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Are Sikhs,Buddhists and Jains Hindus?

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Swami Vivekananda says that Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains are Hindus . Check out the 'Complete works of Swami Vivekananda'.

Here are the common points shared by Hinduism and its sects Sikhism , Buddhism and Jainism.

1.All these religions see Om or omkar as a sacred word and is commonly used in the beginning of their mantras or sacred invocations. In Sikhism Om is called as Ik Onkaar .

2.All these religions believe in the existence of the soul and its rebirth in different bodies.

3. The ends or aim of all these religions is the liberation of the soul from the bondage of matter or Moksha. The Hindu Moksha and the Jain Nibbana and the Buddhist Nirvana is one and the same thing.

4.All these religions believe in the law of karma , or the law of cause and effect.

5. Vegetarianism is considered a virtue in all these religions.

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Here are quotes that show the relationship between Hinduism and Sikhism. This establishes the fact that Sikhism is a sect of Hinduism.

Ram katha jug jug atal

Sab koi bhakhat net Suragbas Raghuver kara

Sagri puri samet Jo en Katha sune aur gaave

Dukh pap tah nikat na aave

- Guru Govind Singh

(The story of Ram is immortal and everyone should read it. Ram went to heaven along with the whole city. Whoever listens to or sings His story, will be free of sin and sorrow.)



Kahaiya Hinduan daro na ab tum

Im likho pathon dil sain Guru Nanak ki gadi par

Ab hain Tegh Bahadur Unko jo Muhummadi kar lihoon

To ham hain sab sadar Arya Dharma rakhak pragatiyo hain

- Guru Tegh Bahadur

(Hindus, do not fear, Guru Tegh Bahadur is Guru Nanak's successor. If Muslims bother you, I'll take care of them. For I am the protector of Hinduism.)


Tin te sun Siri Tegh Bahadur

Dharam nibaahan bikhe Bahadur Uttar bhaniyo, dharam hum Hindu

Atipriya ko kin karen nikandu Lok parlok ubhaya sukhani

Aan napahant yahi samani Mat mileen murakh mat loi

Ise tayage pramar soi Hindu dharam rakhe jag mahin

Tumre kare bin se it nahin

- Guru Tegh Bahadur's reply to Aurangzeb's ordering him to embrace Islam.(In response, Shri Tegh Bahadur says, My religion is Hindu and how can I abandon what is so dear to me? This religion helps you in this world and that, and only a fool would abandon it. God himself is the protector of this religion and no one can destroy it.)


Sakal jagat main Khalsa Panth gaje

Jage dharam Hindu sakal bhand bhaje

- Guru Govind Singh

(The Khalsa sect will roar around the world. Hinduism will awaken, its enemies will flee.)

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The object of my posts is to foster Hindu-Buddhist-Jain-Sikh brotherhood and unity , based on the commonality of our religions teachings while at the same time maintaining our distinct identity. I believe that a Hindu should study not only the teachings of Hinduism, but also that of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism as it is his heritage.

Just as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are grouped together as the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism , Jainism and Sikhism are grouped together as the Dharmic faiths.

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While I agree that Hinduism and Sikhism undoubtably share many many similarities in which many Sikhs do not want to adhere to. I have to highly dis agree with the fact that Sikhism is just a sect of Hinduism because there is no such religion called Hinduism. There are many many sects within Hinduism which have many teachings that contradict each other so much that they cannot be seen as the same sect or religion. Hinduism as we know it today is nothing but a product of Brahminization due to their rule. Bound my Brahminism, Hindus are now linked together in an attempt to create Hindu Unity. Which will not last very long due to the many many independance movements in India.

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Hinduism has never been an organized religion like the Abrahamic faiths , but is more of a way of life. And though there are many sects in Hinduism, all of them have fundamental common teachings in the form of reverence to Om or Omkar, belief in the theories of rebirth, karma, and moksha or enlightenment or salvation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Of these all sects agree that moksha or enlightenment is the most important thing and any hindu can choose the way to it through whichever sect he wants. He has complete freedom to do so.

Brahminism too is just a sect of Hinduism. The Brahmins are a minority in India and they should not be seen as the sole representatives of Hinduism.

The success of the Arya Samaj, Iskcon, the Ramakrishna Mission, the Chinmaya Mission, the Sivananda Mission, the Amritanandamayi Mission, the Sai Baba Mission, the Art of Living Foundation, the Kalki Mission and other missions all prove that Hinduism is alive and kicking and expanding all over the world.

