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Telepathic networking

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When I started my spiritual development, I quickly became telepathic, and has now accepted it as real, but it took a while, I first went through a psychosis, because there was so much new experiences that I had, a year after that I developed telepathy, first it was with the spirit of a beautiful woman, which I am in love with, and after that I also get in touch with a guru, that I found on the net, He taught me a lot in a special period of my life, so I got higher and higher into spirit, and different gods came to visit me, they had some work that needed to be done, and I experienced a lot, but I could not manage to live in the ordinary reality, so for the second time I was put into the mental hospital, for a while, so I would come back to my normal self, but in the hospital I experienced meeting with my former selves, who I had been in former incarnations, and that this was my destiny, my karma, that put me there, and I realized that I had been in this hospital after I died in ca the 1700's, then I thought it was heaven, because they had such amazing things as a tv. I have no doubt that this is real, I know that I had been this person. So I was punished in the 1700's to live this life that I have now, and I now remember also the other people I have been. I now know that the girl that I have a spiritual relationship with, is actually the girl I married before being born on this planet, we both together were going to be born, and were together until the incarnation started, now the spirit of this girl tells me that we will be together when we are finished living this life, and that I can be with her spirit for the rest of my life. I now have the possibility to contact all people, gods, gurus. It doesn't matter if they are available, because they can answer anyway, through the spirit. I have communicated to dead people too, they can always answer even if they have started living a new life. So if a guru is stuck in your head, just tell him to leave for now, he normally isn't communicating to you with his active consciousness, but through the spirit. And your higher self knows best what to do, and who to communicate with in your inner reality. I'm sure that a telepathic connection with a guru will bear fruits, but it may take a while for the brain to get used to it.

So I have been on earth before this life, and even lived a short while on Neptune, before this incarnation, I hope to get back there after this life, it is more advanced than living on earth, they have things like an out-of-body machine, and a network that all minds are connected to. I have communicated to my parents on Neptune, after I woke up to who I am, and is now part of the network. I believe gurus too have networks, and I believe it is a very good thing, and it will help keeping bad influence out of your head. We are all one, and all is connected.

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So I have been on earth before this life, and even lived a short while on Neptune, before this incarnation, I hope to get back there after this life, it is more advanced than living on earth, they have things like an out-of-body machine, and a network that all minds are connected to. I have communicated to my parents on Neptune, after I woke up to who I am, and is now part of the network. I believe gurus too have networks, and I believe it is a very good thing, and it will help keeping bad influence out of your head. We are all one, and all is connected.


There's life on Neptune?

How come scientists haven't picked up on this yet? Or is it on a parallel universe?

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Not only is there life on Neptune, but on all the other planets as well, why else should the planets be there. I don't remember my physics class when I was there, but I think it lies forward in time. So we would probably need a time machine to find the life there. My girlfriend is from Mars, I remember flying there the first time I met her, with the out-of-body machine, I guess you can get there now if you have the ability to astral travel. I hope to learn that when I get older. I remember also the intoxicating atmosphere on Neptune, it is almost as the high you get from smoking blue lotus. And on Mars they all like to smoke the leaves of a tree, that I have tried here on earth, called acer palmatum.


I remember also my father warned my about flying to earth, because of a time limit there. I was caught by the earth's atmosphere because I forgot about my time, it was like trying to get to the surface of an ocean, but I "drowned", and had to be prepared for being born in a human body, in a layer on earth where there was no people, only me and my girlfriend, and then we were kicked out of our temporary earth bodies, and I was dragged through a singing forest, and when I got out of the forest, then I saw the lights at the hospital, and I was born, and entered a great relaxation, and forgot who I was.

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Not only is there life on Neptune, but on all the other planets as well, why else should the planets be there. I don't remember my physics class when I was there, but I think it lies forward in time. So we would probably need a time machine to find the life there. My girlfriend is from Mars, I remember flying there the first time I met her, with the out-of-body machine, I guess you can get there now if you have the ability to astral travel. I hope to learn that when I get older. I remember also the intoxicating atmosphere on Neptune, it is almost as the high you get from smoking blue lotus. And on Mars they all like to smoke the leaves of a tree, that I have tried here on earth, called acer palmatum.


