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ISKCON Manifesto

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ISKCON Manifesto




Jan 4, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (SUN) — I have just returned from a very intense preaching circuit in Vrindaban, Puri, and four areas of Mainland China. I am preaching Vani as the sole purpose of the existence of Iskcon, and that Sravanam is the only access point to Sria Prabhupadas’ Vani. It he irrevocably follows, that after Sravanam, comes Kirtanam, and that Kirtanam CANNOT VARY ONE IOTA from the Received Transcendental Grace of Sravanam. Further, access to Sravanam is not a right, or even an obligation. It is a PRIVILEDGE, and there is no cause to such access.... save and except the CAUSELESS MERCY OF SRILA PRABHUPADA.


Iskcon has always half-heartedly given lip service to the idea of “do not add or subtract” from our Philosophy...... I go further to say that adding or subtracting, (minimizing, misrepresenting, deleting, twisting etc) is in itself an act against the Vani of Srila prabhupada, hence an offense against Srila Prabhupada Himself..... Since Iskcon is the tangible vehicle by which Vani is transferred to the aspiring devotee via Sravanam, and since Kirtanam is the proof-positive test of the authenticity of the degree of Sravanam actually present in the hearing of the aspiring devotee, I can then propose a new twist on the old juxtaposition:...... "Pro Iskcon and Anti Iskcon.", Namely, that only that which has been accurately received from SP’s Vani via Sravanam, is Iskcon, or Pro-Iskcon, and any intentional or self-serving change that has been made in the form of adding or subtracting to that Sravanam via insincere Kirtanam is clearly Anti-Vani, which equals Anti- Prabhupada, which equals Anti-Iskcon.


Bringing in “new way” “Bengali” “Bollywood” “rockstar” “godawfulsoundmess” Kirtans are clearly ANTI ISKCON, as they do not emanate from the Lotus Mouth of the Pure Devotee of the Lord, and in fact, can be found to be dragged in to the arena (supposedly Pure Iskcon) of our awareness like a dead and stinking rat on a string being dragged into one of our Radha Krishna temples.... These “dead rats on a string” are nothing less than surrender to SOME OTHER GURU than Srila Prabhupada!...If that “other guru” happens to be a tuneful Baul, or Aul, or Eunuch from the streets of Calcutta...THEN ONE HAS NOW ACCEPTED A FILTHY EUNUCH AS HIS GURU while pretending to be a “disciple” of Srila Prabhupada. This may seem arcane and esoteric when seen under a microscope, but when we consider that SRILA PRABHUPADA’S VANI, ISKCON TO DISPENSE IT, AND SRAVANAM TO ACCESS IT AND KIRTANAM TO GENERATE AND RE-GENERATE IT will be the ONLY POINT OF ACCESS TO KRISHNA LOKA for the next ten thousand years, then it would behoove us now rather than later to purge out all of the “Nitai Gaura Hari’ Bole” mantras, as well as any other type of tune or mantric poem that cannot be found in Srila Prabhupadas’ vana and ACTUALLY GENERATED BY HIM!


There are so many hundreds of examples of Srila Prabhupada chanting on MP3 and other formats.....WHAT EXCUSE CAN A “SO-CALLED” DISCIPLE HAVE TO IGNORE SUCH AS SPIRITUAL MASTER AS HE, AND THEN “GUTTER DIVE” FOR “WORLD MUSIC STYLE COMMERCIAL PERFORMERS SUCH AS “KRISHNA DAS” (From the former LSD ‘guru” Richard Alpert aka Baba Ram Dass”) simply because we lack the spiritual vision to hear from the Authorized Source?...And what good will it do us to copy such Sahajihas as Achyutananda Swami who literally DESTROYED the appetite for SP’s Disciples to chant as He did, by telling them that SP had not given the the “REAL” Bengali melodies!..(As though Srila Prabhupada himself were not a genuine “Bengali” or from a prominent family of Vaishnava devotees Himself!....And so they followed this disobedient neophyte who refused to give up the association with Srila Prabhupada’s SWORN ENEMY...Madhava Maharaja, and helped him complete his “revenge” on Srila Prabhupada by emulating him,....not their own Spiritual Master!...So the result has been ANTI ISKCON KIRTANS firmly in place in our Iskcon temples since 1971 or 1972, and still they dominate and pollute the atmosphere of our daily worship!


