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We dont have faith atleast as demons have!

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Hare Krishna

All glories to Srila prabhupad


Demons have more faith then the devotees in the path of the devotional cult. We must develop our faith towards the supreme personality of godhead Krsna, this is very important. Because nobody can help at the time of death except the Lord Krsna.Our mood should be to get surrender completely to Lord Krsna. That can happen when we chant the holy name of the lord i.e Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Example: Hiranyakasipu heard that his brother Hiranyaksa was been killed by Lord in the form of Varaha murthi. After hearing this at once according to his guru sukracharya he went to forest to make tapasya and get a boon that he should not die. After he went to make tapasya Demigods headed by Lord Indra and all others get scarred of his tapasya.because the ssound vibration didnt allow anybody to sleep or involve in any other acivities.they all get distrubed and out of fear of loosing their position they all went to distrub the hirankasipu's tapasya. demigods Varuna, indra, chandra, vayu and all others including dancers in the indra lokha went to distrub his tapasya in their possible ways.heavy rain, heavy strom, dancers also distrubed with their jewels sound in their legs and also danced in front of him. but he didnt get distrubed by all the things. he was doing tapasya without even a pinch of change in his attitude. here the point might be raised that he has made tapasya to get the boon not to die and live for ever rulling all the three worlds. but he was having such a faith on Lord Brahma and not distrubed from his attitude and path.

similarly we are saying ourselves as devotees but we dont have even a faith that Lord Krsna will give us food and all other basic needs and also maintain us. and atleast we should have faith as hiranyakasipu had that might be for material benefit or spiritual benefit, without faith both cannot be received from Lord.


To grow your faith


There are three things to do:


1. Always be hungry

2. Always be Seperate

3. Always be aware


1. We should be hungry always not to fill our stomach but to hear some Krishna Katha from a authorised person and also to chant the holy name of the lord.Ex. Namacharya Srila Haridas thakur.


2. We should be always seperate avoiding non vaishanva association because If you are associating with a karmi that gives the attitude of what they have and all the material desires. Ex. Lotus flower.


3. Always BE AWARE about the things which you are going to do and also the things which you are doing now at the present time. The need should be to satisfy the senses of a "Bhagavata" or "Bhagavan Sri Hari".Ex. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad.


If we are able to follow this three things we will be successful in all the things basically from japa, book reading, services rendered to Lord etc...


Hare Krishna


Let Lord Sri Nrisingha dev protect you all from all the material pangs and help to get rid of this material world and reach the eternal abode of the Lord Krsna.

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Very good analysis. However, example # 2 needs some qualification.


2. We should be always seperate avoiding non vaishanva association because If you are associating with a karmi that gives the attitude of what they have and all the material desires. Ex. Lotus flower.


Very good if you are a renuciant in a loincloth with begging bowl, not so good if you are living in the "real" world, with a job, family, etc.


We can choose the quality of our non-Vaisnava association...there are plenty of good folks who aren't devotees.


I'm really tired of the term karmi...it's very sectarian and condescending in it's implications. It needs to be expunged from Vaisnava speech, the sooner the better, much as n***er is no longer in everyday use among higher-class people in America.


Money and material possessions aren't the problem, it's our attitude toward them. Sometimes they come of their own accord, as does the lack of them.

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Living in America about the only possible way to completely avoid non-devotee association would be either to commit suicide or go live in a forrest and if you went to live in a forrest there is a chance an atheistic forrest ranger would run across your path and kick you out of the forrest. So I try to do the best I can in a bad environment at least from a spiritual perspective.

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Going on a couple of years now I have been getting around on public transport. Most of us on the buses are just a bunch a people getting by....it has been really interesting though...there are so many good living simple people out there, and you can learn alot from them through observation. Almost as if guru comes in many guises. We can learn alot from others....who knows deep down in their hearts they may be the real devotees, without outwardly expressing any faith.

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Hare Krishna


All glories to Srila Prabhupad


Dear bija Prabhu


Yes, i agree with you.


