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BBT Vedabase Conspiracy

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If we look at the BBT Vedabase online version of The Nectar of Devotion chapter 12 we will find that the BBT editors have slaughtered some of the most important information in that chapter.


Chapter 12 in the Original Version starts off like this:


According to Srila Rüpa Gosvämi, any book which gives enlightenment in the matter of advancing in devotional service is considered to be revealed scripture. Srila Madhväcärya has also defined revealed scriptures as referring to books such as the Rämäyaëa, Mahäbhärata, Puränas, Upanisads, Vedänta—and any other literature written in pursuance of such revealed scriptures.


In the Skanda Puräna there is this statement: “A person who is constantly engaged in reading literature enunciating the cultivation of Vaishava devotional service is always glorious in human society, and certainly Lord Krsna becomes pleased with him. A person who very carefully keeps such literature at home and offers respectful obeisances to it becomes freed from all sinful reactions and ultimately becomes worshipable by the demigods.”


It is also said to Närada Muni, “My dear Närada, a person who writes Vaishava literature and keeps such literature at home has Lord Näräyana always residing in his house.”


In Srimad-Bhägavatam, Twelfth Canto, Thirteenth Chapter, verse 15, it is stated, “Srimad-Bhägavatam is the essence of all Vedänta philosophy. Any person who has become attached in some way or other to the reading of Srimad-Bhägavatam cannot have any taste for reading any other literature. In other words, a person who has relished the transcendental bliss of Srimad-Bhägavatam cannot be satisfied with mundane writings.”



Now, let's take a look at the BBT slaughtered version: Chapter 12 beginning



It is also said to Nārada Muni, "My dear Nārada, a person who writes Vaiṣṇava literature and keeps such literature at home has Lord Nārāyaṇa always residing in his house."


In Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Twelfth Canto, Thirteenth Chapter, verse 15, it is stated, "Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the essence of all Vedānta philosophy. Any person who has become attached in some way or other to the reading of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam cannot have any taste for reading any other literature. In other words, a person who has relished the transcendental bliss of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam cannot be satisfied with mundane writings."

So, the BBT has found it very convenient and efficacious to leave out a very important part of The Nectar of Devotion that says:



According to Srila Rüpa Gosvämi, any book which gives enlightenment in the matter of advancing in devotional service is considered to be revealed scripture. Srila Madhväcärya has also defined revealed scriptures as referring to books such as the Rämäyana, Mahäbhärata, Puränas, Upanisads, Vedänta—and any other literature written in pursuance of such revealed scriptures.


In the Skanda Puräna there is this statement: “A person who is constantly engaged in reading literature enunciating the cultivation of Vaishava devotional service is always glorious in human society, and certainly Lord Krsna becomes pleased with him. A person who very carefully keeps such literature at home and offers respectful obeisances to it becomes freed from all sinful reactions and ultimately becomes worshipable by the demigods.”



Oh, how very nice!


Just see what rascaldom these rascals at the BBT are up to.


They have censored Srila Prabhupada and Srila Rupa Goswami because they said something that does not promote their institutional corruption of Krishna consciousness.

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After I posted above I realized that you might be lookig at the web. It looks like the web version is wrong. It's also missing the header for that section which would imply a mistake not a sweeping conspiracy.


Gauravani dasa

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LOL, seems like the conspiracy theory just went out the window!



The site also hasn't been updated in 2 years, and appears to be a work in progress.
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LOL, seems like the conspiracy theory just went out the window!



<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD class=r>Chapter 12: Further Aspects of Transcendental Service</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Nectar of Devotion


The header is there, its the same on every page.

When it comes to Prabhupada's books there should be no excuse accepted, like, "oh, sorry, I just delivered slovenly work, got sidetracked".

If you cant do it perfectly leave it off the internet.

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"LOL, seems like the conspiracy theory just went out the window!"


Yes there are no selfish, envious, and malicious persons in Iskcon conspiring to keep the glory to themselves.


You can all go back to sleep.


Nothing to see here.

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Not surprising that a mistake was made when viewing that web site. Considering what has gone on since 1977 a sinister conspiracy is the first thing that now comes to mind. The leaders of Iskcon have earned the mistrust of the devotee community.


Normally one would see the error and assume some honest mistake was made but these are not times that allow for that.


The prabhu that put that site up did it on his own and it was not a BBT project. Any mistake I am sure was accidental and if contacted he would fix it. I don't know how to do that. I got the impression that the BBT contacted him in some fashion and that *MAY BE* the reason why it was not finished.

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The header is there, its the same on every page.

When it comes to Prabhupada's books there should be no excuse accepted, like, "oh, sorry, I just delivered slovenly work, got sidetracked".

If you cant do it perfectly leave it off the internet.


