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At Least Theoretically Accept Krishna

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Therefore Bhagavad-gītā should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. One should not think that he is equal to Kṛṣṇa, nor should he think that Kṛṣṇa is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So according to the statements of Bhagavad-gītā or the statements of Arjuna, the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad-gītā, we should at least theoretically accept ŚrīKṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead , and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gītā. Unless one reads the Bhagavad-gītā in a submissive spirit, it is very difficult to understand Bhagavad-gītā, because it is a great mystery.

I haven't read Bhagavad Gita in a while. I'm just starting and this paragraph from the introduction to As It Is struck me.


I realize that this is exactly what I do. I have no real faith in Sri Krishna, but, at least I can theoretically accept that He is Supreme, for that acceptance is a prerequisite for appreciating the beauty that is Krishna Conscious philosophy and practice.


Of course, I can theoretically accept so many things, many of which, no doubt, are nonsensical, but, perhaps, in my willingness to experiment with paradigms, I will be captivated by the Krishna conception.

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I can remember the beginning, with the Gita, with Srila Prabhupada. I didn't know who Krsna was so I just considered the Person who was the Cause of All Causes and All that Is. It did not take too long before He made me realize that He was God - that the Cause of All Causes and All that Is who I'd known as God all my life was Sri Krsna. He could do that because He is God, who knew my every thought, who knew my best next step, my best next movement.


I remember a moment in high school when I addressed God in my mind: "I know You wrote a book two thousand years ago, but I wish You'd come and tell me Yourself."


Be careful what you wish for - you may just get your wish. Then what?

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It did not take too long before He made me realize that He was God - that the Cause of All Causes and All that Is who I'd known as God all my life was Sri Krsna.


You know, I bet Sri Krishna has told me How Things Are any number of times (perhaps back when I was the Sun God ;) ) in the past, but I keep forgetting.


Silly me.

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Yes, your master realized that you were the famous ten-headed Brahma from six cosmic manifestations ago - the one who went mad every time he heard Lord Krsna's enchanting flute. Therefore he chose this name for you now to please the demigods who cherished your exquisite loving service in that role.


Now you've been placed in a strategic position to help Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement madden the world with the flute of the Holy Name. Shine on you crazy diamond!

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This kind of thinking scares the crap out of me, to be honest!! I am far from abhik/abhay. It's so much more comforting to think of myself as nothing but an insignificant mote being blown by the wind.


Still, if Guru-Gauranga has some use for me, then make me dance!


"Wocka wocka wocka!"

--Fozzie the Bear (and me, though I'm working on the "Rama, Rama, Rama")



Yes, your master realized that you were the famous ten-headed Brahma from six cosmic manifestations ago - the one who went mad every time he heard Lord Krsna's enchanting flute. Therefore he chose this name for you now to please the demigods who cherished your exquisite loving service in that role.


Now you've been placed in a strategic position to help Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement madden the world with the flute of the Holy Name. Shine on you crazy diamond!

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I was thinking about this a bit more last night (as my girlfriend was telling me I sound like a paranoid madman (they were spraying pheremones last night in hopes of erradicating the Light Brown Apple Moth, an invasive species, and I was musing that it might really be a mind-control drug)).


Really, it's very freeing not to believe in anything, because, if one if free of dogma, one can accept *anything* for the sake of consideration/discussion. One is not stuck seeing things from any particular perspective.


My friend Phil has long claimed to not believe in anything (while participating in Vaishnava and Buddhist practices), but I was clinging to the illusion that I believed.


Seeing that passage from the introduction to Bhagavad Gita, helped me realize that I'm in the same boat as Phil.


I can accept evolution (with the seed planted by the Lord) just as readily as I can accept that the Lord created everything (fossil record an all) with a thought. Anything is possible.


Anything is possible by the Will and the Grace of the Lord.


So, if I can hop paradigms the way some hop on and off busses, then why am I still here, and why am I not off at some Wiccan orgy?


This Krisna Conception is so beautiful, even from a purely aesthetic point of view! The words of the Vaishnava cause some strange stirrings in my heart that defy all reason.


I remain fallen, but hopeful.

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Well, I'm a self-absorbed jerk if I miss this opportunity, dear uncle, to honor your patient wisdom and seemingly unflappable sang froid, which I find so admirable.


I'm a self-absorbed jerk, regardless, but at least let me try to follow Gurudeva's instructions to give honor to others (though the "while seeking none for one's self" is a bit tougher to manage).



You are an agent that can lift from the depth of illusion to the depth of prema in an instant. Those around you are lifted according to Sri Krsna's desire. You are merely the dancing flute. Play on; all is well.
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I think it was Mahak's song, ALL, that got me in a positive mood. I walked out on the porch in almost freezing weather to find a squirrel at the steps. I said "Hello. Haribol", then "Nitai-Gaura", "Nitai-Gaura" half a dozen times. And he looked at me. He took a few steps and looked again, then sat on the fence and listened. He sat there three metres away for quite a spell watching and listening. I think maybe no one had ever spoken to him before, or maybe he'd yet to hear such sweet words.

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This is a science, after all. (Thanx, BTW, gHari). And alex, such a researcher into this science, tells us on another topic of samskara. The famous "gradual process", a much used but seldom discussed precept of the professor of this science, Srila Prabhupada.


So we have theory, nothin else. Then, like the end of the DEVO cut I posted, mushrooms on the horizon.


Walkin and walkin, thinkin of Dylans Hard Rain and Chimes of Freedom as we live it, we come upon others, lost, defeated. Now is where the idea of ALL comes from. What do we do? Talk about the war that killed us? Maybe start another survival camp war between us? Or understand that we are ALL on the gradual process of Samskara. We give what we have been given. And you know what? It may just be full parampara by every sense of the definition. Because we, if we follow, do not speak on our own accord. We speak what has been revealed to us as the TRUE. And that campfair becomes Vaikuntha, and we all go back home back to Godhead.


May sound a little sentimental. The fundamentalist may cry, "he aint no uttamna adhikari"! But they dont understand that imperfection has no effect on that which is honestly discussed, because the polluted party is merely a vehicle, not the source.


The theory is prooved every second. This life of Harinam Samkirtana is truely sublime, even if we cant stand being around our peers, Prabhupadas initial promise (which is initiation, BTW, when the invitation is accepted) is seen as reality, nothing else matters.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I haven't read Bhagavad Gita in a while. I'm just starting and this paragraph from the introduction to As It Is struck me.


I realize that this is exactly what I do. I have no real faith in Sri Krishna, but, at least I can theoretically accept that He is Supreme, for that acceptance is a prerequisite for appreciating the beauty that is Krishna Conscious philosophy and practice.


Of course, I can theoretically accept so many things, many of which, no doubt, are nonsensical, but, perhaps, in my willingness to experiment with paradigms, I will be captivated by the Krishna conception.



Personally I like Krishna as God because I can respect a God that incarnates as Lord Rsabadheva and wanders around like a naked foolish madman living with crows and cows etc. Don't care too much for all the endless rules and regulations of Vaisnavism but Krishna is a very respectable God in my book.

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I worship Sri Sri Arci and Prthu. And these incarnations were os the shaktiavesa variety, meaning they were empowered by Krsna to do specific work. And the work they did is awesome. That is God, not "let there be light". But actually devising the light. Making the light, Taking action. Krsna tells Arjuna that He works, so Arci and Prthu show this work, and it is sublime.


Thanks AM. Theory turns to realization by worshipping the Srimade Bhagavatam, both the literature and the deliverer of such literature. True nectar is contained in cantos one-nine, dont miss it.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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