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A Question for the Pope

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But if we take the words the Pope quoted from the Byzantine emperor—

"I quote, 'Show me just what Muhamad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"


Pope Benedict XVI (
12 Sep 2006







Was it Muhhammad Who was Flying Those Bombers over Beirut?




by Michael A. Hoffman II – revisionisthistory.org September 16, 2006



As some of you may have heard or surmised, I am engaged in writing the introduction to one of the rarest books in the world, a volume that has not been printed in English in more than 250 years. It will go to press next week, after which we will offer a pre-publication opportunity for you to reserve a copy.


I want to leave no stone unturned, no detail overlooked in my introduction to this magnificent work, and I debated whether it would be worthwhile to pause from my labors to remark upon Pope Benedict XVI's recent utterance on Islam, which has the Catholic and Neo-con world ecstatic with glee at the thought that Rome is about to drop the syncretic universalism of Benedict's predecessor and launch a full-scale "crusade" against the "mad mullahs."


The gesture by the man said to occupy (usurp might be a more apt word) the "chair of Peter," is too egregious in itself and too symptomatic of the schizophrenia that grips conservative Churchianity in these Kabbalistic "End of Days," when male fish in the Potomac river are discovered to be carrying female eggs, and other portents of a world turned upside down abound, to pass by it in silence.


Benedict quoted a medieval Catholic source on the violence of Islam's Muhammad just a couple of weeks after the armies of Judaism bombed Lebanon into the stone age for thirty-three days (a significant number in the Kabbalah).


The greatest orgy of violence by the military of any religion since the fruit of Bush's "Third Awakening Christianity" pummelled Iraq and Afghanistan's cities and villages with bombs and bullets, was perpetrated in Lebanon in July and August, with religious injunctions in favor of the mass murder issued by Orthodox Israeli rabbis.


But Pope Benedict's stern admonition last week was directed not at them, but only at the "violence of Muhammad." Excuse me, your holiness, but was it Muhammad who was flying those bombers over Beirut?


In the eyes of the rabbis, including the crypto-rabbi in the Vatican, the one thousand Lebanese civilians who were murdered, their infrastructure wrecked, their food and medicine obstructed, the sea polluted and the land strewn with cluster bombs in the last days of the onslaught, are not a subject of particular concern for this pope. After all, God's holy master race has a 007 license to kill, and if the swarthy sheikhs of sin-strewn Arabia are on the receiving end, so much the better. The killings perpetrated by the Israelis are sanctioned by the Talmud, the holy book of Benedict according to his own writings and the study habits of the cardinals he patronizes. The Koran? Why, that's a venal book of violence!


So the old Judaic double-standard raises its ugly head yet again, last week through the mouth of its papal dummy, yesterday out of the orifice of the US President, and tomorrow from the baying hounds of American Churchianity, who confirm Ludwig Fuerbach's observation of more than a century ago, that "Christianity has disappeared. Everywhere it has been substituted by the appearance of Christianity."


The wisdom of the old German philosophers is not welcome in post-war Germany, or among Germans like the current Pontiff, who is now being hailed by terminally perverted "traditional" Catholics and pseudo-Protestants as the paladin of western civilization.


Let us peer a bit closer at the Renaissance Benedict is said to be rebirthing. In Germany, the suicide rate is intolerable and the birth rate has been below replacement level for thirty years. This is attributed to the consumerist hedonism that also infects Italy, Britain, France and Scandinavia. What is overlooked is the special circumstances, unique to Germany, the self-hatred that has been internalized by three generations of Germans bombarded with the guilt-laden mental genocide that is the Auschwitz gas chamber tale, which incessantly repeats that the Germans are collectively a race of hereditary "willing executioners," to quote from the best-selling thesis of Harvard's Daniel Goldhagen. This bigoted toxicity has been pounded into the German psyche in movies, plays, books, TV shows, schoolrooms and synagogues disguised as "Holocaust museums," for decades.


Shortly before he burned himself alive in protest, Reinhold Elstner, a WWII German army vet, termed the "Holocaust" agit-prop a "Niagara of lies." For trying to dam the flow of that deadly sewage, historian David Irving is in jail in Austria, and the Max Planck chemist Germar Rudolf is in prison in Germany, as is the revisionist writer Ernst Zundel, the latter confined to his cell 22 hours-a-day. It is not the first time that a pope has approved -- by silence or commission -- the presence of writers in dungeons.


