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Sex and Sadhna !

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Dear pradeep this is a very sincere and genuine enquiry. Any new lad

on the path of sadhna has to face this important question which he

cant ask openly.


Today's society of India, which shuns any dicussion on sex is in

fact due to impact of different cultures. What we think today is not

exactly as per sanatan dharma but a confused morals due to impact of

Islamic, catholic, budhistic, jain, tantrik and many other cultures

embedded into our own ancient culture. But in our ancient hindu

culture sex was certainly not a Faux pas. For example if we look

around Mahabharat time, having physical relations was very common.

Mother was main member of family and her children were normally known

by her name, not by the name of hubby. Gandharva Vivah, a temporary

marriage without any rituals (plainly for having sex) was very

common. There are mentions of Vasant Utsav where boys n girls would

have free relations and would select their future partner. In some

tribal areas in India this is still common and Ghotuls are used for

young boys and girls to interact with each other and select -partners.


Santan dharma does not actually bars one from sex. We have four

Ashramas (Brahcharya, grihastha, vanprastha and sanyas) and only the

the first and the last forbid physical relations. In ancient times

even sadhus living in jungles kept their wives with them and many of

them had children too. those sadhus who were alone, also did not

hestitate if an Apsara came to them and asked for sex (Menaka -



But that does not mean sanatan dharma advocated free sex like we

see now in western countries. Certainly our ancient culture did not

give much imporatence to sex either by supressing it or by making it

the only focal point of the socienty. It was taken as a Sahaj thing

of the life.


Now what should be reaction of a Sadhaka towards sex ? I must say

that we should also take it as a necessity of life but it should not

be our focal point. Kama (sex) is less harmful than Kamukata (Being

sexual). As long as one sadhaka is on the lower ladders of sadhna,

supressing sex will harm the sadhna too.


Of course those who have achieved heights of sadhna and are making

themselves ready for the BIG LEAP, not only sex but every lower

emotion has to be forgotten. When samadhi becomes the aim, not even

sex but anger, greed, hatered, jealousy and other such emotions have

to be brought out of our being.


But there is Tantra also, which has sex as its forcal point for

sadhna and there have been and will be many who reached Moksha by

tantra. Yet Tantra too uses sex as a ladder not as a destination.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...

You are extremely confused.


The gandharva vivaha and other categories were especially instituted for people of certain mindsets. Gandharva Vivaha usually used to take place between people purely for physical sex. But it was still considered a taboo back then, since the practitioners of such marriages are subjected to the cycle of continous birth and deaths according to our Smritis.


Unlike other religions, sex was never a taboo, but certain injunctions were placed by the Sanatana Dharma on it. This caused the rise of tantra, which incorporated those things into rituals......!


In any case, the final onus even today lies on you..! One could lead a promiscous and lustful life or choose a life of brahmacharya....! It depends totally on an individual...This personal freedom existed then and it still exists now.....!


So I dont understand why this thread was even opened....!

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  • 1 month later...

Yes I agree. But not totally. Sex, no matter the time, in Bharat Varsha was in its pure form not like you said. As we are seeing in modern days.......acting like a four leged !!!


To get enlightenement Bramhacharya is the most needed stuffs. Almost all the people in ancient times were with their awakened Kundalini.


Sex was not like as you said. If you go thoroughly the text with clear mind ( not with prejudeces) everything's will be cleared.

Well, have you gone through the Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda ???Like the people misunderstood the Jesus's teachings, such is the case. No one ever has come with the real visions about our ancient texts.

In present text the dynamic personality was standing but gone now.


People could find the real things if aspiring for the reality......

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  • 3 months later...





But there is Tantra also, which has sex as its forcal point for

sadhna and there have been and will be many who reached Moksha by

tantra. Yet Tantra too uses sex as a ladder not as a destination.


I agree with most of what you are saying. I am not one who believes in the mortification of the body and abstinence from all sensory pleasures if you have a draw to them. Obviously of course, if you are doing certain Sadhanas, absitenence from various things may be necessary... But if you feel the urge to have sex, then I believe that is your Karmic urge and you should follow it so you can rid yourself of that Karma. Sex is a natural part of human existence. If people wish to be celibate that is fine! But it's certainly not necessary to obtain the grace of god/dess. Some people it may be necessary for them, and in that case if that is what your guru says to do, or what your IshtaDeva/IshtaDevi requires then by all means do it.

The only thing I don't agree with is that Tantra has sex at it's core. Tantra is a very complex spiritual science that uses astrology, ayurveda, mantra, yantra, sadhana and other various methods to obtain divine bliss, higher states of conciousness, the perfection of oneself, the path to self-realization, and to become a Siddha. There is within one form of Tantra the Pancha-Tattva Ritual that makes use of the five taboos that are meat, fish, parched grain, wine/alcohol, and illicit sex. This ritual is a very powerful pooja that is either done mentally/symbollically or literally. Through this ritual one overcomes social conditioning and taboos that restrict you from your higher nature. Tantra has some Aghora aspects (non-terrifying) where you embrace darkness and taboos so you have no distinctions of dark and light, good and evil, etc. Which are all in essence a form of social conditioning. It also helps break Maya delusion. Maya however is not the physical realm in essence, it is the conditioning of the human mind that makes one see everything as seperate from themselves, and seperate from God. So it is not really sex at the core of Tantra, however one large aim of Tantra is ecstatic divine bliss, in which the Tantrika experiences the cosmic orgasmic bliss from the union of Shiva and Shakti. But do not mistake this for outward sexual feeling, of course.

Tantra for whatever reason, because Westerners are obsessed with the material aspect of things and lustful sexual addictions have perverted this ancient science into "sacred sex" or a purely sexual science in which all sorts of ridiculous rituals are undertaken such as using a peacock feather to raise the kundalini (LMAO). Also in the East Tantra has been looked down upon and shunned as black magic because the power that Tantrikas accquire is very real. In Tantra you become the object of adoration... And because they do taboo things which is misunderstood and feared, even though it has a very real and powerful purpose, people demonize them as black magicians and witches. Neither of these views are true...

And it's a shame because Tantra can really help a lot of people realize their divine nature, and practicioners of Tantra by coming a vessel for the divine can help people in a very real way. Becuase of the radical methods used in Tantra it is ESPECIALLY useful in this Kali Yuga where the ignorance and darkness is so thick. Tantra is like a two edged sword that can be very dangerous in the wrong hands but in the right hands it slices through the darkness and error like nothing you have ever seen. And it fills people up with divine, white healing power to help change the world. It's such a shame that it's so misunderstood, but also in a way people who have notions of "Black magic" and "evil" in their head, they have no business practicing Tantra which is extremely non-dualistic at it's very core.

I hope this has cleared up some of the misconceptions you may have about Tantra. It really angers me when I see people saying that Tantra is sex. Neo-Tantra in the West is at BEST the Kama Sutra being sold like a prostitute, at it's worst, it's self-delusional and dangerous.

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