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Does America really respect India

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America has no ability to respect, India has no ability to accept respect. These are non-living illusions created by mental speculation.


Many American People respect Indian People. I myself, treat Indians equally to Americans, some are wonderful, some are idiots.


As american, I view India as a great Nation, as a great power. The culture of India is most welcome here in america. The culture of america may not be to Indias best interest, however, unless the culture of america returns to the more favorable progressive nature as, say, during the kennedy era. America has become greatly selfish in the last 40 years, and the honorable americans are considered enemies to be crushed even by those who run the nationb.


So, be careful in who you seek respect from.


ys, mahaksadasa

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Probably not Krsnadasa,

America as a nation based on economic development and sense gratification with so called fundamental Christian values would more than likely just see India at present as a friend in the war against the common enemy of so called terrorism which is really the threat of Islam taking over the world by any means. Americans are afraid their hold on power and control of the world economies is dwindling and their popularity is being diminuished in the world family of Nations. It's suffering an identity crisis that being the best and most powerful in most things doesn't always equate to being the most popular, so in a sense they are searching for friends and allies who they might have some common interest with. As they say it gets lonely at the top.

But so saying there are a great number of the American population who are very good people that have special gifts that the rest of the world can appreciate, like all nations there is a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly.

And there are many in America who genuinely love what India really has to offer, not just what they can exploit from her. But they are struggling like everyone on this planet to find some real identity.

Within this struggle of insecurity to survive the material world dilemna, they are looking for ideoligies that have any relation to their own, that is that make the sort of people they are. In India, they recognize the democratic values of free will and speech to practice ones beliefs or disbeliefs, and that's reassuring in the light of dictatorial regimes elsewhere. And also adding to that is the acceptance by many in America of the various lifestye choices India has exported and vice versa India's attraction to the free economy of America and all it offers, whether it be constructive or destructive at least there is a choice.


That's one aspect, but at the same time it recognizes Indias potential Super power status, and economic potential, and any intelligent country should be seriously considering friendship with this waking Goddess of fortune in more ways than one.

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When I was a kid, the common perception of India was of starving masses. Overpopulation was the so-called cause. However, we now know that India went through a perion the last half of the twentieth century of recovery from systematic depletion of her wealth by britain, a typical story repeated all around, africa, polynesia, etc.


However, India has very intelligent populace, and has even supplied the US with such Bose-like intelligence. Go to any area where high tech stuff is going on, and youll find samosas readily available because of the large populations of India folks moving to the US. The "plight" of India still sticks in the closed minds of some americans, but any intelligent person knows that India is first world, not third. This is because of intelligent leadership.


We had a discussion of Nehru, some dont like him, I was neutral. I liked him much better than his daughter Indira. I think Rahjiv would have been great had he avoided assassination. But the process that made India great is that they were the head of the non-aligned nation movement. They took what they could from both the USA and the USSR without selling their soul, and now India is OVER the hump, becoming a very prospreous nation.


Im my fellow americans dont believe me, go to the local food bank. In the sixties, americans were proud of their "feeding the world", but now the masses of starving americans are getting free peanut butter and other products, made in "INDIA".


So, India is a model democracy, america is not. India does not look elsewhere for respect. Why? because they have self respect, their non-allignment and resistance to selling out has served them well, while america has lost everything because we sold out to OPEC, even sold out to our enemy China, and now saudia amd china dictate our foreign policy and we bow down every day to them so they keep our $$$$ artificially propped up.


The question should be, does India respect US.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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America has no ability to respect, India has no ability to accept respect. These are non-living illusions created by mental speculation.


Many American People respect Indian People. I myself, treat Indians equally to Americans, some are wonderful, some are idiots.


As american, I view India as a great Nation, as a great power. The culture of India is most welcome here in america. The culture of america may not be to Indias best interest, however, unless the culture of america returns to the more favorable progressive nature as, say, during the kennedy era. America has become greatly selfish in the last 40 years, and the honorable americans are considered enemies to be crushed even by those who run the nationb.


