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What is the minimum I need to know to follow along here?

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Thank you so much for the above answers. They make a lot of sense.


Also, don't get me wrong. When I say "Idea" I only meant that so many people have different points of views, not that they make them up themselves...or that they are "made up" at all.


I do believe in striving for God along your own path...it's just that when I've gone to ISKCON, everyone acts as if Krsna is the only path for anyone. They could be giving off this message without intending to do so.


It could also be an after effect of growing up Christian. Everything is so cement...I'm not used to such flexibility. :)


Still though, I found it odd that I already knew about so much that has been mentioned in this thread...and yet I did not know the answer to the question I asked above. It seemed as if it should've been addressed to me earlier at the temple....or perhaps I just hadn't asked the right questions.


Thanks again.

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Hi. Could you please help me to sort out what I need to know as a minimum to be able to fully appreciate what I am reading?


Srila Prabhupada - "Actual identity is that you are spirit soul. And this material body is your covering. Just like dress. Just like when you dress, the real body is there. Similarly, we are within this material body.


So we are taking more care for the dress and not for the body actually. But when a body is dead we can understand that there is something missing. That missing thing is the soul. In the modern educational field there is no department of knowledge to understand that what is that missing part.


There are so many theories, but they are not practical. Therefore we have to understand the soul and its constitution from authoritative scriptures like Bhagavad-gita. Then we can understand our identity actually.


And in the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that persons who are identifying themselves with this material body, they are not actually human beings. They are counted amongst the asses and cows. So that is ignorance or illusion". From KGO Radio Interview March 12, 1968, San Francisco

Srila Prabhupada - "One who has transcended material good and evil automatically acts in accordance with religious injunctions and avoids forbidden activities. The self-realized person does this spontaneously, like an innocent child, and not because he is thinking in terms of material good and evil". SB 11.7.11 (UG 1.11)

I would like to humbly share a personal realization. Today while walking around a shopping centre, I observed so many varieties of human bodily vessels, every time I observed, I thought ‘what a wonderful creation the Supreme Lord has manifested through His Maha Vishnu expansion who has made this amazing maha-tattva material creation.’

I then tried to understand that all of the material vessels, both subtle (ethereal) which includes the heavenly bodies on planets like the Sun and Moon, the ethereal vessels housing souls in the Hellish planets, and lastly, the millions of different biological vessels (species) found in the middle planetary systems, like our earth.

All such vessels, I began to see, are actually part and parcel of the mahat-tattva, belonging to Maha-Vishnu who has provided them to the living entity according to their desire and what they deserve (karma) My realization was fascinating, I could see all theses bodies, including the one I am trapped in, for what they really are, as part and parcel of Maha Vishnu's mahat-tattva creation, obtained from Him, beginning with so many other vessels long, long ago, that have all covered or encaged within this material world. I could also see that the illusion will remain as long as we selfishly choose to be absorbed in exploiting the material creation, ignoring Krsna.

I observed fat bodies, skinny bodies, ugly bodies, beautiful bodies, old bodies, young bodies, crippled bodies, rich bodies, poor bodies, karmi bodies, devotee bodies – all covering the real identity of every living entity that possesses them.

I tried to understand further, as I am now trying to constantly do, understand that we are NOT the outer material body, nor the subtle body from where the gross biological body manifests, realizing that if we are to have any hope of understanding the next step, our spiritual identity, then first we must understand we are not the material bodies provided to us by Maha-Vishnu within His mahat-tattva dreaming creation.

To lust after beautiful material biological bodies is actually impersonal because one is attracted to the vessel and not the occupying soul within.

Those who lack spiritual strength first exploit their own material body from over eating, over sleeping, self-so called love, earnings spent on making their material body comfortable, dissimilarity due to being so convinced the material body one occupies, is their real identity.

That leads to ALL the above being extended to manipulating and exploiting other material bodily vessels for selfish adoration. It is therefore impossible for love to exist based on the mahat-tattva shells or bodily vehicles that all of us have ‘rented’ off Maha-Vishnu.

So this is what I always try do while shopping or preaching to others about Krsna, I look at all material vessels as the creation of Maha Vishnu whom ultimately IS moving ALL theses bodily objects within His mahat-tattva creation, and that ultimately ALL souls (baddha-jivas) occupying those vessels is the forgetful of the jiva soul who is really an eternal servant of Krishna.

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  • 1 year later...

Let us be reasonable --and take a stand at explaining to other souls:


1) Please regularly chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra //or// Chant the names of God according to your tradition on prayer beads //or// Attend your local Gosple Chior congregation.




2) Learn to explain to importance of Meatless living.

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Beg forgiveness. Grant forgiveness. Accept and expect forgiveness.


Okay, thats out of the way, now plan for the future, meaning try to forgive before they offend. Expect offense, prepare for it by getting forgiveness out of the way.


Now, think of things in a different manner. All that truth they fed you is a lie. Its really good they did this because it makes the real truth (that we dont know a thing) easier to swallow, and this serves a dual purpose of having the gods take notice. If they take notice, you will follow along here. This site is for those who know nothing (and take it the way it is).


It is a great benediction from the gods that one DEVOTE any aspect of ones life to the Supreme Lord. They notice the forgivers and the forgiven, all others are just mosquitoes in their ears.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Beg forgiveness. Grant forgiveness. Accept and expect forgiveness.


