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The Moon is further than the Sun!

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some meathead walks out of Mcdonalds with a BIG MAC and fries and he is going to tell the great sages and masters of India all about the universe.



I am not going to let some meathead eating a BIG MAC tell me that all the great sages if India were stupid.


You can follow Mr. Big Mac and the BIG BANG GANG.


I prefer to hear the words of the great masters who know for real.


Now, go take shelter of Mr. BIG MAC and quit denigrating the great acharyas.


Beleive it or leave it.

don't pick and choose what you want to believe.

That is not true faith.

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Is the earth flat or round?


Go ask Ronald McDonald.

He heard a bunch of scientists talking the the other day.

Now, he knows everything.


There is more cheating and ignorance in modern science than we can imagine.


Put your faith in these liars and cheaters who are only looking for the next grant to fund their play games with their telescopes made of glass.



You can make a glass lense that will show you the universe.


Just goes to show you, if you listen to scientist rascals long enough you'll become a science rascal.


RAscals trying to prove that the great masters of the Bhagavat were idiots.

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They selling halal Burgers nows in McDonalds. And kebabs. With chilli fries.


But that's a different thread. The raskal within, i love Scientists. They always know what they talking about. Always really enthusiastic to discover some new mathematical calculation, they were so bullied in school now they don't believe in God. No thats the other way around. lol

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Beleive it or leave it.

don't pick and choose what you want to believe.

That is not true faith.


Five hundred years ago Sri Caitanya appeared in Bengal, to deliver the people of this world from illusion through giving the gift of His Holy Names.


You can go back to Godhead by following Sri Caitanya's essential teachings even if you don't believe the earth is flat. Whether the moon is further from the earth than the sun or whether it is made of cheese has nothing to do with the essential message Sri Caitanya taught.


Sadly, some asses don't understand that.

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Is the earth flat or round?


the Earth is a dot on a line, a line in a plane and a plane in a solid.


so, yes it is round like a dot on a line in a square image printed on a ink-jet printer.

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Five hundred years ago Sri Caitanya appeared in Bengal, to deliver the people of this world from illusion through giving the gift of His Holy Names.


You can go back to Godhead by following Sri Caitanya's essential teachings even if you don't believe the earth is flat. Whether the moon is further from the earth than the sun or whether it is made of cheese has nothing to do with the essential message Sri Caitanya taught.


Sadly, some asses don't understand that.


Mahaprabhu instructed all his disciples to study Srimad Bhagavatam.


The entire Gaudiya siddhanta is based on Srimad Bhagavatam.


to say that one accepts Mahaprabhu but does not accept the Bhagavat is a massive contradiction.


Sri Gadadhara Pandit read Bhagavatam almost constantly and tears in the form of flowers would fall from his cheeks.


Our faith will have to meet extreme tests and challenges from the scientists of the world who are like the Ravana and Hiranyakasipu of yore.


If you put your faith in demons.............then..........

well........you know the answer.

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Faith is based on blind faith in God. Even if He doesn't exsist we should believe in Him. That's what Scientists think. (they do).


But faith in Gurudeva, is how we know God (Krishna). Spiritual Form of God. Not Impersonal, or Localized. This is God. Anyway, may Krishna bless me. I need it badly. **** the moon.

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The key point to consider here is that these distances are all heights of the planets above the plane of BhU-maNDala.


Where is Bhu Mandala? Does it pass through Earth? If yes, does it pass through equatorial plane or some other plane?

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This attempt to turn the Bhagavatan into a book of allegories is the effort of atheists.


In the Bhagavatam, Narada Muni explains that the story of Puranjana is allegorical.

That was nothing newly revealed by Bhaktivinode.


What the Bhagavatam itself says is allegorical is allegorical.

The rest is factual knowledge.


When puny minds approach the Bhagavatam they try to make it puny also.


The Bhagavatam is not allegorical.


to say that the Bhagavatam is allegorical is demonic.


To reject the knowledge of the Bhagavatam as allegorical is atheism.


If you can't accept what the shastra says, then why don't you manufacture your own allegorical religion and try to cheat everyone?


Do you accept Greek, Roman, Egyptian stories about the gods as allegorical or actual history? what about the book of Genesis? was there a literal Garden of Eden, with a literal "fruit" that Adam and Eve were tempted to taste of because of a literal serpent speaking to them? or is this an allegory?