So, be careful in who you seek respect from.


ys, mahaksadasa


I didnt intend to cause any offene to anyon first of all;; then India respecting American culture, the answer is YES. The appraent changes in the last 10 years is the proof for that... The female's dresses have decresed their sizes massively, the Sari has become only as custom of specail occasion... Non-driker and non-smoker can find himself withiut any friends,,,,, and if you cant speak p[roper english you will be considered a waste. well there are millions of things i can pt here to prove India actually not only respects but follows the american culture these days.....Whats not vanishing is the piousness of the people in genaral, in one or other way people tend yo pray for Gods and godesses,,Supreme one being concpyt might even offend some people here . But thats still there coz of the semi-fundamantal concepts still existing in the mind of mid aged population, which constitutes the parents of todays young genaration. But when these young genaration become tomorrows parents, I doubt if the piousness would dare to exist.


hari bol

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Probably not Krsnadasa,

America as a nation based on economic development and sense gratification with so called fundamental Christian values would more than likely just see India at present as a friend in the war against the common enemy of so called terrorism which is really the threat of Islam taking over the world by any means. Americans are afraid their hold on power and control of the world economies is dwindling and their popularity is being diminuished in the world family of Nations. It's suffering an identity crisis that being the best and most powerful in most things doesn't always equate to being the most popular, so in a sense they are searching for friends and allies who they might have some common interest with. As they say it gets lonely at the top.

But so saying there are a great number of the American population who are very good people that have special gifts that the rest of the world can appreciate, like all nations there is a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly.

And there are many in America who genuinely love what India really has to offer, not just what they can exploit from her. But they are struggling like everyone on this planet to find some real identity.

Within this struggle of insecurity to survive the material world dilemna, they are looking for ideoligies that have any relation to their own, that is that make the sort of people they are. In India, they recognize the democratic values of free will and speech to practice ones beliefs or disbeliefs, and that's reassuring in the light of dictatorial regimes elsewhere. And also adding to that is the acceptance by many in America of the various lifestye choices India has exported and vice versa India's attraction to the free economy of America and all it offers, whether it be constructive or destructive at least there is a choice.


That's one aspect, but at the same time it recognizes Indias potential Super power status, and economic potential, and any intelligent country should be seriously considering friendship with this waking Goddess of fortune in more ways than one.


That makes sense for me,, i guess as long as the Christainity is in power , ther is no way they would ever respect India,,, though there are a quite good number like (Mahak) who actaully respect ,,,I am not agaisnt Christainity, but I am against their way of convering people around,,, why don they mind their own business?...Then partly its coz of the bad corrupted rulers of India . whio cant bring the wealth to the poor..... well lets wait and watch,,, hopefully krishna will send some sensible one .... even he belongs to America for example whos respecting India and Indian values I would welcome him to rule my country,, provided he is a perfect devotee and well versed in sanatana scriptures.......


Hari hari bol

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Just wondering if US really respects India or its just seeing its own business. Would you think making strong bond with US yield good results for India in LONG RUN...


Hari bol


Sure it will ... :rolleyes:


India could continue to invest millions of dollars in Education and College for her people, who get degrees, master and Ph.D and this jokers will run out of her to USA where they can make thousand of dollars month, forget about India and STILL call themselves Hindus to hide their shame. :eek4:


Ask yourselves first if Hindus have respect for India first, or not. Don't expect foreigners to respect India if Hindus do not do so themselves.


Countries which like USA are foreigners. At best, they can be friend and at worst, they can be invaders. But they can NEVER be your brothers and sisters. Remember that and India will not be invaded for the second time.

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Sure it will ... :rolleyes:


India could continue to invest millions of dollars in Education and College for her people, who get degrees, master and Ph.D and this jokers will run out of her to USA where they can make thousand of dollars month, forget about India and STILL call themselves Hindus to hide their shame. :eek4:


Ask yourselves first if Hindus have respect for India first, or not. Don't expect foreigners to respect India if Hindus do not do so themselves.


