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govinda help me with my addections

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I am stuck with this drugs, well is not heroin or crack or anything, but this ganja I have been getting very addectie too , and lately I been feeling very bad without using it, I am trying to quit , but each day that passes by, it gets harder and harder till to the point where I bewilder myself with ignorance, and where my fate should be the strongers, I loose my fate in krishna slowly, dont get me wrong, I been praying to krishna everyday, surrening myself everyday right after i shower, offering him my obediance love respect and devotion, for the last past year, the more days I spend sober, the harder it becomes, and is not that I have to intoxicate to belive in him, is because of the depression that fills what usual would be my cannabi high, and this depression really creates ignorance within me, that makes me act like a feen, that makes me act in darkest mode of ignorance, i try to chant or ask for help from krishna but it seems like he is leaving me alone here to battle my own demons, what do I need to do ? How can I quit this ganja, and how can I rip the mantle of my own depression, with the help of krishna , I donnt want to go to a materlist pshyologist and be describe certain drugs to overcome my own drug and addection problems, and the strongest enemy my own depression, how can I ask krishna for help, without offending him? What can I do ?

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A sincere suggestion...try Alcoholics Anonymous. I had struggled with drinking my whole adult life and this program helped me with where nothing else did...I see it as Krishna's mercy; I've not had a drink in seven years and am much more on track spiritually...the feelings you express are very familiar to me, Prabhu.


AA is not just for drinkers, there are plenty of people in there with marijuana or other drug problems.

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In the 60 and 70's when Prabhupada first arrived everyone was a dope head and a drinker. But once Prabhupada told them to stop smoking and drinking they followed his order. And how they got this strenght? by chanting and eating prasadam! and associating with like minded devotees. Stop all you demons by this process, chant 16 rounds a day,offer your food to Prabhupada and Krishna and slowly you will be in the spiritual energy.

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To break the cycle of addiction we need to experience a higher taste. And to experience deeper levels of this higher taste we need to break the cycle of addiction. I beg you....go to any lengths possible to become totally free from drugs. And as you become free from drugs do not neglect the spiritual path in any way.

In deeper levels of addiction to ganga or harder drugs there is no quick answers,

as even for a drug free person spiritual enlightenment can be a gradual process day by day for many years or even births.

But once you can get a real glimpse of the treasure of this human form of life and the potential for spiritual growth and awakening, the drugs will seem minute in comparison to the levels of joy and bliss you will feel in your spiritual awakening.

I lived with intense ganga addiction for around 16 years which really stunted my spiritual understandings. But by some good fortune the suffering experienced in the life of an addict eventually led me to turn to God for help. As I gave up the drugs my spiritual perceptions began to awaken to some degree. And since this wonderful pandora's box has opened the drugs became a thing of the past.

Spiritual life can be explained in many ways, but once it is truly experienced it can understood in greater depth. Dear Guest, walk away from drugs, the joy awaiting you is beyond words and description. You seem to be at the door, wanting the suffering to stop. Walk throught the door, leave the drugs behind (by any means at your disposal), new life awaits, your journey into peace and happiness awaits you with open arms. Go for it, give up the drugs, it is worth it. They are a speck of dust compared to spiritual peace and joy.

Take care...all the best.

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Don't some shaivite mystics use ganja for spiritual purposes? quote by guest


It would be interesting to know about the use of ganga in spiritual practice, if anyone has knowledge about its use in India for these purposes I would love to Know more.


But saying this there may be a gulf of difference in the mind of a disciplined yogi and the addict. If anyone has insights it would be great if you could share.

