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By the GBC Executive Committee, September 17, 2007

The GBC Executive Committee, after much deliberation and consultation, has no alternative but to sadly report the deviations of and the abuses to devotees carried out by Balabhadra dasa (ACBSP), previously known as Bhakti Balabh Puri Goswami.

Notwithstanding his fall-downs the GBC offered Balabhadra Prabhu shelter and guidance provided he work under their guidance, absorbing himself in sadhana. Unfortunately he has recently defied this agreement, the guidance of his friends, the direction of GBC members and the authority of this Society, thus in effect leaving ISKCON and acting independently. Therefore, as he has plans to continue some independent form of “preaching” and collections, we have no option but to inform the devotees of his deviations. What follows is a brief history of Balabhadra dasa’s disturbing behaviour, behaviour which led to his stepping down from guruship, sannyasa and finally membership of ISKCON.


Report on Balabhadra dasa, formerly Bhakti Balabh Puri Goswami

This report was compiled for the GBC by the committee dealing with this case, Sivarama Swami, BB Govinda Swami and Praghosa dasa and has been approved by the GBC Executive Committee. It has been reproduced here in full, and thus may contain more information than expected from a general article.


Balabhadra dasa was always eccentric and even in the early 80’s showed a penchant for cars, cameras and handling money. However his wife, his godbrothers, and his own strong spiritual practices, namely sadhana and deity worship, generally kept his eccentricity and indulgences to a tolerable level. Otherwise he was known as a good preacher, inspirational sankirtana leader, and a caring devotee.

The death of his wife seemed to be a visible turning point in his life. His sadhana deteriorated, his bodily weight increased and he became increasingly involved in the lives of his female disciples, despite his having entered the renounced order. There was a “special” relationship with one female disciple, who was the person with whom he later, repeatedly fell down. Balabhadra dasa’s distancing Sivarama Swami from Scotland and the latter’s eventual resignation as GBC for the UK left Balabhadra dasa more or less unsupervised and uncontrolled. Although the exact chronology of events is not perfectly represented above, it does give a cursory indication of Balabhadra dasa’s decline over time.

Findings of the Working Committee

Over three years ago Balabhadra dasa’s sexual abuse of his female disciple came to light and in investigating that abuse, a Pandora’s box of equally serious deviations gradually came to light, all of which were made known to the GBC Executive. The committee working with Balabhdara dasa first removed him from all positions of authority and suspended his guruship, later they restricted him to residence in Vrndavana and finally negotiated with him his retirement from active service. The conclusion of the three years discussions and consultation was a final meeting in Scotland, the results of which are recorded later in this report.

Years of investigations and meetings with Balabhadra and his disciples revealed Balabhadra’s degradation into a disoriented person who could in no way be considered fit for a position of authority in this movement, what to speak of spiritual leadership. This assessment is shared by all the senior devotees in Scotland and substantiated by many practical examples, only some of which are cited below. (He was sent to a professional psychiatrist for six weeks, however he blocked us from obtaining the results of the analyst’s report.)

To disciples and later to the committee dealing with him Balabhadra dasa has admitted that he thought of himself as a personal associate of Lord Caitanya and/or Krsna. In addition, his conception of guru was one in which he was the proprietor of his disciples, of ISKCON’s assets and especially of ISKCON Scotland’s monies. And because a guru, he thought, takes the karma of his disciples he deemed that he was above Srila Prabhupada’s order to co-operate with the GBC secretary and the GBC body.

Balabhadra would become physically abusive to disciples, sometimes violently hitting and kicking them, even to the extent of drawing blood. In the name of ‘helping’ two female disciples he performed many explicit sexual and voyeuristic acts by exploiting the obedience of his female disciples. Considering himself proprietor of the Society’s funds Balabhadra wasted money by the frivolous purchase of, amongst other things, expensive cars, motor-homes, cameras and dozens of guitars.

His dealings with disciples were contradictory, duplicitous, manipulative, intimidating and abusive. To his disciples he openly criticized senior devotees, sannyasis and friends, both in private and in public classes and lengthy istaghostis.