Some lot of people will be heartfull of devotion but they will not express it outside and also we cannot find out or say that he is a vaishnava and he is not vaishnava. and also i agree with the point that a vaishnava is not by his outward dressing.and that particular point which you said is the best quality of a vaishnava.

Thank you for comments and helping me to remember the Lord and quality of Lord and His devotees.



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Hare krishna


All glories to srilaa prabhupad


Dear sanatan,


A karmi is he who is not able to be civilized and also not able to get rid of the material desires continously even when he is serving a Bhagavata or Bhagavan Hari. I agree that the word is not right "Karmi".


Hereafter i will try to avoid the usage of the word karmi. I understood that even once anybody chants the name of the lord is said as vaishnava by Sri chaitanya mahaprabhu.Thanks for your comment.Thanks for giving me an opportunity to know and think of Lord Hari.



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Thanks...you are most welcome...



3. Always BE AWARE about the things which you are going to do and also the things which you are doing now at the present time. The need should be to satisfy the senses of a "Bhagavata" or "Bhagavan Sri Hari".Ex. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad. quote by nitai16108


This is good counsel....a realization that I can surely try and develop more toward. Thanks.

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Hare Krishna


All glories to srila prabhupad


dear Prabhu,




Yes living in america is tuff and it could not be possible also to get association of devotees. but, onething is alone possible for the devotee is to chant the holy name of the Lord Krsna.


The following is a realizaton by a Mathaji who is disciple of Srila Prabhupad. I heard it directly on Srila Prabhupad's disappearence day in vrindavan in karthik month of 2005.

mathaji told that, "The very merciful of Lord's form is Lord Gauranga and Lord Nithyananda. but more merciful than Gaur-nitai is Lord Jaganath, Lord Baladeva and Subatra mayi. but Iam saying that more than the Lord "Srila Prabhupad" is merciful beacuse we are born in america were we cannot know about Lord, His pastimes, and about his devotees.Srila Prabhupad has brought that much merciful Lordships to america to save us from the ocean of material nesciences and due to him we got Bhakti towards Lord.and we can understand how much merciful is srila prabhupad and his hard work to save us from the material energy.


So my point here is you can chant "Hare Krishna Maha-mantra" very easily but begining very tuffly.and that alone can save you prabhu. please where ever you go, what ever you do. please chant atleast the Holy name to save yourself from getting into the illusion.

"Chiatanya mahaprabhu says that

Yare dheka tare kare Krsna upadesha

Where ever you go and whatever you do and whom ever you see please say something about Lord Krsna."

but if that is not possible then please chant the holy name of the Lord Krsna.Thanks for your comments.


Hare Krsna

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Would callng a karmi a "fruitive worker" be more politically correct nowadays?

There has to be some term to describe the non-devotees.


However, I think Srila Prabhupada used the term "karmi" quite often, so I don't think that finding fault with the usage is very good, because in the final analysis we are then finding fault in the way Srila Prabhupada preached.


If Srila Prabhupada considerd the term "karmi" as acceptable, then I am not going to make a stink over it.

It's not a derogatory term.

It simply means fruitive worker - someone who enjoys the fruits of his own labors....................somebody like me....:eek3:


I don' t give my money to ISKCON.

I just barely make enough to pay the bills and feed my kids.

I guess that makes me a karmi.

Oh well, God willing maybe someday I will get out of this mess and resort to a life of bhajan.

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Living in America about the only possible way to completely avoid non-devotee association would be either to commit suicide or go live in a forrest and if you went to live in a forrest there is a chance an atheistic forrest ranger would run across your path and kick you out of the forrest. So I try to do the best I can in a bad environment at least from a spiritual perspective.



Please dont say that! At least America has some sattvic people who dont cheat dont lie and who are not very corrupt. India is getting worse and worse and the only place you can retreat to is to the Himalays or Udipi etc..People lie and cheat like it was rtheir second nature.Corruption is rising and people are increasingly becoming indifferent and cruel. I live in India so I know better than you

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As far as the initial accusation in this topic that..


Demons have more faith then the devotees in the path of the devotional cult.


I think it is a little presumptuous to make such an allegation, because most of us live in small worlds and actually know personally very few devotees well enough to make such an accusation.