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I read in the Srimad Bhagavata somewhere (I don't recall which Canto) that Sativica Indica is mentioned, the male strain of cannibus capable of removing all of ones karma who smokes it. It is similar to the acceptance of a Dhiksa initiation (receiving a name of Krishna) from the bonafide Vaishnava Guru. One way or the other, so if there isn't a bonafide initiating Vaishnava Guru (which everyone must search out) then, the next best thing IMO is to indulge in the karma-relieving cannibus indica ( NOT sativa). Another thing for the western mind to wrap itself around is what therapy is beneficial for the "chronic" or "severe" types of depression. Many have chosen a component of spirituality, while others have turned to drugs and alcohol. The problem is that there is not enough discussion on this thread about mental health issues that challenge good folks, and more focus is emphasised on the disruptive elements of the identified patient on their surroundings.

In Ayurvedic literature, mary jane, or whatever you like to call it is prescribed for medtative purposes. You can read this portion for yourself and see how it is administered in the correct way.

Hoping this is of some use to you.

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This is how we move on when we're stuck in a hole.


A higher taste, we get attached to a higher taste. That taste is reality, Krsna. The more you remember Krsna, the more you will want to remember Him. Eventually you will become so attached to that taste of reality, you will not want to get messed up for half a day by scrambling your brain with weed. And that's what it does. You cannot concentrate, that's the thrill, so many new unusual thoughts and perceptions. But it's really no match for the reality of Krsna.


Soon enough you will find it easy to make the shift to the higher taste. You will actually run away from the very smell of that curse that separates you from Krsna for so long. For so long.


You will continue to experience the renunciation and loss of anxiety you now have become attached to by getting stoned, only now you won't come down - it just keeps getting better. So that's how Krsna moves us on when we're stuck in a rut. All natural, all painless, like a snake crawling out of its old skin. We move on to a better more enjoyable situation.


It will happen. The saintly guru Srila Sridhara Goswami would compare these little troubles to mushrooms. They have no roots. They grow in shallow soil, this temporary body and false ego. They are not part of your eternal self. They have no real hold on you. The soul, Krsna, that divine loving relationship, these are the eternal realities. They will prevail.


And you will never look back. Do not worry. If you want Krsna, He will arrange everything nicely in His own sweet time.

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Try purifiying your body with sattvic herbs and fruits.

When your body is in a more healthy and pure state, then this cannabis smoking will be like poison and not the pleasurable euphoria that one feels when his body is polluted with toxins.

Detoxification will help one lose the craving for cannabis or ganja.


Smoking ganja is only pleasurable to a body that is in tama-guna.


Sattvic diet, yoga, and purifying herbs will help raise the tamasic body out of tamas.


then when you smoke it, it will make you sick and you will hate the effects.


it will be easy to give it up then.

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I am stuck with this drugs, well is not heroin or crack or anything, but this ganja I have been getting very addectie too , and lately I been feeling very bad without using it, I am trying to quit , but each day that passes by, it gets harder and harder till to the point where I bewilder myself with ignorance, and where my fate should be the strongers, I loose my fate in krishna slowly, dont get me wrong, I been praying to krishna everyday, surrening myself everyday right after i shower, offering him my obediance love respect and devotion, for the last past year, the more days I spend sober, the harder it becomes, and is not that I have to intoxicate to belive in him, is because of the depression that fills what usual would be my cannabi high, and this depression really creates ignorance within me, that makes me act like a feen, that makes me act in darkest mode of ignorance, i try to chant or ask for help from krishna but it seems like he is leaving me alone here to battle my own demons, what do I need to do ? How can I quit this ganja, and how can I rip the mantle of my own depression, with the help of krishna , I donnt want to go to a materlist pshyologist and be describe certain drugs to overcome my own drug and addection problems, and the strongest enemy my own depression, how can I ask krishna for help, without offending him? What can I do ?


Totally understand what you're going through. I used to be in your position, to the point where there actually whole months of my life that i can't recall any more.


Anyway, you're on the right path - you know you have a problem and you're trying to do something about it. It's down to will power. Dont let anyone tell you its difficult to give up - it really isn't. Addiction to drugs is a social dogma - many people i know personally gave up quite easily with the right direction. Not all of them went for spiritual awakening, but all of them found some distraction they can apply their minds to - like going to gym, meditation, chanting, etc.