The rape of the German psyche and the repression against revisionists is old news, and surely some jaded readers will yawn at the tedium of having to encounter it again. Few, if any influential persons in the West believe there is much that can be done about it. In the midst of the heightened concern about preserving western civilization against the colored hordes of crescent moon idolaters, the withered Teutonic branch of that civilization, the one that contributed the Enlightenment philosophy of Fichte and Goethe to Europe, and the moon rockets to NASA, is allowed to wither into virtual extinction, because the vengeance of the blessed rabbis requires it; this stealthy vengeance which is infinitely more subtle and cunning than the candid vengeance openly proclaimed by the hated imams.


It is patent that if it were left to what passes today for the flower of western civilization's intelligentsia, the Irvings, Zundels and Rudolfs would rot in their cells, and the Germans would continue to abort and contracept themselves into extinction. Who in our vaunted, cultured, Christian, western ranks, be he pope, prince or president, would dare intervene with the Judaic "fatwa" issued against the German people through the cunning device of perpetual "Holocaust" hype?


And yet – and here is the portent of double-minded insanity again – if

Judaic revenge and psychological warfare has its way, and there is no intervention, Muslim immigrants will fill the shoes of extinct Germans and Turks rather than Teutons will be in charge of the bastion of central Europe. What then will happen to the great crusade? Well, when did submitting to the Talmudically-crazed rabbis ever bring sanity or salvation to the west?


For that we must look to a black-bearded Persian, a despised follower of that "evil and inhuman" Muhammad. Rather than repay evil with evil, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has offered good for evil.


In a letter this month to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ahmadinejad spoke of "the persistence of a strong will by certain global powers and special groups to constantly portray Germany as defeated and indebted country of World War II...Sixty years have passed since the end of the war. But, regrettably...extortion and blackmail continue, and people are not allowed to think about or even question the source of this extortion, otherwise they face imprisonment....today the perpetual claimants against the great people of Germany are the bullying powers and the Zionists...I have no intention of arguing about the Holocaust. But, does it not stand to reason that some victorious countries of World War II intended to create an alibi on the basis of which they could continue keeping the defeated nations of World War II indebted to them?


"Their purpose has been to weaken their morale and their inspiration in order to obstruct their progress and power. In addition to the people of Germany, the people of the Middle East have also borne the brunt of the Holocaust. By raising the necessity of settling the survivors of the Holocaust in the land of Palestine, they have created a permanent threat in the Middle East in order to rob the people of the region of the opportunities to achieve progress....Without doubt, cooperation of two peace-loving, powerful and cultured nations like Germany and Iran will serve the interests of Europe. Together we must end the present abnormalities in international relations, the type of order and relations that are based on the impositions of the victors of Second World War on the defeated nations."


If the German pope had a patriotic bone in his body, or a shred of paternal affection for the welfare of the Germans, he would summon the Iranian President to Rome and give him a medal, and urge Berlin to do the same, as the first step to a reborn Germany, free of the destructive guilt that has sucked the will to live from the marrow of its bones.


But no such man occupies the papacy, but rather a gravedigger who swings his mud-encrusted shovel over the barren wombs and seared brains of the Germans, while hurling calculated insults at the religion of decent men like Ahmadinejad, the better to grease the wheels of the neocons' World War III. And Benedict does so to the wildly enthusiastic applause of Catholics, Protestants and conservatives who mistake this Zionist wraith for the long-awaited crusader-king of Christendom.


Male fish in the Potomac carry female eggs. For the occult 33 days was death and terror ushered to Lebanon. A rabbi bears the name of Pope, a Bonesman bears the title of US President, as the double-mind is inducted into the western hall of shame.


Copyright © 2006


Hoffman writes from his publishing house in the mountains of northern Idaho. This column is posted online at:







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...as usual you post an article and you give no personal reflections...


There is a serious issue with a lack of tolerance in many of those who follow Islam and - it's not limited to just extremists either! Heck how many intolerant hare krishna's troll around - but - do simple a test - go to a muslim chat room and tell them you're into Krishna and you wish to have inter-faith dialogue - see what they say to you?