Countries which like USA are foreigners. At best, they can be friend and at worst, they can be invaders. But they can NEVER be your brothers and sisters. Remember that and India will not be invaded for the second time.


Partly true¬¬¬, its all in the system now, just like the child behaves exactly like the way its been taught by its parents.... The society itslef thinks of some prime thing in going abraod and making money... they never care for the Hindu religion for such a decision.. The religion has got its own place in India.. they aviod whenever they want .. Here in India Money not only matters but also it speaks, listens , moves , runs and what not... and to earn quick bucks naturally people find a better place....


The self esteem is dead for this people.....About invaders, they would actaully have nothing to take except bunch of population, which anyways going abroad without invasion...:rolleyes:


hari bol

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Partly true¬¬¬, its all in the system now, just like the child behaves exactly like the way its been taught by its parents.... The society itslef thinks of some prime thing in going abraod and making money... they never care for the Hindu religion for such a decision.. The religion has got its own place in India.. they aviod whenever they want .. Here in India Money not only matters but also it speaks, listens , moves , runs and what not... and to earn quick bucks naturally people find a better place....


The self esteem is dead for this people.....About invaders, they would actaully have nothing to take except bunch of population, which anyways going abroad without invasion...:rolleyes:


hari bol


The funny things is ... people who leaves India high and dry after getting their education in India could start groups calls themselves Hindus overseas and begins to potray their own belief on what Hindusm stands for.


IF I were the President of India (and most people should be thankful I'm not, especially Pakistan), then I could pass Law that those who leave India and settle elsewhere ARE NOT INDIANS and have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HINDUSM.

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The funny things is ... people who leaves India high and dry after getting their education in India could start groups calls themselves Hindus overseas and begins to potray their own belief on what Hindusm stands for.


IF I were the President of India (and most people should be thankful I'm not, especially Pakistan), then I could pass Law that those who leave India and settle elsewhere ARE NOT INDIANS and have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HINDUSM.


Thats true... even i feel irritated about the media in India which potrays sometimes /always the old Indians (who left india long back) as still indians... I agree about what u say about calling Indians not Indians once they settle in any part other than India....


Hari bol

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  • 3 weeks later...


The funny things is ... people who leaves India high and dry after getting their education in India could start groups calls themselves Hindus overseas and begins to potray their own belief on what Hindusm stands for.


IF I were the President of India (and most people should be thankful I'm not, especially Pakistan), then I could pass Law that those who leave India and settle elsewhere ARE NOT INDIANS and have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HINDUSM.


your words appear ignorant and racist

dont you know that bharat, pakistan, US etc are political divides of the same god given earth. The mindset of People matter not flags or skin colours or languages


OM Shiva Shakti

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racialism and nationalism serves nothing but to divide the children of God. The Atman is the same in all. Look at the Atman in others, their True Identity, not their race, or nationality; which are only temporary coverings. Namaste.

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America doesnt respect anyone - fewest they respect their own people. Take Vietnam, 51,000 young soldiers being killed, what for? They were killed by US weapons and US explosives which US companies sold to the Vietnamese Communists while the US government sent thousands of young US boys to war, knowing well that they would never come back. Same now in Iraq (report below), 50,000 casualties but what for? To advance sinful living and kali-yuga. Where from are these illiterate Muslims getting the ammunitions, of course from US companies which belong to Bush&co. And all over US genuine spiritual institutions for uplifting society like Vaishnava temples in total bad shape due no support by the government.



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>The Real Cost of the Iraq War: 50,000 U.S. Casualties





Michael Moore – Alternet January 4, 2007





To bring the human cost to Americans of the invasion and occupation of Iraq home, antiwar groups across the country are marking mark the 3,000th death of a member of its military components (at this writing the total is 3,004).


But by focusing only on the number of dead Americans we are being manipulated along with the media and public by the administration's determination to minimize the cost in blood of establishing permanent military bases in the heart of the Middle East oil patch.