The best path is self-scrutiny without so much criticism of other devotees.


The best preacher is the one who preaches to himself.

Condescending upon all the devotees with such a bad opinion doesn't seem to be the proper way to relate to other Vaishnavas.


Save criticism for oneself and give all credit to others.

That is a much more progressive position in Krishna consciousness.:pray:

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Hare krishna


All glories to srilaa prabhupad


Dear sanatan,


A karmi is he who is not able to be civilized .....


...thank you for giving me an opportunity to know and think of Lord Hari.




And thank you, Vijay Prabhu, for your insights and wonderfully humble manner...it's exemplary.


If there's anyone who fits the description of "karmi", it's me!




Would callng a karmi a "fruitive worker" be more politically correct nowadays?

There has to be some term to describe the non-devotees.


How about just "people who aren't Vaisnavas"?



However, I think Srila Prabhupada used the term "karmi" quite often, so I don't think that finding fault with the usage is very good, because in the final analysis we are then finding fault in the way Srila Prabhupada preached.


If Srila Prabhupada considerd the term "karmi" as acceptable, then I am not going to make a stink over it.

It's not a derogatory term.

It simply means fruitive worker - someone who enjoys the fruits of his own labors....................somebody like me....:eek3:


SP's life was a life of instruction and he used certain traditional phrases and words in his speech...the difference is the way he used it and the spirit he used it in. I see its continued use as an unconscious and poor form of imitation of Srila Prabhupada.


IMO, it's now taken on a pejorative tone in everyday devotee-speak, and does nothing but subtly reinforce the us-and-them mentality...we're all spirit souls, remember?



I don' t give my money to ISKCON.

I just barely make enough to pay the bills and feed my kids.

I guess that makes me a karmi.

Oh well, God willing maybe someday I will get out of this mess and resort to a life of bhajan.


Please accept my sincere best wishes for better fortune for yourself and your family, Guruvani Prabhu.


And, both of you...please accept my sincere apologies if I've offended with my outspokenness on this.


I have to continually battle with my own conditioning ...occasionally karmi, ni**er, or other derogatory term or curse word will pop out of my mouth or into the mind...I just have to be aware of it, acknowledge that it happened, and give the result to Krishna.

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Please dont say that! At least America has some sattvic people who dont cheat dont lie and who are not very corrupt. India is getting worse and worse and the only place you can retreat to is to the Himalays or Udipi etc..People lie and cheat like it was rtheir second nature.Corruption is rising and people are increasingly becoming indifferent and cruel. I live in India so I know better than you



That is really sad if India is falling apart because India is the backbone of religion in the world and without it I am afraid the world will become completely inhospitable for sane minded men. I have never been to India but I had a Buddhist friend who always told me there is no use in going there because India is a good example of why samsara sucks. He's not the most cheerful person in the world so I never took him very seriously.

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That is really sad if India is falling apart because India is the backbone of religion in the world and without it I am afraid the world will become completely inhospitable for sane minded men. I have never been to India but I had I Buddhist friend who always told me there is no use in going there because India is a good example of why samsara sucks. He's not the most cheerful person in the world so I never took him very seriously.


However, the great acharyas have predicted that the great movement of Mahaprabhu, though it has risen on the horizon of Bengal, would gradually set in the western countries.


Adi-lila ch.1 text 102, purport



Navadvipa, which is now known as Mayapur and was then called Gaudapura. Lord Caitanya appeared there, and Lord Nityananda came there and joined Him from the district of Birbhum. They appeared on the horizon of Gaudadesa to spread the science of Krsna consciousness, and it is predicted that as the sun and moon gradually move west, the movement They began five hundred years ago will come to the Western civilizations by Their mercy.


Mahaprabhu has said that anywhere there is the chanting of the Holy Name by pure devotees of the Krishna, that is a Vrindavan.


The presence of great devotees and the chanting of the Holy Name can turn any place in the world into a Dhama.


Pure devotees are themselves walking places of pilgrimage.

They even purify the Holy Dhamas of the sins of the fallen.


A rip-roaring kirtan in Chicago is as good as being in Mayapur.


