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Issuing formal apology to all liberals

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Gotta admit y'all were right about Bush. Nothing personal against him but the guy turned out to be a real clown. I should have known he had lost his marbles when they ostracized Colin Powell, that was a giant red flag right there. Oh well, still not all that worried because I figure that Krsna is still in control of everything and not a blade of grass moves without His sanction.

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Haribol, AM. Your sentiments are appreciated, but it is not just liberals, its all human beings that are believers in the need for quality leadership based on basic humanity. Conservatives, too, have been greatly damaged by this administration, because their cause has been usurped by those with the same mentality as the other fanatics the world over.


Liberals were fooled similarly by the likes of liberman and clinton, who are not that far from the present administration mentality.


I personally dont know what to do. I feel we have to elect democrats, not because they are worth anything, but to place at least a sembelance of opposition in hopes that the three-tire checks and balances built into our constitution can work again. But there are very few democrats, standing alone, that fit my criteria for government leadership. I like Gore, but hes burnt out on electorial politics. I like Kicinich, especially his desire to make the Department of Peace a cabinet position, but he is seen as too left for electability. If hillary is shoved down our (democrats) throat like Kerry was (see note below), Im giving up and joining the anarchists. (remember, theist, we were anarchists back then, and it was fun.)


(Note: The biggest fraud of 2004 was not PA in the general, it was the Iowa Caucus and the NH primary, where forth place (acording to the polls) Kerry somehow won, leaving the front-running Howard Dean without any Party backing in terms of support and funding.)


Ancient, you are joining stalwart conservatives in your disdain of Bush. Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller would never have approved of him, his own daddy doesnt approve of him. Itll take fifty years of careful conservative fiscal policy to undo the horrendous way he has single-handedly destroyed both our financial and military status. And in the seventies, there was a republican who opposed Nixon, from california, I forget his name, but he showed we dont need to lock-step with the party, especially if they give us garbage.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS Im a leftist liberal who beileves in the human rights for all, including the unborn. Perhaps we need to turn to organized labor. They have opposed both bush and clinton and their obscene globalism. Too bad tom harkin is too old now, where is eugene McCarthy?

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Haribol! AM prabhu, you do not need to apologize. I never saw your posts as anything other than your honest perspective, to which you have every right.


On some issues I may be liberal, while on others I join ranks with the far right. still, I have always opposed the wars of the chickenhawk people, who sell themselves and their country to the special interest groups who keep them in power.


Bush is just a puppet for some very evil special interst groups, but these people bought the majority of US elected officials, in both parties, so be careful who you vote for next time as well.


It is very painful for me to watch good devotees fall for these demons and support their demonic activities in public, even if just by a lack of vocal opposition to their actions.


We all need to search deep in our hearts to recognize evil for what it is.


Watch out for the propaganda mongers, who have their own agenda and come here to "work the crowd" for their masters. Dandabat pranams.

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Untill we get pious, pratistha-free sadhus in politics or positions of influence, nothing will change because at some level even madyam motivated decisions will be corrupted, unless they are a ksatriya that is guided by a living saint in the background.

What sadhu in their right mind will place themselves in such a snake pit of deception, where hypocracy and expoitation reign.

It's said, 'we get the government we deserve', and you can see that everywhere, but untill the people in general are suficiantly sincere a satisfactory leader won't be forthcoming, what to speak of a whole party.

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If hillary is shoved down our (democrats) throat like Kerry was (see note below), Im giving up and joining the anarchists. (remember, theist, we were anarchists back then, and it was fun.)


Don't wait Mahaksadas abandon them all again. I have. I am way way to fed up with trying to get my mind to accept picking between wet stool and dry stool. Why touch either one. They are all demons of one shade or another. Kucinich used to be a pro-life vegan. A rarity in those circles but you can't be pro-life and advance in the Democratic party so he switched to pro-choice. No gonads. I like Gore the enviromentalist but I wouldn't trust him in a political position. We haven't heard anything from Hillary the would be Queen about Universal health care. I heard someone on Cspan the other day mention that her biggests donors are now the HMO's who have obviously bought her silence.