I hope you find your distraction!

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Try purifiying your body with sattvic herbs and fruits.

When your body is in a more healthy and pure state, then this cannabis smoking will be like poison and not the pleasurable euphoria that one feels when his body is polluted with toxins.

Detoxification will help one lose the craving for cannabis or ganja.


Smoking ganja is only pleasurable to a body that is in tama-guna.


Sattvic diet, yoga, and purifying herbs will help raise the tamasic body out of tamas.


then when you smoke it, it will make you sick and you will hate the effects.


it will be easy to give it up then.


Oh really?

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There is a neuron center in the brain where the synapse triigers a cannibus chemical. It is responsiible for producing the entertainment center in the brain. Artificially smoking cannibus will cause this brain center to react with a sense of euphoria for twenty minutes or so.... What happens once the brain center no longer produces this 'natural cannibus' uptake in the brain to occur on its' own? Withdrawal, just like a drug addict! Find some other means to entertain yourself and you'll no longer need this type of distraction. Just say no, "not in my life any longer...." and associate with like-minded people.

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  • 1 month later...

From "The Search for Sri Krsna, Reality the Beautiful":


Student: Does this mean we have to give up material life completely?

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Not at once. Everyone must progress gradually, according to his own

particular case. If one who has much affinity towards worldly life suddenly leaves that, he may

not keep up his vows; he may go down again. So, according to personal capacity we must make

gradual progress. That is to be taken into consideration, but still, we should always be eager to

give up everything and devote ourselves exclusively to the highest duty. Those who have enough

courage will jump into the unknown, thinking, "Krsna will protect me, I am jumping in the name

of God. He is everywhere; He will take me on His lap." With this idea, one who has real eagerness

for the truth may leap forward.

Student: I have a problem. For ten years I've tried to take up this process. For ten years, I have

kept from eating meat, fish, and eggs. I avoid material things - I have no attraction for them. I

have left all this behind. But there is one thing I want to give up and also I don't want to give up.

This is ganja (marijuana).

Srila Sridhara Maharaja: That is a small thing. There are three real difficulties: the first is

women, the second is money, and the third, good name and fame. These three are our enemies.

Marijuana intoxication is a small thing. Anyone can give it up easily. But these three things are

the fundamental aspiration of every animal, tree, bird, man, or god. These three are everywhere.

But intoxication and other fleeting habits are very negligible things and can be conquered very


As we have gradually come into the habit of intoxication, we have to come out; gradually, and

not suddenly. Just after World War Two, we read in the newspaper that Goering, Hitler's air general,

was habituated to taking much intoxication. But when he was put into jail, no intoxication

was supplied to him. He became sick, but treatment went on and he was cured. His disease was

cured by the medicine. We also have seen so many opium-eaters who came here, joined the

temple, and gradually left their habit.

Many so-called "sadhus" smoke marijuana. It helps concentration, but that is the material mind.

It disturbs faith. It is an enemy to faith. No material intoxication, but only faith can take us to our

desired goal. The misguided souls think that marijuana, hashish, and so many other things can

help us in our meditation. It may do something, but that is mundane and that will frustrate us in

our time of need. These things cannot help us rise up very high.

Sex, Dope, and Gold (Money)

Srimad Bhagavatam (1.17.38) advises that these five things should be rejected: dyutam:

gambling, or diplomacy; panam: intoxication, including tea, coffee, betel, and everything else;

striyah: unlawful, illegal womanlove; suna: butchering, and the transaction of gold. Trade in gold

makes one very apathetic towards progress in the line of faith. These five are very tempting.

What to speak of the mania that intoxication will help us in our meditation upon the transcendental,

Devarsi Narada says, yamadibir yoga-pathaih kama- lobha hato muhuh: even what we

acquire by meditation is temporary and has no permanent effect. Only real faith in the line of

pure devotion can help us.

