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Yoga Meditation

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I heard on New Dwarka Radio that attraction to Yogic practices such as meditation are put away after learning about Bhakti. Does this mean Yogic Meditation is og no use? Because I have found it very benificial in my life.


Yes. All other forms are put away.


That is why all the devotees no longer read or comment on the philosophy of the vedas. Right? :)


I have asked a similar question but also did not get a response.


If Bhakti is best, then why is Gaudya math having so many books of advanced PhD topics?


Why do iskcon devotees criticize other religious beliefs as being simplistic and having no philosophy?


Why do these devotees always say that BG to SB to CC is like college then PhD then advanced PhD and other religions or philosophies are simple.


I thought simplicity is the point Bhakti.

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It's about sincerity. It's about falling in love. The methods of the Gita help us get free from the drama of the senses. Then we can just BE, and when we get real like that we naturally fall in love with Krsna. Just let Him take control, then He'll choose the methods and magic best suited to lead you home. It's really not complicated. Of course, if we need exotic and complicated, He can satisfy that need too. Whatever it takes, somehow or other, try to remember Krsna. That's the well-known secret.

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