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Sense Gratification?

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Yes. Perfect sense gratification. Govinda means He who gives pleasure to the senses. Go means senses. We are individual souls which means we have our own individual sensual perceptive ability. The perfection of which is to perceive Govinda. Krsna, or Govinda, is the resevoir of all spiritual pleasure, or Rama. So when we directly perceive Rama we naturaly are joined(yoga) with Him in consciousness and ananda or bliss is the result. This extreme happiness of ours, the tiny souls, makes Krsna even that much more blissful for His pleasure is in the pleasure of His devotees, servants, children.


So everyone is a pleasure seeker for it is the natural state of the soul. The mistake is in seeking pleasure outside of Krsna consciousness and the perfection is taking pleasure in Krsna consciousness.


Eventually the devotee becomes so satisfied that he no longer seeks his own pleasure, material or even spiritual, he only seeks to please Krsna, he then is the pure devotee.


We can't imitate that level. We try to renounce material pleasure and take pleasure in Krsna consciousness. Arjuna when praying to Krsna called Him the all pervading beauty. We need that appreciation. So just treasure the ability to have joy from sense awareness of Krsna and don't let your mind steal that from you by overthinking about it.

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It is all about pleasure. As we agre, our pleasure becomes more esoteric, meaning inwardly displayed. Our senses have been stripped, as brother bob sang, yet the desire for pleasure does not leave us, ever.


In this world, we enjoy pleasure independently. Up to the pleasure of death, and even beyond that. Bhakti yoga IS a yoga because it tapps inherant desire for pleasure and redirects, refocuses, and then the pleasure begins. Like seeing an awesome sunset over the glacier, having internal thoughts of doing a simultaneous Irish jig (or hare krsna shuffle, both inherant to the self), and hearing Krsna tell us this is but a spark of His splendor. Of hearing a song unrelated to religion, per se, yet having profound religious experiance, including the incessant tears that come with such santaria voodoo trancin. (No obeyah business, just flowery speech).


Anyway, back to the dead, they need me.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa, the grave digger.

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It is all about pleasure. As we agre, our pleasure becomes more esoteric, meaning inwardly displayed. Our senses have been stripped, as brother bob sang, yet the desire for pleasure does not leave us, ever.


In this world, we enjoy pleasure independently. Up to the pleasure of death, and even beyond that. Bhakti yoga IS a yoga because it tapps inherant desire for pleasure and redirects, refocuses, and then the pleasure begins. Like seeing an awesome sunset over the glacier, having internal thoughts of doing a simultaneous Irish jig (or hare krsna shuffle, both inherant to the self), and hearing Krsna tell us this is but a spark of His splendor. Of hearing a song unrelated to religion, per se, yet having profound religious experiance, including the incessant tears that come with such santaria voodoo trancin. (No obeyah business, just flowery speech).


Anyway, back to the dead, they need me.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa, the grave digger.



Gotta admit it would be cool to work at a graveyard.

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the whole material world is a graveyard.

we all work in the graveyard.

there are even zombies walking around the graveyard.


when you realize the whole world is a graveyard, then you will understand.


I was refering more to the fact that a graveyard seems like it would be peaceful and a solitary place to work if you are forced to have an occupational duty. Those are the kinds of jobs I prefer. Sometimes you find a job where your fellow zombies make the working environment almost intolerable for a gentleman. I realize I am not on your high level of realization but believe it or not i have read enough of the Vedic literature to realize the material world is a graveyard but thanks for the high realizations you shared with me. :)

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Sometimes you can work with fellow co-worker zombies and they are really mouthy, intolerable aholes for zombies.. :)


I have worked with many people in the last 25 years and I have never met a "mouthy a-hole zombie".


Maybe that is because I don't condescend upon people, preach down to them or cram my religion down their throat.


I just do my job, respect others and I have always had good relations with all my co-workers some of which were deacons in the Christian church.


