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Haribol, thanx for asking. Where Hari Resides, the home of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not a word defining a particle or defined by expansion of the particle. Haridhama is neither matter nor anti-matter. Transcendental actually means, (when we speak of transcendental abode, hari dhama), not involved at all in such scientific definitions.


YES AND NO is the answer. Haridhama is fully manifest in all the dhamas, there is no dhama that exists without full maintenence by Lord Narayana, Lord Vishnu. There is no void, no emptiness, anywhere. The sadhana bhakti emphasized this fact in the practical deity worship, where Lord Hari invests his entire realm (dhama) in a seemingly material object, stone, painting, writing. As one matures in the sadhana bhakti process, and develops a more spontaneous vision of transcendence, the abode of Sri Hari is understood in service to Hari alone, Hearing His Name, singing His name, remembering, becoming intimate friend (or deveolping other rasa) of Hari. Nine processes in all as described by the Goswamis of Vrndavana, and all are performed in the abode of Sri Hari, even if one is on a sinking ship in the middle of an ocean of poison. Especially iif one is on a sinking ship in the middle of an ocean of poison.


So, matter is not necessarially (phyisics speaking) absent from Hari's abode. He is not prohibited in any way. To answer your question, one cannot count the other dhamas. Each jiva has his/her own. Larger dhamas are compriosed of smaller ones, just as cities have even named neighborhoods, subdivisions, etc. Haridhama includes them all, some foolishly pretend that Hari is not part of theirs, and this is the age-old problem of frorgetfulness of swarupa siddhi.


Hare Krsna, now maybe someone will give you a straight answer:) . Good topic, ys, mahaksadasa

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I was reading in that website too, but i found some different explanation elsewhere- and i would like to know this better.



HARI-DHAMA This is my home, the transcendental world of sac-cid-ananda nature (eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss), abode of the Supreme Lord in His unlimited eternal forms. Its five divisions are called Goloka Vrindavana, Navadvipa, Mathura, Dvaraka, Ayodhya, Vaikuntha (also used as the general name of Hari-dhama).


Look at this picture, for example:


..for example-->where is Ayodhya in this picture?

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Also in that website it is mentioned that there are three dhamas.


Hari-dhama (vaikuntha?)




with Hari-dhama as spiritual (antimaterial) world, and Devi-dhama as material world.


Third dhama is Mahesa-dhama, which is between spiritual and material world.


Is this correct?

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Also in that website it is mentioned that there are three dhamas.


Hari-dhama (vaikuntha?)




with Hari-dhama as spiritual (antimaterial) world, and Devi-dhama as material world.


Third dhama is Mahesa-dhama, which is between spiritual and material world.


Is this correct?

yes, there are others as well but these might be the most important. As for other questions, they might not show ayodhya because it is the kingdom of lord ram while the other 4 are kingdoms of lord krishna. and because almost all sites focus on lord krishna, only description of his kingdom is given. Despite the fact that chaitanya mahaprabhu and lord ram are lord krishna himself, they will now show navadvipa or ayodhya as they do not have anything to do with krishna himself( in his original form).

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Is this the whole list?



1. Goloka Vrindavana

2. Navadvipa

3. Mathura

4. Dvaraka

5. Ayodhya

6. Vaikuntha





1. Satya-loka

2. Tapa-loka

3. Jana-loka

4. Mahar-loka

5. Svar-loka

6. Bhuvar-loka

7. Bhur-loka

8. Atala-loka

9. Vitala-loka

10. Sutala-loka

11. Talatala-loka

12. Mahatala-loka

13. Rasatala-loka

14. Patala-loka


*Hari-dhama is anti-material world;

Devi-dhama is material world;

Mahesa-dhama is between them.


Is this correct?

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Is this the whole list?



1. Goloka Vrindavana

2. Navadvipa

3. Mathura

4. Dvaraka

5. Ayodhya

6. Vaikuntha





1. Satya-loka

2. Tapa-loka

3. Jana-loka

4. Mahar-loka

5. Svar-loka

6. Bhuvar-loka

7. Bhur-loka

8. Atala-loka

9. Vitala-loka

10. Sutala-loka

11. Talatala-loka

12. Mahatala-loka

13. Rasatala-loka

14. Patala-loka


*Hari-dhama is anti-material world;

Devi-dhama is material world;

Mahesa-dhama is between them.


Is this correct?


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Is this the whole list?



1. Goloka Vrindavana

2. Navadvipa

3. Mathura

4. Dvaraka

5. Ayodhya

6. Vaikuntha





1. Satya-loka

2. Tapa-loka

3. Jana-loka

4. Mahar-loka

5. Svar-loka

6. Bhuvar-loka

7. Bhur-loka

8. Atala-loka

9. Vitala-loka

10. Sutala-loka

11. Talatala-loka

12. Mahatala-loka

13. Rasatala-loka

14. Patala-loka


*Hari-dhama is anti-material world;

Devi-dhama is material world;

Mahesa-dhama is between them.