Srila Prabhupada once consulted Sridhar Maharaja on what he should do for leaving his body; either stay in the western countries or come to India.


Sridhar Maharaja said that Srila Prabhupada could just as well die in the west as in India, because his preaching turning wherever he was into a Holy place.

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However, the great acharyas have predicted that the great movement of Mahaprabhu, though it has risen on the horizon of Bengal, would gradually set in the western countries.


Adi-lila ch.1 text 102, purport




Mahaprabhu has said that anywhere there is the chanting of the Holy Name by pure devotees of the Krishna, that is a Vrindavan.


The presence of great devotees and the chanting of the Holy Name can turn any place in the world into a Dhama.


Pure devotees are themselves walking places of pilgrimage.

They even purify the Holy Dhamas of the sins of the fallen.


A rip-roaring kirtan in Chicago is as good as being in Mayapur.


Srila Prabhupada once consulted Sridhar Maharaja on what he should do for leaving his body; either stay in the western countries or come to India.


Sridhar Maharaja said that Srila Prabhupada could just as well die in the west as in India, because his preaching turning wherever he was into a Holy place.



I hope you are right and it takes root really soon so I can benefit from good association. I have spent my whole life living around Mormons and Catholic immigrants. Neither group is all that bad but they don't hold the cow as being sacred or anything and they support the slaughter of cows. For the most part they are materialists but I think down deep most of them do love Jesus Christ.

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That is really sad if India is falling apart because India is the backbone of religion in the world and without it I am afraid the world will become completely inhospitable for sane minded men.


When it comes to "Help buy Chile", the billions are just floating in like anything:


Douglas Tompkins (founder of global Esprit fashion chain): "..So, I'm going to get together a few of my billionare friends including Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Fred Smith, George Soros, and Warrent Buffett and see if we can take out second mortgages on our homes and maybe buy the whole country of Chile outright. I checked, with a GDP of $169B, I'd put the value of the country at 4X, or $800B. With 20% down, we would be looking at a 30 year mortgage of what, $4 Billion a month? That should be doable. We're filthy rich. What else are we going to do with our money? If buying Chile is not within your means, I think you can donate to Deep Ecology, Tompkins' foundation, here and help continue to preserve Patagonia on a smaller scale..."


When it comes to open a single examplary vedic farming project, nothing, zero, happens.

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Hare Krishna


All glories to Srila Prabhupad


Ancient mariner said that,


That is really sad if India is falling apart because India is the backbone of religion in the world and without it I am afraid the world will become completely inhospitable for sane minded men. I have never been to India but I had a Buddhist friend who always told me there is no use in going there because India is a good example of why samsara sucks. He's not the most cheerful person in the world so I never took him very seriously.


I hope you are right and it takes root really soon so I can benefit from good association. I have spent my whole life living around Mormons and Catholic immigrants. Neither group is all that bad but they don't hold the cow as being sacred or anything and they support the slaughter of cows. For the most part they are materialists but I think down deep most of them do love Jesus Christ.


My point is that the budddhist dont believe in exsistence of the sastras.They are also doing lot of tapasya but what is the use if they are not satisfying the supreme personality of godhead Krsna. It's just waste of their efforts and energy. Krsna says in Bhagavd gita that all the yagnas, tapaysa, etc... are only done to satisfy Him and also says that He is the beneficier of all the yagnas and tapasya.better give up such friendship for Lord Krsna. because Mahaprabhu says,"mayavadi bhasya sunila hoya sarva nasha" means hearing a mayavadi will take all the faith and strength of the holy name.

