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Indian preacher belittles Krishna on Christian tv

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don't know if anyone has heard of Ravi Zacharias. He is an Indian Christian evangelist. I was clicking thru the channels today, and saw him on a Christian show called LIFE TODAY with James Robison. It is an internationally broadcast show, watched by millions of Christians around the world.


Anyway, on the show, Ravi was telling about growing up in India.. he started telling a story about a sadhu that lived in his village/town groing up who use to roll around in the street yelling "Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!".. he said this was really pathetic and sad to watch, and it "scared" him as a kid. He informed the Christian audience that Govinda is a "Hindu god" and it breaks his heart that people like that man roll around in the street crying out to a Hindu god, when the true God came as Christ, to die for their sins, so they don't have to wallow in the street.


Man, watching this really made me sad, to see Lord Krsna belittled as some false god, and devotees made to look like pathetic fools, rolling in the streets, praying to some god that does not exist. Sadly, most Christians have never heard anything about Govinda/Krishna, so they will take this Indian converts word, that Hindus are primitive fools, who worship non-existant gods because we are not fortunate enough to have learned about the Christian god.


It breaks my heart to see Sri Krishna belittled on national tv. I pray devotees will one day have the money to start our own tv show, where Lord Krishna can be glorified!

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So this Christian preacher of little intelligence thinks that Govinda is a 'hindu god' and Christ is a 'christian god'? Thats news to me because I didn't know God belonged to a particular religion. Maybe he can next tell us if God is caucasian or hispanic!


My advice would be to just ignore these fools. As has been stated numerous times on this forum, Krsna guides the sincere seekers. Those that wish to be cheated will be led to preachers such as Mr. Zacharias.



don't know if anyone has heard of Ravi Zacharias. He is an Indian Christian evangelist. I was clicking thru the channels today, and saw him on a Christian show called LIFE TODAY with James Robison. It is an internationally broadcast show, watched by millions of Christians around the world.


Anyway, on the show, Ravi was telling about growing up in India.. he started telling a story about a sadhu that lived in his village/town groing up who use to roll around in the street yelling "Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!".. he said this was really pathetic and sad to watch, and it "scared" him as a kid. He informed the Christian audience that Govinda is a "Hindu god" and it breaks his heart that people like that man roll around in the street crying out to a Hindu god, when the true God came as Christ, to die for their sins, so they don't have to wallow in the street.


Man, watching this really made me sad, to see Lord Krsna belittled as some false god, and devotees made to look like pathetic fools, rolling in the streets, praying to some god that does not exist. Sadly, most Christians have never heard anything about Govinda/Krishna, so they will take this Indian converts word, that Hindus are primitive fools, who worship non-existant gods because we are not fortunate enough to have learned about the Christian god.


It breaks my heart to see Sri Krishna belittled on national tv. I pray devotees will one day have the money to start our own tv show, where Lord Krishna can be glorified!

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don't know if anyone has heard of Ravi Zacharias. He is an Indian Christian evangelist. I was clicking thru the channels today, and saw him on a Christian show called LIFE TODAY with James Robison. It is an internationally broadcast show, watched by millions of Christians around the world.


Anyway, on the show, Ravi was telling about growing up in India.. he started telling a story about a sadhu that lived in his village/town groing up who use to roll around in the street yelling "Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!".. he said this was really pathetic and sad to watch, and it "scared" him as a kid. He informed the Christian audience that Govinda is a "Hindu god" and it breaks his heart that people like that man roll around in the street crying out to a Hindu god, when the true God came as Christ, to die for their sins, so they don't have to wallow in the street.


Man, watching this really made me sad, to see Lord Krsna belittled as some false god, and devotees made to look like pathetic fools, rolling in the streets, praying to some god that does not exist. Sadly, most Christians have never heard anything about Govinda/Krishna, so they will take this Indian converts word, that Hindus are primitive fools, who worship non-existant gods because we are not fortunate enough to have learned about the Christian god.


It breaks my heart to see Sri Krishna belittled on national tv. I pray devotees will one day have the money to start our own tv show, where Lord Krishna can be glorified!


Ravi Zacharias is an idiot. It's funny how so many Christian evangelists are idiots. In any case, if he was "scared" as a child by that sadhu, it probably doesn't indicate anything remotely intelligent about him, don't you think?

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Many people still think Krishna is Hindu God. It's not new. Some people's faith (I think) is established by belittling or undermining others Religious Faiths and they establish their's as Supreme. Probably done for New Converts, but as they progress they grow in knowledge - Bhaktivinoda Thakura says about Sectarian Spirit as belongs to low-class or Neophyte Kanistha Vaishnava's. (could be said for other Faiths, Christians, Islam’s etc)

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Ravi Zacharias is an idiot. It's funny how so many Christian evangelists are idiots. In any case, if he was "scared" as a child by that sadhu, it probably doesn't indicate anything remotely intelligent about him, don't you think?