That public relations strategy consists of prohibiting images of the dead and wounded returning home and those of U.S. casualties in Iraq in the U.S. media as well as aggressive efforts to prevent such coverage by foreign media – including deadly attacks on Al-Jazeera reporters and offices. It also plants stories and interviews, leaks to FOX and other Pentagon-friendly reporters and provides generous payola to foreign (especially Iraqi) news sources.


Still, the most consistent propaganda effort since the invasion aims to keep public attention away from the actual amount of blood being shed by American military victims of the war and their families. That cost now exceeds 50,000 casualties -- a far cry from the 3,000 to which most of the public is restricted to know.


"Casualties" in the military sense is the total number made unavailable for duty from all causes, including deaths and wounds suffered in combat as well as injuries, accidents and illness in a war "theater" such as "Operation Iraqi Freedom" (the official Pentagon name for the invasion and occupation). So whether caused by "hostile" (24,965 as of Dec.27) or "non-hostile" (25,406 as of Dec. 2) causes, the Pentagon's own web sites record a toll of more than 50,000 so far in "OIF."


However, for most Americans who depend on mass media for information, the approaching number of only 3,000 is the only measure of the loss of life and limb the media allow them to know. For the rest of us, here are the facts: The Pentagon reports deaths on a daily basis at although its own total always lags behind the wire services number because it insists survivors must be informed before a dead solider, marine, sailor or airman can be added to the casualty lists. But the Pentagon only reports the wounded on the weekly basis (usually on Tuesdays) at the same site and it reports the non fatal casualties from non hostile causes only monthly and on another website.


From those sources, we can count U.S. military occupation forces casualties as more than 50,371 as of Dec. 27. The total (as above) includes 2,400 killed and 22,565 wounded (which includes both severely and less severely wounded) by what the Pentagon classifies as "hostile" causes. By that date, another 583 military personnel had died from "non hostile" causes such as accidents, suicides (there were 99 "self inflicted fatalities") and illness and, as of Dec. 2, another 24,823 had been injured or become ill seriously enough to require medical evacuation. According the excellent site Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, another 147 U.S. "contractors" have also been killed since they invaded Iraq.


I urge opponents of the war to make the public aware that the actual human cost of the invasion and occupation of Iraq exceeds 50,000 troops and their families who have suffered death and often life-long disability -- of whom the 3,000 are just one tragic part.




<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Bush's Stalingrad, Baghdad's Revenge





By Henry Makow, Ph. D. – January 11, 2007


Many of the US marines storming Baghdad were only 8 years old when when Pappy Bush tricked Sadaam Hussein into invading Kuwait, and then incinerated Iraqi soldiers when they tried to retreat.

These young marines were playing little league baseball and graduating from high school while millions of Iraqis endured a a gruelling US-led embargo. Yet these marines will be the ones to feel the revenge of an enraged people, armed, provisioned, and prepared to defend their homes to the death.


Young marines who signed to "serve their country" will bleed and die in Baghdad alleyways so Bush, Rockefeller and their cronies can be more filthy rich.


American families will mourn their loved ones so Sharon and Rothschild can have an empire from the Nile to the Euphrates.


The devil is rubbing his hands in glee. Once again he has pitted innocent peoples in a death struggle. How better to degrade humanity and render it vulnerable to his world government?


As I write this, US stock markets are soaring on a tide of nothing-but-positive news from the US media. Our rulers believe that "saying so makes it so."


But it doesn't take a genius to foresee that the U.S. is not going to conquer Baghdad without levelling it to the ground and killing most of its inhabitants.


By pretending to "liberate" the Iraqi people, it cannot very well turn around now and annihilate them. American leaders have been snagged by their own nauseating propaganda.


Soon the hot desert sun will bear down on their deluded army. Sand storms will choke its machinery, a rebuke from an irate God.

Eventually, in months or years, the US army will straggle home from Iraq under a barrage of face-saving bluster.


A marine general said the US had not "game planned" for a war like this. The game plan was Afghanistan; the reality is Vietnam.