You dont mind about what they are doing! If you chant purely and if you Satisfy Krsna by your activities and sevas. Then Krsna is very merciful and very eager to save all the jivas including you and me. so if you help a little to Lord Krsna than he will change everybody who's around you to your attitude i.e Krsna conciousness what which is taught by our acharyas like Srila prabhupad and his Guru.Pronounce the holy name very correctly and hear it so that you will be pure and help others to become pure.


eka krsna-name kare sarva-papa nasa

premera karana bhakti karena prakasa


"Simply chanting the Hare Krsna maha mantra without offenses vaniquishes all sinful activities. Thus pure devotional service, which is the cause of love of godhead, becomes manifest."[sri chaitanya charitamrita Adi-Lila 8.26]


Hare Krsna

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I hope you are right and it takes root really soon so I can benefit from good association. I have spent my whole life living around Mormons and Catholic immigrants. Neither group is all that bad but they don't hold the cow as being sacred or anything and they support the slaughter of cows. For the most part they are materialists but I think down deep most of them do love Jesus Christ.


It will probably take great cataclysms to chasten western society and motivate them to take to spiritual life en masse.

The time is coming when the orgy of technological pursuit and the mindless ambition for materialistic advancement will hit a brick wall and modern society with have to face the reality of the result of planetary rape and plunder.


When the rug gets pulled out from under the modern world in the form of energy shortages and petroleum depletion, those who survive will understand the folly of scientific advancement and think more about the spiritual purpose of life.


If ISKCON hadn't taken the path of`factionism and divisive policies, there would surely be some very large and dynamic varnashrama communities around the world to show the example of simple living and high thinking based on brahminical and agrarian culture and cow protection.


However, dethroning the acharya of ISKCON and turning ISKCON into a hundred little sects with a hundred little gurus has sapped the vitality of ISKCON and little to nothing has been accomplished in the way of Daiva Varnashrama advancement in the 30 years since the passing of Srila Prabhupada.


If I had the money and resources I would buy a big section of land here in North Florida and start advertising for devotees to come and build a Daiva Varnashrama community free of GBC meddling.

That is still my dream and my goal and someday I might have enough money to at least get something started.


I am convinced that the GBC is now a hindrance to the progress of the Krishna consciousness movement.

It's time to break free from the shackles of the GBC and return society back to the hands of the brahminical councils to the Ksatriya landholders.

Corperate managers are poor leaders for a spiritually based society.

They always have the corperate issues that detract from the greater welfare of society at large.

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The thread title is "We dont have faith atleast as demons have!" and you start your usual tirade against the GBC. Completely unrelated to the thread.


Why don't you start a separate thread and pour your grief there? It's getting irritating.



I am convinced that the GBC is now a hindrance to the progress of the Krishna consciousness movement.

It's time to break free from the shackles of the GBC and return society back to the hands of the brahminical councils to the Ksatriya landholders.

Corperate managers are poor leaders for a spiritually based society.

They always have the corperate issues that detract from the greater welfare of society at large.

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hello everybody,


I am currently in a fierce debate on a Romanian forum at Softpedia.com; I would appreciate any help I can get to defend the authority of Vyasadeva and to prove that zoroastrism is earlier than the Vedas. Also, the greatest problem is that I cannot find a answer to the provoking question: "If Vishnu is so great then why are all the shruti vedas focusing on indra and the others?". For more clarity, I will translate parts of the message I am having difficulty with.


"Come on, be serious with this vyasa guy. isn't he the one who "wrote" mahabharata?Or, are there 5000 years-old manuscripts that have survived and I don't know about is? You should do some research on when the Veda was put in writing. You will be surprized! Guaranteed."


"And them , what about the internal evidence within the Veda [he is refering to the 4 vedas] What about the linguistic changes [???]? And how do you explain the parallels between the vedic texts and the persian and avestan texts(which can be very precisely dated? How do you explain the fact that if Vishnu is the greatest and the coolest he is a somewhat secondary characted in the Vedas and he barely appears, whereas later in the later vedic literature the other deites almost disappear (not to mention the treaties from Mittani where Indra, Mitra, Varuna are evoked)".


"How the heck do you explain that aryans have lived in the cities from the Sindh valley, but there is no urban life mentioned in the Vedas [again, he is refering to the 4 vedas?"



"On what criteria do you accept the authority of BG/SB translation of prabhupad if you do not know the language? Do you like the cover? Have you ever read a vedic text?"


I will not bother to try to convince anybody of anything but this discussion is public and I hate not to be able to defend Prabhupad and the Vaisnava point of view in front of people who are really interested about it[there are some symphatizers of bhakti among the users].


