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Hello Everybody,


I need your valuable veiws in understanding a strange predicament I am facing. Recently I bought a 4 armed Nataraj statue- made of bronze. I wanted to worship the shiva image as its Shravan month. Shiva is my ishta deva and I chant the rudram and offer my humble prayers to him. Since this idol has been installed on my pedestal- I have had strange incedences in my personal life. There was a turmoil in my mind..a strange restlessness.. this affected my communication and personal skills. I had verbal altercations with my closest friends for some inane reasons ..and then i had misunderstandings happening in my work place...my solutions were interpreted incorrectly and people thought that i wasnt keen in working on the project and in due time I was laid off from the project.


My parents in india consulted an astrologer who said that its because of the idol - these problems started occuring and suggested that i no longer worship or do any sort of puja to the idol.


could anyone of you bhakta's solve or help me understand this situation?


Should I chant the rudram at all ? if yes..then please tell me the correct way so that i chant without offending the lord.


or should I just give up all my chantings and japa of gayatri?


Please advise. I humbly beseech you to advice me...any words any suggestions/ critiques comments are welcome..I am at my wits end and shocked as to why such a thing would happen


As Ever in service


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  • 6 months later...


Hello Everybody,


I need your valuable veiws in understanding a strange predicament I am facing. Recently I bought a 4 armed Nataraj statue- made of bronze. I wanted to worship the shiva image as its Shravan month. Shiva is my ishta deva and I chant the rudram and offer my humble prayers to him. Since this idol has been installed on my pedestal- I have had strange incedences in my personal life. There was a turmoil in my mind..a strange restlessness.. this affected my communication and personal skills. I had verbal altercations with my closest friends for some inane reasons ..and then i had misunderstandings happening in my work place...my solutions were interpreted incorrectly and people thought that i wasnt keen in working on the project and in due time I was laid off from the project.


My parents in india consulted an astrologer who said that its because of the idol - these problems started occuring and suggested that i no longer worship or do any sort of puja to the idol.


could anyone of you bhakta's solve or help me understand this situation?


Should I chant the rudram at all ? if yes..then please tell me the correct way so that i chant without offending the lord.


or should I just give up all my chantings and japa of gayatri?


Please advise. I humbly beseech you to advice me...any words any suggestions/ critiques comments are welcome..I am at my wits end and shocked as to why such a thing would happen


As Ever in service




first of all you shouldnt stop worshiping lord nataraja,dont study that man but first all when you bought the murti in your house you are suppose to bath it with milk,dahi,honey,rose and ghee you cant just bring him in just like that you have to do the bathing ceremony,

how can someone tell you to stop praying to lord shiva thats crazy :mad2:

let me tell you somting it maybe be for the better god may be seeking your interest by doing that first up let me tell you a story

a guy has old car and i wanted a new one so he pray and pray but he didnt get it so what he does he stops praying (like what you want to do).but you know why god didnt give him the new car because god knew if he got that car he would be careless an evenually crash the car and get himself into a coma so by god not giving him the car he saved his life.


hope you got the moral of the story.

an again whaT if you bought the murti on a bad day it have specfic times to bring murti's in your house you know.


sita ram

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I am a worshipper of shiva myself... there are forms of shiva which can be worshipped for various reasons... the nataraja idol is generally worshipped by dancers only as this is the representation of the ultimate in dance "the TANDAVA"... but for those not involved in dance as a profession worshipping of the nataraja is not adviced... because every shiva worshipper is aware that shiva dances the tandava when he is angry and in order to destroy everythign.

when a common man prays to this most destructive aspect of shiva the vibrations of the destructive aspect are bound to influence the worshipper and his life... especially if he is praying with full dedication.

it is adviced that a common man desiring peace and calmnesss should pray to the yogiraj form of shiva where shiva sits with his eyes closed in deep meditation.


so go ahead and worship shiva the way u like to only take a calm aspect of him if u wish calmness in your personal life. if u want happy companionship and family life then u should worship the joint idol of shiva-parvati

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  • 2 weeks later...

without getting into the science of it understand that you are doing rudram..which has some verses calling for the destruction of your enemies .....while making such a request to the istha it is important to follow rules and regulations ...also there are some confidential instructions which can be obtained only from a guru in order to do such practices.......depending on the method these verses are directed to 2 kinds of enemies ...internal and external.....what you r doing(not intentionally but it is implied due to your chosen method) is directing these verses to your external enemies ...which requires you to follow proper procedure.......simply a bhakti bhava will not do while making such violent request to your istha.........when such a request is made without the use of proper procedure ....it can often give negative results and can also do harm.........from what i know the problem cant be solved even if you switch to a calmer form of shiva as long as you continue to do rudram ..........its not a matter of bhakti ......hinduism is ritualistic because there is a science involved .....bhakti doesnt require eloborate rituals .......and rudram is part of veda which calls for eloborate rituals.................as far as gayatri is concerned (i am presuming you mean savitur gayatri) you can do it without any problems .........for rudram ..it is better to learn from a guru or a pundit ...

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