Okay, thats out of the way, now plan for the future, meaning try to forgive before they offend. Expect offense, prepare for it by getting forgiveness out of the way.


Now, think of things in a different manner. All that truth they fed you is a lie. Its really good they did this because it makes the real truth (that we dont know a thing) easier to swallow, and this serves a dual purpose of having the gods take notice. If they take notice, you will follow along here. This site is for those who know nothing (and take it the way it is).


It is a great benediction from the gods that one DEVOTE any aspect of ones life to the Supreme Lord. They notice the forgivers and the forgiven, all others are just mosquitoes in their ears.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa




True, knowledge is so tricky and Krishna is also a great trickster so the only sane path to take is that of humble truth seeking and forgiveness is related to humility it seems. I was reading the other night a story in Srimad Bhagavatam where Lord Brahma displayed some sort of mystic power and Krishna tricked Lord Brahma with even a bigger mystic power so the moral of the story seemed to be that Krishna is always more powerful and more knowledgable so there is never any reason for us miniscule jivas to ever get puffed up by knowledge or any other mystic opulence.

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Still, I am confused...why is it "Krsna" consciousness in particularly? Why is it not Siva consciousness or Mahadevi consciousness etc.?

Meenakshiamman, the basic idea here is that we honor and worship the One we love... We don't have to love and we don't have to worship without love, just because it 'make sense'. Now you have to find whom you really love in the eternal spiritual sense.

Vaisnavism basically unites individuals who have found they love Krishna or at least who are attracted to this idea, who have faith that Krishna is the one. As far the scriptural or logical 'proof' is concerned, Vaisnavas are ready to prove that the Vedas declare Krishna to be the Supreme and only eternal object of the love, as well as the worshipers of other God's are ready to 'prove' the superiority of their God's. I guess it's hard to be impartial here.. :) But proving is a second thing anyway. Ultimately once you really know whom you love, your personal experience will provide the sufficient proof.


On the second thought, we are naturally attracted (love) those who have possess some attractive qualities (like beauty, intelligence, etc.). Now who is the most qualified? Again, if you find Who such person is you can call Him any name, but that's Krishna, just because this is who Krishna IS. The forms of Narayana are also included here.. We might get confused about it when we can't as yet directly perceive Krishna's qualities. But for liberated souls that's a fact.

All other attractive persons in this world (including Demigods) reflect some of Krishna's beauty and other qualities.


It's all about love. Krishna also wants to love and be loved sincerely. He does not want to manipulate us to love Him. Vaisnavas also believe that this love for Krishna is in the nature of every soul. Just like the planets are connected width the center of the universe by the strength of gravity, the souls are connected to Krishna by the strength of bhakti (spiritual love).

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Most of the Sanskrit terms seemed to go over my head, because I wasn't really sure where to begin.

Inedible, first of all welcome to the 'tradition' or whatever and welcome to the forum as well. :)

You have been given a lot of good responses here. Just perhaps another encouragement or idea. If you read something you don't know or don't understand just ask. I think you have the full 'right' to expect to get anything you would want from this forum.. :) .. and I hope you'd be very welcome with any and all of your questions. In this sense, no special pre-qualification is necessary. :)

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HI there, am very happy to know that there are people keen to know about hinduism.Hinduism is most easy religion..wat u really need to have is full devotion...strong faith..and ofcourse some sacrifices....the most basic thing about hinduism..u must know is OM....BRAHMA..VISHNU AND SHIVA , AND SHAKTI..( DURGA MA, PARVATI, LAKSHMI) so using these words make a research on the net...u will find loads of infomation...

best wishes


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There are only two kind of people in the world. People who believe in GOD and those who do not.


The concepts that Bhagavad Gita teaches you are Universal. Hinduism believes in personal God and devotion. They call it Bhakthi.


Then your personal God could be Jesus. Devotion is also part of Christianity.


Have you heard the song "Hold my hand Precious Lord" by Jim Reeves. Old song. My favorite. Listen to that. That is devotion and the song is as powerful and meaningful as any Sanskrit prayer.


Seek and you shall find HIM. Krishna or Jesus or Shiva. What is there in a name. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." What matters is what something is, not what it is called.


More things are wrought by prayer

Than this world dreams of. Wherefore, let thy voice

Rise like a fountain for me night and day.

For what are people better than sheep or goats

That nourish a blind life within the brain,

If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer

Both for themselves and those who call them friends?

For so the whole round earth is every way

Bound by gold chains about the feet of God.

--Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Sorry. I got carried away there. This forum has a number of devotees who are well advanced in Krishna Consciousness. You may find it difficult even to understand their postings. Frankly I do not.


But basically you should know something about Lord Krishna, Chaithanya Maha Prabhu and the Krishna movement. I am sure some of our members can suggest some simple books which may be available at the local ISKCON temple or on line.


This web site is a good place to start


hinduism(dot) iskcon(dot) com

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Welcome! I would first recommend that you watch these short videos:



After that you can get a very good grasp of things here:




Hi. I am new to studying Hinduism, even after having picked up a few yoga books and books on meditation over the years. Most of the Sanskrit terms seemed to go over my head, because I wasn't really sure where to begin. This forum seems like a nice place to come to learn more, but a lot of the discussions seem to be very technical to me and it is hard to know where to begin. Could you please help me to sort out what I need to know as a minimum to be able to fully appreciate what I am reading?
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