Is this intended to be another American debacle like Vietnam choreographed by the globalists? Does the US need to be weakened to melt it into the new world order? Already the U.S. has lost the world's respect.


The Iraqi leadership appears calm because it did game plan for this war. Soon it will extract fitting revenge.










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your words appear ignorant and racist

dont you know that bharat, pakistan, US etc are political divides of the same god given earth. The mindset of People matter not flags or skin colours or languages


OM Shiva Shakti


Continue like that ... blind and foolish while Muslims grab little by little the territory in the North (through Pakistan) while Christians by "cancer" in form of Christianity through South. In the end, Hindusm perish and Bharat will follow the Hindusm. :rolleyes:

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Continue like that ... blind and foolish while Muslims grab little by little the territory in the North (through Pakistan) while Christians by "cancer" in form of Christianity through South. In the end, Hindusm perish and Bharat will follow the Hindusm. :rolleyes:



how can you believe that hinduism is linked to the land when it is clearly a spiritual and universal dharma


if all hindus adhered to the faith how can it be destroyed

truth always prevails - so why are you worried? unless your faith is so full of flaws that it is destined to be erased


OM Shiva Shakti

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The sooner Mr. George Bush is stopped from continuing to further the mess he has created in Iraq, the better. I get a feeling he has no clue on how to handle this whole situation. I'm glad the Democrats got control of the house now.



America doesnt respect anyone - fewest they respect their own people. Take Vietnam, 51,000 young soldiers being killed, what for? They were killed by US weapons and US explosives which US companies sold to the Vietnamese Communists while the US government sent thousands of young US boys to war, knowing well that they would never come back. Same now in Iraq (report below), 50,000 casualties but what for? To advance sinful living and kali-yuga. Where from are these illiterate Muslims getting the ammunitions, of course from US companies which belong to Bush&co. And all over US genuine spiritual institutions for uplifting society like Vaishnava temples in total bad shape due no support by the government.



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>The Real Cost of the Iraq War: 50,000 U.S. Casualties





Michael Moore – Alternet January 4, 2007





To bring the human cost to Americans of the invasion and occupation of Iraq home, antiwar groups across the country are marking mark the 3,000th death of a member of its military components (at this writing the total is 3,004).


But by focusing only on the number of dead Americans we are being manipulated along with the media and public by the administration's determination to minimize the cost in blood of establishing permanent military bases in the heart of the Middle East oil patch.


That public relations strategy consists of prohibiting images of the dead and wounded returning home and those of U.S. casualties in Iraq in the U.S. media as well as aggressive efforts to prevent such coverage by foreign media – including deadly attacks on Al-Jazeera reporters and offices. It also plants stories and interviews, leaks to FOX and other Pentagon-friendly reporters and provides generous payola to foreign (especially Iraqi) news sources.


Still, the most consistent propaganda effort since the invasion aims to keep public attention away from the actual amount of blood being shed by American military victims of the war and their families. That cost now exceeds 50,000 casualties -- a far cry from the 3,000 to which most of the public is restricted to know.


"Casualties" in the military sense is the total number made unavailable for duty from all causes, including deaths and wounds suffered in combat as well as injuries, accidents and illness in a war "theater" such as "Operation Iraqi Freedom" (the official Pentagon name for the invasion and occupation). So whether caused by "hostile" (24,965 as of Dec.27) or "non-hostile" (25,406 as of Dec. 2) causes, the Pentagon's own web sites record a toll of more than 50,000 so far in "OIF."