As for India, she is fast emerging as a power to be reckoned with, both militarily and economically . The Punjab militancy has died out, and only the Kashmir and Assam and Nagaland militancy remains. And in all these states, the security forces have gained the upper hand in their battles with the militants and these states are in no position whatsoever to secede from India. India is getting stronger by the day, and if we all strain our nerves and work hard , she will soon become a developed nation by 2020 , as predicted by our technocrat president Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

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Hinduism has never been an organized religion like the Abrahamic faiths , but is more of a way of life. And though there are many sects in Hinduism, all of them have fundamental common teachings in the form of reverence to Om or Omkar, belief in the theories of rebirth, karma, and moksha or enlightenment or salvation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Of these all sects agree that moksha or enlightenment is the most important thing and any hindu can choose the way to it through whichever sect he wants. He has complete freedom to do so.

Brahminism too is just a sect of Hinduism. The Brahmins are a minority in India and they should not be seen as the sole representatives of Hinduism.

The success of the Arya Samaj, Iskcon, the Ramakrishna Mission, the Chinmaya Mission, the Sivananda Mission, the Amritanandamayi Mission, the Sai Baba Mission, the Art of Living Foundation, the Kalki Mission and other missions all prove that Hinduism is alive and kicking and expanding all over the world.

As for India, she is fast emerging as a power to be reckoned with, both militarily and economically . The Punjab militancy has died out, and only the Kashmir and Assam and Nagaland militancy remains. And in all these states, the security forces have gained the upper hand in their battles with the militants and these states are in no position whatsoever to secede from India. India is getting stronger by the day, and if we all strain our nerves and work hard , she will soon become a developed nation by 2020 , as predicted by our technocrat president Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.



It doesn't matter; the damage to Hinduism has already been done. The Brahmin classes have diseased Hinduism with their venom and ridiculous caste system and their strong hold on the entire Hindu religion. They even interpolated many scriptures that were written by the Royal classes when they were in power. If you study the Brahmin-Kshatriya relationship and Brahmin jealousy and deceit against the warrior class that has existed during ancient Vedic times you will understand how Brahmins came to power and not only granted many favors to Kshatriyas so they can continue oppressing the masses but did so by directly granting the warrior class favors as long as so they will be a slave to the Brahmin religion -The Vedas. Most of the Upanishads and Vedanta as well as the Gita are directly opposed to the Vedas and Brahmin orthodoxy. Brahmins interpolated scriptures. In addition, people like Adi Shankara only brought more confusion into philosophy by making commentaries on the Gita- rejecting certain aspects while advocating others. Not only that, he was also strongly opposed to the Bhagavatas and his followers directly committed mass murders on Jains and Buddhists and did a good job of uniting all Indian religious concepts available at the time and created a mainstream version of Hinduism with a Brahmin stronghold.



What was the consequence of this?


Besides the fact that Brahmin class that has introduced intense slavery, magic and superstitions to enslave the masses and the biggest apartheid in history in the world, they have lead those who are the most liberal and the new movements like ISKCON and etc… which you mention, to believe that being Brahmin and revering the Vedas is the absolute highest. This is however, far from the truth when one studies and examines Indian religious and social history.

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It is a fact that more than 70 per cent of the ancient Hindu Rishis, or enlightened masters of India, belonged to the lower castes. Valmiki and Vyasa , who wrote the epics Ramayana and Mahabharatha respectively, belonged to the lower castes.

In ancient times , one's caste was determined by one's temperament, talents and inclinations. Caste was not a barrier to the lower caste people, who rose to the level of the upper castes through their talents.

This was the reason why Kshatriyas like the Buddha and Vishwamitra , became Brahmins or men of spiritual nature and why a Brahmin like Parashurama became a Kshatriya.

This is also the reason why shudras or low caste people like Valmiki , Vyasa, Vasishtha, Narada, Drona, Karna ,Thiruvalluvar were raised to the position of a Brahmin or Kshatriya , in virtue or their superior learning or valour.

Much more of this information can be found in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's book "Heritage of the dalits".

Shankaracharya and others , were the great caste-makers. They would sometimes get hordes of Baluchis and at once make them Kshatriyas, and also get hordes of fishermen and make them Brahmins forthwith.

It was with the advent of the foreign invasions in India, that the caste system became rigid, and migration of people to different castes were stopped.

Even then, enlightened masters from the lower castes such as Kabir, Ravi Das, Sri Narayana guru were revered by the upper castes as well.

When India gained independence due to the efforts of Hindus like Gandhi, perfect equality was thrust upon the masses of India , no matter to what caste one belonged to, thus reestablishing and continuing the ancient tradition of India.

Even the constitution of independent India , was created by a Dalit called B.R.Ambedkar.

