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how to know that you have awakened your kundalini

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jaya gurudev and hio to all gurubhai and gentlemen and ladies,

i got a question here how to know that our kundalini has awakened. just confused i have read so manypost in and in this site saying i was doing this current flew whats happenin with me and stuffs like that is my kundalini awakened or something like that . so i wrote this post you people have experienced kundalini awakening and so amny gurubhaiout here have done it so, plz mention in this post that how a person can know that one has awakened kundalini and plz mentions the symtopms as well and what are the precautions and you can tell about all the chakras what happens when it gets awakened

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Moksh almost everyone here is with the bookish knowledge and they will utter of the readen stuffs not the experiences. Still, experience varies.

Well, congratulations for your choosing the right path to the salvation, the truth.

Now, you don't need to talk about it in the public just keep on doing your sadhans with full devotion to your Guru and the Mantra. Gradually, as your physical body and mind purifies you'll feel the energy. IT's what went with me too and with lotta people whom you will come across in future.


Jai Gurudev

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

well jamaica what to say if you get into your subconscious and feel that you are having a cold shiver then you can its all in subconscious mind hey read the book by Dr. Narayan Dutta Shrimali which is entitled " HYPNOTISM" may be this will help you.


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In general online, if you have to ask if your Kundalini is awake you will be told that it is not. If you just say that something you experience is due to the fact that your Kundalini is awake then most people will just tend to go with it. There are a lot of people like me out there who do not have a regular teacher. It sounds like you are one of us. If you want to be sure your Kundalini is active so you can move on with your practice, I suggest you go the same route that I did: receive Shaktipat.

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Well, when the Kundalini is awakened, no body's gonna tell you the stuffs. Only ppl with few vibrations and weired experiences astonished by the stuffs exclaim....Sure we need more than a teacher...those so-called Yoga n Kundalini teachers, in fact they dunno what the real energy is....receive shaktipat ???where ? there's noone in India with such activation....


I mean the 7th Chakra Activation

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It is interesting that the term Shaktipat would be used more outside of India than in India. It is a type of Diksha for the purpose of activating Kundalini in the student. It seems to be fairly popular in Indonesia. The way I hear it explained most often is that it is like using a lit candle to light another candle. Shaktipat can be given both in person and at a distance. The simplest way of doing so is by thought, where the teacher has the intent to give Shaktipat and the student is open to receiving it. Eye contact is another option. It can be done with a simple ritual or it can be made very elaborate. The way it is done is usually determined by the needs of the student.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's great.


Well, ppl tend to give the Shaktipat really very often and you can find such ppl in India n in other palces too. But, the main thing is what it gonna make you ??? Only a person, at least with 6th Chakra awakening can give you the Shaktipat to upgrade your energy flow and you need 7th Chakra awakened person to get your final point activated. I just don't understand that why ppl tend to be misled in such a way in the name of Kundalini and the enlightenment?


Yes, there are lots of tecnhniques to awaken the Kundalini but ppl merely follow even the basic needs. And, it's obvious when there ain't no capable master around...still there's some hope...if your desires are strong...if your quest is true...then you'll find the one with the Blossoming Thousand Petalled Lotus .....keep your search on and on and on till you get to the eternal master whom you were with from your previous births.....

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  • 2 weeks later...


i've read that it s not even necessary to know whether your kundalini is awakened or not. For eg., Buddha, Mahavira though were enlightened people never mentioned about Kundalini at all anywhere.....


Well, it's not important whether those ppl talked about Kundalini or not...they performed exactly the same way they were sent for. All those great masters were true and their teachings too. But,

The time we are living is more sophisticated and with lots of perspectives than ever so there are many of this kind of matters you gonna find, some of them may be misleading...some may reach you to some specific points but with no proper ways further...all the teachings and the methods applied are true but many of such are like the date expired medicines so we need to find out the true one which can work even in our time....for this we need to be more specific, more demanding....with pure heart and mind.....


dare to explore your own self? can you deny yourself?

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  • 5 months later...

When Kundalini awaken several symptoms appear not nessarily all for the same person:


Body heat,

Vigorous involuntary shakking of body parts.

spontanious hopping of body like frog when seated in meditation (which is ultimately develloped in to levitation siddhi).

emmition of various sounds from the vocal cord like animals and other strange sounds

Pains and heat at the chakras invilved.

sensation of something moving like ants, frog hopping Snake crowling, along the spinal cord,

Performing spontaniously various mudras and bandas of yoga even without ever learned them .