However, for most Americans who depend on mass media for information, the approaching number of only 3,000 is the only measure of the loss of life and limb the media allow them to know. For the rest of us, here are the facts: The Pentagon reports deaths on a daily basis at although its own total always lags behind the wire services number because it insists survivors must be informed before a dead solider, marine, sailor or airman can be added to the casualty lists. But the Pentagon only reports the wounded on the weekly basis (usually on Tuesdays) at the same site and it reports the non fatal casualties from non hostile causes only monthly and on


From those sources, we can count U.S. military occupation forces casualties as more than 50,371 as of Dec. 27. The total (as above) includes 2,400 killed and 22,565 wounded (which includes both severely and less severely wounded) by what the Pentagon classifies as "hostile" causes. By that date, another 583 military personnel had died from "non hostile" causes such as accidents, suicides (there were 99 "self inflicted fatalities") and illness and, as of Dec. 2, another 24,823 had been injured or become ill seriously enough to require medical evacuation. According the excellent site , another 147 U.S. "contractors" have also been killed since they invaded Iraq.


I urge opponents of the war to make the public aware that the actual human cost of the invasion and occupation of Iraq exceeds 50,000 troops and their families who have suffered death and often life-long disability -- of whom the 3,000 are just one tragic part.




<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=550 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Bush's Stalingrad, Baghdad's Revenge





By Henry Makow, Ph. D. – January 11, 2007


Many of the US marines storming Baghdad were only 8 years old when when Pappy Bush tricked Sadaam Hussein into invading Kuwait, and then incinerated Iraqi soldiers when they tried to retreat.

These young marines were playing little league baseball and graduating from high school while millions of Iraqis endured a a gruelling US-led embargo. Yet these marines will be the ones to feel the revenge of an enraged people, armed, provisioned, and prepared to defend their homes to the death.


Young marines who signed to "serve their country" will bleed and die in Baghdad alleyways so Bush, Rockefeller and their cronies can be more filthy rich.


American families will mourn their loved ones so Sharon and Rothschild can have an empire from the Nile to the Euphrates.


The devil is rubbing his hands in glee. Once again he has pitted innocent peoples in a death struggle. How better to degrade humanity and render it vulnerable to his world government?


As I write this, US stock markets are soaring on a tide of nothing-but-positive news from the US media. Our rulers believe that "saying so makes it so."


But it doesn't take a genius to foresee that the U.S. is not going to conquer Baghdad without levelling it to the ground and killing most of its inhabitants.


By pretending to "liberate" the Iraqi people, it cannot very well turn around now and annihilate them. American leaders have been snagged by their own nauseating propaganda.


Soon the hot desert sun will bear down on their deluded army. Sand storms will choke its machinery, a rebuke from an irate God.

Eventually, in months or years, the US army will straggle home from Iraq under a barrage of face-saving bluster.


A marine general said the US had not "game planned" for a war like this. The game plan was Afghanistan; the reality is Vietnam.


Is this intended to be another American debacle like Vietnam choreographed by the globalists? Does the US need to be weakened to melt it into the new world order? Already the U.S. has lost the world's respect.


The Iraqi leadership appears calm because it did game plan for this war. Soon it will extract fitting revenge.










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I don't see what the big deal is. those that leave India are in search of better propects. Most of those that stay back are also in search of the same. It's not like those that stay back are fighting for the cause of Hinduism. Most of them don't even care. So what's the difference?



The funny things is ... people who leaves India high and dry after getting their education in India could start groups calls themselves Hindus overseas and begins to potray their own belief on what Hindusm stands for.


IF I were the President of India (and most people should be thankful I'm not, especially Pakistan), then I could pass Law that those who leave India and settle elsewhere ARE NOT INDIANS and have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HINDUSM.

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how can you believe that hinduism is linked to the land when it is clearly a spiritual and universal dharma


if all hindus adhered to the faith how can it be destroyed

truth always prevails - so why are you worried? unless your faith is so full of flaws that it is destined to be erased


OM Shiva Shakti


Bharat is the place where Hindus live and strive. India is the pillar - land where Hindus MUST flourish for it to flourish anywhere else.


Take Christians for example - Vatican City MUST exist for Christianity to exist. In Islam, Mecca MUST exist for Islam. For Judaism to exist, Jerusalem MUST exist.


Same way, for Hindusm (and Buddhism since India is birth place of Buddha) to exist and flourish ANYWHERE, it's birthplace - the pillar of the belief must exist and maintain.

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