It will take some time for the deadweight of tradition of the rigid caste system to be removed from India. But as enlightened Hinduism and Buddhism, as preached by Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and others are reaching the masses, slowly these shackles are being dissolved .


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In the manu smriti , when it comes to stance of hereditary caste system, the verse below is believed to sanction support for vocational non-hereditary caste system.

"As the son of Shudra can attain the rank of a Brahmin, the son of Brahmin can attain rank of a shudra. Even so with him who is born of a Vaishya or a Kshatriya" (X: 65)

Paramahansa Yogananda also opposed what he called to the un-Vedic caste system as we know it today. He taught that the caste system originated in a higher age, but became degraded through ignorance and self-interest. Yogananda said:

"These were (originally) symbolic designations of the stages of spiritual refinement. They were not intended as social categories. And they were not intended to be hereditary. Things changed as the yugas [cycles of time] descended toward mental darkness. People in the higher castes wanted to make sure their children were accepted as members of their own caste. Thus, ego-identification caused them to freeze the ancient classifications into what is called the ‘caste system.’ Such was not the original intention. In obvious fact, however, the offspring of a brahmin may be a sudra by nature. And a peasant, sometimes, is a real saint.”"

—from Conversations with Yogananda, Crystal Clarity Publishers, 2003.


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Vedas, the proud possession of mankind, are the foundation of Hinduism. Vedas are all-embracing, and treat the entire humanity with the same respect and dignity. Vedas speak of nobility of entire humanity (krinvanto vishvam aryam), and do not sanction any caste system or birth-based caste system. Mantra, numbered 10-13-1 in Rig Veda, addresses the entire humanity as divine children (shrunvantu vishve amrutsya putraha). Innumerable mantras in Vedas emphasise oneness, universal brotherhood, harmony, happiness, affection, unity and commonality of entire humanity. A few illustrations are given here. Vide Mantra numbered 5-60-5 in Rig Veda, the divine poet declares, “All men are brothers; no one is big, no one is small. All are equal.” Mantra numbered 16.15 in Yajur Veda reiterates that all men are brothers; no one is superior or inferior. Mantra numbered 10-191-2 in Rig Veda calls upon humanity to be united to have a common speech and a common mind. Mantra numbered 3-30-1 in Atharva Veda enjoins upon all humans to be affectionate and to love one another as the cow loves her newly-born calf. Underlining unity and harmony still further, Mantra numbered 3-30-6 in Atharva Veda commands humankind to dine together, and be as firmly united as the spokes attached to the hub of a chariot wheel.


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From my earlier posts, you can easily see that the Vedas do not condone the caste system . The present caste system was created and perpetuated by power hungry Brahmins , without any sanction from the Vedas. However this doesn't mean that all brahmins were equally corrupt. Ramanuja, who was a Brahmin, enabled Dalits to enter the temples and vested the sacred thread on them and made them Brahmins as well.

Similarly , the Arya Samaj too, created by Dayananda Saraswati, who was a Brahmin, also opened the study of the Vedas to Dalits as well, and he appointed many Dalits as priests.

Brahminism should not be the sole representative of Hinduism, and the Brahmins do not represent the lower castes as well, from whom many Hindu enlightened masters like Sri Narayana Guru, Thiruvalluvar, Ravi Das and others have emerged. The Hinduism as represented by these great saints did not condone the caste system and at the same time presented to the masses the fundamental teachings of Hinduism.


The need of the hour is not to lament on what the power hungry Brahmins have done, but to disseminate the true teachings of HInduism to the masses regardless of caste, creed , religion or nationality. And this is what the Arya Samaj, the Brahmo Samaj, the Ramakrishna Mision, the Amritanandamayi Mission, the Sai Baba mission, the Kalki Mission, the Sivananda Mission, the Chinmaya Mission , Iskcon , the Prajapita Brahmakumaris, the Ramana Mission and others are doing.

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That's nothying but Brahminical propoganda. Most of these saints that are low caste were directly ANTI-BRAHMIN. Brahmins have a tendency to obsorb what they fear ie. Buddha, Krishna etc..


They have had a superiority complex ever since they stepped foot on India making themselves superior and creating a class of people whom they deemed non-human. The Sudras were barred from reading their Vedas. These same Brahmincal Aryans want to come to the west and tell everyone that the Vedas is the source of all civilization. When we all know that majority of Hinduism as we know today were directly opposed to the Vedas. These Brahmins interpolated scriptures making sure everyone will always revere their Vedas. I do not follow the Vedas. The upanishadic era were all opposed to the Vedas and Brahminical ideology. Just because there are some vedeic concepts there (since their culture was imposed on them) Brahmins named it "Vedanta" meaning the end of the Vedas- if anyone can get more stupid to believe these Brahmincal lies then be it. But many are finding out the truth about the ridiculous Brahmin lies. One thing to say:


You can follow your Vedas but stop imposing it on society and stop tracing civilization back to the Vedas. We are sick of your propoganda.