Despite all these obvious deviations, to date, at the repeated request of those who have been trying to assist him he has not, and by his own admission cannot, document the reasons leading to his gross deviations. He is unable to understand the severity of his transgressions, or the reactions of those in knowledge of them. He still believes his good motivations overshadow any faulty methodology.

Preliminary Recommendations

While there are many other symptoms and examples of Balabhadra’s deviation, the words above do not do full justice in portraying the hurt devotees have suffered at his hands. Our society must be clear that such abuse will not be tolerated, especially from gurus, those who are meant to show the ideal example of the humble Vaisnava.

Therefore the working committee considered it inappropriate that our Society allow him to continue as a spiritual master or sannyasi, invest in him any managerial or spiritual responsibility, or put him in a position of trust. Having seen how he has abused the trust placed in him by the Society, the devotees, and his disciples; having seen how grievous his conduct and deeds were, the committee was convinced that Balabhadra dasa could no longer be put forward as a representative of this society in any capacity.

August Meeting in Scotland

With these conclusions in mind the working committee along with six senior devotees of the Scottish yatra sat with Balabhadra dasa to work out an agreement. It was accepted that if Balabhadra dasa continues to work under ISKCON authority, then his basic needs would be looked after by the Scottish yatra. The desire to look after Balabhadra dasa was in recognition of the years of dedicated service he performed prior to his problems arising and the heartfelt appreciation of the Scottish devotees for the help he had given them. In every meeting with Balabhadra dasa over the years, including at this final meeting, his great services and good intentions were always acknowledged. Yet those could not negate his offenses.

After two full days of discussion the following mutual agreement was reached with Balabhadra dasa:

o The Scottish Yatra would support Balabhadra with a monthly allowance and give him the permanent use of an apartment in Sridhama Mayapura, where he was to move. In addition Scotland would cover budgeted travel, medical and miscellaneous expenses. o Balabhadra dasa agreed to step down both as a guru and as a sannyasi o Balabhadra dasa would serve under the guidance of Sivarama Swami, BB Govinda Swami and Praghosa dasa, until further notice, staying at Kusum Sarovara and as soon as the necessary arrangements are made, move to Mayapur where he will be under the supervision of a senior vaisnava o Balabhadra dasa would only travel by prior agreement o Balabhadra dasa agreed to undergo further counseling as soon as it could be arranged.

Even during the meeting Balabhadra dasa gave up his sannyasa cloth and we continued amicably calling him Balabhadra Prabhu rather than Puri Maharaja. At the conclusion of the meeting Balabhadra dasa departed from Scotland and everyone appeared satisfied with the above agreement, especially since all the points were mutually agreed upon without much ado.

The Scottish Devotees

Until this year, the only devotee in Scotland aware of all the deviations and subsequent restrictions on Balabhadra dasa was the temple president, Prabhupada Vani dasa. Others thought he had semi-retired for health reasons.

In the beginning of the year news gradually leaked to other senior devotees and since that time we have had many meetings to inform and then help those disciples. These disciples included all the senior and leading devotees of the yatra. With the exception of two (mentioned below) all devotees accept Balabhadra’s stepping down as both guru and sannyasi and have stopped all worship of and appellation in regards to him. Many have sought shelter from other senior Vaisnavas.

The devotees are all united around and supportive of Prabhupada Vani dasa as temple president, who is doing an admirable job in that service, in an otherwise trying situation. Balabhadra’s son and daughter, also living near the temple, are fully aware of his transgressions and fully supportive of the working committee, its decisions, and the Scottish temple management.

There appears to be two die-hard supporters of Balabhadra who show no apparent change in allegiance to their “guru”, even after being made aware of all the transgressions and abuses. These devotees are now being engaged by Balabhadra for his purposes.

With those exceptions, who are now leaving the devotee community, the yatra, the temple and the congregation is stable, the devotees mature and the mood upbeat. There have been many visitors recently, such as Hari-sauri prabhu, Madhavananda prabhu, Dhananjaya prabhu and Indradyumna Swami and more are expected. In short the isolation is over.

Subsequent Development

Within one month of this agreement being reached, Balabhadra dasa reneged on it. Instead of fulfilling certain duties and communications assigned him, he turned up at the temple in Scotland, at midnight, on Janmastami, unannounced and without permission. Obviously the devotees there were both shocked and intimidated. He spoke to some proclaiming that he was now a free man and not working under any authority. He also stated that he had friends and collecting abilities, thus he would not be affected by losing the support of the Scottish Yatra, or of ISKCON.