These are initial symptoms . Of course as the kundalini moves up the centres and as the centres are developed various yoga siddhis manifests corresponding to different centres. Physical strength, freedom from disease, ability to compose poetry without learning , great knowledge in some subject , understanding spiritual scripotures which didnot make sense before (upanisads for example), clearvoiance, healing powers, ability to enter in to other body. and so on and so forth. Great siddhis like anima, mahima garima lahima , isitva , vasitva , pragamya , and prapti - in fact all miraculus powers (siddhis) are due to kundalini rising.


Not nessarily all symptoms are positive. Sometime negative symptoms appear like physical and mental illhealth : cancer, neurosis and madness are some of the cevere symptoms. Siddha medical texts has a separate section on these spiritual maladies due to kundalini awakening and the medicine to cure them.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Passionate Freak,


It is true that there is a possibility that the person will not experience anything while his kundalini being awakened. However it cannot remain that way for long. Some time in its further development some super normal experience is bound to happen. Otherwise what is the point of beliving that the kundalini is awakened - if nothing happens ? Kundalini is the basis of spiritual/ religious knowledge. It should lead to a mystical experience - of knowing god or Bhraman. If that wisedom does not come, then kundalini has not awakened.


I know a certain cult organization whose members are in thousands, all believing their kundalini is awakened by their guru just by a touch and they even claim their kundalini has reached their third eye centre that too in the first day of their initiation. On the top of it all we learn that there are many certified teachers in this organization - not just the original guru- who could awaken kundalini ( to the eye brow centre). You know it is no joke to activate the third eve centre , for that matter any yogic centre isint it? While these cult members go on believing their kundalini has reached their ajna centre we find absolutily no evidence whatsoever for this claim - no siddhis and no wisdom in them. No change in their life styles even. Many are having routine sex life. Besides they all remaine as ordinary and as stupid as before.


Once I asked one of the members how does he know his kundalini is awakened. He told me that when his guru touched him he felt a gas moving up his spins making a sound of a gas leak like 'pusss- pusss' . But for this nothing happens.


In the absence of any genune symptoms of kundalini awakening stated in yogic texts, I tend to think that this is a con job. Is int it?




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Dear R K,


I couldn't agree U more almost in every words...


sure i too have witnessed such people....they are not fool themselves, so called masters and the enlightened ones make 'em

fool !!! LOL.


Activation of Third Eye with the touch of a Guru really happens but it's rare, genuinely rare...only the Sadguru can transform a layman to the wise like this...not those so called cheap Gurus, cheaper than Hajmola Candy...ha ha ha....they only mislead people and earn their survival.


If one is with a capable Guru, till you are totally transformed into the purity, one may not realize the awakening of the Kundalini. But, as you say, it will hit the person at some specific point of time and it just can not be remain silent.


I hope you are doing really great in the quest and hope to exchange words...but not your divine experiences...as it is truly personal and do not share these things in public as you mentioned some earlier somewhere here.....



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Dear Passionate freek,


I too aggree with you in many of your posting. You make sense. And you are rigorous and cut and right. I liked yoyr postings.I hope that we will meet some time and I will have an oppurtunity exchange notes and to meet the Perfect guru you talk about.


I am a strict celibate. And a pure vegitarian. I have been this way for years. An idel material to be a spiritual deciple for kundalini yoga.




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Dear R K


Strangers too can feel the same way when there's some correlations from the past. It really makes sense asuming that we could have been together somewhere in our past lives marching toward the real Salvation, the enlightenment, you never know !!!


I hope you could get along the Kundalini and reach out to the Eternal Guru so that you could fathom the realm of the final Truth. And when you are at the Holy Feet of Sadguru, you really don't have to worry for Kundalini or anything else. Your perspectives will chage and all desires such as even the Kundalini turns to be a mundane stuff.


It's really great to know that you are maintaining the celebacy and you are a complete vegitarian.


But you could confront lotta self acclaimed Gurus who allow their disciples to go Carnivorous, lol !!! This really horrifies me, it's terrfic !!! I dunno what gonna happen to all those Innocent ppl being mislead!!! They are hoping for the truth but .....



i hope the same....i guess we gonna meet soon....



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Can some one please explain this concept to me....i can understan that one shud be a vegetarian, i agree that we shud be basically be vegetarians....beyond sprituality.....we cannot enjoy someone elses pain....what i do not follow is the concept of celibacy.....it is not celibacy of action but also in thought that is important.....so if u have a wet dream u r not a celibate...at the same time if u have sex and reach on orgasm and do not ejaculate u r still a celibate....now i woud really like to know how many of u r celibate in yur thoughts...how many times have u looked at a beautiful woman and looked at her curves with lust...pls explain

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Dear Ashok,


It is true that We are born as a biological creature and the biological project being reproduction sexual urge will manifest in us. Even if we behaviorally control our urges, the urges will appear mentally.