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That's nothying but Brahminical propoganda. Most of these saints that are low caste were directly ANTI-BRAHMIN. Brahmins have a tendency to obsorb what they fear ie. Buddha, Krishna etc..


They have had a superiority complex ever since they stepped foot on India making themselves superior and creating a class of people whom they deemed non-human. The Sudras were barred from reading their Vedas. These same Brahmincal Aryans want to come to the west and tell everyone that the Vedas is the source of all civilization. When we all know that majority of Hinduism as we know today were directly opposed to the Vedas. These Brahmins interpolated scriptures making sure everyone will always revere their Vedas. I do not follow the Vedas. The upanishadic era were all opposed to the Vedas and Brahminical ideology. Just because there are some vedeic concepts there (since their culture was imposed on them) Brahmins named it "Vedanta" meaning the end of the Vedas- if anyone can get more stupid to believe these Brahmincal lies then be it. But many are finding out the truth about the ridiculous Brahmin lies. One thing to say:


You can follow your Vedas but stop imposing it on society and stop tracing civilization back to the Vedas. We are sick of your propoganda.



And where exactly in my posts is there Brahmin propaganda. I myself has said that the 70% of the Rishis were belonging to the lower castes or economic groups. And they were the creators of the Vedas. The Vedas do not belong to the Brahmins. It belongs to all of mankind.

You are right when you say that the Brahmins did not allow the

sudras to study the Vedas. But this is in no way the fault of the Vedas, considering the fact that the Vedas in no way condones the caste system and make any distinction between people.

And if you are a proponent of the Aryan invasion theory , I have got news for you. Indian scholars and archaeaologists led by N.S. RAja ram, has presented facts and proofs in America , declaring that the Aryan invasion theory is a myth. Even Witzel, the foremost scholar and proponent of the Aryan invasion theory , in the light of these findings admitted that he and his colleagues no longer to the Aryan invasion theory.


I respect the fact that you revere Krishna and the Buddha and the Upanishads . The most important teaching in Hinduism is to lead a dharmic life and attain moksha or nirvana or enlightenment and become a krishna or a Buddha yourself.

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And where exactly in my posts is there Brahmin propaganda. I myself has said that the 70% of the Rishis were belonging to the lower castes or economic groups. And they were the creators of the Vedas. The Vedas do not belong to the Brahmins. It belongs to all of mankind.

You are right when you say that the Brahmins did not allow the

sudras to study the Vedas. But this is in no way the fault of the Vedas, considering the fact that the Vedas in no way condones the caste system and make any distinction between people.

And if you are a proponent of the Aryan invasion theory , I have got news for you. Indian scholars and archaeaologists led by N.S. RAja ram, has presented facts and proofs in America , declaring that the Aryan invasion theory is a myth. Even Witzel, the foremost scholar and proponent of the Aryan invasion theory , in the light of these findings admitted that he and his colleagues no longer to the Aryan invasion theory.


I respect the fact that you revere Krishna and the Buddha and the Upanishads . The most important teaching in Hinduism is to lead a dharmic life and attain moksha or nirvana or enlightenment and become a krishna or a Buddha yourself.


N.S Rajaram is the biggest fraud in history and everyone except for Brahminized Hindus know about that.


As for Vedas being for all beings, you are dead wrong! Granted it has good teachings but they were written by Brahmins. The Brahmins wrote the Vedas, they created caste system and they imposed their culture on society, the native peoples. The Vedas is not for all human beings. Please stop lying. I respect the Vedas, I do not bow down to it or follow it and nor do I revere it. I believe all human beings should follow their own book and religion without imposing it on others. Now like I said before, you can follow and revere your Vedas but stop imposing your religion and culture on all others. The Vedas and Brahmins are not native to India and everyone knows it. In addition, they are definitely by far not the source of true knowledge and civilization, it's amazing how even three thousand years of intense spiritual slavery by the Brahmin class, Brahmincal ego never ceases to end. These same upper castes Brahminized "indo Aryan" supporters come here (US, England, etc...) and spread their egotistical version of a Brahminized Hinduism which never was.