Anyhow, that is only a small part of a much larger problem..... and that problem is easily solved and rectified simply through the process of SRAVANAM KIRTANAM. My two oldest sons have created a Guided Imagery Seminar entitled...”Living a Life of Sravanam/Kirtanam”... and so far this seminar has been held in Los Angeles (New Dwarka) at the Prabhupada Festival, and at New Vrindaban at the Kulie Mela.... In both cases, over 100 devotees, both new and venerable (like us!) sat for in excess of three hours as all the other sounds, noices, meanings, illusions etc that come up as our “voice in the head” gradually vanish away, until one is simply a RECEPTIVE HEARING BEING in the Holy presence of HE WHOSE WORDS ARE THE MOST WORTH HEARING and by he end, half of the seminar members were weeping openly simply by IMMERSION in the Transcendental Sound Vibration of the Pure Devotee of the Lord, and perhpaps for the first time, or since a very long time ago, they heard SP as other than background music, elevator music, a duty laden “preach” from the “pulpit” or whatever inauthenticities may have occluded the actual ability to hear Him as though no other sound vibration mattered or even existed!


So, I have heard “Ritviks” chant and I have heard the so-called “guru vadis” chant.... and by this new and healthful measure of distinction and genuine perception, I now find that both camps are basically equally “ANTI-ISKCON”..... Neither “side” has yet grasped that the purpose of Life Itself is none other than SRAVANAM KIRTANAM in the Presence of Sria Prabhupadas’ Vani!


We are not to copy Srila Prabhupada, but to GENERATE what He has Himself GENERATED.... In that way, (and in no other way,) the Sampradaya (gurus or no gurus) will ACTUALLY go on!

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... and that Sravanam is the only access point to Sria Prabhupadas’ Vani. It he irrevocably follows, that after Sravanam, comes Kirtanam, and that Kirtanam CANNOT VARY ONE IOTA from the Received Transcendental Grace of Sravanam.
What exactly does "CANNOT VARY ONE IOTA from the Received Transcendental Grace of Sravanam" mean? I guess only Nara Narayana can tell us.

What he will tell will be his own interpretation, so he must be the real authority. What's so big about being a guru, you can still have absolute power over others if you are the "authority". You don't have to be called a guru, especially since in certain circles its a red flag. But Nara Narayana will tell us that he has no interpretation, that what he says is Prabhupada "as he is".




Here's the famous "ten thousand year fallacy". Where in Prabhupada's books does he ever say that he is the ONLY POINT OF ACCESS TO KRISHNA LOKA for the next ten thousand years? The answer is nowhere, so how is that Nara Narayana doesn't "vary one iota" from Srila Prabhupada? He varies to great extent!



then it would behoove us now rather than later to purge out all of the “Nitai Gaura Hari’ Bole” mantras, as well as any other type of tune or mantric poem that cannot be found in Srila Prabhupadas’ vana and ACTUALLY GENERATED BY HIM!
When the Nitail Gaura Hari bol chant was first introduced in the West by Guru Krpa and Yasodanandana in 1973 many were wondering what Prabhupada's reaction would be. After all it's true; he never was heard chanting it. Prabhupada just smiled when he heard their kirtan and didn't say anything. Over the next four years Prabhupada heard his devotees chant Nitai Gaura Hari bol in hundreds of kirtans but never stopped it.



