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Tamasa attitude?

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Its good ol' RedSox again, asking some pretty interesting questions , eh? :deal:


What is Tamasa way of praying God? Narasimha installs fear in us, it shows how God gets when he is angry, so you try to pray him in fear of him, then is that Tamasa or Sattva?

Hari OM


It would be tamasic if you worship Narasimha out of fear


Rajasic if you worship him to thank him for getting rid of the Asura


Sattavic if you worship him simply because He is an incarnation of the Lord (irrespective of His apperance or actions)

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Hari OM


It would be tamasic if you worship Narasimha out of fear


Rajasic if you worship him to thank him for getting rid of the Asura


Sattavic if you worship him simply because He is an incarnation of the Lord (irrespective of His apperance or actions)


ans super-sattwic if you worship him out of pure selfless love ;)

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.... and super-duper-excellent-sattvic-as-it-is if you worship Him as Sri Krsna, the fountainhead of all incarnations and expansions of Godhead, one beyond a second, the cause of all causes, the primeval Lord, Govinda, around whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of Syamasundara is eternally manifested.

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The Love of Prahlad turns Him into a purrrring pussycat and the touch of his nails a therapeutic massage!


HK found out what tamasic was.



The supreme chiropractor adjusting those grumbly bits in a bad attitude.


What's the moral of the story?


Don't ever mistreat My loved ones.


Photo of relief at Angor or wat?

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Its good ol' RedSox again, asking some pretty interesting questions , eh? :deal:


What is Tamasa way of praying God? Narasimha installs fear in us, it shows how God gets when he is angry, so you try to pray him in fear of him, then is that Tamasa or Sattva?


Fear of God is not tamsic! Prayer could be tamsic though

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Fear of God is not tamsic! Prayer could be tamsic though

Hari OM


There is no need for "Fear of God" if He is Viewed from any of the 9 major roles of Hinduism (Father, Mother, Teacher, Boss, King, Friend, Husband, Child or mystic (antharyami)), since He is not known to Have anytime taken the role of Terrorist or a Gangster, which would be the only role to frighten good people.


Then the only cause of Fear is if some one has broken the eternal law (santhana dharma), and anyone who breaks it is Tamasic, so Fear of God is tamasic.


That is the reason Hinduism is having 3 different types of Gods (or form-name-attribute of God incarnations)


Tamasic Gods:-- or Terrible Gods like Kali, Narashima or Bhirav who are shown with weapons, angry, blood, skulls and bones scatered around. They instill fear in Tamasic people who are completely controlled by sensual urges and who can't restrain themselves to follow the eternal law


Rajasic Gods: --- Calm Gods but still with weapons. They are for Rajasic people who generally control the sense urges and will not in general create pain for others for their own enjoyment, but at some times they may get overwhelmed by their passion, and at those times the weapons of Rajasic Gods reminds them of punishment for breaking the law


Sattivic Gods:--- Happy , smilling Gods with just books or Music Instruments like Lakshmi, Saraswathi, etc., They are for Sattivic people who would never break the law for whatever reason. These Gods take those peoples from mundane existence of survival to the next higher plane of music , knowledge and happiness.

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Personally, I've found that some people go through different periods of their life where a certain guna predominates. Astrology could be used to see the 'weather forecast' for our lives. But still, I found myself many times praying to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nitai. I did have times of being unable to control anything and it's scary! Unfortunately, the fault is always lying within ourselves and sometimes you just have to stop asking to cure this or that because the request itself is influenced by the gunas. Therefore, all you can do at those times is saranagati. Just stop asking and let the higher authorities do the judgement. Sometimes that is all you can do when there is problems from without and within. It's a difficult position, I can say that

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Lord Narasimha does not instill fear in me - quite the opposite. In that pastime Krsna demonstrates that no one is greater than Him. No matter what powers a demon may possess, he will always be subject to Krsna.


Krsna appears as Lord Nrsimha because the demon could neither be killed by an animal or human, on the land or in the sky, or by any weapon. The solution which I guess the demon never imagined was the fierce Lord Nrsimhadeva.


When devotees remember Lord Nrsimha, the demons' hearts are filled with fear and they run away. To that extent Lord Narasimha does instill fear. But I like that. It's all good.

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I had a very vivid dream with Lord Narasimha one time, and He was very, very frightening. He merely let us live as we were aspiring devotees. Still it was a very auspicious dream, and helped me much in my understanding.


Lord Narasimha was frightening even to the greatest demigods like Lord Brahma, who do not scare easily. Prahlada had no fear as he was 100% surrendered to the Lord, but maybe being a child helped too.

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