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About Sridhar Maharaj and Gaudiya Math

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Hare Krsna


all glories to Srila Prabhupada!


dears devotees


I would like to know if Sridhar Maharaj or others prabhupada's god brothers have said something about what happened in the gaudiya math post passing of his guru, please if you could, try to show proofs or quote the books please.


Please I don't want discuss what happened, just know what they have said


many thanks


Hare Krsna



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That were things said, but I don't think that the publishers of the books of Sridhar Maharaja really included much if anything in the books.

Most of what was said is probably not even on tape but was discussed privately between Sridhar Maharaja and some individuals.


I have heard second hand accounts of things that Sridhar Maharaja and things that his insider disciples have related regarding the issues.


Some of the things that float around ISKCON about the history of the Gaudiya Matha seem to be exaggerated or outright misconceptions compared to the way the history gets related by various camps of the Gaudiya Matha offshoots.


One thing I do remember is that the claim that Sridhar Maharaja supported Ananta Vasudeva as the successor acharya of Gaudiya Matha is not really verified by other camps.


Sridhar Maharaja actually tried to stay out of things as much as he could, but he was more or less dragged into taking a position of some sort.


He didn't really support Ananta Vasudeva as successor acharya of Gaudiya Matha, but he just went along with what the leading men wanted to do and supported their decision though it was not really his own idea or preference.


There probably is some little bit in print about these things, but not that much that I know of.


One thing for sure, as far as I am concerned, is that Srila Prabhupada exaggerated the complicity of Sridhar Maharaja in these nefarious actions for the purpose of keeping his flock from disturbing Sridhar Maharaja and for the overall plan to keep his disciples away from the Gaudiya Matha types.


Otherwise, Srila Sridhara Maharaja was Srila Prabhuapada's dearest friend amongst his Godbrothers as they lived next door to each other for years when Sridhar Maharaja rented a room over the home of Srila Prabhupada and they were very close associates for years.

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That is your opinion and I would not try to change your mind. But the subject is Krsna therefore there is no limit to what can be said or the angles from which He may be seen and described.


From just reading the small books containing some of his talks I gain inspiration whenever I pick them up. You may not and that is between you and Krsna as to how He may choose to reveal Himself to you.


Your avatar of the fish out of water and barely having contact with the ocean is really a wonderful metaphor for our present position and no doubt why you chose it.


Can one beached fish righyfully tell another that what little contact he is having with the ocean is the only way any other fish can contact the same ocean? Hardly! The ocean is unlimited and will ungulf and provide a home for each fish in a way relative to that fish alone. This is the Absolute Realitivity of monotheism and a personal relationship with God.


It is true that there is more than enough realization in Srila Prabhupada's books and tapes to last me many lifetimes and more. But one of those realizations that I have gotten from reading Srila Prabhupada's books is one of spiritual freedom to taste Krsna consciousness from any angle that attracts me.


And one of those angles that I would like to taste from would be the talks of BR Sridhar Maharaja if they were available to me. But alas, his disciples for whatever reason are hoarding those talks and I may never have a chance to hear them.

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And one of those angles that I would like to taste from would be the talks of BR Sridhar Maharaja if they were available to me. But alas, his disciples for whatever reason are hoarding those talks and I may never have a chance to hear them.


This is just a small fraction of what exists, but it's a good start:




There are over 70 items there (and there is a link to download all of them on the page (though, as I mentioned on another thread "Download-them-All" is a very useful Firefox extension).

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