To say such a thing - in a sincere discussion - isn't 'to cast aspersion' on Isalm.


In fact - in the same address the Pope knocked at the history of Christianity and - he at the same time - was honest about an important point regarding the absolute nature of God - here in this point:


"In all honesty, one must observe that in the late Middle Ages we find trends in theology which would sunder this synthesis between the Greek spirit and the Christian spirit. In contrast with the so-called intellectualism of Augustine and Thomas, there arose with Duns Scotus a voluntarism which ultimately led to the claim that we can only know God's "voluntas ordinata." Beyond this is the realm of God's freedom, in virtue of which he could have done the opposite of everything he has actually done...For philosophy and, albeit in a different way, for theology, listening to the great experiences and insights of the religious traditions of humanity, and those of the Christian faith in particular, is a source of knowledge, and to ignore it would be an unacceptable restriction of our listening and responding..


"listening to the great experiences and insights of the religious traditions of humanity" - sounds like a pretty respectful and inclusive estimation of other faiths to me...




Of course - in the absolute sense - for God - there is no such thing as "Muslim" or "Christian" or "Jew" or "Hindu" - or whatever.


Just like the sun. The sun is neither 'Hindu sun' nor 'Christian sun' nor 'Hebrew sun' nor 'Muslim sun' etc., the sun - is the sun. The sun is universal to our experience.


But if we say - if we think that - because when the sun is over the heads of muslims - therefore it's the “muslim sun” - then that is a mental concoction.


Sun is neither muslim nor christian nor hindu etc., - similarly - God - He’s neither exclusively for muslims nor christians nor hindus nor jews... He is for everyone.


The simplest definition of dharma [religion] is that dharma is the order of the Supreme Being. Since the Supreme Being - God - is One - His Order must be One.


How - then - can there be different dharmas? lt is not possible - it's only in our minds.


Different dharmas are created due to ignorance - which causes people to think in terms of Hindu dharma Muslim dharma Christian dharma this dharma or that dharma. No.


Gold is gold. If a Christian possesses some gold - does it become Christian gold? Gold is gold - whether possessed by a Hindu a Muslim or a Christian or - whomever.


In this same fashion - God is God and - the sooner the world of faith understands this - the better.


As a foot note to these points - there was this other point in the Pope's address:


"...The mysterious name of God, revealed from the burning bush, a name which separates this God from all other divinities with their many names and declares simply that he is, already presents a challenge to the notion of myth, to which Socrates' attempt to vanquish and transcend myth stands in close analogy. Within the Old Testament, the process which started at the burning bush came to new maturity at the time of the Exile, when the God of Israel, an Israel now deprived of its land and worship, was proclaimed as the God of heaven and earth and described in a simple formula which echoes the words uttered at the burning bush: "I am".


The fact is as i've noted in the past - in the original Hebrew - the translated "I am" - is more literally - "I am whomver I will be" - or - "I am whomever I want to be" - it's an interesting point to add about the broader implications of that text. God is "whomever He wants to be" - sounds pretty universal to me.


The Pope's comments weren't insulting Islam - just read the whole address.

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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="550"><tbody><tr><td align="center">

But if we take the words the Pope quoted from the Byzantine emperor—

"I quote, 'Show me just what Muhamad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"

Pope Benedict XVI (
12 Sep 2006




by Michael A. Hoffman II – revisionisthistory.org September 16, 2006



Shortly before he burned himself alive in protest, Reinhold Elstner, a WWII German army vet, termed the "Holocaust" agit-prop a "Niagara of lies." For trying to dam the flow of that deadly sewage, historian David Irving is in jail in Austria, and the Max Planck chemist Germar Rudolf is in prison in Germany, as is the revisionist writer Ernst Zundel, the latter confined to his cell 22 hours-a-day. It is not the first time that a pope has approved -- by silence or commission -- the presence of writers in dungeons.


It is patent that if it were left to what passes today for the flower of western civilization's intelligentsia, the Irvings, Zundels and Rudolfs would rot in their cells, and the Germans would continue to abort and contracept themselves into extinction. Who in our vaunted, cultured, Christian, western ranks, be he pope, prince or president, would dare intervene with the Judaic "fatwa" issued against the German people through the cunning device of perpetual "Holocaust" hype?