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Hare Krishna!


This addiction is very difficult to leave by yourself. Be with someone who is strong and spiritual for 24/7.


Only way...chant, eat prasadam and associate with devotees most of the day and seek guidance. It will surely change.


May Krishna help you!





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I am stuck with this drugs, well is not heroin or crack or anything, but this ganja I have been getting very addectie too , and lately I been feeling very bad without using it, I am trying to quit , but each day that passes by, it gets harder and harder till to the point where I bewilder myself with ignorance, and where my fate should be the strongers, I loose my fate in krishna slowly, dont get me wrong, I been praying to krishna everyday, surrening myself everyday right after i shower, offering him my obediance love respect and devotion, for the last past year, the more days I spend sober, the harder it becomes, and is not that I have to intoxicate to belive in him, is because of the depression that fills what usual would be my cannabi high, and this depression really creates ignorance within me, that makes me act like a feen, that makes me act in darkest mode of ignorance, i try to chant or ask for help from krishna but it seems like he is leaving me alone here to battle my own demons, what do I need to do ? How can I quit this ganja, and how can I rip the mantle of my own depression, with the help of krishna , I donnt want to go to a materlist pshyologist and be describe certain drugs to overcome my own drug and addection problems, and the strongest enemy my own depression, how can I ask krishna for help, without offending him? What can I do ?


There are hundreds of devotees who have had experiences with drugs and all of them will tell you the same, you have to have the association of devotees in the temple, get a spiritual master and begin to follow devotional principles, practice bhakti yoga and make your first step to get out of this place "the material world" for good.


On your own it will be very difficult because of the lack of association with saintly people and the freedom you have to go out and get drugs at any time. You have to make arrangements to solidly restrickt yourself.


If you want to become free from drugs you have to go to a place where you cant get them and away from those so called friends and your old environment.


I did that in 1976 when I joined in Schloss Rettershof in Germany and found myself a year later somewhere on the streets of germany distributing books, realizing that I used to take lsd, speed and hashish every day for more the 10 years, but not anymore. That was a very good feeling.


In fact after moving into the temple I did not even miss it, from day one.


The constant chanting and service gave me the taste of a wonderful brilliant sparkly and beautyful consciousness, which surpassed by far everything I ever experienced until then and I was hooked and I am still hooked all these years later.


You need to understand, that by giving up material enjoyment and practicing spiritual life you are not loosing anything at all, in fact you are only gaining and that will become evident for you ones you just experience just a little taste of the beauty of devotion for Krishna.


In the light of that, everything else becomes tasteless and dull.


If you are really serious to get out of this and become self realized, here is a path which works better then brilliant.


There is no material solution to our problems in this world, we are spiritual by nature and need spiritual food and association.


Whatever is holding you back to move in with the devotees and give it your best shot, in reality what have you got to loose?


It worked for me and I will never ever go into any kind of drug again and you can understand, that if a good consciousness and a healthy body is possible for other people then it is available for you also, everything depends on the choices you make right now.


You have the amazing ability of forsight, so look into the future, your future, you think if you dont change what you are doing now, the future will be any different from your past?


Do you want to look back at this time in your life one day with hindsight and full of regret because you never made a serious attempt to change something now?


You have tried so many things in your past to avoid suffering and you failed miserably, so now is the time, to try something else, your old ways did not work, otherwise you would not be where you are now feeling miserable and depressed.


Try this, you will feel like a fish back in the water. But whatever you do, do not loose faith in Krishna, He will help you, its not His fault that you are experiencing so much trouble.


Everything we are experiencing is a result of our past choices, we have brought it upon ourselves and can not blame it on other people or circumstances, we need to understand this and take reponsibility for our actions, past and present, then things will get better.


Dont blame the world or god for what you are going trough as long as you do that you find that you are just hanging in there.