I remember also my father warned my about flying to earth, because of a time limit there. I was caught by the earth's atmosphere because I forgot about my time, it was like trying to get to the surface of an ocean, but I "drowned", and had to be prepared for being born in a human body, in a layer on earth where there was no people, only me and my girlfriend, and then we were kicked out of our temporary earth bodies, and I was dragged through a singing forest, and when I got out of the forest, then I saw the lights at the hospital, and I was born, and entered a great relaxation, and forgot who I was.


So was the Earth you visited on the same plane of time as the others?


You stated that you visited the other planets in a time much later than our own and then came back to Earth. Was this Earth the same as ours today (because you also stated that the same type of plant was there), or was it Earth in the future (in which we supposedly haven't killed each other already)?


Also, I think Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus... :P:deal::P

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So was the Earth you visited on the same plane of time as the others?


You stated that you visited the other planets in a time much later than our own and then came back to Earth. Was this Earth the same as ours today (because you also stated that the same type of plant was there), or was it Earth in the future (in which we supposedly haven't killed each other already)?


Also, I think Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus... :P:deal::P


When I visited earth, I talked to a boy, and showed him a vision of his future, and right after that I ended up here, and lived at a house, that I like to call the house at the end of time, as there were no other people living in the other houses, but it was the same place, and this house has never been empty, I know where this house is now. I waited there until I was ready to be born, and then I was born in 1979. In 1990 I was 11 years old and I experienced talking with what I thought was an angel, but it was really myself showing myself a future event, that happened in 2006, and when I ended up in that place in 2006 I remembered back to when I was 11.


So, I think certain future events has already happened.

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Got some new information from Neptune, it turns out that Neptune doesn't lay forward in time, it is in the same time, but it exists on a different physical frequenzy. So the Neptune we know, is the Neptune that exists on the same frequenzy that we are.

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Got some new information from Neptune, it turns out that Neptune doesn't lay forward in time, it is in the same time, but it exists on a different physical frequenzy. So the Neptune we know, is the Neptune that exists on the same frequenzy that we are.


How do they look like there in Neptune? do they have huge head and small eyes or many legs and many hands, just like the way they show on starwars he he


Hari hari bol

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How do they look like there in Neptune? do they have huge head and small eyes or many legs and many hands, just like the way they show on starwars he he


Hari hari bol


They look just like us, but if a neptunian comes here, they are almost invisible, but if you have a good third eye, you can see them, like a moving water spirit.

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When I started my spiritual development, I quickly became telepathic, and has now accepted it as real..


if you are telephatic, please tell me what I am thinking about you?

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How did you know that the planet was Neptune and not some other?

Because of all my memories of the place, and of the communication with my Neptune parents that still lives there.


It's a very interesting place, and it is gigantic, it has more layers, like many planets in one, gods live in the highest layer, and hell is also there, like a prison within a prison within a prison, one worse than the other. Where I lived, there was almost no violence, and when I was a child I learned telepathy from my father, it's a very spiritual place. They learn sanskrit and english in school, and create some of their own destiny in cooperation with gods. I don't remember what language they used, if it was their own language or some of the above, but I know that many that lives there has lived on earth before, so maybe they keep their own language.

They know all about earth and other planets and have the possibility to look at movies from earth and listen to our music.

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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Function: noun

: communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means




we can tell each other all kinds of amusing stories, but if you want to learn the truth, you have to be able to verify the source of information as reliable.


if someone claims to have telepathic abilities, let them provide the proof. otherwise it can only be seen as fiction.

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Because of all my memories of the place, and of the communication with my Neptune parents that still lives there.


It's a very interesting place, and it is gigantic, it has more layers, like many planets in one, gods live in the highest layer, and hell is also there, like a prison within a prison within a prison, one worse than the other. Where I lived, there was almost no violence, and when I was a child I learned telepathy from my father, it's a very spiritual place. They learn sanskrit and english in school, and create some of their own destiny in cooperation with gods. I don't remember what language they used, if it was their own language or some of the above, but I know that many that lives there has lived on earth before, so maybe they keep their own language.