Esotericists are initiated into the "Secret" meanings of these ancient stories, whether they be Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or Vedic "stories", while exotericists take everything literal and the deeper meaning is hidden from them.


Spiritual masters only speak plainly to their most inner disciples (revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom), but to the masses they speak in parables.


Why do you think the Vedas (esoteric scriptures) were forbidden reading for the masses? and the Puranas (exoteric writings) were given to the masses?

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some meathead walks out of Mcdonalds with a BIG MAC and fries and he is going to tell the great sages and masters of India all about the universe.



I am not going to let some meathead eating a BIG MAC tell me that all the great sages if India were stupid.


You can follow Mr. Big Mac and the BIG BANG GANG.


I prefer to hear the words of the great masters who know for real.


Now, go take shelter of Mr. BIG MAC and quit denigrating the great acharyas.


Beleive it or leave it.

don't pick and choose what you want to believe.

That is not true faith.


Anyone can know 2 + 2 is four. Anyone can know fire is hot. Anyone can know ice is cold. Anyone can know rain falls from the sky. You don't have to be a great sage to know details about the natural world.


I seriously doubt all Indian sages have taught the moon is farther in actual miles than the earth. I bet if we asked most of the spiritual masters, yogis and Gurus in India, almost all would AGREE that the moon is closer than the sun.


Who is the meathead? the one who argues 2 + 2 can't be 4 because his interpretation of an old writing says to him 2 + 2 is 5, or the one who accepts the Truth, and his not blinded by his religious delusions.

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I had heard that Srila Prabhupada predicted that some of his disciples would leave upon hearing the accounts of the 5th Canto. Still, that did not deter him in any way.


So, what is the solution? To edit out these portions from Srila Prabhupada's books? To just write them off as "allegorical", when that was never the mood while Srila Prabhupada was personally present?



some things are allegorical, some things are exagerrations to make a point, and yes, some things seem to be errors in Bhagavatam verse interpretations. There is no verse in Bhagavatam that says that the Moon planet is closer to planet Earth than the Sun globe in a linear sense.


and btw. to claim that Rahu is what we see in the sky every night as Moon is completely BOGUS, as Rahu is a subtle and invisible planet. NOBODY points to the Moon and says it is Rahu. Some devotees invent concocted explanations to avoid facing the facts.



first of all: Bhagavatam is talking about planes of existence not planets. the distances given there do not correspond to the linear distances between planet earth and other planets. they are elevations above Garbhodaka Ocean of the various planes of existence. these distances are there to give us some idea of the structure of the Universe, or it's proportions - thats all. try to understand what Garbhodaka Ocean really is. Brahma travelled down the lotus stem for a very long time at great speed and still could not reach the Ocean. think about it.


second of all, this world is multi-dimensional and and even with the respect to the earthly plane of existence we perceive only a small part of it - perfect example are the Himalayas, where we see only a fraction of their existence. the Moon we see is also but a small part of the lunar plane of existence. the same with the Sun - both are actually only a window into these planes of existence, or the shadow of these worlds cast into our world.


the key to the understanding of the Universe is the understanding of space or ether, akhasa. akhasa is non-linear and multi-dimensional. the perception of space is dependent on the consciousness.



Anti-matter is not spirit, dinosaurs were real and are now extinct, Moon is closer to Earth than Sun. Deal with these facts or risk becoming completely irrelevant among the vast majority of people. The strength of the Vaishnava acharyas is not in material sciences - it was never meant to be that way.


who cares if you die believing that Moon is closer to Earth than Sun? dont let such issues spoil your faith in Krsna. follow your heart and your intelligence. blind faith is not required for a Vaishnava.

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Anyone can know 2 + 2 is four. Anyone can know fire is hot. Anyone can know ice is cold. Anyone can know rain falls from the sky. You don't have to be a great sage to know details about the natural world.


I seriously doubt all Indian sages have taught the moon is farther in actual miles than the earth. I bet if we asked most of the spiritual masters, yogis and Gurus in India, almost all would AGREE that the moon is closer than the sun.


Who is the meathead? the one who argues 2 + 2 can't be 4 because his interpretation of an old writing says to him 2 + 2 is 5, or the one who accepts the Truth, and his not blinded by his religious delusions.


the fact is, you don't actually know for yourself about the distance, size or orbit of the Moon.

You are just putting your faith in the disciples of Ronald McDonald that they know.