In fact I have had two good friends at work that were deacons in a church.


But, we always got along because I never talked down to them or presumed myself to be better than them.

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I have worked with many people in the last 25 years and I have never met a "mouthy a-hole zombie".


Maybe that is because I don't condescend upon people, preach down to them or cram my religion down their throat.


I just do my job, respect others and I have always had good relations with all my co-workers some of which were deacons in the Christian church.


In fact I have had two good friends at work that were deacons in a church.


But, we always got along because I never talked down to them or presumed myself to be better than them.


I can only hope to one day become as advanced and munificent as you. Thanks for sharing your seemingly endless supply of wisdom even with someone as lowly and unworthy as myself.

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The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.



Unless one is transcendentally situated, it is not possible to cease from sense enjoyment. The process of restriction from sense enjoyment by rules and regulations is something like restricting a diseased person from certain types of eatables. The patient, however, neither likes such restrictions nor loses his taste for eatables. Similarly, sense restriction by some spiritual process like ashtanga-yoga, in the matter of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, etc., is recommended for less intelligent persons who have no better knowledge. But one who has tasted the beauty of the Supreme Lord Krishna, in the course of his advancement in Krishna consciousness, no longer has a taste for dead, material things. Therefore, restrictions are there for the less intelligent neophytes in the spiritual advancement of life, but such restrictions are only good until one actually has a taste for Krishna consciousness. When one is actually Krishna conscious, he automatically loses his taste for pale things.

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And the most peaceful job Ive ever had, despite the hard labor of groundskeeping. As far as the dead go, these folks are all wonderful, only a couple are trouble. Of the 350+ buried in this national historic site, an actual branch of Arlington National Cemetary, more than half of them are very little children, at least 50 succumbing to the Spanish Lady, the flu of 1918.


The day before memorial day, the biggest day of the year, I placed flags at each site of interrment. I stated their names, in the case of servgicemen, I thanked them for their service, and me and cady, my eight year old, we chanted to each one. On memorial day itself, we did the same at the ceremony. A friend who lives just down the street plaqys bagpipes, and his soulful drones can be nicely heard daily wafting thru the forest. I have other deer friends who visit my comerades daily, and I do mean deer. The crows are my friends, because they show me where the bugs are, and fortunately, they are just earthworms.


We are all dead, some of us are still flopping on the wharf. Like the big Indian in Dead Man, he asks Johnny Depp, "Did you kill the man who killed you?" But I like my job, I can see why the mystics finde them so good for meditative operations. And the pay is awesome as well, and the recognition is right up there with successfully riding a big one for those watching on the rocks. Ill post my award ceremony when the U.S. Army gets around to it.


I clean toilets for a living, too. This is a great job. Talk about the babes loving a person, I have never had such appreciative affection from the babes. All glories to toilets. Toilets and tombstones, this sounds like a good name for my band. Beats the heck out of building Trident Missiles, my job of the last century.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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And the most peaceful job Ive ever had, despite the hard labor of groundskeeping. As far as the dead go, these folks are all wonderful, only a couple are trouble. Of the 350+ buried in this national historic site, an actual branch of Arlington National Cemetary, more than half of them are very little children, at least 50 succumbing to the Spanish Lady, the flu of 1918.


The day before memorial day, the biggest day of the year, I placed flags at each site of interrment. I stated their names, in the case of servgicemen, I thanked them for their service, and me and cady, my eight year old, we chanted to each one. On memorial day itself, we did the same at the ceremony. A friend who lives just down the street plaqys bagpipes, and his soulful drones can be nicely heard daily wafting thru the forest. I have other deer friends who visit my comerades daily, and I do mean deer. The crows are my friends, because they show me where the bugs are, and fortunately, they are just earthworms.


