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The cause of Gravitation?

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Ananta Sesa

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What is the scientific explanation; who is causing the gravitational pull?


Srila Prabhupada said it´s actually Ananta Sesa who is causing the gravitation!


Most scientists believe gravitation is a natural property of all matter. Some say that property is caused by the mass and/or energy bending space and time to pull other matter towards it (as in Einstein's theory of relativity).


Of course it is Ananta Sesa who maintains all celestial bodies suspended in their world's space. What is interesting, however, is HOW is it done.


It all relates to the Vedic concept of space. All material worlds (bhur, bhuvah, svah) are suspended in the terrifying abyss of the abhvam - that is the real space of the Brahmanda, our Universe. What we see at night from Earth is only a small fraction of the Universe, strictly a part of the earthly world, from which you cant even see the higher (or lower) worlds - all we see is the reflection of such worlds into our time and space continuum.


The force of gravity is there to ensure the sepatation of these three worlds - Ananta Sesa controls both space and time, holding all worlds and their planets suspended in the multitude of time and space continuums.


The Universe is far, far more complex than most devotees (and materialists) think.

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What we see at night from Earth is only a small fraction of the Universe, strictly a part of the earthly world, from which you cant even see the higher (or lower) worlds - all we see is the reflection of such worlds into our time and space continuum.




Are the lower worlds (the 7 Subterranean Heavenly planetary systems) then situated WITHIN the Earth?


In Bhagavatam it´s namely said that the dimensions of the 7 Subterranean worlds fit exactly with the dimensions of the Earth, which is very interesting, to say the least...



Can there then be any truth to the theories regarding openings at the Poles to the Inner Earth?

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Are the lower worlds (the 7 Subterranean Heavenly planetary systems) then situated WITHIN the Earth?


In Bhagavatam it´s namely said that the dimensions of the 7 Subterranean worlds fit exactly with the dimensions of the Earth, which is very interesting, to say the least...



Can there then be any truth to the theories regarding openings at the Poles to the Inner Earth?


No, each one of these worlds has it's own time and space. There are passageways between us and them, but they open very rarely nowadays. Perhaps what Admiral Pearry saw in Antarctica was one of such temporary openings between two worlds. Others saw it too, apparently. Passageways between the Naga world and ours were numerous in India only few hundred years ago, for example.

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There are two forces in nature that we experience every day: gravity and magnetism. You may have magnets on your refrigerator, and you know that a magnet will attract a refrigerator with a certain amount of force. The force depends on the strength of the magnet and the distance between the magnet and the metal. You also know that magnets have two poles -- north and south. Either pole will attract iron or steel equally well, north will attract south, and like poles will repel one another.

Gravity is the other common force. Newton was the first person to study it seriously, and he came up with the law of universal gravitation:


  • Each particle of matter attracts every other particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
The standard formula for gravity is:
<center> Gravitational force = (G * m1 * m2) / (d<sup>2</sup>) </center> where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects for which you are calculating the force, and d is the distance between the centers of gravity of the two masses.
G has the value of 6.67 x 10E-8 dyne * cm<sup>2</sup>/gm<sup>2</sup>. That means that if you put two 1-gram objects 1 centimeter apart from one another, they will attract each other with the force of 6.67 x 10E-8 dyne. A dyne is equal to about 0.001 gram weight, meaning that if you have a dyne of force available, it can lift 0.001 grams in Earth's gravitational field. So 6.67 x 10E-8 dyne is a miniscule force. When you deal with massive bodies like the Earth, however, which has a mass of 6E+24 kilograms (see this Question of the Day), it adds up to a rather powerful force. It is also interesting to think about the fact that every atom attracts every other atom in the universe in some small way!
Einstein later came along and redefined gravity, so there are now two models -- Newtonian and Einsteinian. Einsteinian gravitational theory has features that allow it to predict the motion of light around very massive objects and several other interesting phenomena. According to Encyclopedia Britannica:
  • The general theory of relativity addresses the problem of gravity and that of nonuniform, or accelerated, motion. In one of his famous thought-experiments, Einstein showed that it is not possible to distinguish between an inertial frame of reference in a gravitational field and an accelerated frame of reference. That is, an observer in a closed space capsule who found himself pressing down on his seat could not tell whether he and the capsule were at rest in a gravitational field, or whether he and the capsule were undergoing acceleration. From this principle of equivalence, Einstein moved to a geometric interpretation of gravitation. The presence of mass or concentrated energy causes a local curvature in the space-time continuum. This curvature is such that the inertial paths of bodies are no longer straight lines but some form of curved (orbital) path, and this acceleration is what is called gravitation.

If certain assumptions and simplifications are made, Einstein's equations handle Newtonian gravity as a subset. The question of why atoms attract one another is still not understood. The goal is to combine gravity, electromagnetism and strong and weak nuclear forces into a single unified theory. (Check out this page on quantum gravity string theory.)

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No, each one of these worlds has it's own time and space. There are passageways between us and them, but they open very rarely nowadays. Perhaps what Admiral Pearry saw in Antarctica was one of such temporary openings between two worlds. Others saw it too, apparently. Passageways between the Naga world and ours were numerous in India only few hundred years ago, for example.


So if there is no entrances to the Inner Earth at the Poles, how come then that the Poles are the most militarized zones in the whole world?


If there is nothing to hide? :cool:

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To add on to Guruvani.


The explanation of why gravity occurs between atoms so far is exchange particles. Each of the four forces exchange particles to create attractions, repulsions and in the case of the Weak Nuclear Force convert particles.


There are four forces: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force.


Each force exchanges a partcile to create the attraction/repulsion.


For example like charges repel. When electrons (negatively charged particles) come close they will exchange virtual photons (virtual is just a bad name to use) which repels them. So far the exchange particle (Gauge Boson) has been discovered for every force except Gravity.


Currently the Graviton is expected to be the boson of gravity, however, it has not yet been observed or predicted to appear soon.


However this still leaves many questions. Are the Bosons totally fundemental? or are they made of something even smaller? How can the electrons be aware that they are near each other and should exchange a boson? For this to happen information would have to travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible. Also as shown by quantum physics, particles "know" what other particles are doing in the universe. Its been suggested that the entire universe acts as one big system rather than lots of tiny ones....



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how come then that the Poles are the most militarized zones in the whole world?


What do you mean by that? havent heard of anyting like that before..?


ps: i would say middle east is very problematic area (military)- somekind of crossroad..)

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The explanation of why gravity occurs between atoms so far is exchange particles. Each of the four forces exchange particles to create attractions, repulsions and in the case of the Weak Nuclear Force convert particles.


Currently the Graviton is expected to be the boson of gravity, however, it has not yet been observed or predicted to appear soon.


Yes, as per quantum physics, graviton is considered as exchange particle for gravity though, as you mention, it has not been detected.

However, as per the theory of relativity, gravity is a curvature of space and time and it does not need any exchange particle.

Efforts have been made to combine general theory of relativity and quantum physics. It has been suggested that graviton arises because of the collective effect of tweaking the underlying structure of spacetime in a certain way.



Are the Bosons totally fundemental? or are they made of something even smaller?

Bosons are made up of quarks and anti-quarks.



How can the electrons be aware that they are near each other and should exchange a boson? For this to happen information would have to travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible. Also as shown by quantum physics, particles "know" what other particles are doing in the universe. Its been suggested that the entire universe acts as one big system rather than lots of tiny ones


Non locality and Hiesenberg uncertainty principle will throw some light here. The uncertainty principle allows virtual particles to do many things which other particles cannot. The exchange particles are virtual particles.

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