Unless and until Balabhadra submits himself to the working committee and the authority of ISKCON, he should be considered as his own agent, not a representative of ISKCON. Thus whatever project he promotes, or funds he collects for, are not with the approval of ISKCON. Thus temples and temples’ congregation should be appropriately informed.

This report completes the work of the committee assigned to this case.

The reason this issue is being announced on Dandavats is twofold;

1. It was made clear to Balabhadra dasa that if he broke the agreements regarding his rectification, restriction, and future service, and if he chose to do as he liked, his case would be made public in order to protect devotees of the Society from him.

2. Since Balabhadra dasa is now his own man, with no means of livelihood, he will seek to raise funds from the international society of devotees who should be informed that supporting him is not supporting any ISKCON approved project or person.



Why? Why? Why? is there no mention help of for the duped and abused "disciples". Why does the abuser get all the help? Is it because he's a Prabhupada disciple? What mechanisms are there within Iskcon to protect the victims of bogus "gurus"? Sheesh, his "disicples" must have been very unitelligent to take the abuse from him

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Srimad-Bhagavatam, 7.5.31, Translation:




“Persons who are strongly entrapped by the consciousness of enjoying material life, and who have therefore accepted as their leader or guru a similar blind man attached to external sense objects, cannot understand that the goal of life is to return home, back to Godhead, and engage in the service of Lord Visnu. As blind men guided by another blind man miss the right path and fall into a ditch, materially attached men led by another materially attached man are bound by the ropes of fruitive labor, which are made of very strong cords, and they continue again and again in materialistic life, suffering the threefold miseries.”




“Gurus, teachers, who are simply interested in this material world are described in this verse as andha, blind. Such blind men may lead many other blind followers without true knowledge of material conditions, but they are not accepted by devotees like Prahlada Maharaja. Such blind teachers, being interested in the external, material world, are always bound by the strong ropes of material nature.”



Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi lila 4.171, Translation:


“Therefore lust and love are quite different. Lust is like dense darkness, but love is like the bright sun.”



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2.2. Responsibility of Candidate for Initiation It is the personal responsibility of candidates for initiation to correctly decide, by the exercise of their own intelligence, to surrender to a particular devotee as spiritual master. Candidates for initiation should accept initiation from a spiritual master only after developing firm and mature faith in that devotee and in his ability to take them back to Godhead. Sadhu, sastra, and guru are the authoritative references to apply in ascertaining the level of advancement of a devotee. Receiving official ISKCON guru approval signifies that the devotee has successfully completed the authorization process set forth in ISKCON law, and that in the judgment of certain senior devotees the candidate measures up to the standards and guidelines given in ISKCON law. However, such approval is not automatically to be taken as a statement about the degree of God-realization of the approved guru, and it is not intended to replace the intelligent discrimination of the candidate. [weasel clause] :eek2::confused::eek4:

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You may call it the "weasel clause". I call it a refreshing acknowledgement of practical reality.



2.2. Responsibility of Candidate for Initiation It is the personal responsibility of candidates for initiation to correctly decide, by the exercise of their own intelligence, to surrender to a particular devotee as spiritual master. Candidates for initiation should accept initiation from a spiritual master only after developing firm and mature faith in that devotee and in his ability to take them back to Godhead. Sadhu, sastra, and guru are the authoritative references to apply in ascertaining the level of advancement of a devotee. Receiving official ISKCON guru approval signifies that the devotee has successfully completed the authorization process set forth in ISKCON law, and that in the judgment of certain senior devotees the candidate measures up to the standards and guidelines given in ISKCON law. However, such approval is not automatically to be taken as a statement about the degree of God-realization of the approved guru, and it is not intended to replace the intelligent discrimination of the candidate. [weasel clause] :eek2::confused::eek4:
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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by krsna