You have more faith in the disciples of Ronald McDonald than you do in the great acharyas.


so, you consider yourself a devotee, yet your have more actual faith in Ronald McDonald that you do in the acharyas.


What kind of devoteee is that?


It's just a matter of who you choose to put your faith in and who you believe.


Sukadeva Goswami or Ronald McDonald?

That's a mighty tough choice for some of us.

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I was trying to see how close the value of PI according to Bhagavatam is to the actual value (approx. 3.14)

Jambudvipa is like a disc. It is surrounded successively by various dvipas and oceans, which must be concentric rings. One of these dvipas is Pushkar dvipa. In the middle of this dvipa is Manasottara mountain. Manasottara mountain divides Pushkar dvipa into two - inner part and outer part. This shows that a cross section of Manasottara mountain parallel to the plane of Jambudvipa should also be of ring shape.

Let us find the distance from the middle of Jambudvipa to the middle of Manasottara.

Diameter of Jambudvipa = 800,000 miles.

Therefore, radius of Jambudvipa = 400,000 miles.

The widths of various oceans and islands surrounding Jambudvipas one after another are as given below. (The list continues till ocean of yogurt).

Salt water ocean = 800,000 miles

Plaksha dvipa = 1,600,000 miles

Ocean of sugarcane juice = 1,600,000 miles

Salmala dvipa = 3,200,000 miles

Ocean of liquor = 3,200,000 miles

Kusa dvipa=6,400,000 miles

Ocean of ghee=6,400,000 miles

Krauca dvipa=12,800,000 miles

Ocean of milk=12,800,000 miles

Saka dvipa=25,600,000 miles

Ocean of yogurt=25,600,000 miles

Adding the above from radius of Jambu dvipa till the width of the ocean of yogurt, we find:-

The distance to the outer end of the ocean of yogurt from the centre of Jambu dvipa = 100,400,000 miles

The ocean of yogurt is surrounded by Pushkar dvipa in the middle of which is Manasottara mountain.

Since we are interested in finding the distance of Manasottara mountain from the centre of Jambu dvipa, we should add half of the width of Pushkar dvipa to the above calculated figure.

The result is 100,400,000 miles + (1/2) * 51,200,000 miles (because the width of Pushkar dvipa = 51,200,000 miles)

=126,000,000 miles

Therefore, Manasottara mountain is in the shape of a circle of radius 126,000,000 miles.

Sun travels above Manasottara mountain in a circle. The circumference of the circle as given in Bhagavatam is 760,800,000 miles.

Using the formula

circumference = 2 * PI * radius,

the value of PI in Bhagavatam = 760,800,000/(2*126,000,000) = 3.02

This is really close to 3.14. It is possible that the values of PI was known at that time to an even greater accuracy, but we get discrepancy because Suka deva was giving only rounded off values to kind Parikshit. Even if we do not make this concession, it is obvious that PI was known to have a value a little over 3 (which is correct).

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the fact is, you don't actually know for yourself about the distance, size or orbit of the Moon.

You are just putting your faith in the disciples of Ronald McDonald that they know.

You have more faith in the disciples of Ronald McDonald than you do in the great acharyas.


so, you consider yourself a devotee, yet your have more actual faith in Ronald McDonald that you do in the acharyas.


What kind of devoteee is that?


It's just a matter of who you choose to put your faith in and who you believe.


Sukadeva Goswami or Ronald McDonald?

That's a mighty tough choice for some of us.


You are putting your faith in your extremely limited understanding, and in do so, making GVs look like a bunch of Ronald Mcdonald clowns. The great spiritual masters of India (whether Saivite, Vaishnava, Shakta) have never taught that the physical sun was closer than the physical moon. Please find a Swami or Guru teaching this on their website.


You obviously have never studied the metaphysical. If you had, you would know the difference between the physical plane and the astral plane. FYI, beings do not live in the physical sun or the physical moon, they live on the higher astral regions of what we see as the physical moon and physical sun.

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You are putting your faith in your extremely limited understanding, and in do so, making GVs look like a bunch of Ronald Mcdonald clowns. The great spiritual masters of India (whether Saivite, Vaishnava, Shakta) have never taught that the physical sun was closer than the physical moon. Please find a Swami or Guru teaching this on their website.


You obviously have never studied the metaphysical. If you had, you would know the difference between the physical plane and the astral plane. FYI, beings do not live in the physical sun or the physical moon, they live on the higher astral regions of what we see as the physical moon and physical sun.