Not that header. This one:


Hearing the Revealed Scriptures


There is a header for each subject of each chapter.


Did you put any work in to any site of even close to the amount of volume contained there on vedabase.com? It is not easy or quick work. I think it's a little judgemental to call that work, that was done of his own accord, to help the devotee community, slovenly. But maybe i'm just being too nice, and that's definitely not a good quality for a devotee to have.



The leaders of Iskcon have earned the mistrust of the devotee community.


Theist, I totally understand, and agree with your point. Sometimes I just feel like we as devotees go in to any/all situations looking for this broad sweeping conspiracy. And many times, like the one in question, I just don't beleive it exists. I don't mean to be naive, I have been on the receiving end of more than one of these conspiracy's and I know what they do to our faith, and trust... anyway.



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Well, dear devotees, I have to confess that my accusations of conspiracy were just tongue-in-cheek.


I don't really think there is any real conspiracy here.


I was just just dramatising the effects of when someone posts something in the name of the BBT that is riddled with errors.


It was probably just a technical mistake.


Nonetheless, when we are dealing with BBT labels and copyrights, the material should be accurate.


BBT Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

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Did anyone notice that there were quotes from Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad that talked about how he saw there was a Sinister movement in his society and they were deleted?

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Did anyone notice that there were quotes from Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad that talked about how he saw there was a Sinister movement in his society and they were deleted?


He was probably referring to Nitai das, Hiranyagarbha das and the other Sanskrit nerds that were patronizing Lalita Prasad and other assorted sahajiyas and "traditionalists" and trying to infiltrate ISKCON with the poison that Narayan Maharaja has been able to serve up in large helpings.

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Dear Kripamoya,


In your estimation were those particular nerds capable of evoking a comment like this from Srila Prabhuapda when on his deathbed, or was that some other group of devotees perhaps?


Prabhupada: That is my only request, that at the last stage don't

torture me and put to death. So I am not eating anything, and if we

chant, by batches chant, I'll hear. [s.P. Room Conversation November

3, 1977, Vrndavana, India]

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Dear Kripamoya,


In your estimation were those particular nerds capable of evoking a comment like this from Srila Prabhuapda when on his deathbed, or was that some other group of devotees perhaps?


Prabhupada: That is my only request, that at the last stage don't

torture me and put to death. So I am not eating anything, and if we

chant, by batches chant, I'll hear. [s.P. Room Conversation November

3, 1977, Vrndavana, India]


I responded as best I could, but it didn't get past the censors.

so, I don't have any other answer.

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  • 1 month later...
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He was probably referring to Nitai das, Hiranyagarbha das and the other Sanskrit nerds that were patronizing Lalita Prasad and other assorted sahajiyas and "traditionalists" and trying to infiltrate ISKCON with the poison that Narayan Maharaja has been able to serve up in large helpings.


I noticed that u take any opportunity to slander Narayana maharaja and I regret this very much. Narayana Maharaja is doing nothing else then helping those devotees who have fallen or gone away from Iskcon to get back up again.


There is enough evidence of Srila Prabhupada accepting Narayana maharaja as more then his dear friend. I think He might have been referring to people like you who slander pure devotees. When I meet Narayana maharaja there is nothing then sweetness and bliss. Being together with Him and all those Prabhupada disciples who are with Him makes it look as there is the Iskcon we all want, a happy family without politics and a purety which is lacking of the politics and bad feelings people like you cause.


Narayana maharaj is the one at this time who can help all of us from these aweful things going on in Iskcon, false gurus and the like.


I have met Srila Prabhupada in person several times and I can honestly say, that the sweetness and effulgence emanating from Him, is beautiful and full of love, like Srila Prabhupadas was.


I really hope that no one is influenced by these stupid politics and slander and goes and sees for them selves before opening their mouths, but that seems to be normal these days, you hear something detrimental about someone and you believe it without proof, one of the faults of the conditioned soul.


A lot of these so called devotees who have nothing better to do then slander and putting out negative vibes to the general devotee community are actually the sinister movement Srila Prabhupada was talking about.


If you are the Kripamoya from Bhaktivedanta Manor then I am even more distgusted with you for putting such stupidity


Moderator's note: the person who was posting with the user name Kripamoya was not using his initiated name, so it would not be Krimamoya from Bhaktivedanta Manor, that you must know.

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The above are links which can help to dispell some of the missconceptions about Srila Narayana maharaja, as well as the below which are exerpts of letters To Srila Narayana maharaja, where Srila Prabhupada says very clearly how much He accepts Narayana maharaja who by the way is NOT like so many think a godbrother of Srila Prabhupada.