Well, when did submitting to the Talmudically-crazed rabbis ever bring sanity or salvation to the west?

For that we must look to a black-bearded Persian, a despised follower of that "evil and inhuman" Muhammad. Rather than repay evil with evil, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has offered good for evil.






This Hoffman is - a crank a crazy a weirdo - reading this trash and then a short visit to his website - i can see what attracts lost souls of a certain 'persuasion' to his [self-described] 'revisionist' hallucinations.

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So we have sunken down to posting articles by racist freaks ? While at his site be sure and order some of his great videos as well..... I hear this one is a best seller: God's Power Politics for the White Race.

<!-- allproducts -->In this visionary oration, Michael A. Hoffman II challenges all those concerned with the survival of the white community, whether Christians or non-Christians. Taking on the central myths of the contemporary white nationalist movement, Hoffman shows how whites can survive and enhance their position now, without politicians or failed Great White Hope politics. Approx. one hour.



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"There is a serious issue with a lack of tolerance in many of those who follow Islam and - it's not limited to just extremists either! Heck how many intolerant hare krishna's troll around - but - do simple a test - go to a muslim chat room and tell them you're into Krishna and you wish to have inter-faith dialogue - see what they say to you?" coutesy of the ever dependable, fool extraordinaire, BDM.


Silly, silly boy. You really must come to terms with the fact that cyberspace isn't real space and is ipso facto dotted with morons like you who subvert every decent discussion. That includes Muslim chat rooms too. I speak with actual Muslim's regularly on issues of faith and they are perfectly amenable to accpting the virtue in my beliefs and wish me well. What we agree on is that the wicked in the world are not those sincere souls following their faith, whatever brand it may be, with devotion. Rather, the wicked are those that do not recognise the value of human life and see fit to randomly abuse their access to the most powerful artillery in the world to bomb to bits innocent citizens just to rob the world of any chance of peace in their bid for power.


Such an argument doesn't fit with your world view so you castigate all Muslim's as being incapable of reason. Try speaking to actual Muslim's and try toning your zealotry down a little and you'll find that they are, for the greater part, as sweet and humble as most people who take their faith seriously are. I know its difficult for you being a biggot and an Islamaphobe but try, push yourself to be humble enough to admit you might be wrong.


If they are, as a people, so incapable of reason, why did Prabhupada weep when the Bhagavad Gita was translated into Arabic. He had faith, where's yours, you big power lover? Does George Bush make you go weak at the knees with the masterful way in which he dispenses with those you see fit to dismiss as unfit for human life? Done so much for world peace and, curiously, the global trade in arms which the American economy depends on.

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BDM, you're a silly, silly boy. :) :) :)


I think where Danielle is right, she's right! I just posted the article without actually reading because it looked like something for the World Review - after all the Pope plans to visit Turkey soon and there're lots of death threats against him, the situation remains exciting.

That's what I found why there're so many Muslims in India:



In a 1975 conversation with an Indian governor in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada emphasized the deadly hazard of promoting contempt and hatred between the classes: “The sudras were hated like anything, so they became Mohammedans… . Now the result is that you and Pakistan go on fighting forever.” In contrast, Prabhupada stresses that in varnashrama everyone’s position is to be respected and appreciated because everyone is serving the Lord.



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The Pope used this quote in an academic speech before people of his own religious order. It was an internal affair of the Church and he had every right to say what he said. Yet, SOME people made it into a huge issue by sticking it into the eyes of Muslim media. Hmmm... I wonder who that some people are?


When you get stung by enraged bees, take a good look at the guy who just whacked the bee hive with the stick and is now hiding in the bushes... he is just as guilty as the bees (if not more so), because he whacked the bees only because he knew they would attack you next, so that you would in turn kill the bees to make room for his chickens...

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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="550"><tbody><tr><td align="center">

But if we take the words the Pope quoted from the Byzantine emperor—

"I quote, 'Show me just what Muhamad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"


Pope Benedict XVI (
12 Sep 2006







Was it Muhhammad Who was Flying Those Bombers over Beirut?




by Michael A. Hoffman II – revisionisthistory.org September 16, 2006


As some of you may have heard or surmised, I am engaged in writing the introduction to one of the rarest books in the world, a volume that has not been printed in English in more than 250 years. It will go to press next week, after which we will offer a pre-publication opportunity for you to reserve a copy.