They tell the world Hinduism is founded on the Vedas. Hinduism is NOT founded on the Vedas. The Vedas was imposed on Hinduism. That's the truth and you know it! More and more people in the west are finding out about your ridiculous caste system and black slavery, in which you upper caste Hindus hid for so long, we are all finding out the truth about your Vedic civilization which is a bunch of lies no different then a quest for spiritual and cultural supremacy. You guys make unfounded and some of the most ridiculous claims about Hindu civilization and you give all those Hindus who know the truth a terrible stink to their name. The more people are finding out, there is nothing you and your violent Hindustan RSS supremacist will do nothing about it. Your days are numbered in the hands of Africans, African Americans, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists and millions of low caste and untouchables whom have suffered tremendously under your disgusting religious Brahmin regime. You people better stop imposing your culture on people. That's all I am telling you if you want to live in peace, get rid of your ego and your stupid Vedic foundation crap. It's all a bunch of lies.


If you want to live in peace with us and all of the religions in India, Sivaism, Bhagavatism, Shaktism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism then you better respect everyone’s religions and stop imposing the Vedas and Vedic culture on people. Keep it to yourself and we can all be happy Dharmic faiths, do you hear that?


You upper caste Hindus come to the west and make so much money with your doctoral degrees, engineering degrees and you money hungry Brahmins have done nothing, and I mean NOTHING to help low castes. You will sell your daughter for sex before you HELP DALIT AND SUDRAS, that's how disgusting you people are. You spend millions of dollars on Hindu organizations and temples in the west and support your Nazi RSS and Hindustan crap, BUT YOU PEOPLE HAVE NOT SPEND A DIME ON LOW CASTE AND UNTOUCHABLES AND ANYTHING TO RID THE CASTE SYSTEM. Why? Because you guys support it, spiritually through your ridiculous lies and Vedic supremacy. Not even your government, has done anything. Even Ghandi starved himself to death so the bill would not be passed for Dalits. It took a DALIT HIMSELF- AMBEDKAR WHO HATED BRAHMINS to get the first bill passed. In addition, it took a SIKH PRIMINISTER- MANMOHAN SINGH the first person since AMBEDKAR to recognize the injustice that has been done to low caste and Dalits and give them 50 percent reservation. You upper caste Hindus have done nothing and have shown NO compassion. You only use people and exploit them for money.


Now the tables are turned and justice will be served. God has had enough and you people are scared and making up all the lies you can. Still even after all your lies you and your upper caste Hindu supremacist show no compassion and mercy to what has happened to the masses of society in the name of your VEDIC CULTURE- Instead you do not want to "lament on the past" and look to the future. What future? There is only one future- and that is to rid your regime for supremacy.

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N.S Rajaram is the biggest fraud in history and everyone except for Brahminized Hindus know about that.


As for Vedas being for all beings, you are dead wrong! Granted it has good teachings but they were written by Brahmins. The Brahmins wrote the Vedas, they created caste system and they imposed their culture on society, the native peoples. The Vedas is not for all human beings. Please stop lying. I respect the Vedas, I do not bow down to it or follow it and nor do I revere it. I believe all human beings should follow their own book and religion without imposing it on others. Now like I said before, you can follow and revere your Vedas but stop imposing your religion and culture on all others. The Vedas and Brahmins are not native to India and everyone knows it. In addition, they are definitely by far not the source of true knowledge and civilization, it's amazing how even three thousand years of intense spiritual slavery by the Brahmin class, Brahmincal ego never ceases to end. These same upper castes Brahminized "indo Aryan" supporters come here (US, England, etc...) and spread their egotistical version of a Brahminized Hinduism which never was.


They tell the world Hinduism is founded on the Vedas. Hinduism is NOT founded on the Vedas. The Vedas was imposed on Hinduism. That's the truth and you know it! More and more people in the west are finding out about your ridiculous caste system and black slavery, in which you upper caste Hindus hid for so long, we are all finding out the truth about your Vedic civilization which is a bunch of lies no different then a quest for spiritual and cultural supremacy. You guys make unfounded and some of the most ridiculous claims about Hindu civilization and you give all those Hindus who know the truth a terrible stink to their name. The more people are finding out, there is nothing you and your violent Hindustan RSS supremacist will do nothing about it. Your days are numbered in the hands of Africans, African Americans, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists and millions of low caste and untouchables whom have suffered tremendously under your disgusting religious Brahmin regime. You people better stop imposing your culture on people. That's all I am telling you if you want to live in peace, get rid of your ego and your stupid Vedic foundation crap. It's all a bunch of lies.