2.2. Responsibility of Candidate for Initiation It is the personal responsibility of candidates for initiation to correctly decide, by the exercise of their own intelligence, to surrender to a particular devotee as spiritual master. Candidates for initiation should accept initiation from a spiritual master only after developing firm and mature faith in that devotee and in his ability to take them back to Godhead. Sadhu, sastra, and guru are the authoritative references to apply in ascertaining the level of advancement of a devotee. Receiving official ISKCON guru approval signifies that the devotee has successfully completed the authorization process set forth in ISKCON law, and that in the judgment of certain senior devotees the candidate measures up to the standards and guidelines given in ISKCON law. However, such approval is not automatically to be taken as a statement about the degree of God-realization of the approved guru, and it is not intended to replace the intelligent discrimination of the candidate. [weasel clause] eek2.gifconfused.gifeek13.gif

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Since this is the case anyway why don't these jokers just quit meddling in the process altogether. Why in the Holy Name of God do people still listen to these characters and take them seriously?




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I agree with Yofu that there's no real concern for the so-called disciples evident in this report. But that's not its purpose. It was written as part of the GBC's attempt to safeguard human resources and money. We have to hope that they are making an effort on other fronts to help heal the damaged faith of the followers.


The problem is that the GBC has created the this abuse with its misunderstanding of guru tattva. And the ensured that this would be the case decades ago when they decided not to take advice from senior, experienced vaishnavas such as Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaja. Instead, they appear to have read any attempt at advice as a threat to their control over ISKCON's assets. The result has been what I've often called a culture of vaishnava aparadha. I consider that to be the root of these problems. They conducted a campaign of vilification of Srila Sridhara Maharaj and anyone who took his advice seriously, for which they eventually issued a sort of apology. But do they allow distribution and discussion of his books? Have they approached those they threw out of ISKCON, in one way or another, because they had greater faith in Srila Sridhar Maharaja than, say, Bhavananda, Hamsaduta, Bhagavan, etc.? If they have made such moves, they have been incomplete, from what I've seen. Otherwise, we'd see some of them, such as Paramadvaiti Maharaja, Narasimha Maharaja, Tripurari Maharaja, invited to speak at ISKCON centers, allowed to lead kirtans at Rathayatras (rather than having microphones taken away from them, as happened recently in SF), and offering their books in ISKCON gift shops and online shops such as Krishna Culture and Krishna.com.


Instead, we see a hemorrhaging of devotees and money in many parts of the world.


And the same goes for ISKCON's process for admitting men to the sannyasa ashrama. It's too bureaucratic, too far from anything that answers to guru, sadhu, and shastra. I'm staying in a huge community with many talented, experienced, and dedicated devotees. I haven't heard of any here who show any interest in leaving their marriages to take sannyasa and preach in far-flung places, or to live rootlessly and just preach.


I'm truly sorry to make such observations. ISKCON remains the largest, most active Gaudiya-vaishnava preaching mission in the world, and my wife and I have poured many years of our lives into supporting it in various ways. But it's not what it could be if it had a firmer basis in guru, sadhu, and shastra.

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The whole ISKCON GBC system is deviant from traditional Gaudiya culture.

In Gaudiya culture, if at all possible, the junior Vaishnavas defer to a respected senior Vaishnava and refuse to accept the acharya position in the presence of senior Vaishnavas.

In ISKCON every fellow wearing a saffron sheet is competing with all the other saffron cronies for disciples.


It's pathetic and disgusting and no proper maryada is observed.


To accept disciples is to say "I am the best and I respect no Vaishnava as senior to me".


I don't buy the "but they have their faith in me" excuse.


It doesn't matter.


If a Vaishnava doesn't feel junior or subordinate to any other Vaishnava then he is either the eldest and most experienced Vaishnava in the Gaudiya sampradaya or he is just an ambitious person looking to become a career guru in ISKCON and take advantage of all the facitilites offered to an acharya.


In the olden days of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya you didn't have a gang of sannyasis competing for disciples.


In tradition the senior and elder Vaishnava was given the respect and honor he commands.


ISKCON is just a free-for-all of gurus competing for cronies.


I personally think it is absurd and ridiculous.:wacko:

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The whole ISKCON GBC system is deviant from traditional Gaudiya culture.

In Gaudiya culture, if at all possible, the junior Vaishnavas defer to a respected senior Vaishnava and refuse to accept the acharya position in the presence of senior Vaishnavas.

