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What Do you Feel....

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Dear All,


It has been a year i have been associated with spirirtual activites.since iam working for An Airline Company and job pressure demands me to work 12hours at a strech but still I make a point to get chant Hare Kishan two rounds Morning and evening


Coming to the point Still there are bad qualities to get ridoff...As I have said earlier Single Book "The Science of Self Realisation" Changed My wholelife .I just sat with a book as if i was in trance .Completed it .Then more and more books


After that I left Non-vegetarian stuff and didnt have any prolem to quit

that much was the power I had gathered and there was no problem.I began to

feel that I was to able to logon to his domain ... I began to avoid parties

As per my character goes there was nothing to be changed..as

I was down to earth person. But thing I found very hard to give up was

SEX .I dont do any dating and engage any physical activity but seeing erotic scenes still remaines .That has come down but still sometimesi cant resis.viewing them .This I consider a stumbling block to my spiritual advancement..I have been married Four years and nearing to age 30..Everywhere you turn you can see shadow of sex ...


What you all feel...>I agree ny instincts have come done also switch on the TV set i tune into spirtual channels.But at times I dont Know happens iam lost...Is this my age or something else..Sometimes there is guilty feeling and that haunts me .Hope Krisna will help me....

Could anyone throw light on this.I hope lot of devotees may be undergoin similar situations





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Hare Krishna,


first of all it's already a good thing that you're being honest and open about it. Now, if I understand correctly you have been engaging yourself in Krishna Bhakti for one year now? If so you should not be surprised that sex issues are haunting you every now and then, as you can't expect all your sinful thoughts/actions to be eradicated all at once. These things take time. Years to lifetimes even, depending on the person. So please have patience in this and just continue your sadhana or spiritual practice.


For example: Let's say one has led a "sinful" life for 25 years or so and finally gives it all up and makes the correct choice to pursue a life of piety and God consciousness, then it is only logical that there is bound to be some residual sins coming back to haunt you now and again. Besides, we don't even know what kind of sinful activities we may have performed in our many previous lives that could bear fruit in this life or the next, so what to speak of our sinful activities in this life?

The remedy to collecting the fruits of a sinful life this is remarkably simple and effective. Just keep performing bhakti, keep on chanting for these activities destroy the reactions to those sinful actions eventually and helps you build pious merit or sukrti. Keep on doing your spiritual practice, keep following the regulative principles, in short keep up the good work with patience and perseverance.


The feeling of guilt is actually a very positive sign. If one has sinful thoughts and is feeling genuine remorse about them it means he is situated in the correct mode. Krishna is situated in your heart and knows your inner self, you can't hide anything from Him,can't lie to Him, so when you have feelings of shame or guilt about those thoughts/actions Krishna will surely forgive you. As long as you don't chant to make up for your sins, that is, to commit offenses knowing that chanting the maha mantra will relieve you from all sinful reactions, but sincerely chant to beg for Krishna to engage you in His service, it is nothing to worry about. It would of course be different if you were living in a temple or in the renounced order of life.


In due time , gradually these thoughts will vanish, as long as you keep practicing your bhakti, and if possible intensify it degree by degree. When you feel your spiritual advancement is stagnating you should intensify you sadhana. Seek association with other devotees, go to temple programs and join in sankirtan as much as possible. This is the perfect remedy to the disease of being bound to material existence.


If in difficulty of wanting to fulfull sexual desires,whether physically or mentally, do like Namacharya Haridasa Thakura and postpone.

Say to yourself, okay I will engage in these activities after I cooked for the Lord, after I chanted my rounds, and read some books/listened to lectures, and you will most certainly find that the attraction for sex will be diminished by the time you're done with those things.

It may also help to, as soon as you get sexual urges, immediately contemplate the aftermath of engaging in those activities.

Think about how you will feel after "the deed is done" (for example:guilty, lazy, depleted of energy, spiritually drained).

Think about how living a life of celibacy makes you more vital and strong both spiritually and physically and then consider the futility and wastefulness of engaging in sexual activities (without intention of creating Krishna conscious babies).

Think about how shortlived the sensation actually is, the gross internal aspects of the physical bodies you have lusty desires for and how they too will wrinkle and wither and die not all that long from now.

Marvel at the illusion of it all, appreciate it's potency in light of Krishna, understanding the only way to avoid staying caught up in it is by submitting to Krishna and not by one's own strength.

Of how engaging in sexual activities will only fuel the fire of lust rather then diminish it and how it actually does not make you happy, does not satisfy your true inner desires at all. Just some idea's that I hope may prove helpful to you.


Wanting to see erotic imagery, instead jump to this forum and engage in a topic of interest, just always try to divert your attention to God conscious activities when sinful thoughts enter your mind, and slowly but surely those thoughts will be purged from your heart. Trust me, I can speak out of experience and with me I gather, countless of others. I hope this has been of help to you, good luck and,



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I have heaps of imperfections, but I keep on chanting.

Most of my bad habits are still here, and I am quite happy that some have gone. Some people however can see drastic changes in short lapse of time.

The bottom line is to keep on chanting, no matter what happens.

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BG 3.40


"The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting places of this lust, which veils the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him."


Be patient, kind and understanding with yourself. Define your reasons WHY you want to be rid of sexual desire and be mindful of these reasons.


BG 3-27 "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature."


Understand that YOU are not in control of yor body/mind yet and that this is a lengthy process. You are coming closer - work on yourself with a sense of gratitude. You are not the doer of your sex desires, it is your hormones and the chemicals that work in your body/brain. You are more than a body/brain and the closer you come to a full awareness of your actual Self the better you will be able to control all sensual desires.


BG 3.42

The working senses are superior to dull matter; mind is higher than the senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence.


BG 3.43

Thus knowing oneself to be transcendental to material senses, mind and intelligence, one should control the lower self by the higher self and thus--by spiritual strength--conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust.


Let your soul speak to your intelligence then let your intelligence speak to your mind and control your senses with the power of the mind.


Personally, I do not think that guilt is a good thing. It is a reactionary emotion that causes stasis in many situations. It can cause someone to work backwards or to wallow in misery and saddness. If one works with gratitude and compassion towards oneself and others I believe that success can be accelerated.

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