Not for nothing, but this Christian Evangelical mentality has a lot to do with why I'm here! I have quite a few friends and co-workers who are involved in this Christian business, and they're always worrying about whether or not I'm "Saved". Since I won't to their point of view, this leads to some very lively conversations! Just last night I was chatting with a friend on the phone, and she was telling me all the benefits of being "saved", and the hilarious thing was that most of what she was saying could be found right in the Bhavad-gita! She refered to "the Holy Spirit" being within her, which is true -- but I call it my "Soul". And unlike her, I think it's always been within us -- we just have to see it for ourselves, which is what Self-Realization is about. Then she said something about our duty being to love God with all our hearts, etc. which is absolutely true! I was agreeing with everthing she said, but because I prefer the vantage point of the teachings of Lord Krishna, that means I'm gonna "burn in hell" for eternity. And I wouldn't dream of speculating on the state of her karma!! For her, and maybe for many other of these "Born Again" types, it's all in the words. Yet there's a nice article in Srila Prabhupada's The Science of Self Realization that discusses the fact that the names "Krishna" and "Christ" both originate from the Greek name "Krista"! So, I'm finding if I don't have to adhere to that strict dogmatic way of thinging, I won't! I find what I'm learning of Hinduism seems more pure, and more universal that what I've known of Christianity.


So, does this make me a "born again Hindu"?!!! :D

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My wife is New Age/Christian in her spiritual outlook. About 20 yrs. ago she was into watching Pat Robertson's 700 Club and one day he had a whole show on India's "spiritual emptiness". She's not a Vaisnava devotee but knew the philosophy and enough about Indian spiritual traditions in general to recognize this as complete BS, and has not watched Robertson since... now he's turned out to be a whacko that even many conservative evangelical Christians keep their distance from.


It always distresses me when Christians summarily dismiss Lord Krishna and/or the Indian/Vedic spiritual tradition in general. This strikes me as false ego at work, but then so does the ISCKON-speak approach of "smashing" the philosophical arguments of others.


The overagressive evangelistic approach to preaching only produces resentment and negative feelings on the part of the victims.

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Pentacostal Christians roll around on the floor laughing hystericaly jumping up and down praising their god.. It really isnt any different.. This Indian Christian is quite ignorant to make such claims as this kind of practice being pathetic!




don't know if anyone has heard of Ravi Zacharias. He is an Indian Christian evangelist. I was clicking thru the channels today, and saw him on a Christian show called LIFE TODAY with James Robison. It is an internationally broadcast show, watched by millions of Christians around the world.


Anyway, on the show, Ravi was telling about growing up in India.. he started telling a story about a sadhu that lived in his village/town groing up who use to roll around in the street yelling "Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!".. he said this was really pathetic and sad to watch, and it "scared" him as a kid. He informed the Christian audience that Govinda is a "Hindu god" and it breaks his heart that people like that man roll around in the street crying out to a Hindu god, when the true God came as Christ, to die for their sins, so they don't have to wallow in the street.


Man, watching this really made me sad, to see Lord Krsna belittled as some false god, and devotees made to look like pathetic fools, rolling in the streets, praying to some god that does not exist. Sadly, most Christians have never heard anything about Govinda/Krishna, so they will take this Indian converts word, that Hindus are primitive fools, who worship non-existant gods because we are not fortunate enough to have learned about the Christian god.


It breaks my heart to see Sri Krishna belittled on national tv. I pray devotees will one day have the money to start our own tv show, where Lord Krishna can be glorified!

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My wife is New Age/Christian in her spiritual outlook. About 20 yrs. ago she was into watching Pat Robertson's 700 Club and one day he had a whole show on India's "spiritual emptiness". She's not a Vaisnava devotee but knew the philosophy and enough about Indian spiritual traditions in general to recognize this as complete BS, and has not watched Robertson since... now he's turned out to be a whacko that even many conservative evangelical Christians keep their distance from.


It always distresses me when Christians summarily dismiss Lord Krishna and/or the Indian/Vedic spiritual tradition in general. This strikes me as false ego at work, but then so does the ISCKON-speak approach of "smashing" the philosophical arguments of others.


The overagressive evangelistic approach to preaching only produces resentment and negative feelings on the part of the victims.


Yes, they paint all Indians and idol-worshipping, lost souls, on the way to hell. There was one show I saw, where Robertson or his son were in India, trying to make converts on the bank of the Ganges. Robertson crudely said, that Hindus believe this is "God's sperm" they must wash in to be cleansed. Then he said, even after they get Hindus to pray their Christian "sinner's prayer", they still continue to worship idols (like Radha-Krishna Murtis) afterward: insinuating the effects of their spiritual bondage to false gods, runs deep and is not easily broken.


