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Please ask Lord Krishna to help me

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Of course, this is a spiritual forum and this is not a place to discuss personal matters, but as everything in our life happens due to Lord Krishna's will, i want help from devotees to pray for me.


I am Gokul.K.R from India. My Age : 29. I am a devotee of Lord Krishna.


I joined in a new office at May 1, 2006. There i met a girl named "Koshi Priya" working as HR in the company. I joined as "Project Manager". Most of office hours we used to be alone. Even from first day our friendship grew. Gradually, she started to tell about herself and i started giving solution to her problems. Then she asked me to help her in solving her financial problem. As a friend, i too agreed. All these happened within 10 days. On May 12, She proposed me. I too accepted her love.

(All of my friends told that she was using me to solve her financial problem & its not true love). But i didnt heeded my advise of my friends and i started to belive her 100%.


Since i loved her truly, i told all the incidents that happened in my life. She also told some of her important incidents in life.


Then i tried hard to fullfill my commitment. At Every monday she used to except money from me to solve her financial problem. Many times she behaved angrily with me, hurted me by using words and insulted me just because i didnt brought money. She told that she doesnt like persons telling lies & failing in commitment.


Even though i tolerated all this because i believed her & loved her. One day in a good mood, she asked whether i am a virgin or not ? i said i am a virgin. I asked samething to her. She promised that shes also a virgin. She also tols that she had no earlier love affairs. Then she told since i have no sex experience, she will teach me sex & have sex with me after few months.


At May 30, deadline came to fullfill my commitment. Since i failed to fullfill my commitment, she spitted on my face & told that she will never meet me & speak with me. She told me as a fraud & liar.

After that theres no sign of her. She didnt came to office.


After 10 days, when i met a guy in India, he happened to be her old friend. After knowing my story, he told that she has hidden the truth from me. I asked wats that ? He told that Girl had a earlier love affair 2 years back and the guy has cheated him after having sex with her. I refused to believe that. That guy showed some of the photos of my girl with her ex-boyfriend.


I was shocked to know the truth. I became angry with her, because she lied to me that shes a virgin & had no love affairs. I was transparent to her & but she was didnt.


Moreover, i feel that she is the liar, not me. I think she is the fraud, not me.


But still i cant able to forget her and her memories haunt me. I am praying to Lord Krisna & Lord Siva to make me forget her. I still cant digest why Lord Krishna played such a havoc in my life ?


I want answer from Lord Krishna for this.


Please someone pray for me that i forget her & happiness again come to my life.




Hare Krishna

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Prabhuji, I knew a girl for 3 years on-line (since we doing this truthfulness). I thought to myself she is okay, maybe we even meet one day (she lived in another country). Then one day we had argument (on-line). She went away! I couldn't believe how easy she forgot about me. I was quite surprized. Anyway it was shocking.


Because I always reading Spiritual Books (Prabhupada). It talks about all this (women, sex etc). And I think it has affected me. Because when I think of women now I seem to think, no way!. Like a normal reaction. I actually feel I could be life-long Brahmachari (as long as a nice female didn't try to alure me (just joking). It's too much trouble for me. Family ( i can't even handle my present family situtation). Kali-yuga is so bad, you read how your meant to be in scriptures.. but when you try to practice you forget that other people are not following. It's a battle. (of minds). I can't really give any advice to you. If a girl asked me for money I would think she was a prostitute. !


Hare Krishna

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You aren't quite so naive now. I'm sure you'll agree that is a good thing.


You were in love with being in love. It will pass, and it will mean more to you when the real thing comes.


Keep your focus on Krsna and He will set you up right. Don't trade Him in for a skirt, don't cheat yourself. No lovely is as lovely as Krsna. And without Krsna no lovely is lovely at all.

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gHari actually has a great point here, and very few will understand. Love comes from the heart, and your love cannot be polluted by an outside force. All who have loved confirm that the "falling in love" is the love, what follows is not necessarily.


What we need to do is to prevent the time element with interfering with this love which we are always anxious. Such love is eternal, therefore, if the object of love is eternal, such love will not end by the time element.


Love here ends. The next morning, for those who pay outright, and for the more responsible, it may take anywhere from the next day to perhaps up to 100 years from now. But it still ends, the culprit not being love, but rather TIME. Time comes as disappointment, dispute, anger, loss of intelligence, death and the subtle anger that produces between loved ones whose object lacked eternality. The marrige vow assumes to destroy the time element, but even then, the vow honors death, the way to end the love for good.


But being in love is the nectarian experiance. In many cases, the love ends immediately once two change the scenario. Friends sometimes are not suited for marriage, subordinate employees are definitely risky. But like the Buddha, who never saw misery, toured misery so he could deal with it. Love shattered by change in criteria, which seems to be what happened here, is still love on your part, still a nectarian memory and impetus to find the real deal. Find one who loves you eternally because simply you are you, unconditionally. Krsna means all-attractive person. Eternality is the main attraction, unconditional affection toward you is all attractive as well.


Love Krsna. How? Like the baby loves the mother, crying her name, knowing she will come.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Guest guest

Dear Gokul,


You should be in a real difficult phase of your life.. this happens when we surrender our everything to unworthy people.. Practically speaking, I will suggest that you attend satsangas and involve yourself in kirtana and bhajana with the devotees. Reading 2nd chapter of the gita very carefully can release your mind from this trauma.


If you are living in Tamil Nadu/Chennai, let me know.

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  • 7 years later...
Guest Jai Sri Krsna

Has anyone ever seen Krishna? I really want to... so if you have please request him to consider showing Himself to me.....


Thank you all! Hare Krishna!


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