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Is it true not to keep altar in bedroom?

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hello there!

i really need some advice.

my friend told me that we shouldn't keep altar in the couple bedroom.

i really don't know how to manage this. i live with my wife in my christian family house. we cannot place deity outside our room.my family won't accept that and won't give any respect to the deity.


all i can do is using closet which has a door as my altar. i close that door after i do puja.


am i wrong??

would it be sin to keep altar in bedroom?

what do you think???

pls give me advice

i'm really serious.

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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.19.24 purport,



There are many devotees who keep a statue of the Lord in a small box and carry it with them everywhere; every morning they worship the Lord in the box. The Supreme Lord, Keśava, or the Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, is not bound by any measurement of our calculation. He can remain with His devotee in any suitable form, yet He is unapproachable by any amount of demoniac activities.


Probably if you just keep the deity as a "statue" as Srila Prabhupada has referred to in this purport it will probably be alright.


But, if you officially and formally install the deity per the ritual codes, then the deity should have a proper altar.


Main thing is that the deity is kept behind the closed door when you are not doing the puja.


So, if the deity is not formally installed, then it should be ok.


Srila Prabhupada says they "carry it with them everywhere".


So, everywhere would also include the sleeping quarters if necessity dictates.


Krishna understands.

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Yes it's ok. What if you only had one room to live in? Kitchen in one corner. Bed in another corner. A desk and place to study in another and an altar in the fourth corner. Is it a bedroom kitchen study or temple room?


Beter than that though I remember seeing a picture of Srila Prabhupada where he had placed his altar in a closet and I think a bedroom closet. He was living in Butler Mass.? in the home of the couple that sponsered him in America when he first arrived.


Maybe someone knows that photo and can post it for shin.

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Yes you can keep the deity in Bed room when you dont have any option, as in your case. I presume you keep it for prayer only not for poojas in which case its ok. But ensure that it is not on the side inwhich you keep your foot while sleeping.


A famous tamil Goddess Verse says - Nindrum, nadanthum, kidanthum ninaippadhunnai - Abhirami Andhadhi - that you keep thinking on Her in all the states - while standing, sitting, lying down and while doing work.


"Kaadhi vilaiyadi iru kai veesi nadanthalum - thaathi manam neerkudathe than" - is Sidhdhars verse - which says women in a remote village while carrying water from far away pools - inorder to kill boredom:

- Sings a song

- plays with bubbles with both the hands

- walk barefoot carefully

and also

- breast feed her kid tied to her waist with the portion of her saree.

inspite of all these activities her concentration will be hooked to the mud pot with water on her head - because if it falls she has to go all the way to home and get another pot and go and fetch water from the pool.


It may look simple - but it has got lots of inner feelings and messages inside it. - keep praying


Jai Shiva Shakthi

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In general, unless one has a room dedicated as a "Temple Room", it's probably best to have an altar that can be covered by a cloth or behind a door that can close (like a cabinet).


Even if the Lord is in the living room, He might not *want* to watch that football game each Sunday (and Monday, and Thursday, and Saturday).



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In general, unless one has a room dedicated as a "Temple Room", it's probably best to have an altar that can be covered by a cloth or behind a door that can close (like a cabinet).


Even if the Lord is in the living room, He might not *want* to watch that football game each Sunday (and Monday, and Thursday, and Saturday).




Well He used to like to watch the 49ers but that was back in the 80's and early 90's.

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  • 6 years later...

Omg this answers my doubt. Me n my partner had a alter but was told by our land lord to move it in the room since there are other races moving in to other rooms. I was feeling very guilty to keep it away n worried if it would be a sin to set it in our bedroom. But you guys comments help me to comfort my heart.


I set my altar facing east n cover it with a yellow curtain at one corner n place a wardrobe behind our bed so there's no way our bed be seen thru my altar. It seem seperate devision altogether but all in one room.

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