On this show this morning, the Vaishnava Sadhu was stated that he worshipped Govinda, "one of the Hindu gods" - making the listeners think the people who worship Govinda are polytheists.Sigh. All these lies fill the listeners minds.


I just wish Vaishnavas had our own show to share the teachings of the Gita and glorify Lord Krishna everyday. Then people would at least have an opportunity to hear about Govinda, from devotees. :)


I remember before I was a devotee, I had heard horrible things about all Vedic/Indian sects from Christians. They said that "Hindus" (this is the only term they ever use) worshipped millions of gods, and refused to kill flies because they thought they might be killing their grandma. Nothing was ever mentioned that Hinduism, teaches that reincarnation is undesirable, and our true home is the glorious spiritual world of Vaikuntha. Rather, it is implied like we believe in endless reincarnation (without any hope of relief) and that we do not believe in God.


It really makes me upset to know that they are completely spreading lies about Vaishnavas and other sects. It's one thing to disagree with us, but to completely misrepresent us as some sort of demon worshippers (they consider Krishna a demon), who don't even have any basic spiritual understanding, is really upsetting. A


ND what's so wrong about having such deep desire to connect with God, that you roll around in the street, calling out his name? In India there are real God-conscious devotees, but in the rest of the world, such public displays of devotion are belitted I guess... :( India's spiritual glory can only be perceived by those with a similar hunger for the spiritual world. To the western religionists, sadhus will appear as extremists, I guess.

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Some people's faith (I think) is established by belittling or undermining others Religious Faiths and they establish their's as Supreme.


Yes - it is sad in that way - people like that DO have inner doubts and to displace these doubts they bash the faith of others - with a view to having to constantly reaffirm their sham understandings they create a pattern of bashing - for most types like this it becomes the central focus in the preaching of their faith groups.

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My wife is New Age/Christian in her spiritual outlook. About 20 yrs. ago she was into watching Pat Robertson's 700 Club and one day he had a whole show on India's "spiritual emptiness". She's not a Vaisnava devotee but knew the philosophy and enough about Indian spiritual traditions in general to recognize this as complete BS, and has not watched Robertson since... now he's turned out to be a whacko that even many conservative evangelical Christians keep their distance from.


It always distresses me when Christians summarily dismiss Lord Krishna and/or the Indian/Vedic spiritual tradition in general. This strikes me as false ego at work, but then so does the ISCKON-speak approach of "smashing" the philosophical arguments of others.


The overagressive evangelistic approach to preaching only produces resentment and negative feelings on the part of the victims.



evangelistic = electing Siva...

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I don't see what is so significant about this topic.

Christians and Muslims have been attacking and blaspheming Hindus for hundreds of years.

Big deal!

Some stupid Indian Christian blasphemes Hindus on American TV.

Ain't nobody watchin' that bunck but a bunch of hypocrit born-agains.


Yoga and Eastern philosophy is consistently and rapidly spreading in the western world despite the trash-talking of some insignificant Christian blowhards.




who cares?

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I don't see what is so significant about this topic.

Christians and Muslims have been attacking and blaspheming Hindus for hundreds of years.

Big deal!

Some stupid Indian Christian blasphemes Hindus on American TV.

Ain't nobody watchin' that bunck but a bunch of hypocrit born-agains.


Yoga and Eastern philosophy is consistently and rapidly spreading in the western world despite the trash-talking of some insignificant Christian blowhards.




who cares?


It is significant in the way it allowed the original poster a chance to share his frustration with other like thinking individuals :)


You are correct however Eastern philosophy is creeping in to American lives more and more each day, and isn`t that great :)

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Yes - it is sad in that way - people like that DO have inner doubts and to displace these doubts they bash the faith of others - with a view to having to constantly reaffirm their sham understandings they create a pattern of bashing - for most types like this it becomes the central focus in the preaching of their faith groups.


I think its because they believe Jesus taught that Christianity is the only true religion, and all other religions lead to hell. I am not stating this is what Jesus taught, but that is the mainstream Christian interpretation of what he taught, and this is why they have no problem slamming other religions as false and belittling the name of our God, and our beliefs and practices. They think it's their duty to enlighten us to the falseness of Vaishnavism (or whatever our religion is) and convert us to their religion.


You'd never see a Vaishnava (or a Saivite for that matter) on Aastha Tv (Hindu channel) belittling Jesus Christ, and trying to portray people who pray to Christ as demigod worshipping fools.


Krsna says in the Gita..."in whatever form the devotee approaches me, I strengthen their faith in that form." If the exclusivists followed the Gita, they'd be forced to be more tolerant of others, knowing that God is not the intolerant judge (waiting to damn followers of other religions) that they think he is.. :)

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Rolling on the ground chanting one of God's names is a type of prayaschitta [penance]. It is usually done by rolling around a temple:


"There are many forms of penance or prayaschitta...such as rolling around a temple." p. 225 Lesson 121 Confession and Penance, from Living With Siva.


