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Interested in Kali

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Is any one here who's interested in Mother Goddess KALI!?!?!? If so, please rite to me on Private Messages!


No, don't know a thing about this Goddess. Is Kali the same as Candi? I do know that once a month sudra can offer wine/alcohol to her(Candi). Do you know any of the mantras for this?


Hare Krsna,, Caturbahu das Bhakti-raja

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Chandi is not the same as Kali! I dont no any Chandi mantra! But if you will google it you may find something about that!

What form of Kali are you intending to know about?

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kali, the divine mother is the supreme goddess of the tantras.kali is the first of the dasamahavidyas(the 10 forms that devi showed to shiva)as she was considered to be very ugra(terrible) her form was not sculpted in olden days .it was a bengali sadhak,krishnananda aagambagish(contemporary of chaitanya) who first started her worship in images,which has spread all over ever since.bengal is the main seat of kali cult.but contrary to the western belief she is generally veiwed in bengal as the compassionate mother , not bloodthirsty demon.ther are numerous songs written in praise of kali in bengal which contain high spiritual theories explained in simplest of languages.they are called shyamaa sangeet. the form of vamaa kali is meant for aspiring renouncers and not householders.then there is the red raktachamunda and samshan kali with two hands worshipped in crematoriums.there is two aspects of kali sadhana-one group aims at magical powers,siddhis,voodoo,astrology and other occult practises.the other more clean group has nothing to do with occult and aims at pure spiritual progress.vaishnavs veiw her merely as mahamaya,the material energy responsible for illusion(maya),but tantras place her as the highest truth, as being the other name of brahman(who both casts maya and removes it).

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apart from initiating the worship of kali in deities,krishnananda also collected together the extracts of the main tantric texts and composed a masterpiece book called tantra-saar.it has nothing to do with the vaamaachar(worshipping kali with meat,fish,sex etc)part of tantras and deals with the clean spiritual part of the tantras.vaishnav acharya nityananda is said to have met this sadhak couple of times.tantrasaar is a broad scripture containing methods of worship etc to various deities including krishna and gopal.in todays bengal,in the area of shantipur(birth place of advaita acharya) there is a huge kali puja held every year in dipawali day bearing his name.the goddess is called agambagish kali and the puja is belived to have been started by him.

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Want to know about Goddess Mahakali, Tantra-Mantra or Black Magic such as Vashikarna, uchatan, stambhan or Maran etc. For all types of queries, just call the guruji at: +91-9876146495...........Hindi, Punjabi and Rajasthani


Jitender Kumar ..... +91-9815214181....Hindi and English.


Thanks and regards,

Jitender Kumar

for the Guruji

(Mahakali Tantra Mantra Resolution Centre)

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