I want to leave no stone unturned, no detail overlooked in my introduction to this magnificent work, and I debated whether it would be worthwhile to pause from my labors to remark upon Pope Benedict XVI's recent utterance on Islam, which has the Catholic and Neo-con world ecstatic with glee at the thought that Rome is about to drop the syncretic universalism of Benedict's predecessor and launch a full-scale "crusade" against the "mad mullahs."


The gesture by the man said to occupy (usurp might be a more apt word) the "chair of Peter," is too egregious in itself and too symptomatic of the schizophrenia that grips conservative Churchianity in these Kabbalistic "End of Days," when male fish in the Potomac river are discovered to be carrying female eggs, and other portents of a world turned upside down abound, to pass by it in silence.


Benedict quoted a medieval Catholic source on the violence of Islam's Muhammad just a couple of weeks after the armies of Judaism bombed Lebanon into the stone age for thirty-three days (a significant number in the Kabbalah).


The greatest orgy of violence by the military of any religion since the fruit of Bush's "Third Awakening Christianity" pummelled Iraq and Afghanistan's cities and villages with bombs and bullets, was perpetrated in Lebanon in July and August, with religious injunctions in favor of the mass murder issued by Orthodox Israeli rabbis.


But Pope Benedict's stern admonition last week was directed not at them, but only at the "violence of Muhammad." Excuse me, your holiness, but was it Muhammad who was flying those bombers over Beirut?


In the history of religion, there is undoubtedly too much violence, but in this particular instance, the reaction of the Islamic world seems to prove the Pope's point.

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Hare Krsna,

I liked your analogy to the sun. Do you think that this also applies to atheists? What about the need to have a guru? Do we all see the sun and God the same whether or not we have a guru? Is there a difference in vision or in interpretation of what we see, in regards to the sun and to God?

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Silly, silly boy. You really must come to terms with the fact that cyberspace isn't real space and is ipso facto dotted with morons like you who subvert every decent discussion..




And you don`t ? I have yet to see you post without namecalling or attacks apart from your first post here.




I speak with actual Muslim's regularly on issues of faith and they are perfectly amenable to accpting the virtue in my beliefs and wish me well.




Since this is your experience it is the way of the world ? Have you had these discussions in Dubai ? Saudi Arabia ? Egypt ? By experience you will find a lot less acceptance in these places you even run the risk of being jailed. So before you assume that your view is the way of the world try seeing more of the world.




I know its difficult for you being a biggot and an Islamaphobe.




Wow so you really didn`t read a word he wrote did you ? Once again instead of responding to the facts of the post you lable and namecall.

It is amazing that you accuse everyone of subverting discussions when you just come to threads and namecall if the thread doesn`t fit your views.

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"There is a serious issue with a lack of tolerance in many of those who follow Islam and - it's not limited to just extremists either! Heck how many intolerant hare krishna's troll around - but - do simple a test - go to a muslim chat room and tell them you're into Krishna and you wish to have inter-faith dialogue - see what they say to you?" coutesy of the ever dependable, fool extraordinaire, BDM.


Silly, silly boy. You really must come to terms with the fact that cyberspace isn't real space and is ipso facto dotted with morons like you who subvert every decent discussion. That includes Muslim chat rooms too. I speak with actual Muslim's regularly on issues of faith and they are perfectly amenable to accpting the virtue in my beliefs and wish me well. What we agree on is that the wicked in the world are not those sincere souls following their faith, whatever brand it may be, with devotion. Rather, the wicked are those that do not recognise the value of human life and see fit to randomly abuse their access to the most powerful artillery in the world to bomb to bits innocent citizens just to rob the world of any chance of peace in their bid for power.


Such an argument doesn't fit with your world view so you castigate all Muslim's as being incapable of reason. Try speaking to actual Muslim's and try toning your zealotry down a little and you'll find that they are, for the greater part, as sweet and humble as most people who take their faith seriously are. I know its difficult for you being a biggot and an Islamaphobe but try, push yourself to be humble enough to admit you might be wrong.


