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Posts posted by debbie

  1. stonehearted,

    I would like to thank you and all of the rest of you who replied to my posts. At forty-six, I thought I would have real problems switching to vegetarian, but I have not. The advantages I have found so far is I no longer crave alot of foods that sometimes I did before.It was like meat set off a chain reaction for me to eat other foods..This sounds crazy I know, but it has really helped me to stop a on going cycle of continous eating. I think I will again start walking, but I think I need to try harder to walk faster, so as to maybe to increase the calories burned and make it a much better work-out.I have so much more to lose, but I know I have to be patient, in the weight-loss results..Too fast, and it will probably come right back, as quickly as I lose it..Slowly, hopefully I will be able to maintain, once I get to my goal weight of 115-125 pounds.I am so tired of being overweight, that is for sure.I know I have got a long journey,in my weight-loss, as well as my spiritual journey..I appreciate all the help that everyone has given me so far on any of my questions..I am sure I will need a lot more help as time goes on..I have another question..How do I know, that meat or meat products are not in other foods??Any answers?? Debbie

  2. jndas,

    I appreciate the explanations to my question.There is a lot of things, that you and your posters can help me, understand, as I admit, I am new in this journey, and will need a lot of help in getting a full understanding.There is still some question in my mind, due to an earlier post that I want to comment on later, pertaining to this subject reply, but I want to think about it, before I give a reply for that one.You have to understand, I am normally a quiet person, but sometimes I have a tendency to say too much when I write.I normally tell how I feel about things, and this might be my downfall.But anytime, I do not know something, I will surely ask.Thanks to all of you for your comments.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Debbie

  3. Mr.Mxyzptlk,

    Thanks for your most detailed response..I am glad to know, by my choice to become vegetarian,it does not take away from the required things I need for my body to be healthy. In my mind, I have felt that eating vegetables, and not eating meats is alot more healthier, but as far as true facts, I had not been for sure.I will take all these foods into consideration, when making my food choices.I am sure when I go the doctor shortly my test results should be much better than before,I had become vegetarian.I know at 46, taking on something like this, might seem, to be something that is really kind of crazy to some people, but actually I am glad that I have,and have had the support, from some of my friends on the net, even if most do not support me on the home front.But I really am doing this as a personal preference.I was told by one of my close net friends, that I really trust, that it might help me,not only in my health, but my spiritual quest, as well. I do not usually have problems with exercising or weight lifting,as far as how I feel,but the muscle weight gain, confuses me,and I really do not know if I am losing fat, or gaining muscle, because when doing all this exercise at the gym, the scales would seem, after a while, to just go up or down a few pounds. I felt like I was on a roller coaster going up and down, continously. I will try, for now, to do more walking, and maybe, until I get down to my goal weight, discontinue the other activities..

    Once again, I would like to thank you, for your comments.It seems at this site, people here, are more than willing, to speak out, and give me good advice..For this I am truely thankful. Debbie


  4. You said you had read the Bhagavad-gita..Last night, I was up all night, and I had read the english translation, from a web-site..I had read maybe 11 chapters so far.I know I will read them again,to get an even better grasp of all I was reading, because as I did say, I was up all last night, and I was a little tired. What I read so far, has been quite informative. I know some of the words were not familiar to me, and I would like to ask some of you later about them.But there is one question, that I do have for right now. There is some mention about women,merchants(vaisyas), and workers(sugras) being the lower birth.Forgive me for me not knowing some things, but could you or someone please explain what that means. I know I have heard that in India, in some places women must obey their fathers and obey their husbands, but does that mean they are of a lower birth? Debbie