I like the Bush who put his arm around the firefighter after 9/11. Who said any country that aided and supported terrorists was to be considered an enemy of the US. I still support the premptive killing of terrorists world wide. We need Lord Kalki on his steed with sword chopping heads. But the US is still kissing Saudi butt while Bush does everything in his power to obstruct alternative energy sources so we can shed our dependance on Mid-East oil. Brazil is 99% running on bio-fuels. And Bush is blocking Brazils attempts to sell their surplus to the US while we still buy Venezulan oil. I heard that on O'Reilly. Even Pat Buchannon wants him impeached.


Bush during his campaign said he would not engage in nation building but look at Afghanistan and Iraq. Democracy can't be imposed. What a quagmire. I would love to see Iranian nuclear facilities bombed big time but we can't because our troops are held hostage in Iraq.


So much $ going to "homeland defense" but the southern border is still wide open. What a sad joke on the American people and all to prop up big business at the expense of the American worker. I don't hear anything from the unions either.


I better stop there I am starting to enrage myself again.:mad2:


This world has built up such an emmense negative karmic debt that I feel the nasty stuff is really about to hit the fan. The only one who can stop it is Krsna and He may not want to. Afterall we have been told that we reap what we have sown. So let us forget these political clowns and try to sow seeds of bhakti instead.

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Didn't Prabhupada say that there would be bad stuff (major wars) but the IT COULD BE AVERTED if enough people chant HK?


For example when Prabhupada was around weren't we all so sure that there would be total nuclear annihilation between US and Russia? Devotees headed for the hills, lived in the boonies, survivalist mode.


Then look what happened: Ronald Reagan told some unscripted dirty jokes to Gorbachev, who laughed, then Gorbachev rethink everything based on Ronald Reagan's breaking form and telling unauthorized jokes to break the ice.


Then next thing you know the Berlin Wall is down and now the most enthusiastic foreign devotees are from Russia and the Eastern bloc countries.


So just start chanting HK more and get more world leaders and other people to laugh. Start sending out the love vibes.


For example I read that lots and lots of people in Islamic countries are really into Bollywood movies. They surrepticiously watch them every chance they get because they like the music and the romances and the dancing and the pathos.


So think positive people. Like how the unimaginable happened within our own lifetime: today Russia and Eastern bloc countries are the largest source of new devotee recruits, with Russian devotees coming to US to get green cards and filling up temple positions no one wants in Western countries


even to the point sannyasis running off with Russian girls. So who knows? In a few years if enough people chant HK purely who knows could be huge Iraqi/ Iran/ Afghan/ Pakistani congregations and sannyasis running off with girls in burkas.


With huge rockin Indradyumna Swami Festival of India Woodstock in oil rich Darfur and Baghdad, huge Balakhilya Das Saudi Arabia World Tour with Wai Lana Yoga (god knows she is covered up enough to satisfy the burka crowd), and Krishnadas Brahamacari on stage to kickoff the Narayana Maharaja World Tour of Iran and Afghanistan.


And all the supermodels on cover of Vogue and the latest Miss World all from Islamic countries. SO CHANT HARE KRISHNA AND MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!

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Like there is a documentary film called The Beauty School of Kabul. It is a true story of how the former mayor of Mountain View California quit her job and moved to Kabul Afghanistan to open up a Beauty School there.


I mean really: do you think that the girls and ladies there want to be covered up with burqa all day long? Heck no! So she opened up a Beauty School so the ladies there can learn how to make each other look beautiful for weddings and celebrations and look nice for their everyday self-esteem.


She just does it on her own dime and turns down donations of USD 50K because it's too hard to keep track of all of that money. And like six times a day she gets called a "Western whore" for teaching the ladies how to make themselves look nice but she just laughs in their face and says things like


"Whew it's like your husband regressed 14 centuries when he went to see his second wife in Mecca huh? What is his trip anyway?!!!"


So all somebody has to do is go and open up the Baghdad School of Ankle Bells and Gopi Dots, the oil-rich Kirkuk School of Bindi and Kunkum, the Madcap Mosul School of Shalimar Kameez and Saris, the Basru School of Bollywood Banghra Dancing and Mehndi.


You know like how the Berlin Wall really fell: basically the kids just wanted to dance to some rock and roll from having Radio Free Europe being broadcast over there for decades. So start broadcasting enough good Indian Desi dance music and start opening up Islamic-Indian Beauty Colleges and voila:


we'll all be eating Euro Islamic amuse gourmand appetizers at Alain Ducasse and French Laundry along with our Asian Fusion cuisine before we know it.

