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Hindus and the sacred cow - double moral standards?

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India 2006 - world's largest producer of cow hides

India - a hidden economy power

POSTED: 1:27 p.m. EDT, September 29, 2006


It used to be illegal in India to kill a member of the genus Bos, but now many slaughterhouses operate in big cities like Mumbai or Kolkata. While there are approximately 3,600 slaughterhouses operating legally in India, there are estimated to be over 30,000 illegal slaughterhouses. The efforts to close them down have so far been largely unsuccessful.

The export trade in Indian leather is worth about $1.7 billion, and India's export share of the leather market has been on the increase. Germany is the largest importer of Indian leather (19%), followed by the UK (17%).


They cannot ship their cows to the slaughterhouse but they can sell them to Muslims,closing their eyes to the fact that the Muslims will take the cattle to the slaughterhouse.These violations of the prohibition against cattle slaughter strengthen the premis that cow worship is a vital part of Indian culture. The practice arose to prevent the population from consuming the animal on which Indian agriculture depends. During the First Millennium B.c., the GangesValley became one of the most densely populated regions of the world. Where previously there had been only scattered villages, many towns and cities arose and peasants farmed every available acre of land.

By now 2006, India became the world's largest supplier of cow hides.



The milk of a cow is believed to promote Sattvic (purifying) qualities. The ghee (clarified butter) from the milk of a cow is used in ceremonies and in preparing religious food. Cow dung is used as fertilizer, as a fuel and as a disinfectant in homes. Modern science acknowledges that the smoke from cow dung is a powerful disinfectant and an anti-pollutant. Its urine is also used for religious rituals as well as medicinal purposes. The supreme purificatory material, panchagavya, was a mixture of five products of the cow, namely milk, curds, ghee, urine and dung. The interdiction of the meat of the bounteous cow as food was regarded as the first step to total vegetarianism

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...any hindu who sells his cow and that cow ends up in the slaughterhouse ain't no hindu - they are fallen and - can they get up?


Thats of course a topic where Hindus look away....



Just recently was a detailed documentation about Hindus selling their cows to Muslims. When listening to those Hindus arguments it became clear that for them mother cow being sacred/holy became a cartoon-like fairytale very similiar the Greek Epos by Homer.

But cow protection is more what many think, that cows are only Krishna's favourite animals, wrong, cows are an universal circuit, an universal nerve center which is so far-reaching that even the quality of our climate is included.







Why India was always such a most fertile place in the world with rich soil, lush vegetation that so many people could be nourished: they protected the cow.

Cow protection = climate protection.

If we look on the world map we find India on the same longitude as many

Muslim countries even huge Muslim deserts like Sahara.

Why each and every Muslim country looks like a desert so that Muslims emigrate all over the world never, ever to return? Look how Egypt and Babylonia used to be places with perfect climate and nice vegetation, all destroyed because of Muslim influence to kill the cow. Everywhere where Muslims live, desert-like countries, chaotic climate. The exact same will now happen to India. Chaotic climate, droughts, bad harvest.

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What they couldn't get by conquest they are now procuring by stealth.

'In like a needle...... out like a plow'

Increasing their hold on country after country after country.

Because even tho they are divided into hundreds of factions themselves, still they have a common agenda.... WORLD DOMINATION.

And because Hindu India is suffering from a bout of low self-esteem there is very little potency to stand up to this insurgence of half Truths.

Under the guise of being the religious minority or underdog in most nations that are supposed to believe in democratic principal, they are setting up camp, unbeknown to most of the sleeping masses who are struggling to be tolerant and give them a fair go.

But before long we will find them in most parliaments influencing the liberal minded free thinkers who call the shots, to consider their proposition of One World government under Allah almighty.

Like we had better get some into the western parliments, the logic goes, because they understand their fellow disenfranchised brothers.


It's interesting to note how just recently the military leader of the coup in Thailand was Muslim, which has been a predominantly Buddhist country for centuries, but now, starting in the south from the Malaysian border, Muslims are populating rapidly. With a Muslim in control they will soften the stance they have previously taken against this silent invasion.

The Kings hands will be tied, because he doesn't wish to be seen as being a partial, cruel ruler. And therefore he will become a pawn of the military.

Plus many of the Thai Buddhists are going thru a makeover identity crisis, away from the unsatisfactory impersonalist doctrine of Buddhism to personalism. First choice over Christianity and the polytheistic Hindhuism will be Islam, apart from small pockets of vegetarian Buddhism, that will relate more to the Hindu.


I totally agree the killer of the cows makes a wasteland of their environment, and then migrates to greener pastures to eventually desecrate their new spoils.

As we know they won't hesitate to use nuclea means to raise Allah's flag, so they can enjoy the spoils of unlimited little moocows and sheep that grow fat in those nice green pockets around the world.

And weak leadership in the west simply opens the way to bring it on all the quicker. But who is going to to make the sacrifice to look after herds of cows and set the example. So many devotees arn't cashed up enough to even purchase enough land to save them from the slaughterhouses.

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this is too sad, it makes me very upset hearing such things, but its not the nonhindus only that are killing cows, its the sellout money hungry hindus too that are making this happen

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