In ISKCON every fellow wearing a saffron sheet is competing with all the other saffron cronies for disciples.


It's pathetic and disgusting and no proper maryada :eek: is observed.


To accept disciples is to say "I am the best and I respect no Vaishnava as senior to me".


I don't buy the "but they have their faith in me" excuse.


It doesn't matter.


If a Vaishnava doesn't feels junior or subordinate to any other Vaishnava then he is either the eldest and most experienced Vaishnava in the Gaudiya sampradaya or he is just an ambitious person looking to become a career guru in ISKCON and takle advantage of all the facitilites offered to an acharya.


In the olden days of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya you didn't have a gang of sannyasis competing for disciples.


In tradition the senior and elder Vaishnava was given the respect and honor he commands.


ISKCON is just a free-for-all of gurus compteting for cronies.


I personally think it is absurd and ridiculous.:wacko:


It's raw, visceral but above all it's absolutely true!!!:smash: :smash: :smash:


SB 3.4.26 Vidura Approaches Maitreya


Sri Uddhava said: You may take lessons from the great learned sage Maitreya,

who is nearby and who is worshipable for reception of transcendental knowledge.

He was directly instructed by the Personality of Godhead while He was about to

quit this mortal world.






careful of transgressing the law of maryada-vyatikrama because by so doing one

loses his duration of life, his opulence, fame and piety and the blessings of

all the world. To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitates

awareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being well aware of

all these technicalities of transcendental science, advised Vidura to approach

Maitreya Rsi to receive transcendental knowledge. Vidura wanted to accept

Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accept the post because

Vidura was as old as Uddhava's father and therefore Uddhava could not accept

him as his disciple, especially when Maitreya was present nearby. The rule is

that in the presence of a higher personality one should not be very eager to

impart instructions, even if one is competent and well versed. So Uddhava

decided to send an elderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly

person, but he was well versed also because he was directly instructed by the

Lord while He was about to quit this mortal world. Since both Uddhava and

Maitreya were directly instructed by the Lord, both had the authority to become

the spiritual master of Vidura or anyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly, had

the first claim to becoming the spiritual master, especially for Vidura, who

was much older than Uddhava. One should not be eager to become a spiritual

master cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become a spiritual

master only for the service of the Lord. The Lord never tolerates the

impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama. ONE SHOULD NEVER PASS OVER THE HONOR DUE TO




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SB 3.4.26 Vidura Approaches Maitreya


Sri Uddhava said: You may take lessons from the great learned sage Maitreya,

who is nearby and who is worshipable for reception of transcendental knowledge.

He was directly instructed by the Personality of Godhead while He was about to

quit this mortal world.






careful of transgressing the law of maryada-vyatikrama because by so doing one

loses his duration of life, his opulence, fame and piety and the blessings of

all the world. To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitates

awareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being well aware of

all these technicalities of transcendental science, advised Vidura to approach

Maitreya Rsi to receive transcendental knowledge. Vidura wanted to accept

Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accept the post because

Vidura was as old as Uddhava's father and therefore Uddhava could not accept

him as his disciple, especially when Maitreya was present nearby. The rule is

that in the presence of a higher personality one should not be very eager to

impart instructions, even if one is competent and well versed. So Uddhava

decided to send an elderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly

person, but he was well versed also because he was directly instructed by the

Lord while He was about to quit this mortal world. Since both Uddhava and

Maitreya were directly instructed by the Lord, both had the authority to become

the spiritual master of Vidura or anyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly, had

the first claim to becoming the spiritual master, especially for Vidura, who

was much older than Uddhava. One should not be eager to become a spiritual

master cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become a spiritual

master only for the service of the Lord. The Lord never tolerates the

impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama. ONE SHOULD NEVER PASS OVER THE HONOR DUE TO




This is the purport I had in mind.

The GBC guru policy is in direct disregard and disobediance to the principle that Srila Prabhupada is mandating in this purport.


ISKCON is a fiasco of competing gurus who are all fighting for some disciples to support their career guru ambitions.


The problem is that none of them respect their senior Godbrothers or the senior Vaishnavas.


The GBC has manufactured a class of ISKCON men who use the organization as a crutch and a career.