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So think positive people. Like how the unimaginable happened within our own lifetime: today Russia and Eastern bloc countries are the largest source of new devotee recruits, with Russian devotees coming to US to get green cards and filling up temple positions no one wants in Western countries


even to the point sannyasis running off with Russian girls. So who knows? In a few years if enough people chant HK purely who knows could be huge Iraqi/ Iran/ Afghan/ Pakistani congregations and sannyasis running off with girls in burkas.

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...even to the point sannyasis running off with Russian girls. So who knows? In a few years if enough people chant HK purely who knows could be huge Iraqi/ Iran/ Afghan/ Pakistani congregations and sannyasis running off with girls in burkas.


I'm not sure if you are serious or just sarcastic...


if you think that anything goes as long as somebody, somewhere, manages to say "Hare Krsna" once or twice in passing on their way to a beauty salon or a bar, that is a pretty radical change from the approach of "real diamonds for real surrender" that our acharyas take.


why dont we just abolish all the regulative principles, sadhana, siddhanta and other "bothersome" stuff and just do whatever we feel like as long as we say the Maha-mantra now and then?


and moreover, if we preach that all the names of the Lord are powerful enough to save us from this world why insist that they chant Hare Krsna and not Allah? especially if in the trade they would also abandon their conservative morality for a western style hedonism?


Krsna consciousness is not for everyone and we should not cheapen it in our preaching attempts to "tough customers".


your analysis that:


"You know like how the Berlin Wall really fell: basically the kids just wanted to dance to some rock and roll from having Radio Free Europe being broadcast over there for decades"


is one of the most bizzare things I have read in years, as I grew up in a communist country during the Cold War and even listened to RFE :rolleyes: ...the rest of your analysis is similarly simplistic and inaccurate.



But what the heck, I still really, really like you, because at least you are not one of the idiots who support bombing the c...p out of Islamic countries to make them more open to KC...

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Well I am just thinking that I grew up with "duck and cover" and the Cold War. Back then no one could ever imagine Eastern bloc countries being free and no one could imagine in the future having rockin kirtans with Russia devotees as our good good buddies back in the 1950s.


And the Cold War with Russia was a huge flip-flop from just a decade prior when Russia was our good good buddy in WWII and Russia sustained more casualties that the Jews did...6 million Jews and 20 million Russians.


So thinking of all of the flip-flops I have seen in my lifetime, like the book 1984 when War is Peace and Black is White and Love is Hate. And our enemy is Oceania last week but today Oceania is our friend this week, Hurrah!.


And remembering all of this doom and gloom talk from the 1970s and evacuating the whole LA temple and sending everybody up to live in Three Rivers for when the nuclear holocaust took place. And remembering the buzz that Prabhupada said "there will be war" and the devotees asked him how to avoid having a world war and he said to chant Hare Krishna.




So as a devotee I thought that is how it all ended the whole Cold War because enough people were chanting HK and also other people were doing things like going to the Kremlin and AUMing there.


For example there was a whole remembrance of this in a recent San Francisco magazine feature article: how a SF socialite spent all of her money and time schlepping back and forth between SF and Moscow and bringing dozens of kids were her, saying "We want to be your friend" to the Russian government officials.




The story was written by the lady's son: how he spent his whole childhood with his socialite mother going back and forth from SF to Moscow with a whole bunch of hippies and healers and peace activists and children.


And I remember there was at the same time a whole movement of thousands

of US schoolteachers getting Russian penpals for their students, like practically every teacher in the US had Russian sister school. To counteract the official US policy stance that "We hate you. Black is White, War is Peace, and Love is Hate."




I don't know what was happening from the other side, all I know is what was happening from the US side. One minute the devotees were all preparing for nuclear holocaust and big arms build-up and the next minute schoolteachers and kids and housewives and socialites were doing things like letting the Russian people know that we like them adn more than that, we LOVE them.


Things like Three Mile Island happened and people became aware that there is no winner in a nuclear war. So the women and children were doing all of these PR things independent of the US government, literally giving the love vibes to the Russian people, saturating with love, sending love energy.




And recently I read Ronald Reagan's spin on the situation in his memoirs that he had been handed a terse script of what to say to Gorbachev at a contentious meeting. By this time Ronald Reagan was already displaying quite a few symptoms of Alzheimers.