I would really be grateful if somebody who has knowledge in these issues, would help me out here


Thank you in advance,


Hare Krishna

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The thread title is "We dont have faith atleast as demons have!" and you start your usual tirade against the GBC. Completely unrelated to the thread.


Why don't you start a separate thread and pour your grief there? It's getting irritating.

I was responding to Ancient Mariners statement about his hoping that the spiritual society Srila Prabhupada wanted to bring to the western world would take root soon.


I hope you are right and it takes root really soon so I can benefit from good association.

I was merely relating my views on what it would take to actually allow this to happen.


The topic is about having faith in Krishna.

We also need to have faith in the leaders of the movement who are supposed to be carrying on the humanitarian movement of Mahaprabhu.


The topic is faith.


I am saying that ISKCON can be a powerful mechanism for spreaduing faith in Krishna, but people also need to have faith in the spiritual leaders of ISKCON.

That faith has been lost, and the whole world is paying the price for the loss of faith in the leadership of ISKCON which is supposed to be the mission of Srila Prabhupada.


It's not a tirade.

It's only common sense.

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I notice that most of your posts lead to GBC bashing. Let's discuss nice philosophy instead of resorting to useless blasphemy.



I was responding to Ancient Mariners statement about his hoping that the spiritual society Srila Prabhupada wanted to bring to the western world would take root soon.


I was merely relating my views on what it would take to actually allow this to happen.


The topic is about having faith in Krishna.

We also need to have faith in the leaders of the movement who are supposed to be carrying on the humanitarian movement of Mahaprabhu.


The topic is faith.


I am saying that ISKCON can be a powerful mechanism for spreaduing faith in Krishna, but people also need to have faith in the spiritual leaders of ISKCON.

That faith has been lost, and the whole world is paying the price for the loss of faith in the leadership of ISKCON which is supposed to be the mission of Srila Prabhupada.


It's not a tirade.

It's only common sense.

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I notice that most of your posts lead to GBC bashing. Let's discuss nice philosophy instead of resorting to useless blasphemy.

The problem is useless bureaucracy, not useless blasphemy.


To make an observation that the GBC is a defunct bureaucracy is not blasphemy.

You can't blaspheme a bureacracy, as there is nothing sacred about a useless bureaucracy.


I'm not a person to dance around the issue that a defunct GBC is not a serious matter in the Krishna consciousness movement.

I don't like to see Mahaprabhu's humantarian work being obstructed by bureaucracy.


Before ISKCON can promote faith in Krishna, people must have faith in ISKCON.


The topic here is about how to have greater faith.

The starter of the topic is saying that devotees don't have strong enough faith.

Well, I am saying that we need a strong support mechanism to nurture and support that faith.

ISKCON was supposed to be that support mechanism to support and nurture the faith of devotees all over the world.


I am making suggestions on how faith can be advanced by making ISKCON the support mechanim it was supposed to be.


The bogus bureaucracy of the GBC is presently detering faith in ISKCON and weakening the support structure that Srila Prabhupada tried to establish for nurturing faith in Krishna in devotees all over the world.


I think these points are completely on topic.:deal:

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Kulapavana das: "Speaking of cars and sankirtan... one time I had some books to deliver to the ladies sankirtan party in Krakow. All I had available was a little 650cc Fiat 126p (maluch). I took out all the seats (except the driver's) and loaded it chock full with big Gitas (that was all we had at that time) - all the way up. the car was so loaded the springs and shocks were completely flat. and the brakes were about as efficient as those on a train... I still have nightmares of riding cars with almost no brakes, where you press the brake pedal to the floor and you get almost nothing... It was a miracle I made my delivery. But my audacity (feel free to use another term if needed) had no limits... Once I got to Krakow, I had to move the girl's sankirtan camper from one camping to another (we got busted and had to move) - of course I moved it with my little Fiat it was only a few miles but at the first intersection lights turned red and I had zero brakes... the car finally stopped well into the intersection - luckily it was early in the morning and the traffic was sparse. From that point on I was timing the lights very skillfully. Hare Krishna!"

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