They are all riding the wake of Srila Prabhupada and exploiting the efforts of Srila Prabhupada for personal gain and casual lifestyles where they fancy themselves as spiritual leaders.


You have to follow before you can be a leader.

You can't be a guru if you aren't a disciple first.

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You can't be a guru if you aren't a disciple first.

Thanks Prabhu, for boiling the milk, not watering it down.

Here we find many disciples of gurus living together in unmarried relationships - question: isnt this the responsibilty of a guru to marry his disciples instead of allowing them to do what they like?

Or is this old-fashioned thinking? Does a guru get karmic reactions when his disciples indulge in illicit sexual activity?

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of Balabhadra's greatest charms was his role as a father figure to his disciples. He made you feel like he understood you and, unlike so many other ISKCON gurus he thought it was important to know the names of all his disciples, to recognise their faces and to try and lend support when they were experiencing times of emotional difficulty.


Balabhadra's greatest fault was his fundamentalism which was the very cause of him being made a guru. He saw things in black and white. He saw his mission as pushing his disciples so hard through a hole so small that only the soul could come out. He truly believed he was doing everything in his power to send us back to Godhead. What he failed to understand was the importance of was giving us time to read and to associate with each other, essential pillars of vaihsnava culture. As far as he saw it the highest service to Prabhupada was to sell his books, that was how Balabhadra had achieved his route to salvation and, in his own simple way, he felt that was the best way to get us home back to Godhead also; very little other than this mattered to him.


This fundamentalism meant that he was very good at generating money and it was for this reason, not his vision as a spiritual leader, that the avaricious motion was put forward to make him a guru. He got very ill at the thought of being a guru and passed out frequently. Doubtless he craved the prestige but he did have conscience enough to question his ability. Unfortunatley the GBC didn't have conscience enough to advise him wisely and thus it came to pass that a fundamentalist zealot was given power of attorney over the lives of a group of wide eyed neophytes and do with them as he saw fit.


For the greater part Balabhadra's spiritual direction was seemingly faultless according to ISKCON law. Spend every waking moment thinking of Krishna, work diligently in your service. Don't waste a second not serving. We chanted 21 rounds a day and were encouraged to chant constantly even whilst performing our service. Temple life was very strict and controlled but we never questioned it because we were constantly engaged in service and the whole temple compound was devoted to facilitating that service.


What we didn't have time for was reading, that was the main problem for me personally. When we complained of this we were chastised and told that knowledge came through service, that Mother Ratnaranjini had attained her salvation through service and a thorough knowledge of but a handful of slokas.


Balabhadra surely had some kind of a breakdown after Mother Ratnaranjini's departure which I witnessed but at the time didn't recognise. He needed good direction, instead he was told to take up the renounced order of life. He needed time to be with his family and to think. Good advice at this time would have been maybe to allow him time to be with his family, to think about in time maybe taking another wife, to consider whether guruship without the aid of his beloved confidant and mother would be possible at all. But instead the cash registers clanged and the clock kept ticking.


Living at Karuna Bhavan was a very lonely and depressing experience for me but during that time I developed a very strong attachment to the Holy Name which hasn't left me. I sometimes chant in my sleep and whenever I experience distress the Holy Name leaps out. Before I have time to think, I chant. I have Balabhadra to thank for this and, of course, Prabhupada. He didn't let me stop thinkinng of the Holy Name. For this reason I believe, although not a guru, he was a very good influence on my devotional service in many ways.


I do not know who he is supposed to have punched or sexually abused. All I can say is that for the five years I lived in his association I never witnessed such things, and certainly never experienced them myself. I know that Balabhadra was in a very lonely place and for this reason I do not fully doubt it. I do not think we have seen the last of Balabhadra and, with proper guidance and association his zeal and sincerity could be put to good use, but in the hands of the GBC they were misdirected and abused. I suggest to you that we are all victims of the GBC, Balabhdra included, and if you want to judge anybody that would be the best place to start. To judge the powerless and the duped is the action of a coward who daren't confront corrupt authority.

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Living at Karuna Bhavan was a very lonely and depressing experience for me but during that time I developed a very strong attachment to the Holy Name which hasn't left me.