Like he could not remember having met people or who people were, he said trees were the major cause of pollution and getting cities and countries wrong. I read about this from the angle of RR's memoirs as well as his daughter Patty's memoirs as well as an interview with his son RR Jr.


Also I read about this from Nahm-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo org's perspective, with whom Gorbachev is friendly and he regularly has relationship with the leader of Sokkai Gakku. Gorbachev studies their meditation techniques for world peace according to them.




So the summary was that RR was handed a script of "fightin' words" to say to Gorbachev. And at this point in his Presidency his Alzheimers was pretty severe. He was to the point always calling his wife Nancy "Mommy" etc. So from what I have read from multiple sources, RR put down the piece of paper.


And the Secretary of State and all the suits started freaking out. Then RR just kind of pick up on the whole vibes and he was very famous raconteur. And he just started telling ribald jokes according to the various memoirs, instead of the script of what the Pentagon wanted him to say.




Then from the other side, what I read in memoirs is Gorbachev was all like "What the--?!" That he was really super surprised the President of the entire military industrial complex just put down the script and started relating to Gorby one on one as a human being.


And Gorby relate in his conversations with the Sokkai Gakku internal magazine that he then thought, "Wow. I could also just put aside my official script that I am supposed to be saying, too. I can completely change history from just relating to RR as a human being, one on one."


So it started off by just laughing and breaking the facade. As a devotee I thought it was from people more and more all over the world chanting more, veg eating more, doing yoga more, praying for peace more no matter what name of God you chose.





And like you say it was not only the HK mantra. So I thought it was also from socialites spending their entire inheritance leading expeditions to the Kremlin to AUM with and then hug the Russian bureaucrats in meetings as private citizens and bringing little kids with them, too.


I thought it was from the Christian and Buddhist schoolteachers adopting Russian penpals for their class and travelling to Russia on their break to meet with the Russian teachers and crying together: "We want peace, we don't want war. We like you and we are all part of one big family."




So to me I thought that is how it happened. I know the history books give glory to whatever politician and whatever external thing. But I thought that walls came tumbling down when enough corny songs were made about "Mr Gorbachev tear down the walls." And enough people were thinking LOVE.




I know it is simplistic. But I thought that is what happened. It took individuals acting with LOVE and with their own money and on their own time to change the entire vibe of the planet for a moment. I thought it was Prabhupada telling us that war can be averted if enough people chant HK.


Basically HK is God and God is LOVE. Basically enough people focused on LOVE and not hate. To me when millions of people decided that they would focus on LOVE more than on fear then that is when the change took place.




I'm also saying that we did it before and we can do it again, by the grace of Goddess. And not only that, I believe that it is inevitable: just as China is now our good trading partner and before no communication at all and before that China was filled with Christian misisonaries and before that Buddhist monarchy and before that some say that Tienamen Square was were Vedic fire sacrifices were performed.


So who knows what can happen in the future? As a person growing up with Duck and Cover and the McCarthy era of Hollywood blacklisting of alleged communists in the US, I never in my life dreamed the Holy Dhama in India would be overrun with so many Russian devotees and half of my temple be Russian devotees keeping it from closing down completely.


I never dreamed I would see World Tours of Russia and Poland by devotees, I never dreamed that devotees be glorified around the world for distributing prasadam in wartime in war zone in former Eastern bloc countries.


I never dreamed that my phone calls would be all routed to Indian call centers, I never dreamed that China would have huge Yoga Exposition and read emails from devotees in China. So dream your wildest dream and who knows? Maybe in future your nice dreams will come true.



"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope one day you will join us. And the world will live as one."

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Well I am just thinking that I grew up with "duck and cover" and the Cold War. Back then no one could ever imagine Eastern bloc countries being free and no one could imagine in the future having rockin kirtans with Russia devotees as our good good buddies back in the 1950s.


And the Cold War with Russia was a huge flip-flop from just a decade prior when Russia was our good good buddy in WWII and Russia sustained more casualties that the Jews did...6 million Jews and 20 million Russians.


So thinking of all of the flip-flops I have seen in my lifetime, like the book 1984 when War is Peace and Black is White and Love is Hate. And our enemy is Oceania last week but today Oceania is our friend this week, Hurrah!.


