaven , 23 years later , i would not wish the strugle on any one, but the result so far, i weep with gratitude for prabhupada, and i still think of my self so low , as wish these sins to be cleansed from my heart,


That is the whole point of the Gita, fight, or die fighting, and let Krishna take credit.

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im looking after a squat gallery in london , and have this time to use the net and write , i can not know the outcome off these post , but i refuse to try and be clever , and only seek to engage , people here are kind , but they have little interest , but i remain peacful , and live simple , my dream is to go back to radhakund and create gardens and plant trees and assist the local people,i dont like big temples , i prefer nature , to not protect the nature around radha s lake , by creating a mood off love and co,operation, would be a great shame , the people ie locals are very suspicious of western devotees, they see us as foolish and competitive, while trying to engage us in helping them , mix massala , blah blah . no time for something new

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