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I need the advice from a devotee

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I feel quite down. I am a devotee in association of many athiests, as i am still only in school. My friend began to ask questions from searching from "answers.com", i was unable to explain properly as he asked questions about mayavadi, advaita and dvaita. I feel extremely bad as i wasnt able to give him a proper explanation and as a result i felt i have moved him further away from Krishna.


I am no scholar but i do understand what i believe, but it so difficult to explain vaisnava philosophy to those who have no vedic understanding.

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Haribol. Forget explaining all these complicated points. This is not worth the effort, because even if you properly answer, such answrers will not be accepted due to the influence of the age. When in the world of atheism (school), it is best just to try to inject the basics into everyday conversation, all the while trying to chant and enable others to hear, the holy names of the Supreme. This is actually what was taught to Lord Chaitanya by his guru maharaja, Sri Iswara Puri. Sri Chaitanya was an expert in the dots and dashes of the vedas, at that time, such erudition was very popular, to the scale of american sports. Lord Chaitanya was the Michael Jordan of this sporting of the vedic knowledge.


Sri Iswara Puri told Sri Chaitanya that he was ignorant, and recommended that he just chant Harinama to all who he met. This is SAMKIRTANA.


After one is encouraged to chant a bit, takes Prasadam you may offer in friendship, such questions may come up. But then, the person is a bit purified and will be less challenging, and the particular points you may discuss, as a devotee of Krsna, will be more likely to be considered, much less accepted.


Srila Prabhupada, early on, remarked that one who has attended one sunday feast, and goes home, telling all he meets: "The music was great, the people were very friendly, and the food was without a match." Such a person was called a first class Vaisnava Preacher.


Injection, even tricking them into chanting. If you play music, go to a jam session, play their songs, then play your song, teach them your words. The jam will be much better, their songs will go by the wayside, then these atheists will be devotees, and your association with them will be to your greatest benefit.


Good fortune to you. Your desire to help others is commendable, and Krsna will give you all you need to spread this sublime science. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I agree. Don't try to get into all sorts of complications. Keep discussions practical. If they want to know why vegetarian, or reincarnation, or karma etc.... but all the intricacies are not needed at this stage. Just be sincere and you'll do fine.

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Dont get down on yourself. Explain and answer what you know and do not be afraid to direct him to books or another person for answers you can`t put into words.

Being unable to put answers to him in no way effects your personal relation with god.

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Hare Krishna

Its ok yu feel bad, yu want help to others and aslo help to Krishna doing his will but you dont know to asnwer peoples questions..so it is good &right you feel bad about it!


first of all if you know some selfrealized devotee you can ask him to talk to your friends about Krishna,


and advise for you personaly, you should studying more vedas! and than right understanding , selfrealization will come for you to help other living beeings..

Hare Krishna!


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Radhe Krishna,


At the point, a discussion turns into debate or argument - leave the place at the point because when a discussion turns into argument - neither party is in position to even to consider the facts of the other party.


At this stage, give at utmost care to your studies.


discuss about religion with your well wishers and elders in your family and your gurumaharaj. not with any and everyone.


Radhe krishna

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Thank you for all your advice. I enjoyed reading your explanation especially Mahak. Thank you all!!


The same day I posted that message i was advised by a devotee to merely chant and have faith in Krishna. So i took my beads and started chanting very attentively, for the first time few tears flew from my eyes!! =O I was shocked!! Yet I am still too ignorant to realize how important this sankirtan movement is Lol


Thank you all again for your mercy.

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