And remembering all of this doom and gloom talk from the 1970s and evacuating the whole LA temple and sending everybody up to live in Three Rivers for when the nuclear holocaust took place. And remembering the buzz that Prabhupada said "there will be war" and the devotees asked him how to avoid having a world war and he said to chant Hare Krishna.




So as a devotee I thought that is how it all ended the whole Cold War because enough people were chanting HK and also other people were doing things like going to the Kremlin and AUMing there.


For example there was a whole remembrance of this in a recent San Francisco magazine feature article: how a SF socialite spent all of her money and time schlepping back and forth between SF and Moscow and bringing dozens of kids were her, saying "We want to be your friend" to the Russian government officials.




The story was written by the lady's son: how he spent his whole childhood with his socialite mother going back and forth from SF to Moscow with a whole bunch of hippies and healers and peace activists and children.


And I remember there was at the same time a whole movement of thousands

of US schoolteachers getting Russian penpals for their students, like practically every teacher in the US had Russian sister school. To counteract the official US policy stance that "We hate you. Black is White, War is Peace, and Love is Hate."




I don't know what was happening from the other side, all I know is what was happening from the US side. One minute the devotees were all preparing for nuclear holocaust and big arms build-up and the next minute schoolteachers and kids and housewives and socialites were doing things like letting the Russian people know that we like them adn more than that, we LOVE them.


Things like Three Mile Island happened and people became aware that there is no winner in a nuclear war. So the women and children were doing all of these PR things independent of the US government, literally giving the love vibes to the Russian people, saturating with love, sending love energy.




And recently I read Ronald Reagan's spin on the situation in his memoirs that he had been handed a terse script of what to say to Gorbachev at a contentious meeting. By this time Ronald Reagan was already displaying quite a few symptoms of Alzheimers.


Like he could not remember having met people or who people were, he said trees were the major cause of pollution and getting cities and countries wrong. I read about this from the angle of RR's memoirs as well as his daughter Patty's memoirs as well as an interview with his son RR Jr.


Also I read about this from Nahm-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo org's perspective, with whom Gorbachev is friendly and he regularly has relationship with the leader of Sokkai Gakku. Gorbachev studies their meditation techniques for world peace according to them.




So the summary was that RR was handed a script of "fightin' words" to say to Gorbachev. And at this point in his Presidency his Alzheimers was pretty severe. He was to the point always calling his wife Nancy "Mommy" etc. So from what I have read from multiple sources, RR put down the piece of paper.


And the Secretary of State and all the suits started freaking out. Then RR just kind of pick up on the whole vibes and he was very famous raconteur. And he just started telling ribald jokes according to the various memoirs, instead of the script of what the Pentagon wanted him to say.




Then from the other side, what I read in memoirs is Gorbachev was all like "What the--?!" That he was really super surprised the President of the entire military industrial complex just put down the script and started relating to Gorby one on one as a human being.


And Gorby relate in his conversations with the Sokkai Gakku internal magazine that he then thought, "Wow. I could also just put aside my official script that I am supposed to be saying, too. I can completely change history from just relating to RR as a human being, one on one."


So it started off by just laughing and breaking the facade. As a devotee I thought it was from people more and more all over the world chanting more, veg eating more, doing yoga more, praying for peace more no matter what name of God you chose.





And like you say it was not only the HK mantra. So I thought it was also from socialites spending their entire inheritance leading expeditions to the Kremlin to AUM with and then hug the Russian bureaucrats in meetings as private citizens and bringing little kids with them, too.


I thought it was from the Christian and Buddhist schoolteachers adopting Russian penpals for their class and travelling to Russia on their break to meet with the Russian teachers and crying together: "We want peace, we don't want war. We like you and we are all part of one big family."




So to me I thought that is how it happened. I know the history books give glory to whatever politician and whatever external thing. But I thought that walls came tumbling down when enough corny songs were made about "Mr Gorbachev tear down the walls." And enough people were thinking LOVE.




I know it is simplistic. But I thought that is what happened. It took individuals acting with LOVE and with their own money and on their own time to change the entire vibe of the planet for a moment. I thought it was Prabhupada telling us that war can be averted if enough people chant HK.


Basically HK is God and God is LOVE. Basically enough people focused on LOVE and not hate. To me when millions of people decided that they would focus on LOVE more than on fear then that is when the change took place.