Often I heard devotees saying, what would you tell Prabhupada suppose you would meet him? "Why did you empower so many foolish people to ruin the lives of so many devotees?"

However, when time passed by I learned to thank Srila Prabhupada for all this suffering he inflicted upon us through all of his NY leaders who happened to be his first disciples and whenever there is troubled condition, to think, “My Lord is so kind that He is purifying me. I am suffering from my past misdeeds. So, Krishna is so kind that He is purifying me, giving me little suffering. That’s all right. Therefore I must be obliged to Him.” And to offer more respectful obeisances to the Lord: “My Lord, You are purifying me.”

If one lives like this, mukti-pade sa dāya-bhāk, liberation becomes more easy.


October 4, 1967 Delhi, India


My Dear Brahmananda,


Please accept my blessings. Your note along with Rayarama's is in hand and I am so glad to read it.


Yes wait for the final decision of MacMillan & Co. & I quite agree with you. If they take up our work it will be very very good so let us wait for it. So you need not send manuscript until you hear final word from MacMillan. I am glad to learn that Kirtanananda Swami is now in N.Y. & that he looks very nice in midst of his glowing God-brothers. But he would have been looking more nice if he had stayed in London for a few days as it was settled here.


Anyway I shall be very glad if Kirtanananda goes with Rayarama to London & opens a branch there cooperatively. He has got an introductory letter for a London lady. Immediate correspondence may be opened with her.


Regarding Ambassador Nehru I am especially interested in him because he wanted to help me in getting my permanent visa. Please try to utilize him in some way or other to get this visa otherwise I am quite fit to return to your place. I am always anxious to be with you for the remaining days of my life, preaching Krishna Consciousness in the Western World.


This time I shall go with the determination for my mission in the Western World & try & get me a permanent visa or immigration papers--whichever is easiest. I think you have my certificates in my apartment & you can utilize them. Two very important things are resting with you. First arrangement with MacMillan and second to get my permanent visa.


You are very sincere and Krishna will certainly help you in this attempt. I have duly received the bank receipt along with the letter.


Your ever well-wisher

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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However, when time passed by I learned to thank Srila Prabhupada for all this suffering he inflicted upon us through all of his NY leaders who happened to be his first disciples and whenever there is troubled condition, to think, “My Lord is so kind that He is purifying me.


I'm sorry, but reading this makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. To me, it's sick, sick, sick thinking.


Why blame Srila Prabhupada when each jiva-soul has it's own will, independent even of Sri Krishna?

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I'm sorry, but reading this makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. To me, it's sick, sick, sick thinking.


Why blame Srila Prabhupada when each jiva-soul has it's own will, independent even of Sri Krishna?


Prabhupada would agree that he had to install leaders which were more or less useless people - what's the problem?

The only option left would have been to close down ISKCON.

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For me, Srila Prabhupada's willingness to compromise and utilize the people and tools which were at his disposal regardless of their imperfections and impurities, is a sign of his utmost compassion for those of us suffering in the West (and everywhere).


He wanted to spread the mercy of Mahaprabhu at any cost. As Srila Sridhar Maharaja liked to say (quoting previous acharyas): if you find Krishna Prem anywhere, purchase it at any cost!!



Prabhupada would agree that he had to install leaders which were more or less useless people - what's the problem?

The only option left would have been to close down ISKCON.

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For me, Srila Prabhupada's willingness to compromise and utilize the people and tools which were at his disposal regardless of their imperfections and impurities, is a sign of his utmost compassion for those of us suffering in the West (and everywhere).


He wanted to spread the mercy of Mahaprabhu at any cost. As Srila Sridhar Maharaja liked to say (quoting previous acharyas): if you find Krishna Prem anywhere, purchase it at any cost!!

To keep a world wide movement like ISKCON running requires manpower. Like in any other global org during the start-up period people could be kept inspired at it more easy but in the next phase staying power or to go through dry spell was the challenge. Staying power, going through dry spell you find everywhere a difficult job. Srila Prabhupada was compromising?

When having read Prabhupada's books we rather say, Prabhupada always knew exactly what he was doing.

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If you don't like the word "compromising", how about "accomodating"?


