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Everything posted by omsadhak

  1. Yes I do mantra sadhna . Its the mool mantra of guru granth sahib ji. Hari's name is everywhere in this holy book. But the translations are innumerable . A true translation can only be done by a true guru who's in the position as the writer was. I am still awaiting to get a shabad from a true BrahmGyani guru. Though it's very hard to find a true one nowdays but by hari's grace I have found one.
  2. Sir, There's one very major difference in yog nidra and other meditation practises. In yog nidra we concentrate on agnya chakra in lying position . In this postion our backbone is parallel to ground. We let all our body get relaxed.its better not to lie on a very hard or soft floor. Concentration on agnya chakra or third eye would let casual thoughts come and go. As the level of concentration increases , casual thoughts starts getting lessening. Usually our conciousness is scattered all along the body. But with practise we try to see our true self , with increased concentration on agnya chakra. Even some yogis refer it to breathing through agnya chakra. Sir you asked about daily practises in my sadhna. Yog nidra is good when body is very tired and instead of just sleeping its better to be in yog nidra state. Other sadhna practises that I do are Surya Sadhna , Sadhna in siddhasana and sirshasana. You can find more information on surya sadhna at our brahamcharya site.
  3. It is extremely beneficial for those who wants to learn meditation and are leading a very busy or demanding life.
  4. May be string theory would explain it in a better way . But string theory has not been tested practically due to technological limitations.
  5. Soul covered with layers of materialistic desires searches for happiness in the outside world. Whereas it itself is the true source of happiness . One who is headed in the right direction in the course of spiritual knowledge acquires true knowledge through the cycles of kal [death/rebirth] and these layers gets peeled off one by one. A stone thrown in a sea would only sink due to its weight or self ego. More one is closer to the true self more he is away from the clutches of maya or karmic desires [sankalpas] , new or old. And this is what we try to achieve through yog nidra .
  6. Yoga Nidra or Yogic Conscious Deep Sleep Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras, the deep impressions that are the driving force behind Karma . It is expounded in the upnishads.
  7. Respected Sir, Thanks for bestowing the pure knowledge upon us . Indeed this true knowledge is a form of divine light which guides away the darkness from the hearts of devotees in this materialistic world. Just like a diamond is known for its sparkling illumination, similarly great and sublime souls are known for their divine knowledge. Just like a child who is still learning how to walk properly similarly this being is still in the begginning stage of spirtuality and the presently occupied physical body is not even half old as yours. So please don't mind of any of his questions. Please shed some more light on brahamjyoti. Before realizing the form of Krsna, does a devotee first go through the brahmajyoti ? And how a devotee can go beyond that including twenty-four material elements and realise the real form of omnipresent ultimate truth krsna ? Best Regards Sincerely, Ravi
  8. Thanks for prompt reply and discussing your experience. Before practising brahamcharya and meditation I never experienced this blue dot. So it must have to do something with awakening of kundalini and self realization . The first place I discovered any in-depth discussion of the Blue Pearl is in the Siddha Yoga literature. Swami Muktananda (1908–1982), the great Indian saint who introduced Siddha Yoga practices and meditation techniques to the United Sates, gives a detailed description of the significance and of his experiences of the Blue Pearl. At one point he described how it expanded in front of him, engulfed him and carried him to other worlds. He was very clear that it was a good thing and a sign of awakened kundalini Muktananda referred to the Blue Pearl as a physical manifestation of the soul. He said that seeing it in meditation is like seeing the soul. In his book Does Death Really Exist? Muktananda says, "The blue dot, which we call the Blue Pearl, dwells in the sahasras, the spiritual center in the crown of the head. It is the body of the Self. All consciousness is contained in it. All of the dynamism of the breathing process comes from the Blue Pearl. When that light enters the body, the rhythm of breathing begins. When it departs from the body,consciousness departs from the bloodstream, the nerves and the lungs, leaving everything. 'Death' is simply the name we give to the departure of the Blue Pearl from the body." Any one interested in finding more about it can google on " blue pearl meditation " . Science and religion are not at odds, science is simply too young to understand. – Anonymous
  9. Greeting Friends, I have been doing meditation for many years now. I have started seeing a bright blue star with open or close eyes as soon as I projects my consciousness onto a point. I feel that it is the illuminated self/atma . Does any one else have had a similar experience or knows more about it ? Any reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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