If you want to live in peace with us and all of the religions in India, Sivaism, Bhagavatism, Shaktism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism then you better respect everyone’s religions and stop imposing the Vedas and Vedic culture on people. Keep it to yourself and we can all be happy Dharmic faiths, do you hear that?


You upper caste Hindus come to the west and make so much money with your doctoral degrees, engineering degrees and you money hungry Brahmins have done nothing, and I mean NOTHING to help low castes. You will sell your daughter for sex before you HELP DALIT AND SUDRAS, that's how disgusting you people are. You spend millions of dollars on Hindu organizations and temples in the west and support your Nazi RSS and Hindustan crap, BUT YOU PEOPLE HAVE NOT SPEND A DIME ON LOW CASTE AND UNTOUCHABLES AND ANYTHING TO RID THE CASTE SYSTEM. Why? Because you guys support it, spiritually through your ridiculous lies and Vedic supremacy. Not even your government, has done anything. Even Ghandi starved himself to death so the bill would not be passed for Dalits. It took a DALIT HIMSELF- AMBEDKAR WHO HATED BRAHMINS to get the first bill passed. In addition, it took a SIKH PRIMINISTER- MANMOHAN SINGH the first person since AMBEDKAR to recognize the injustice that has been done to low caste and Dalits and give them 50 percent reservation. You upper caste Hindus have done nothing and have shown NO compassion. You only use people and exploit them for money.


Now the tables are turned and justice will be served. God has had enough and you people are scared and making up all the lies you can. Still even after all your lies you and your upper caste Hindu supremacist show no compassion and mercy to what has happened to the masses of society in the name of your VEDIC CULTURE- Instead you do not want to "lament on the past" and look to the future. What future? There is only one future- and that is to rid your regime for supremacy.


I am Brahmin, and I feel sorry for you!

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I am Brahmin, and I feel sorry for you!



Really you're a Brahmin? Wow I feel so sorry for you! I wonder what you were in your past life to take bith as a Brahmin looking at Brahmin history. I wish I can help you. It's ok, many God's and Goddess's came down to fight brahminical ego, if you pray to them it will rid you of Brahmin birth and you will get a better life. Even though the Lord feels sorry for you as well, It's God's promise that you will lose your Brahmin ego and take birth in a better pious life.

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I understand the anger from people who have been opressed by the caste system. However, I think we all need to work together and get rid of this problem. Brahmins need to understand their history and what the Brahmin class has done and they need to work together with low castes and Dalits. If there is some kind of a union I think the problem can be solved better.

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N.S Rajaram is the biggest fraud in history and everyone except for Brahminized Hindus know about that.


As for Vedas being for all beings, you are dead wrong! Granted it has good teachings but they were written by Brahmins. The Brahmins wrote the Vedas, they created caste system and they imposed their culture on society, the native peoples. The Vedas is not for all human beings. Please stop lying. I respect the Vedas, I do not bow down to it or follow it and nor do I revere it. I believe all human beings should follow their own book and religion without imposing it on others. Now like I said before, you can follow and revere your Vedas but stop imposing your religion and culture on all others. The Vedas and Brahmins are not native to India and everyone knows it. In addition, they are definitely by far not the source of true knowledge and civilization, it's amazing how even three thousand years of intense spiritual slavery by the Brahmin class, Brahmincal ego never ceases to end. These same upper castes Brahminized "indo Aryan" supporters come here (US, England, etc...) and spread their egotistical version of a Brahminized Hinduism which never was.


They tell the world Hinduism is founded on the Vedas. Hinduism is NOT founded on the Vedas. The Vedas was imposed on Hinduism. That's the truth and you know it! More and more people in the west are finding out about your ridiculous caste system and black slavery, in which you upper caste Hindus hid for so long, we are all finding out the truth about your Vedic civilization which is a bunch of lies no different then a quest for spiritual and cultural supremacy. You guys make unfounded and some of the most ridiculous claims about Hindu civilization and you give all those Hindus who know the truth a terrible stink to their name. The more people are finding out, there is nothing you and your violent Hindustan RSS supremacist will do nothing about it. Your days are numbered in the hands of Africans, African Americans, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists and millions of low caste and untouchables whom have suffered tremendously under your disgusting religious Brahmin regime. You people better stop imposing your culture on people. That's all I am telling you if you want to live in peace, get rid of your ego and your stupid Vedic foundation crap. It's all a bunch of lies.


If you want to live in peace with us and all of the religions in India, Sivaism, Bhagavatism, Shaktism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism then you better respect everyone’s religions and stop imposing the Vedas and Vedic culture on people. Keep it to yourself and we can all be happy Dharmic faiths, do you hear that?