The mood of Srila Prabhupada's Gurudev, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada was *very* accomodating. There are numerous examples of his compassionate and generous mood.



To keep a world wide movement like ISKCON running requires manpower. Like in any other global org during the start-up period people could be kept inspired at it but in the next phase staying power to go through dry spell was the challenge. Staying power, going through dry spell you find everywhere a difficult job. Srila Prabhupada was compromising?

When having read Prabhupada's books we rather say, Prabhupada always knew exactly what he was doing.

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To keep a world wide movement like ISKCON running requires manpower. Like in any other global org during the start-up period people could be kept inspired at it more easy but in the next phase staying power or to go through dry spell was the challenge. Staying power, going through dry spell you find everywhere a difficult job. Srila Prabhupada was compromising?

When having read Prabhupada's books we rather say, Prabhupada always knew exactly what he was doing.


Actually, Srila Prabhupada admitted to being perplexed about how to preach and continue his mission in the west amidst so many setbacks and insane men that Krsna sent him.


He had faith that KRSNA knew what he was doing, so he just tried his best amidst a perplexing situation.


Of course Srila Prabhupada always knew what he was doing, but not in the way you imply. Being acharya, he is considered to have taken dictation from Krsna in all decisions. He was dependent on Krsna's perfect understanding of the situation.


This is a lesson for all of us who think we independently know something about how to spread Krsna consciousness.


We always need to consider that Krsna sent the men, knew who they were, and dictated to Srila Prabhupada how to adjust the sadhana according to circumstances.


It has been this perspective that has always allowed me to accept that whatever rules and regs Srila Prabhupada created in response to the men who came to him from 1966-1977 are good enough for me. The conditioning and behaviors of those men represented the best, and worst, in all of us conditioned westerners. They were the first to step up to the plate, and I am ultimately no better than the worst of them, so the rules that applied to them apply now to me.


Makes it simple.


Great discussion!


Hari Bol

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Actually, Srila Prabhupada admitted to being perplexed about how to preach and continue his mission in the west amidst so many setbacks and insane men that Krsna sent him.


He had faith that KRSNA knew what he was doing, so he just tried his best amidst a perplexing situation.


Of course Srila Prabhupada always knew what he was doing, but not in the way you imply. Being acharya, he is considered to have taken dictation from Krsna in all decisions. He was dependent on Krsna's perfect understanding of the situation.


This is a lesson for all of us who think we independently know something about how to spread Krsna consciousness.


We always need to consider that Krsna sent the men, knew who they were, and dictated to Srila Prabhupada how to adjust the sadhana according to circumstances.


It has been this perspective that has always allowed me to accept that whatever rules and regs Srila Prabhupada created in response to the men who came to him from 1966-1977 are good enough for me. The conditioning and behaviors of those men represented the best, and worst, in all of us conditioned westerners. They were the first to step up to the plate, and I am ultimately no better than the worst of them, so the rules that applied to them apply now to me.


Makes it simple.


Great discussion!


Hari Bol

Thanks sevabhakta, therefore I wrote in post above, yes, everything went according Krishna's plan and the hardship we had to undergo caused by those "big leaders" is till today Krishna's mercy.



However, when time passed by I learned to thank Srila Prabhupada for all this suffering he inflicted upon us through all of his NY leaders who happened to be his first disciples and whenever there is troubled condition, to think, “My Lord is so kind that He is purifying me. I am suffering from my past misdeeds. So, Krishna is so kind that He is purifying me, giving me little suffering. That’s all right. Therefore I must be obliged to Him.” And to offer more respectful obeisances to the Lord: “My Lord, You are purifying me.”

If one lives like this, mukti-pade sa dāya-bhāk, liberation becomes more easy.

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Thanks sevabhakta, therefore I wrote in post above, yes, everything went according Krishna's plan and the hardship we had to undergo caused by those "big leaders" is till today Krishna's mercy.


That Suchandra is a lofty aspiration. I have the aspiration to experience my suffering at the hands of demons more ambitious than I, but my envy sometimes gets in the way and I am no better in Real time than they are.


For me accepting that perspective and gaining the purification that follows is a hard road back door to eternal surrender.


I am just eternally lucky and grateful I am being let in the back door.


Thank You.


Hari Bol!

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