.And what good will it do us to copy such Sahajihas as Achyutananda Swami who literally DESTROYED the appetite for SP’s Disciples to chant as He did, by telling them that SP had not given the the “REAL” Bengali melodies!..(As though Srila Prabhupada himself were not a genuine “Bengali” or from a prominent family of Vaishnava devotees Himself!....And so they followed this disobedient neophyte who refused to give up the association with Srila Prabhupada’s SWORN ENEMY...Madhava Maharaja, and helped him complete his “revenge” on Srila Prabhupada by emulating him,....not their own Spiritual Master!...So the result has been ANTI ISKCON KIRTANS firmly in place in our Iskcon temples since 1971 or 1972, and still they dominate and pollute the atmosphere of our daily worship!


Interesting and absurd theory. So, it was the Gaudiya Math that polluted ISKCON through Achyutananda Swami who is the real introducer of the "Nitai Gaura Hari bol" conspiricy which of course according to Nara Narayana is a sign of Sahajiyaism. Therefore in his mind Gaudiya Math is Sahajiya. He has thus tried to divorce Srila Prabhupada from his own guru and parampara.
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ISKCON Manifesto




[...] So, I have heard “Ritviks” chant and I have heard the so-called “guru vadis” chant.... and by this new and healthful measure of distinction and genuine perception, I now find that both camps are basically equally “ANTI-ISKCON”..... Neither “side” has yet grasped that the purpose of Life Itself is none other than SRAVANAM KIRTANAM in the Presence of Sria Prabhupadas’ Vani!


We are not to copy Srila Prabhupada, but to GENERATE what He has Himself GENERATED.... In that way, (and in no other way,) the Sampradaya (gurus or no gurus) will ACTUALLY go on!


"Sravanam kirtanam" as ISKCON Manifesto - surely true, but ISKCON also refers to an institution. An institution which is managed by a team of GBC officers and as Srila Prabhupada has laid it down in the registration documents of his ISKCON movement these GBC officers have to be voted by the temples and after a period of three years they have to be either re-elected or leave the GBC office. Since present GBC officers have changed that simple formula of keeping ISKCON spiritually healthy into a lifelong officiating of GBCs who were also never voted by the temples and in order to further circumvent Prabhupada's ISKCON laws dont register ISKCON projects anymore as "International Society For Krishna Consciousness" (although calling it ISKCON ) but instead as, "Temple Plazza", "League of Devotees", "Center for Vedic Studies", "Palace of Gold", another important point to be included in NARA NARAYAN DAS VISWAKARMA's ISKCON MANIFESTO - just to guarantee peaceful, blissful, everlasting SRAVANAM KIRTANAM.

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In my cyber-travels I've encountered the fact that the GBC has orders that ISKCON devotees should not associate with Narayana disciples.




Dear Padmanabha Maharaja,

Dandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for the e-mail. I won't try to answer it point for point. Rather, I will talk about some principles that I think will cover everything.

When we met the other day, you mentioned that Narayana Maharaja wants the GBC to lift the ban against ISKCON devotees' associating with his followers.

At one time, I might have agreed with that, but not now. If the proposal came up to lift the ban, I would oppose it because I know what the result would be. Narayana Maharaja's followers would go into all the ISKCON temples. "Come," they would say sweetly. "Give up your third-class ISKCON gurus. Come to our mahabhagavata guru. Instant re-initiation. Just a phone call away."

You may say I am exaggerating, but these are the things you are doing right now. You were doing them just a couple of weeks ago.

Maybe you do not realize that you are insulting Srila Prabhupada. It was he who set up the system of ISKCON gurus that you are now decrying. Srila Prabhupada did not say that Narayana Maharaja or anyone else, mahabhagavata or not, should become the next ISKCON acharya.

You say that you are following Srila Prabhupada, and at the same time, you criticize the system he set up for guiding disciples



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Is Narayana Maharaj on the GBC?
Nara Narayan das Visvakarma is an early Prabhupada disciple from the first San Francisco Temple. He had much personal association with Srila Prabhupada. Visvakarma is the architect of the demigods. Prabhupada called him Visvakarma because he designed some the early Ratha carts. Nara Narayan has always been a "Prabhupadanuga" type although he is self styled and wouldn't call him self that. He has a brother named Makhanlal who joined just after him and was the St. Louis temple president in '74-'75.
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