You upper caste Hindus come to the west and make so much money with your doctoral degrees, engineering degrees and you money hungry Brahmins have done nothing, and I mean NOTHING to help low castes. You will sell your daughter for sex before you HELP DALIT AND SUDRAS, that's how disgusting you people are. You spend millions of dollars on Hindu organizations and temples in the west and support your Nazi RSS and Hindustan crap, BUT YOU PEOPLE HAVE NOT SPEND A DIME ON LOW CASTE AND UNTOUCHABLES AND ANYTHING TO RID THE CASTE SYSTEM. Why? Because you guys support it, spiritually through your ridiculous lies and Vedic supremacy. Not even your government, has done anything. Even Ghandi starved himself to death so the bill would not be passed for Dalits. It took a DALIT HIMSELF- AMBEDKAR WHO HATED BRAHMINS to get the first bill passed. In addition, it took a SIKH PRIMINISTER- MANMOHAN SINGH the first person since AMBEDKAR to recognize the injustice that has been done to low caste and Dalits and give them 50 percent reservation. You upper caste Hindus have done nothing and have shown NO compassion. You only use people and exploit them for money.


Now the tables are turned and justice will be served. God has had enough and you people are scared and making up all the lies you can. Still even after all your lies you and your upper caste Hindu supremacist show no compassion and mercy to what has happened to the masses of society in the name of your VEDIC CULTURE- Instead you do not want to "lament on the past" and look to the future. What future? There is only one future- and that is to rid your regime for supremacy.



For your information, I am not a Brahmin or member of any upper caste myself. I belong to a lower caste. I am well aware of the abuses Brahmins have committed on my people. However at the same time , to generalize all Brahmins as evil is also foolishness and not right. I have quoted the examples of Ramanuja and Dayananda Saraswati.


And your information that the Vedas are created by Brahmins are dead wrong. As I have stated before , 70% of the Rishis belonged to the lower economic groups. And I have scholarly sources to prove this fact.


If you want to prove that the Vedas are created exclusively by the Brahmnins , why don't you prove that by proofs and facts of your own, backed by scholarly sources.


Even Ambedkar was very much helped by his Brahmin teachers, and it is a fact that the name 'Ambedkar' itself was given by his Brahmin teacher Ambedkar , as he feared that his pupil might not get the opportunities he deserve if he kept his dalit name.


Sri Sri RAvi Shankar , born in the Brahmin caste himself, has opened a lot of schools and colleges, and 80% of the students in his educational institutions are Dalits.

Similarly a teacher of Ravi Shankar, a Brahmin himself, has taken up the responsibility of educating 8 poor dalits, and all of them have risen to the ranks of Ias/ Ips officers.


What I am trying to say is to generalize all Brahmins as evil is a complete mistake. And hatred for them is also not justified in the sense that hate is detrimental to spiritual progress.


And as I stated before, Hinduism is not completely Brahminism. Mata Amritanandamayi, a female enlightened master from the Shudra Dalit caste, is disseminating the teachings of Hinduism in India and world wide. It is a regular feature to see upper caste hindus falling at her feet and seeking her blessings. And she definetely have no hatred but unconditional love for them.

We should work to propagate the true teachings of Hinduism among the masses of India, whether upper caste or lower caste, and help them to become better human beings.

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For your information, I am not a Brahmin or member of any upper caste myself. I belong to a lower caste. I am well aware of the abuses Brahmins have committed on my people.


All this is leftist propaganda. Brahmins have always been a very small, poor population, so there's no way they had any power to abuse people. Speaking of abuse, it's funny how people constantly talk about non-existent Brahmin intolerance, even as they turn a blind eye to Islamic atrocities which killed millions of Hindus!

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I understand the anger from people who have been opressed by the caste system.


But the same people will not bark at Muslims/Christians, even though they've abused them for centuries. All this "righteous anger" is reserved for Brahmins ONLY, because brahmins are weak and can be abused. Ask these oppressed groups to pull this stunt at muslims, and see what happens.

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But the same people will not bark at Muslims/Christians, even though they've abused them for centuries. All this "righteous anger" is reserved for Brahmins ONLY, because brahmins are weak and can be abused. Ask these oppressed groups to pull this stunt at muslims, and see what happens.



Guesto, of course you are going to stick up for the Brahmin caste, you are a Brahmin. Your caste has caused so much death and destruction that it is not even funny. We all know that Muslims and Christians are bad but guess what kid? Brahmins are in the same boat. No different then violent and opressive Muslims and Christians other then the fact that Brahmins, since they are cowardly by nature opressed people spiritually via a harsh caste system.