Other types of prayaschitta mentioned are: 1008 prostrations, apologizing and showing shame for misdeeds, performing japa slowly 1008 times, giving 108 gifts to a temple, doing 108 hours of service, bringing offerings of food, wearing kavadi, making a pilgrimmage by performing prostrations.


To me it's interesting that he wasn't similarly freaked out by Christ's pastime of wearing a crown of thorns and being whipped carrying a cross, which is very similar to the prayaschitta of kavadi


[i.e. your body is pierced by hooks and you carry a very heavy wooden frame for a long distance, sometimes being whipped along the way].

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Rolling on the ground chanting one of God's names is a type of prayaschitta [penance]. It is usually done by rolling around a temple:


"There are many forms of penance or prayaschitta...such as rolling around a temple." p. 225 Lesson 121 Confession and Penance, from Living With Siva.


Other types of prayaschitta mentioned are: 1008 prostrations, apologizing and showing shame for misdeeds, performing japa slowly 1008 times, giving 108 gifts to a temple, doing 108 hours of service, bringing offerings of food, wearing kavadi, making a pilgrimmage by performing prostrations.


To me it's interesting that he wasn't similarly freaked out by Christ's pastime of wearing a crown of thorns and being whipped carrying a cross, which is very similar to the prayaschitta of kavadi


[i.e. your body is pierced by hooks and you carry a very heavy wooden frame for a long distance, sometimes being whipped along the way].


Basically he was saying Jesus suffered for us, and we just need to accept Christ as our Saviour, not roll around in streets to earn God's mercy.


I never agreed with the Christian thinking of saying a prayer and then you are born again. As if we don't have to have any Bhakti, and can basically keep our same mental state, and still go to Vaikuntha, because we prayed a special prayer. I don't think Jesus taught this, "he said seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness" - faith alone is something Paul made up. Most of Christianity is based on the teachings of Paul, who emphasized faith alone, apart from any works or yoga.


It's true we don't do a set of good works to earn a place in Vaikuntha, but we do need to burn away our negative samskaras and vasanas, for they are what keep us reincarnating on these earth planets, to fulfill our desires and attachments. Bhakti Yoga removes these samskaras and vasanas that keep us bound, and situates our heart in the loving service of God - the natural position of the jiva.


Crying out to God with all your heart and soul, rolling in the dirt, showing your humility toward God, and disgust with the sufferings of this temporary realm, is certainly a GOOD thing.. and to make fun of it, is very spiritually immature.


One reason he was making fun of it is because fundamentalists won't accept that Govinda is God.. they think it is a made up Hindu god, or a fallen angel pretending to be god.. so they disrespect Krishna, not realizing he is the one true God that all monotheists ultimately speak of.

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The interesting thing to me is that the Holy Name of Govinda and the hundreds and millions of Names of the Divine are so powerful


and Govinda is so merciful that PR is actually accruing some merit by doing things like broadcasting the Name of Govinda so that millions of souls are hearing it who might not have ever heard it otherwise. That is how powerful the Holy Name is, according to shastra.


For example in the Garuda Purana a prostitute went to Heaven because she

threw her used betel nut wrapper down inside of a Temple. So Vishnu

interpreted this as she had "decorated His Temple", granting her liberation.


and if PR is going to Mother Bharata, viewing the Ganges then he is getting some purification from that, too. It's amazing to me how merciful the Hindu

Gods and Goddesses are.

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For example in the Garuda Purana a prostitute went to Heaven because she threw her used betel nut wrapper down inside of a Temple. So Vishnu interpreted this as she had "decorated His Temple", granting her liberation.


If Vishnu is so ignorant, then anything can happen in life.

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If Vishnu is so ignorant, then anything can happen in life.


Your post is what is ignorant.


But if you are not a fan of God's mercy, have fun swimming in the ocean of Samsara for a million more births.

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people with no knowledge what so ever thinks that that there God is supreme and others are false Gods.. the sun shines on all in every country, but we all have different names for the sun,


sol, sunna, surya, sonne etc.. but its the same sun..

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The interesting thing to me is that the Holy Name of Govinda and the hundreds and millions of Names of the Divine are so powerful


and Govinda is so merciful that PR is actually accruing some merit by doing things like broadcasting the Name of Govinda so that millions of souls are hearing it who might not have ever heard it otherwise. That is how powerful the Holy Name is, according to shastra.


Ravi yelled out "Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!" on the air. Even though he was mocking the sadhu, I still got holy chills up and down my spine as he called out the name of God on national tv (not something we normally see on American tv). I bet some others watching that show must have felt that power when he was calling out the name of Govinda, even though he was not sincere.


If anything good comes out of this ridiculing show, maybe someone watching will investigate to see "who" Govinda is.

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