Is this correct?


But there are different explanations, like that one:




DEVI DHAMA Devi dhama is the abode of Durga devi, the personification of material nature and the wife of Lord Shiva. Her abode is the material universe, which is divided into three regions of upper, middle and lower, planets. It can also be divided into fourteen planetary systems, seven below the earth and six above it. It is here that the various incarnations of the Lord and His eternal servitors take place, which are meant to liberate the fallen conditioned souls from their bondage to material nature.


MAHESH DHAMA The next highest dhama is Mahesh dhama, the eternal abode of Lord Sada-Shiva. This abode lies between the material and spiritual worlds and above the Causal Ocean, where Maha-Vishnu, the first purusa-avatar of the Lord and the cause of material creation, resides. In Mahesh dhama, Lord Shiva and his eternal wife, Goddess Parvati, live under a huge banyan tree surrounded by their eternal associates, who are exalted saints and sages. Here Lord Shiva the greatest Vaisnava, eternally serves Lord Sankarasana, an expansion of Lord Balarama the brother of Lord Krsna.


AYODHYA DHAMA Ayodhya dhama is the eternal abode of Lord Ramachandra; and where He, His brothers, Laksmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna; His consort Sita; and His eternal devotees like Hanuman and others are worshipped in awe and reverence. Here the Lords Ramayana pastimes are displayed.


HARI DHAMA Hari dhama, the eternal abode of Hari, which is also called Vaikuntha, the place where there are no anxieties. Here the four armed Narayana form resides with His eternal consort Laksmiji. They are surrounded by their eternal servitors who constantly fan their Lord, offer Him prayers, and render Him service throughout the day.


GOLOKA DHAMA Goloka dhama,the largest planet in the spiritual sky, is where the devotes who are related to the Lord as friends, parents, or conjugal lovers eternally serve Him. Goloka has three distinct divisions: Vrindavana where Krsna is worshipped in His original form as a cowherd boy, Dwaraka, where Krsna is worshipped as the King of His citizens and the Lord of His 16,108 wives, and Navadvipa, where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is worshipped by His male associates, who are constantly chanting the holy names of the Lord. (Text COM:2158765) --------

This one is the same from lower "dhamas"... but it is a different explanation of "higher dhamas"- one's above MAHESH DHAMA.

What is correct?

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Hari Dhaama is a dhaama of goloka, mathura, dwarika, navadvipa, and ayodhya, and vaikuntha. the dhamas are collectively named hari dhaama since krishna is the original hari from everyone else such as rama, chaitanya mahaprabhu incarnate.

The reason (in your explanation), goloka (krishna), hari (in this case vishnu) and ayodhya (rama) are seperarted is because these are the 3 main dhamas among haari dhama. In goloka, krishna eternally resides, in vaikuntha (in you caase hari dhama)-4 armed form of lord vishnu resides, and in ayodhya-lord rama eternally resides. Dvarika, navadvipa, and mathura are not mentioned is because 1) the lord himself does not incarnate to rid the earth of evil and 2) these are not krishna's homes, but the places he lived after he left his home. None the less, all dhamas are very important and contain a form of the supreme.

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Jai Shri Krishna.


I have 2 questions regarding this philisophy of the multidimensional/planetary hari-dham (spiritual world)


1) With exception to Gaudiya and Pushtimarg works (Chaitanya charitamrita etc), where in the authorative scritptures (ie. Shruti, Statvika puranas, Ithihasas and Vaishnava Agamas) is it exaplained that Vaikuntha loka/hari dham is divided into Goloka, Ayodhya, Vaikuntha?


2) Also if a jiva (living entity) atains liberation in haridham, can they move about freely from all the different planets in Haridham? ie. go from Golok to Ayodhya by will?

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Jai Shri Krishna.


I have 2 questions regarding this philisophy of the multidimensional/planetary hari-dham (spiritual world)


1) With exception to Gaudiya and Pushtimarg works (Chaitanya charitamrita etc), where in the authorative scritptures (ie. Shruti, Statvika puranas, Ithihasas and Vaishnava Agamas) is it exaplained that Vaikuntha loka/hari dham is divided into Goloka, Ayodhya, Vaikuntha?


2) Also if a jiva (living entity) atains liberation in haridham, can they move about freely from all the different planets in Haridham? ie. go from Golok to Ayodhya by will?

In bhagavatam purana, it is stated that whenever the supreme incarnated, he brings his original home to earth just as he did in rama avatar, krishna avatar, and chaitanya mahaprabhu avatar. All this is explained in the bhagavat purana. for 2nd question, whoever you worship, that is where you would go to. If you dearly worship krishna, you go to goloka. Vishnu-Vaikuntha, and rama-ayodhya. They all provide unlimited enjoyment, pastimes, and service to the supreme. they are not really different because rama, vishnu, and krishna are all one. But krishna is the original personality of godhead and his plant goloka is the biggest planet shaped like a lotus. I do not know the simple yes/no response as probably nothing has been said about your question.
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