If they are, as a people, so incapable of reason, why did Prabhupada weep when the Bhagavad Gita was translated into Arabic. He had faith, where's yours, you big power lover? Does George Bush make you go weak at the knees with the masterful way in which he dispenses with those you see fit to dismiss as unfit for human life? Done so much for world peace and, curiously, the global trade in arms which the American economy depends on.

Here you are - name calling again - why don't you just go to Iran and join them - you belong there - even I can see that.


As for my zealotry and my being a bigot - i do doubt it - of course it is true what I said and - did I say that Muslims were bad? NO.


I just said that many many many of them have a difficult time respecting hindus and others - YES - there are many christians who are the same.


Heck there are hare krishna's who peddle hate - right here! - so when you write - "you castigate all Muslim's as being incapable of reason" - I didn't do that so quit trying to smear me on things I haven't done.


You're a lost cause and BTW - you're not supporting muslims - you're supporting Islamists - deny deny deny that all you want - but - your ongoing words say otherwise - dear lady.

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I think where Danielle is right, she's right! I just posted the article without actually reading because it looked like something for the World Review - after all the Pope plans to visit Turkey soon and there're lots of death threats against him, the situation remains exciting.

That's what I found why there're so many Muslims in India:



...as if you didn't know about Hoffman and what he stands for whatever suchandra...and - that says it all - if that is what you did - posted it without reading -[shaking my head].

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"There is a serious issue with a lack of tolerance in many of those who follow Islam and - it's not limited to just extremists either! Heck how many intolerant hare krishna's troll around - but - do simple a test - go to a muslim chat room and tell them you're into Krishna and you wish to have inter-faith dialogue - see what they say to you?" coutesy of the ever dependable, fool extraordinaire, BDM.


Silly, silly boy. You really must come to terms with the fact that cyberspace isn't real space and is ipso facto dotted with morons like you who subvert every decent discussion. That includes Muslim chat rooms too. I speak with actual Muslim's regularly on issues of faith and they are perfectly amenable to accpting the virtue in my beliefs and wish me well. What we agree on is that the wicked in the world are not those sincere souls following their faith, whatever brand it may be, with devotion. Rather, the wicked are those that do not recognise the value of human life and see fit to randomly abuse their access to the most powerful artillery in the world to bomb to bits innocent citizens just to rob the world of any chance of peace in their bid for power.


Such an argument doesn't fit with your world view so you castigate all Muslim's as being incapable of reason. Try speaking to actual Muslim's and try toning your zealotry down a little and you'll find that they are, for the greater part, as sweet and humble as most people who take their faith seriously are. I know its difficult for you being a biggot and an Islamaphobe but try, push yourself to be humble enough to admit you might be wrong.


If they are, as a people, so incapable of reason, why did Prabhupada weep when the Bhagavad Gita was translated into Arabic. He had faith, where's yours, you big power lover? Does George Bush make you go weak at the knees with the masterful way in which he dispenses with those you see fit to dismiss as unfit for human life? Done so much for world peace and, curiously, the global trade in arms which the American economy depends on.


I'm sure that YOU have no issue with this words - to quote that Hoffman:


It is patent that if it were left to what passes today for the flower of western civilization's intelligentsia, the Irvings, Zundels and Rudolfs would rot in their cells, and the Germans would continue to abort and contracept themselves into extinction. Who in our vaunted, cultured, Christian, western ranks, be he pope, prince or president, would dare intervene with the Judaic "fatwa" issued against the German people through the cunning device of perpetual "Holocaust" hype?

Well, when did submitting to the Talmudically-crazed rabbis ever bring sanity or salvation to the west?

For that we must look to a black-bearded Persian, a despised follower of that "evil and inhuman" Muhammad. Rather than repay evil with evil, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has offered good for evil.

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Derogatory name calling never does anyone good! Not the person that does it, the one that receives it, or those that have to wittness.

Then again Holy Name calling does everyone good including us the observers, so if you want to call to Allah, Krsna, Rama, Jehova all well and good. Each Name will take us somewhere, depending how we do it it may benefit us all, transporting us into the desired heartspace many of us would like to occupy. But names like moron, although similar to mormon will only take us backwards.

Call and be happy


Gaura Hari bol

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