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Posts posted by mrs.moore

  1. i say, i'm terribly sorry if i annoyed most people. :eek4:

    but look. from what you say, if we can't tell the difference between a real guru and a guru that could go wrong at any moment, that means.... say i was a prabhupada disciple, and he was present. it would be alright for me to be constantly on the lookout that he might do something wrong then? or would it be better to see everything he does as pure and perfect?


    the latter is best. isn't it. i mean, if it was prabhupada....

    isn't it?

  2. i would change that the mahabharat was written for less intelligent people like sudras and women.


    i would change that karna wasn't made king.


    i would change that karna got floated down the river by his mum.


    i would change that draupadi was haughty.


    i would change that bhima didn't smash duryodhana when he was insulting draupadi.


    i would change that none of the big authorities acted on draupadi's appeal when she was dragged by the hair into the court.

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