Fools do not know how to honour Vaisnavas. By your greatness, please excuse him...I only told him to visit you. Anyway, excuse his aparadha. C----.is a good man, but out of foolishness he used bad words to you. You please forgive him and me by your good qualities"

(Letter to Srila Narayan Maharaja, December 15th, 1966)


"...Because in all the Gaudiya Maths, I think that you are the real guru-sevaka, so I always correspond with you and I always give my full love and affection to you."

(Letter to Srila Narayana Maharaja, May 17th, 1967)


Now I am sure that some confused minds have already an answer to that which is of course something horrible again about Narayana maharaja, but it seems that they can only feel happy when engaged in so called exposing this that and the other, even if the so called expose is manufactured and designed to manipulate others away from making spiritual advancement by encouraging them to be offensive as well.


Here are some more words from Srila Prabhupada to Srila Narayana maharaja...


Excerpted from Srila Prabhupada's own personal, hand-written letters:


"My Dear Narayana Maharaja/Sripada Narayana Maharaja,


...I have taken so much help from you, and I request that this time also you will help me in this preaching work. I will be so grateful to you. (NY 21.8.66)


Narayana maharaja did what He could and supported Srila Prabhupada whilest in the same time serving His own Spiritual Master Srila Kesava Maharaja..


"Our relationship is certainly based on spontaneous love. That is why there is no chance of us forgetting one another...From the first time I saw you I have been your constant well-wisher. At the first sight of me Srila Prabhupada also saw me with such love. "


...You wrote to me,"You can engage me in any preaching work in India according to my ability. I shall always be ready to do so." So I can preach wholeheartedly by your good wishes.


...My only concern is that due to my absence from India my printing work is held up. Regarding this, if you can supervise a little, then I will have no worry. (NY, 28.9.66)


In your previous letter I came to know that you are willing to help me, but from your current letter I see that this is difficult for you now. At present there is no need to send anything.


...I was very enthusiastic to learn from your previous letter that your help will always be available, but having come to learn from your present letter that you are not well, I am discouraged. Whatever happens according to Krsna's desire is for the best. Make me happy by replying to my letter as soon as you receive mine and give me news of Vrndavana. (NY, 19.11.66)


...I came to know that my disciple Candrasekhara from Delhi wrote you a letter. Candrasekhara sent me a copy of your reply to him. In that letter I came to know that foolish Candrasekhara had blasphemed you. Fools do not know how to honour Vaisnavas. By your greatness, please excuse him. I haven't instructed him to do such a thing. I only told him to visit you.


Anyway, excuse his aparadha. Candrasekhara is a good man, but out of foolishness he used bad words to you. You please forgive him and me by your good qualities.




And more


(NY, 15.12.66)


Accept my dandavats in this letter. I received your letter dated December 21st and I came to know all the news. (NY, 30.12.66)


...If in this way everything is done under your supervision I shall be very glad. I hope you will ever oblige me by helping in this way. Kindly send me my mrdanga and karatalas that are in Vrndavana. (NY, 14.4.67)


Because in all the Gaudiya Maths, I think that you are the real guru-sevaka, so I always correspond with you and I always give my full love and affection to you.


...If I was not thinking like this and putting so much trust in you, I would never have sent you my key and my money. I have so much faith and love for you. (NY, 17.5.67)



Accept my dandavats. I received your letter dated 19.5.67 and became very happy to read it.


...I always consider you as my son!


...I always have a very high opinion of you. (NY, 24.5.67)


If I obtain all of your blessings, I hope I will quickly finish my work and be able to return to Sri Vrnadavan dhama. I pray you are well. (NY, 1.7.67)


I am very pleased that you have so kindly despatched the books from Delhi.


(NY, 12.7.67)


I thank you very much once more for all the trouble you are taking for me... Let us co-operate for propagating Krsna-consciousness all over the world.


I am very happy to receive a letter in your own handwriting dated the 8th of July. I have received all of your letters and I have replied to each.


...You bless me so that I can return to Vrndavana.


...Gradually life is coming in my dead body and there are some improvements. That is why I am writing to you in my own handwriting. You are a sincere Vaisnava. Krsna will certainly listen to you. (CA, 14.7.67)


Affectionately yours/Your ever well-wisher/nivedana (I offer myself to you)/vasamvad (gratefully)/krpa parthi (I want your mercy)/ Yours,


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami"



(The above are all excerpts from 'Letters From America', 17 remaining examples of Srila Prabhupada's personal correspondence to Srila Narayan Maharaja, handwritten in Bengali and translated into English for the first time just two years ago).


Srila Prabhupada's implicit faith in the exemplary service mood and pure character of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja speaks for itself.


If we remain unsure through the effect of so much negative propaganda - even after hearing Srila Prabhupada's own words of praise, affection and positive affirmation - then it is better to simply offer respects from a distance.



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