We are all dead, some of us are still flopping on the wharf. Like the big Indian in Dead Man, he asks Johnny Depp, "Did you kill the man who killed you?" But I like my job, I can see why the mystics finde them so good for meditative operations. And the pay is awesome as well, and the recognition is right up there with successfully riding a big one for those watching on the rocks. Ill post my award ceremony when the U.S. Army gets around to it.


I clean toilets for a living, too. This is a great job. Talk about the babes loving a person, I have never had such appreciative affection from the babes. All glories to toilets. Toilets and tombstones, this sounds like a good name for my band. Beats the heck out of building Trident Missiles, my job of the last century.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa



I have cleaned toilets and bathrooms before. I found that work to be somewhat enjoyable because it is humbling. I had no trouble thinking of myself as the lowest of the low and lower than straw in the street when doing such work.

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Gratification is not the key word, because only fools deny themselves happiness. The key word is "sense". Which sense is being gratified? If one is gratifying their real senses, then there is only congratulation from the spiritual authorities. Tasting good prasadam is required, never to be given up. People brag about such sensual enjoyment, it is called preaching. Working hard in karma yoga is a spiritual practice, enjoying sex according to religious principles is enjoyment of Krsna. Making lots of money and becoming seriously rich is never given up by a devotee because he is using the facility that God has given him in god's service.


So, sense gratification is a phrase that must be scrutinizingly understood. It has not been so, as we see a great influx of false renunciation by those who at the beginning misunderstand what is meant. False renunciation is a detriment to spiritual life. We are taught to USE facility given us, not throw it away needlessly.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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How can a couple of dead give trouble? You mean like ghosts?



As far as the dead go, these folks are all wonderful, only a couple are trouble.
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Soooo.. I'm confused. It is sense gratification?


When we are engaging our senses in service to the Lord, it is not mundane sense gratification, it is "sense engagement".


As the senior Vaishnavas point out, it is not for any mortal to declare whether your mood is one of devotion or selfish, mundane sense-enjoyment.


Rather, it is a question of whether the Lord has accepted your offering as service.

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Soooo.. I'm confused. It is sense gratification?

Just see how the mind tries to rob one of spiritual joy. Tirisilex feels some joy in Krsna consciousness and immediately the mind pops in and makes him question it & feel guilty about it.


Don't listen to your mind's attempt to confuse you Tirisilex. Listen to this verse instead.



This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. Gita 9.2

KISS - Keep It Simple Sadhaka


Chant Hare Krsna and be happy. :)

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Bhagavad-gita 10.41:


yad yad vibhUtimat sattvaM

zrImad Urjitam eva vA

tat tad evAvagaccha tvaM

mama tejo-'Mza-sambhavam


yat yat--whatever; vibhUti--opulences; mat--having; sattvam--existence; zrI-mat--beautiful; Urjitam--glorious; eva--certainly; vA--or; tat tat--all those; eva--certainly; avagaccha--must know; tvam--you; mama--My; tejaH--of the splendor; aMza--a part; sambhavam--born of.

Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor.


Any glorious or beautiful existence should be understood to be but a fragmental manifestation of KRSNa's opulence, whether it be in the spiritual or material world. Anything extraordinarily opulent should be considered to represent KRSNa's opulence.



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icon1.gifSri Bhagavan Uvaca:

<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

Bhagavad-gita 10.41:


yad yad vibhUtimat sattvaM

zrImad Urjitam eva vA

tat tad evAvagaccha tvaM

mama tejo-'Mza-sambhavam


yat yat--whatever; vibhUti--opulences; mat--having; sattvam--existence; zrI-mat--beautiful; Urjitam--glorious; eva--certainly; vA--or; tat tat--all those; eva--certainly; avagaccha--must know; tvam--you; mama--My; tejaH--of the splendor; aMza--a part; sambhavam--born of.


Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor.



Any glorious or beautiful existence should be understood to be but a fragmental manifestation of
s opulence, whether it be in the spiritual or material world. Anything extraordinarily opulent should be considered to represent
's opulence.




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