They know all about earth and other planets and have the possibility to look at movies from earth and listen to our music.


Agreed that they learn Sanskrith in the school, but what on Neptune do they English? might be coz, Simon peter is an English.. They watch movies he he, well might be they want to advance spiritually by watching Earthain Movies hehe,,,,,,, no offence, but honestly makes no sence......:smash:



Sri hari hari bol

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Agreed that they learn Sanskrith in the school, but what on Neptune do they English? might be coz, Simon peter is an English.. They watch movies he he, well might be they want to advance spiritually by watching Earthain Movies hehe,,,,,,, no offence, but honestly makes no sence......:smash:



Sri hari hari bol


They learn English because of the art. I am Norwegian.

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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Function: noun

: communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means




we can tell each other all kinds of amusing stories, but if you want to learn the truth, you have to be able to verify the source of information as reliable.


if someone claims to have telepathic abilities, let them provide the proof. otherwise it can only be seen as fiction.


No one has been able to prove telepathic abilities, and no one has been able to prove god. But if you look inside, there is where the proof is. And most people try to talk to god, and they do so with inner communication.

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and that is why I consider your story as imaginary.


it has nothing to do with God. just because you cannot scientifically prove God exists but He does indeed exist, does not mean that any bogus story you cannot prove is real as well.



from crystalinks.com

The pineal gland is occasionally associated with the sixth chakra (also called Ajna or the third eye chakra in yoga). It is believed by some to be a dormant organ that can be awakened to enable "telepathic" communication.


do you mean that my telepathic ability is imaginary, or do you mean that all who claim to have telepathic abilities are wrong?

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do you mean that my telepathic ability is imaginary, or do you mean that all who claim to have telepathic abilities are wrong?


I believe there are cases of legitimate telepathy - some can actually "hear" the vibrations in the ether (akhasa) left by our thoughts because their consciousness is so advanced it can focus on these subtle vibrations. there are cases of at least occasional telepathy between twins or other family members in times of great stress. but these are rare.


in your case I simply have zero indication that what you are saying is anything more than fiction or your imagination.

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I believe there are cases of legitimate telepathy - some can actually "hear" the vibrations in the ether (akhasa) left by our thoughts because their consciousness is so advanced it can focus on these subtle vibrations. there are cases of at least occasional telepathy between twins or other family members in times of great stress. but these are rare.


in your case I simply have zero indication that what you are saying is anything more than fiction or your imagination.


I don't have the ability with normal humans, but with those near me from former lives, and dead people, plants, animals, fire. But maybe this is called something else.

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I don't have the ability with normal humans, but with those near me from former lives, and dead people, plants, animals, fire. But maybe this is called something else.


Many of us are born with telepathy. Just a few of us will have a desire to pursue it.


I am telepathic. I know when someone is thinking about me. If they are having bad thoughts I actually have to sit down because of the negative vibes. This is also part of the siddhis, isn't it?


So Peter, ppl thought that you were going crazy? Because you told them what you saw and feel? Were you on any medications? If so, didn't that have a major effect on your mental stablity?

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I am not telepathic but I have had a psychotic breakdown as a result of coming into contact with astral phenomena and was hospitalized in a mental hospital. While in the hospital I met a Puerto Rican female that I have a strong feeling was the reincarnation of St. Teresa but who knows for sure. I also met a Mexican martial artist who claimed to be the reincarnation of Bruce Lee and interestingly enough this was in Washington state where Bruce Lee was from and he actually was terrific at martial arts. Of course I also met somebody who claimed to be related to Luke Skywalker and he tried to break out of the hospital by ramming his head into the door.

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I don't have the ability with normal humans, but with those near me from former lives, and dead people, plants, animals, fire. But maybe this is called something else.


I mean no disrespect to you. Perhaps these are indeed images from previous lives rattling in the cage of our mind, mixing with images from this life. Who knows? But it is good to have a sceptical approach to such images as they are often misleading.

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