Have a good look at your self and say " I dont want to live like this anymore, I have had it up to here and from now on, I am taking responsibility and change my actions, i will make positive choices and reject everything that is bad for me and accept everything that is good for me, based on Krishna consciousness.


Make a decision and go for it walk into a temple and say here I am, I want to be a fulltime devotee and from then on everything will change as if by magic.



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This works. If you smoke 10 grams a day, try getting by on five. If five seems comfortable, stay there for awhile, but NEVER go over 5 grams. Later, go to three, then skip a day, then once a week, etc. Minimize, in conjunction with chanting and offering obiesancies to Lord Hrsikesha, the real controller of our senses, and gradually, the bad habit will go away.


We dont artificially renounce. Such renunciation is in the mode of ignorance, and the gap left will just be filled with some other nonsense, like alcohol or even worse. There are too many stories of those who gave things up artificially, and they just became morose, and later, became much worse than before.


Forget AA or any such things. The association wont help at all. Reasons for quitting can never be emphasized or properly brought to your attention better than that which you get by association with devotees. AA has no success rate, it is a pitiful program of brainwashing and mind-control. Better to go to a Psych and deal with what the other writer noted as far as internal chemical imbalances, etc.


good luck. I used to cure heroin addicts by giving them all the ganja they could handle, then gradually controlled their intake as spoken of above. But all drug abuse is the action of self-medication, and ganja is rather tame comparitively. The very worst is nicotine, followed by alcohol, ironically, two perfectly legal intoxicants.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Can only offer encouragement. Been there big time. As a "child of the sixties" I use to feel sorry for people would had never taken LSD and had their minds properly expanded. :D By 17 yrs. I was burnt out and crazy from by two or three years of very very heavy LSD and ganja abuse and had graduated to injecting heroin and morphine. At some point in year 18 I receive a drop of mercy from Jesus Christ and the desire from nictotine to all illegal drugs just lifted. A miracle for sure. Along with my desire for drugs the desire to associate with anyone that had drugs lifted and then I met the Krsna kirtanaparty.


No drug problems for the next six years but then I relapsed and become addicted to ganja really heavily...more than before. Also started eatting loads of pysilicibin mushrooms which grew in my area. I went literally crazy for 5 years or so and barely ate solid food other than ginseng. I mean I became a madman, almost ghost like (and definetly haunted) although still chanting some everyday.


Quit again and have been repairing the brain damage now for the last 20 years drug free. And still if I found some buds on the sidewalk tommorrow I know i would light it up.


It has been an imperative for me NOT to become familar with anyone that has or does drugs. Better to be alone. But better than that is to befriend Krsna's active devotees and become influenced by their energy.


But please don't despair so much as to become overly harsh with yourself. that will just make it worse. It is just a passing bad dream and one you will wake up from.


You are eternal knowledge and bliss by constituiton. This material mind fog will lift by the Lord's grace. May Krsna please guide us all back to Him.

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Two things: exercise more and educate yourself.


If you exercise more, you will activate blissful happiness hormones aka drugs that your own body produces [endorphins] for a natural high. Lord Chaitanya

bathed in the sea twice daily and danced ecstatically: both good forms of sattvic good exercise. He also walked everywhere: daily long-distance walking is another good form of exercise.


You can also educate yourself as to how dangerous drugs really are. For example: "The use of drugs is another foreboding danger, for certain stimulants set in motion the kundalini simultaneously into higher and lower regions.


"For instance when the drug user, like an intruder, forces his way into the experience of oneness of the universe, the totality of now-ness and all-being,

by touching the fourth chakra anahata,


"simultaneously EVERY OTHER CENTER BELOW THE MULADHARA IS STIMULATED, the first [atala], third [sutala], fifth [rasatala], and seventh [patala] chakras below the base of the spine: the centers of fear, jealousy, selfishness, and malice.


"Noticeable mood swings of those who rely on drugs hamper the person throughout life. Only severe prayaschitta, penance, can set the course

towards spiritual healing." ---Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics p.686

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