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Michelangelo's Love in Separation

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According to the Bible, Judas had to point out Jesus to the Romans because they couldn't tell him apart from the other Jews.


If Jesus was black, then why would Judas need to point out Jesus to the Romans?

If Jesus was black it would have been quite easy to pick him out of a group of Jews.

The Bible says that Jesus didn't have any unique features that made him stand out from his disciples.

He looked just like any simple Jewish working class man.


If Jesus was a black man in a group of Jews, then he would have stuck out like a sore thumb.

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The apostle Paul (see On The Road To Damascus) actually saw Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 9:1). Paul, a trustworthy man who wrote a large part of the New Testament, knew exactly what The Lord looked like. In 1 Corinthians 11:14, Paul wrote, "if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him." It's quite unthinkable that Paul would have made such a statement if Jesus Christ had long hair. How could anything about The Lord be called disgraceful?



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  • There was nothing unusual about His appearance Throughout the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, people made no mention of something different about how He looked. If anything, people wondered how such an ordinary-looking man could be The Savior. John The Baptist would not have known that his cousin was The Savior (their mothers, Mary and Elizabeth were related) unless an angel had told him just before Jesus' baptism at age 30 (John 1:33). The mob that came to arrest Him The Fateful Night could not tell Him apart from Peter or John or any of the others - Judas Iscariot had to actually point Him out (Matthew 26:47-49) (see Why Did He Do It?), and even then Jesus had to identify Himself, twice, to those who demanded Him by Name as He stood right in front of them in the bright light of their torches (John 18:3-9).

  • He had a natural, rugged appearance The Lord did hard outside physical labor, with Joseph in Nazareth, until He was about 30 years old. Back then, the building trade involved very strenuous physical labor with heavy stone and lumber, without any sort of power tools or mechanical digging equipment that are in use today. Unlike many religious pictures that portray Jesus as a pale, skinny, effeminate man with long hair and wearing a flowing white or pink robe (all of which may well be far closer to what Satan looks like), Christ could have looked nothing like that. His appearance would definitely have been that of a tanned, muscular, physically-fit young man dressed in durable and practical clothing - which made Him indistinguishable from the "blue-collar" Fishermen who were with Him when He was arrested. The prophet Isaiah confirms His ordinary appearance -
    "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions [see How Did Jesus Christ Die?], He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:2-5)




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So, Krishna did not protect his "shaktyavesha avatar"?


Jesus was crucified by Earthings and there was nothing God could do to stop that?


If Jesus was shaktyavesha, then his getting killed on the cross was his lila.

Why should anyone cry if Jesus was performing his lila of getting crucifed on the cross?


If Jesus had not been crucified on the cross then the blood of the lamb could not have been the salvation for all of mankind right?


Without the crucifiction, then there would be no salvation for man?

So, the crucifiction is good no?


Jesus died on the cross to accept all the sins of mankind so we could all go to heaven and enjoy our senses right?


I read a quote from Prabhupada where Prabhupada asks people not to kill him like they did Jesus and I have read where Prabhupada compares Jesus to Prahlada Maharaja and Haridasa so best I can tell Prabhupada doesn't share your objections to Jesus.


Prabhupäda: He is coming from spiritual planets. He is authorized representative of Kåñëa, we accept him as çaktyäveça-avatära. So I was invited in some priestly meeting in Melbourne, they asked me the question, “What is your opinion of Christ?” So I said “He’s our guru.” (laughter) Actually, we accept him as our guru. He’s preaching God’s message; he’s Vaiñëava. Anyone who accepts God, he’s Vaiñëava. He was explaining kingdom of God, God. So according to time, circumstances, audience... Now we can just imagine what kind of people he had to deal with, that his commandment is “Thou shall not kill.” Then understand how much they were accustomed to killing. So what kind of men they were? And not only that, in spite of hearing his instruction “Thou shall not kill,” they killed him first. So what kind of men they were, just imagine. He said, “Thou shall not kill,” and they decided, “We shall kill you first.” So this class of men he had to deal with.

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I read a quote from Prabhupada where Prabhupada asks people not to kill him like they did Jesus and I have read where Prabhupada compares Jesus to Prahlada Maharaja and Haridasa so best I can tell Prabhupada doesn't share your objections to Jesus.


Prabhupäda: He is coming from spiritual planets. He is authorized representative of Kåñëa, we accept him as çaktyäveça-avatära. So I was invited in some priestly meeting in Melbourne, they asked me the question, “What is your opinion of Christ?” So I said “He’s our guru.” (laughter) Actually, we accept him as our guru. He’s preaching God’s message; he’s Vaiñëava. Anyone who accepts God, he’s Vaiñëava. He was explaining kingdom of God, God. So according to time, circumstances, audience... Now we can just imagine what kind of people he had to deal with, that his commandment is “Thou shall not kill.” Then understand how much they were accustomed to killing. So what kind of men they were? And not only that, in spite of hearing his instruction “Thou shall not kill,” they killed him first. So what kind of men they were, just imagine. He said, “Thou shall not kill,” and they decided, “We shall kill you first.” So this class of men he had to deal with.

Thanks, AncientMariner, well yes, Prabhupada's vision of non-sectarian spirituality and his striving ambition to establish genuine symptoms of love to God as only guilty criteria for what is religion - to all this we have to say good-bye when we dont want to get into severe conflict with the present establishment of bureaucratic Vaishnava leaders whose upbringing and cultural background is as such to consider Jesus not even as human being.

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