However we have a choice to live like an biological creature in the grip of the biological instincts or to transcendent to godhood - a true potential that lies with in us. When we transcendend our biological nature sexual urge will automatically drop.


It is no use in just suppressing your sexuality and calling that celibacy. Suppression wont work. There is another process called Sublimation. we need to achieve that We need to sublimate sexual energy, not suppress it. That is true celibacy.


Sublimation is not all that difficult. It happens routinly when you are involved in something gripping. Notice people who arre involved in some gripping work - like a rigorous scientific thinking or even simple office work . Haven't you noticed workaholics - for whome work is everything - naturally show a diminished sexuality? That is why workholics and serious scients, who are really involved in ther work , are poor romantics and their wifes usually have complaints of such people.


This is sublimation. They have sublimated ther sexual energy in to some thing else. Their love is nor a women but their work.


The Sanscrit word equilant of Celibacy is Bhramacharya. This word has a broader connotation than mere sexual supression. An impotent man who is not married and does mate is not called Bhramacharya ( though in english he will be called a celibate). Bhramacharya ( bhrama + charya) is the one who 'walks on the path of - or towards - Bhraman' . That is, he is involved in the serious persuit of Bhraman. He seeks Bhrama jnana. This is a very intricate involved work and all his mental energy is concentrated towards this . If a scientist, or even an ordinary office workholoc can forgt sex even from their mind, then think of a person who is involved in seeking bhraman. The mind is ferrd from sexual urge if one is engaged like this. The sexual urge is sublimated. Not even inn mind they are sexual.




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Dear Passionate freak,


Whether it is tough or easy depends your strategy to deal with the energy. It is a tough task if you either supress it or repress it. Let me make a distinction between these two. Supression is conscious. You say "It is a wrong urge and hence I will not engage in it" . You simply control it with your iron will consciously. Repression is unconscious. You have managed to push it below the surface of consciousness. You will not experience the urge in you consciously anymore. In either case you have not managed to eliminate it. It is there and it will assert. It will seck expression constantly. In the case of Supression you know this consciously and control it consciously. In the case of repression you dont know it's presence consciously but it is there hidden. Then it expresses itself in various ways.


One way it expresses it is through dreams - It seeks fulfilment in dream. Dream is very much like a fantacy- only that you dont know you are doing it. In Proper fantacy - called daydreeming - you are doing it consciously , in dreaming you are doing it unconsciously. Appart from dreams, the repressed sexuality expresses it self in many strange ways symbolically . Various neurotic symptoms are nothing but the expressions of repressed sexuality. Though there are many many symptoms of this repressed sexuality one example I can give to show the expression of the repressed sexual urge that you might find interesting.


You know there are claims of cases of Spirit possession and god possession. Most of them are not any spirit or god. It is a disorder called Hysteria. If you watch them when they are thus possessed, they move their whole body rithemically and violently panting with noicy breathing and finally -when the entity leaves - fall down and remain rested for a wile.If you carefully notice the entire episode including the climax of falling down and resting - is the exact immitation of movement of sexual coitus. In the name of possession they esecute a symbolic couitus. this is the repressed sexuality manifesting itself - though the person doesnot see it that way.


Sexual ensegy like any other energy cannot be distroyed. It will not vanish if you truy to stop with an iron will or simplly deny its existance. Supression is like standing on the way of a wild bull and trying to stop it and control it with all your might with head on collosion. Repression is to run away from it's path and forget that it ever exists. Both are ineffective strategies. Sublimation is like, when the bull nears you just dodge from its path a little and jump on its very back and sitting firm there leting it do all its tricks till it gets tird, and then bridiling it and there by puting it to the service of some good purpose. We transform the beastly sexual energy and use its power to do some useful task. This is sublimation this is what is done in kundalini yoga. Kundalini is originally sexual energy. It is not difficult . It all dependas on the desciplining of the path and training. though I agree it is not as easy as I put it. It does require training and skill. But it can be done.




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  • 3 weeks later...


well jamaica what to say if you get into your subconscious and feel that you are having a cold shiver then you can its all in subconscious mind hey read the book by Dr. Narayan Dutta Shrimali which is entitled " HYPNOTISM" may be this will help you.



e you know where to find this book, i fount this


Dr. Narayan Dutta Shrimali --Practical Hypnotism-- . is that the same one ?

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