I know all about the ASStral plane.

It's a plane full of asses who think they know more about the universe than the great mystics and masters who can travel around the universe at will without any airplane.


The Moon is a heavenly planet. It's not a dust bowl full of rocks.


they say the Moon was created when a giant meteor crashed into the Earth and kicked up a bunch of rocks that flew into space and combined to form the Moon.

Still they admit that there is no iron on the Moon.

The Earth has iron in the soil all over the world.


They say the iron of the Earth was all drained into the Earth's core and that is why they can't find iron on the Moon.


You can take any sample of soil from anywhere on Earth and find some traces of iron.


There is no iron on the "MOON".


And you believe these "scientists"?

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Still they admit that there is no iron on the Moon.

The Earth has iron in the soil all over the world.


They say the iron of the Earth was all drained into the Earth's core and that is why they can't find iron on the Moon.


You can take any sample of soil from anywhere on Earth and find some traces of iron.


There is no iron on the "MOON".


And you believe these "scientists"?


there is plenty of iron on the Moon, but less than on Earth, at least on the surface of the Moon that has been explored:


"In Earth rocks, iron occurs in both the 2+ and 3+ oxidation states. On the Moon, iron occurs in the 0 (metal) and 2+ oxidation states, although in lunar igneous rocks almost all of the iron is in the 2+ oxidation state (in olivine, pyroxene, and ilmenite). On the Moon all manganese is also in the 2+ oxidation state. Because Fe(II) and Mn(II) have very similar chemical behaviors, iron does not fractionate from manganese during lunar geochemical processes. As a result, the ratio of iron to manganese in lunar rocks is nearly constant at 70, regardless of whether the rocks are from the maria (high Fe and Mn) or from the highlands (low Fe and Mn). Nonlunar meteorites have different Fe/Mn ratios. Earth rocks have a huge range of Fe/Mn ratios, but for average terrestrial crust the ratio is a bit lower than on the Moon."



do yourself a favor, Guest. google some information before you make an ASStronomical ignorant of yourself here...

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So, we end up with some letter from Srila Prabhupada to a neophyte devotee who cannot accept the truth given in shastra and use that to discredt what Prabhupada wrote in shastra?


Prabhupada saw that this neoophyte devotee could not accept the authoritative truth of the Bhagavatam, so he tried to reduce his confusion by telling him to think of it as allegorical if he could not accept it literally.


The Bhagavatam is not book of allegorical stories.


It is real knowledge.


What Srila Prabhupada said in a letter to a confused neophyte disciple COULD NEVER AND SHOULD NEVER be used to try and negate what Srila Prabhupada wrote in the shastra.


the shastra is SHASTRA.


The letter was a compromise to try and string along a neophyte who could not accept the Bhagavat siddhanta.


Here is the quote yet again:


"Yes, sometimes in Vedas such things like the asura's decapitated head chasing after Candraloka, sometimes it is explained allegorically. Just like now we are explaining in 4th Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam the story of King Puranjana. Just like the living entity is living within this body, and the body is described there as city with nine gates, the intelligence as the Queen. So there are sometimes allegorical explanations. So there are many things which do not corroborate with the so-called modern science, because they are explained in that way."


Your above interpretation of Prabhupada's words is nonsense. Thank God no one needs to go through anyone but the Lord in the heart to understand him clearly.


You call devotees "demonic" for having a different opinion than you and will stick to that rather than accept that you also called Srila Prabhupada demonic for saying there are allegories in the Vedas and Bhagavatam.


The proper thing to do would be to admit your mistake in using such terms as demonic, apologize and move on.


People will always disagree on such things as this. It doesn't mean that others who hold a differing view are demonic my friend. Time to grow up and realize that many many people have long seen through that false bluster of "faith" that you display as a sign of real insecurity.

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and btw. to claim that Rahu is what we see in the sky every night as Moon is completely BOGUS, as Rahu is a subtle and invisible planet. NOBODY points to the Moon and says it is Rahu. Some devotees invent concocted explanations to avoid facing the facts.


For the record, that was not me who said that. I agree with you completely on this point.



who cares if you die believing that Moon is closer to Earth than Sun? dont let such issues spoil your faith in Krsna.


The reverse is also true. Regardless, it hasn't spoiled my faith one iota.

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What need is there for science?


Well, turn off your computer right now please, if you think everything that science has produced is bad.

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