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why do indians eat on the ground?

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is there is spiritual significance on why I Indians eat sitting on the floor? does it have something to do with "digestion" or ayurvedic eating recommendations? I am very curious.


Right now I eat at tables, but if there is a health reason to eat on the ground, I would be interested to know about it.


Thanks for any answers to my query.

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should I stop eating at my kitchen table and sit on the floor? is this the proper Hindu way to eat? do people in India have dining room or kitchen tables in their house?

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should I stop eating at my kitchen table and sit on the floor? is this the proper Hindu way to eat? do people in India have dining room or kitchen tables in their house?


we have tables and chairs.


but my relatives back in india still eat on the floor even though there is a table. Perhaps its tradition - tables i think were only used to eat on after the British came along.


Or maybe there;s something more spriritual to it, like when you go to a temple you sit on the floor - an act of humility and acceptance that you are the disciple and God is greater than you.

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Sitting on the floor to eat is just Indian culture. There's no spirtual reason.


Why do some people think that to be a devotee that one must become Indian?

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Im not to sure about reasons for taking meals on the floor, but when having a meal at a temple or religious event, eating on the floor is meant to encurage us to be simple and humble.

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Guest guest


Sitting on the floor to eat is just Indian culture. There's no spirtual reason.


if it's just culture, why not upgrade to tables and chairs? this is the 21st century. No need to hold on to outdate customs. HOWEVER, if their is a spiritual or digestive reason behind it, than this knowledge would be something to share with others who might want to benefit with their digestion.



Why do some people think that to be a devotee that one must become Indian?


it's not that they want to be Indian, it's that they want to follow Hindu/Ayurvedic principles in their daily life, if they can be shown to benefit them. If Indians are privy to certain ancient secrets of daily living, than western/african/asian converts will no doubt be interested in learning those secrets that can benefit their daily lives.

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"if it's just culture, why not upgrade to tables and chairs?"


We are talking about "sitting". It is an act that can be done in various poses on various ways..on the chair,bench,rock,floor etc..wherever it is comfortable.

Sitting on the floor and eating is simple to do.Most of the people were poor and the space occupied by a table was used for many purposes in various times of the day. From a utilitarian poimnt of view the table blocks space.

It is very easy to sit in padmasana(or its ilk) and eat....

What is the meaning of "upgrade" your sitting position? given that you are sitting in a higher altitude than the floor but qualitatively, I do not see the "upgrade" . Yes, you can support your elbows on the table(bad manners) or on the arm rest but the thighs will do to support your forearms if they are so heavy...

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"if it's just culture, why not upgrade to tables and chairs?"


We are talking about "sitting". It is an act that can be done in various poses on various ways..on the chair,bench,rock,floor etc..wherever it is comfortable.

Sitting on the floor and eating is simple to do.Most of the people were poor and the space occupied by a table was used for many purposes in various times of the day. From a utilitarian poimnt of view the table blocks space.

It is very easy to sit in padmasana(or its ilk) and eat....

What is the meaning of "upgrade" your sitting position? given that you are sitting in a higher altitude than the floor but qualitatively, I do not see the "upgrade" . Yes, you can support your elbows on the table(bad manners) or on the arm rest but the thighs will do to support your forearms if they are so heavy...


so those who are not poor can now buy a table and eat like the rest of the modern world?


should indians still use the bathroom outside, or not upgrade to toilets, if they can afford it?


should indians still use lanterns and candles, or buy lamps?


You don't see Native Americans still sleeping in Teepees, even though that is a part of their ancient culture.


The point is cultures move with the times.


If there is a health reason for eating on the ground, than I do not think they should stop. If it's nothing more than a cultural thing, than there is nothing wrong with eating a table. Tables are much more comfortable. I do not know if they are as healthy for digestion, so if someone can post the health benefits of floor eating, I'm sure a lot would be interested to know.

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why do you care were Indians sit? You should do something better with your time.


because many people around the world are very interested in hatha yoga (asanas) and ayurveda for health and improved living, as taught by the indian masters. So if the sitting on the padmasana is the best way to sit and eat, for digestion, no doubt many would like to know this and do the same.

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so those who are not poor can now buy a table and eat like the rest of the modern world?

Many Indians use tables and chairs while eating.



should indians still use the bathroom outside, or not upgrade to toilets, if they can afford it?

Many Indian houses have toilets.



should indians still use lanterns and candles, or buy lamps?

Electric lamps are quite common in India.



You don't see Native Americans still sleeping in Teepees, even though that is a part of their ancient culture.

In India also there is a big difference between how ancient Indians lived and how present day Indians live.



The point is cultures move with the times.

And, they have moved.

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  • 7 years later...

It is Indian tradition to sit on the floor and intake food. The scientific reason behind this custom is one intakes less food while one sits on the floor and eats which supports the scientific notion of taking in less food than the stomach's capacity. 
Every Indian custom has deep scientific reasons behind them which many are unaware of.

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Guest harsh1502

Sitting in Padmasana and Eating food while sitting on ground surely has a positive effect on your digestive system, sitting with straight spine in padmasana helps our digestive system to work better as our abdomen is in correct position and  i guess sitting on ground also increases Gravitational Power which helps food to travel faster to abdomen, and with your straight spine you get proper breathing which is essential for digestion. 

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Guest Sobhana

Kitchen is considered to be a sacred place, where sometimes even poojas are done. The offerings to the deity, like butter, ghee, flowers, jaggery etc are also kept there. We always take great care in keeping the food,once cooked for us are kept away from the offerings to the deity, since cooked food, if not made for that special purpose, is not used as the offering.

If any of the vessels or furniture comes in contact with cooked food, it has to be washed and thus kept clean. So eating at a table is taboo for us in our family.

Now, of course, times have changed, and no one observes this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We Indians eat on the ground because we are able to sit on the floor. Our Indian Toilets also are very healthy in that sense. Atleast for 20mts sitting and eating on the ground do not produce a potbelly. Do not overeat as your bottom half of the belly is closed. We do not even suffer from knee joint pain when we sit on the ground. You see that the knee joint pain is common now a days as people has chosen the habit of eating on table and chairs and using western toilets.


Ancient, but yet effective exercise.

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