I'm also saying that we did it before and we can do it again, by the grace of Goddess. And not only that, I believe that it is inevitable: just as China is now our good trading partner and before no communication at all and before that China was filled with Christian misisonaries and before that Buddhist monarchy and before that some say that Tienamen Square was were Vedic fire sacrifices were performed.


So who knows what can happen in the future? As a person growing up with Duck and Cover and the McCarthy era of Hollywood blacklisting of alleged communists in the US, I never in my life dreamed the Holy Dhama in India would be overrun with so many Russian devotees and half of my temple be Russian devotees keeping it from closing down completely.


I never dreamed I would see World Tours of Russia and Poland by devotees, I never dreamed that devotees be glorified around the world for distributing prasadam in wartime in war zone in former Eastern bloc countries.


I never dreamed that my phone calls would be all routed to Indian call centers, I never dreamed that China would have huge Yoga Exposition and read emails from devotees in China. So dream your wildest dream and who knows? Maybe in future your nice dreams will come true.



"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope one day you will join us. And the world will live as one."


What can I say, Prabhu? You took the words right out of my mouth.


Thank you and Haribol!



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Thank you. And the Beauty School of Kabul story is very inspiring also. One American decides I have had enough. She goes to a part of the world where people are suffering and she is teaching an entire village of women how to do right livelihood. In Hinduism it is called Artha.


The Prophet Mohammed had a very rich wife. She had her own business> She had her own money> She made her own decisions about her own money. And the United Nations UNIFEM Fund for Women has confirmed that if you give aid to men in developing countries, they mostly spend it on cigarettes.


But if you give micro-loans to women and you teach them a skill, then they do WAY better with the resources than the men do. Because in general the women do not spend the money on cigarettes. They work hard and then they spend the money on their children, their home, and their children's education.


If women are educated and have a cottage industry then also if they are generating income this solves the problem of male relatives or outsiders coming in and selling them to India, Phillipines, and Thailand as sex workers. They are generating money doing honest work and staying in their own village.


Islamic women did not always wear burka. You may remember Lisa Hallaby a US citizen who was educated at Princeton who married the King of Jordan. She became Queen Noor and adopted Islam as her religion. She did not cover up in burqa, she wore beautiful caftans made in the region and worn by Islamic ladies for centuries.


So the Beauty School of Kabul an American went there and is reteaching what was part of Islamic culture: that you may look pretty and take care of yourself and dress nicely and it is part of your native indigenous culture if you go back and study history. If you go back and study history each region had very beautiful decorative arts such as weaving and embroidery of caftans.


Every person has planet Venus in their chart, Venus rules beauty. So I think is great idea to go to a region and you reintroduce people to their own indigenous culture that had a chaste form of beauty culture. In Hinduism we call it Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa.


To have right livelihood and teach women a skill, a cottage industry like Gandhi wanted everyone to do, why not? If you are self-sufficient then less chance you will be sold into human trafficking if you can generate money by

creating beautiful things like your ancestors did.


And I did not know that surrepticiously that Islamic people all over Asia LOVE Bollywood movies and that they have all of the songs memorized from them in Hindi. I read about this in an issue of Andy Warhol's INTERVIEW magazine.


It said that if you go to New York City there are so many different nationalities, so many cab drivers who cannot speak each others' languages but one unifying factor is a LOVE OF BOLLYWOOD MOVIES.


So I thought how wonderful in the future wouldn't it be nice that people can do their indigenous crafts of beauty, have right livelihood from it, and be able to enjoy beauty, and freely watch Bollywood movies and freely sing the Hindi songs if they feel like it? So they don't have to be sold into human slavery and so their men are not lured into the army just for the financial benefits.


Wouldn't it be nice if people can have their indigenous value system and also be able to enjoy and create beauty? Wouldn't it be nice if even they can be self-supporting and self-sufficient from creating beauty? And I appreciate the various Asian Indian forms of beauty and wouldn't it be nice if everyone could have that same freedom of choice: to be able to wear burqa or sari or salwar kameez, or whatever you choose.


and to be able to laugh and dance like every indigenous culture has been able to do throughout history in times of peace: that is when the arts flourish the most. And who knows maybe it can even happen and all glories to those who give up the comforts of being the mayor of a city in California to go and teach people how to have a trade and a home cottage industry after a lifetime of war so they don't need to be sold into slavery as sex workers.

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