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All this is leftist propaganda. Brahmins have always been a very small, poor population, so there's no way they had any power to abuse people. Speaking of abuse, it's funny how people constantly talk about non-existent Brahmin intolerance, even as they turn a blind eye to Islamic atrocities which killed millions of Hindus!


Hi Guesto. You can rectify the faults of your ancestors by extending a brotherly hand to your hindu brothers from the lower castes, and ending discrimination against them by the upper castes. I understand this is because of ignorance of the true import of HInduism. You must educate the upper castes of the true teachings of HInduism and permanently end all forms of discrimination.


"Together may we be protected. Together may we be profited. Together may we do a hero's work. May we learn intelligently. May we never hate one another."

-Brihadaranyaka & Taittiriya Upanishads

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Let's keep it simple and straight to the point.


Sikhs, Buddhist and Jains are NOT Hindus and they never have been historically. In ancient times Buddhist and Jains were seen as a seperate religion to Hinduism but were still very influential to India. Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains have their own scriptures and own spiritual teachings some of which are at odds with Hindu (Vedic) teachings. Hindu teachings originate from the Vedas (srutis) and were further elaborated upon in the smritis.

These religions are all Indic religions in that they share many common beliefs and all originate in India, all are tolerant and believe that there is more than one path to the divine.

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Let's keep it simple and straight to the point.


Sikhs, Buddhist and Jains are NOT Hindus and they never have been historically. In ancient times Buddhist and Jains were seen as a seperate religion to Hinduism but were still very influential to India. Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains have their own scriptures and own spiritual teachings some of which are at odds with Hindu (Vedic) teachings. Hindu teachings originate from the Vedas (srutis) and were further elaborated upon in the smritis.

These religions are all Indic religions in that they share many common beliefs and all originate in India, all are tolerant and believe that there is more than one path to the divine.



You are wrong. The Upanishads were opposed to Vedic teachings and many were athiestic philosophy. The Gita is an Upanishad and os not Vedic as people think it is. Brahmins obsorbed it and made it Vedic.



Also, you are wrong because when Muslims first came to India, everyone in India began calling themsevles Hindus- that inlcuded many Buddhists and Jains. It wasn't until the British worked with the Brahmins in organizing Hinduism as an official religion the Brahmins began forming Hinduism by organizing all of the scriptures and claiming them all to be originated from the Vedas.


Also, all of the Hindu panths that were monotheistic and still worshipped Hindu Gods out right rejected the Vedas. So are they not considered Hindu? You have to remember India has always been a country with many many panths and Gurus and spiritual Paths. There is no such religion called Hinduism in reality. It was given as a gift to the Brahmins by the British.


I am not saying we should not call ourselves Hindu-but within Hinduism are many, many sects and not all of them follow the Vedas.

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You are wrong. The Upanishads were opposed to Vedic teachings and many were athiestic philosophy. The Gita is an Upanishad and os not Vedic as people think it is. Brahmins obsorbed it and made it Vedic.



Also, you are wrong because when Muslims first came to India, everyone in India began calling themsevles Hindus- that inlcuded many Buddhists and Jains. It wasn't until the British worked with the Brahmins in organizing Hinduism as an official religion the Brahmins began forming Hinduism by organizing all of the scriptures and claiming them all to be originated from the Vedas.


Also, all of the Hindu panths that were monotheistic and still worshipped Hindu Gods out right rejected the Vedas. So are they not considered Hindu? You have to remember India has always been a country with many many panths and Gurus and spiritual Paths. There is no such religion called Hinduism in reality. It was given as a gift to the Brahmins by the British.


I am not saying we should not call ourselves Hindu-but within Hinduism are many, many sects and not all of them follow the Vedas.



I forgot to add that all of the Hindu saints from the Bhakti movements organized Panths and rejected the Vedas. Their religion never grew big because of mainstream Hinduism and Brahmin domination.


I also forgot to add how Buddhism and Jainism were began to be seen as different religions. They were Athiestic philosophies that were organized and therefore could not easily be absorbed by Brahmins. In addition, when western scholars began studying the religions of India, Jains and Buddhists were a minority and in order for them to study these minorty faiths they began to see them differently from the larger Hindu population, thus they got labeled as non vedic.

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I just wanted to say that it is quite Brahminical of you to come on here and boast your ego but not only announcing you're a Brahmin but at least not acknowledging what has happened in the past.





I agree with you. I do not think all of Hinduism is the work of Brahmins. A lot of times people fail to understand how much non- Brahmins nhave contributed to Hinduism. It's much much more then you think. Brahmins just get the credit because they arfe the ruling power and have been since the Gupta era.

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