  5. I have since September 16th, only,started trying to live my life, as vegetarian. The decision to do this came in part, from talking to a few of my friends, that already live this lifestyle as their normal everyday life. In hearing what they had to say, about the the how animals were killed, and eaten, for someone else's pleasure, it really made me start looking at things differently.I had not really thought in this manner before, because here, most people have been raised eating meat, as a part of their everyday lives. Maybe I was just blind to the facts and feelings of what happens when some living being, no matter what it is, gets killed and slaughtered for human consumption.I get many negative comments from the people around me,because they feel not eating meat, is not healthy, for me..I tend to disagree, because I feel, I can get the protein, I require from a variety of different foods,besides meats, that my body requires..Besides,I have not ask them to join me in this.. It is my own personal decision..Which brings me to my point or my question..I know we may not have all the same vegetables here that you have there,or vice versus, but could someone tell me, what vegetables, fruit or milk products,provide the best amount of protein,for a woman, that our body needs..I have in the last two years, been trying to lose, a great deal of weight, not only for my health, but a better feeling about myself, as well.I had weighed 222 lbs and had lost 22 pounds in the first year, but my successes stop there..It seemed after then, I would gain and lose the same two or three pounds, continously..I had been going to a gym and was working out an hour to an hour an a half, at least five days a week.I had gotten so frustrated and had stopped..I then gained to 208.. Since September 16th, and going vegetarian, I have now lost 16 lbs so far,and I hope this will continue.I am 46 years old, woman, only five feet two and a half inches tall, and feel I need to lose at least another 70 lbs. Right now, I am debating if I should go back to the gym, doing weights,and cardiovasular exercises, because when I do, it seems, my weight increases, because of muscle, I guess, and that discourages me greatly..Do any of you have any suggestions to my diet and physical activity schedule, and what I can do to continue in my efforts.Right now,I am able to keep my blood pressure normal with proper diet and exercise.My cholesterol hopefully change with this change in my eating habits.. Maybe this is not the question to be asked in here, but it seems, all areas are open for discussion here..It seems the people here, for the most part are very knowledgable. Thanks in advance for any help, I might recieve. Debbie

  6. I just wanted to share with you a special prayer, many of you have already heard. It is somewhat how I feel and sometimes I use this prayer. It is called:


    The Serenity Prayer


    God grant me the serenity to accept

    The things I can not change

    Courage to change the things I can

    And the wisdom to know the difference.


    Living one day at a time

    Enjoying one moment at a time

    Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.


    Taking as He did, this sinful world as it is

    Not as I would have it.


    Trusting that He will make all things

    right, if I surrender to His will.


    That I will be reasonably happy in this life.

    And supremely happy in the next. Amen..


    Maybe I should not have posted that, but sometimes it just gives comfort to me. I can not tell you the originator of this prayer.

    I realize God is the supreme being, and he has given us life. It is our duty and hopefully our best choice to become fully aware of Him, to serve him, and know He is the one that is running this world. Too many people, I am sure, have turned away, and will not accept Him, as the supreme being,that He is..I just have to find out how is best for me to find this within myself, to better serve Him..


  7. I am glad to hear that all Hindus have respect for Christianity and other religions.I, too believe it is a personal matter, and believe there are many paths to God. I also know I believe in Jesus Christ and believe he was on this earth to give the people awareness of God and that we should serve Him. I have been here for a long time,and feel that the time has come I try to find a way to come and know God. I can tell you,even though I have my beliefs,as it is, I am searching for a different path to God.I just feel that, by personal preference, I want to travel a path to God,less traveled than most of my people here, where I live.It will remain to be seen, if I am doing the right thing.But,I believe any path I take, that will bring me closer in knowing God,is not a bad choice.I am sure you, and any of your people,here,that answer my plea, will try your best to help me in any way possible. Thanks for all your help.. Debbie

  8. I would like to ask a question, that may not really relate to this subject line..I have noticed in some of the posts, not necessarily in reference to mine, but some other discussions, Christianity seems to be put down..Is this the way most people in your country see religious people that claim to be Christians..I know, I can not speak for them, only for myself..I can not put down any religion, because, here, in the USA, religion is one's choice how one serves God..Just as now, I am free to read and study other religions, different from what is norm here, even though some people may or may not agree with my choice..Debbie

  9. I do not know who you are,or any of you are, for that matter, I really enjoy your discussions, even though sometimes, for now, I really have no clue to what you are talking about..I know it is going to be a long journey for me into the unknown, but it is a journey,I must take in order to find my true spirtual awakening..I have nothing against what ever religion, that anyone devotes to, as long as all are headed in the same direction..Maybe when I talk, no one understands what I am saying, but then again, maybe you do... Debbie

  10. Theist,

    Thanks for your comments..I am not afraid to admit that I do need help and guidance..I know some people go on it seems forever, and will not even try to find the truth for themselves..I know I am getting older..I am 46, and if I do not find what I am looking, I may remain lost forever..That makes me very sad, especially know I have waited all these years, and still have not found my way..I have been most fortunate to be lead here, that I might take the necessary steps into finding the truth. Debbie

  11. Thanks for your comments..I realize they make a lot of sense..Since I am not really sure of my real direction, I just keep searching, and I am sure I will find it, eventually..In my life, as it is now, I am not sure if the religions around here really is right for me..But then again, I do not know which one does yet...I only know that right now, I am increasingly curious and about religions that are in India..They seem to fascinate me..If this is right for me,I do not know yet, but I will surely continue my research, for right now, I feel like a lost soul..Thanks again. Debbie

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