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Posts posted by debbie

  1. Theist,

    Thanks for your help.Jndas has answered your request, and I am now waiting for an response to my question.And yes, I have memorized the mantra.I have been practicing out loud on my way to work in my car, and even sometimes when I am sitting at work, working, but more silently.

    "Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,Krishna,Krishna,Hare Hare"

    "Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare Hare"


  2. Avinash and Theist,

    Thanks..I will try the chant. In my mind,I am hoping it would make me more Krsna conscious. Where do I get those chanting beads Theist, was talking about? There is so much I want to learn, but I know it will take time, and I have to be patient. I sometimes wish that I could talk to the two of you more on a one on one level, but I guess that is not possible,here..

    Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  3. Theist,

    I also appreciate your comment.I will have to work on that part of me.I have always been kind of hard on myself in some respects.You asked me if I had tried the Hare Krisna Chant yet.I honestly do not know how it is done.I have read it, but do not know how to go about it. I know you may think this is strange, but I have never chanted in my life,that is, if I knew what I was doing. I have a small question and request. When chanting,the chant,does it matter where you are sitting, standing,or what.I know,I may be a little naive about such things,but you have to understand,normally I would do silent prayer.I need alot of help, I know. Help me!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Debbie

  4. Avinash,

    Thanks.I am glad you feel that way. I guess sometimes when I read some things, maybe I get different feeling to how people react to something I have said. Purposely,I would not hurt or offend anyone,if I could help it.That is not to say, I would not express my views, as I feel them in my heart.It is funny that you said that I was being hard on myself.I had a boss once, that had said, I was much harder on myself, than he would ever be.Thanks again.As long as I can post what comes to my heart,I do not mind posting here. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


  5. Adreamgodus,

    I would like to apologize if I have said anything that has offended anyone, at all, with anything I have said.Maybe I do not choose my words, as carefully as I should,but I truely am not trying to add to any problems that already exists. I really like being able to communicate with all of you,but it seems every time,I get involved with a post,I am doing something wrong, somehow.I had thought this before, but maybe,I should sit here day after day, and read everyone else's post, and remain quiet.Maybe I would not take the risk of offending anyone..As I had told you before,at this point,I can only speak from my heart, and that is what I had thought I was doing in my last post to you.I am truly sorry if I have disappointed you or anyone else,for that matter.That was not my intention, at all. Debbie

  6. Streetstraw,

    I know I have read at least that far in the Gita, but right now, I can not argue scriptures with you, and I am not going to even try to do so..There is still so much I do not understand, so it would be wrong for me to argue something I do not fully understand yet..I will continue to read some more, and will get back with you.As I have told everyone before,I can only say what I feel at this point, and do not have scriptures to back me up..Maybe at some later date, I can be as knowledgeable with them,as some of you seem to be. Debbie

  7. Adreamgodus,

    Thanks for your response.You asked me how I felt being called pink? That does not bother me, in the least.As they say "color is only skin deep."I cannot quote you anything from the scriptures, but I can only say what I feel in my heart.I know what ever color your skin,it is just a covering,and just a body.What we feel inside,can make all the difference,how we respond to the people around us.Sometimes people try so hard to hate someone because of how they look,where they live,what they wear, color of skin,etc...the list can go on and on,that they do not stop to see the goodness that lies within.I know I had referred to myself,as "white",but I did not say that to express power or to be superior over anyone.Even though some feel that one person's race or country is supreme over another I do not feel this way.I do feel there is far too much hatred in this world,but we can not let that hinder us in our journey. I feel we are in this world all together and many of us are search-ing for our own path to God and how we can better serve Him.I like your thoughts of: "Can't we all be a tattered and love-worn rug,of peace and love." If only people could open their hearts to let God in,I think there would be alot of changes in this world.For now, we have to just pray for His guidance to do what we must do in order to serve Him. Once again,thanks for your response.

    Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  8. Theist,

    Racism is just about everywhere,it seems, even in religious societies. You know there are so many parents that put hate and fear in the minds of their children, and I feel this is so wrong.Children then grow up, with so much hatred,and prejudice in their lives,that they miss out on some of the good people from different countries,that they may meet.It would be so wonderful,if all people could,live together in peace, without having to worry about racism. But that is would be a perfect world, and right now,that is not perfect. I feel I have been most fortunate, to have met different people from different places and able to call them friends,on the net and where I live and work. I really feel God wants all of us to be able to live at peace,without all these outside interferences,so we can concentrate on learning more about our God,no matter what we choose to call Him,and serve Him in the best way possible. Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

  9. I truly believe that racism begins for the most part within the family. I, myself, am white, but,I was raised to love everyone,regardless of the color of their skin, where they lived, or their religion.I realize many people are not raised in a family,to love all. Even some whites have been raised believing that whites are the supreme, and others are to be looked down upon.I do not think in this way at all. We are all people of God.That is not to say, we like the things that everyone does or their reaction to different things, but to love all people.Now,in a world,like it is now, it can sometimes be hard to trust everyone. I have always tried to respect people's views,but remain cautious, as well,when it is something I know nothing about..I do not think this is contributing to racism, but trying not to be totally naive about things.I have heard so many of you, in the posts, discriminating against Indians,etc..,or so it seems,that I really do not understand. I have several Indian friends, and even though,I know them,only on the net,they do not seem racist,when it comes to me.I know they know I am white, and it seems to be no problem. I have found them to be very supportive of me and my goals. I know this is only a few, but should we pass judgement on all Indians,because of the views some have in regards to race? Do you pass judgement on me, because I live in the USA and am a white female? Sometimes I feel we have to look within ourselves to discover what is really important..I believe all of us would find, when it comes to finding God, it does not matter the color of our skin.After all,I have read your posts time and time again, saying that this is just a body. Our soul is what is within...Right?? Debbie

  10. Theist,

    I agree with what you replied to AncientMariner, about his urge to know was being strengthened and intensified, as well as being fulfilled by the Lord in his heart.

    Where I live,there is not much talk of gurus and spiritual advisors. It is not that I do not believe in the power of prayer,because I do, and I would gladly ask Him for that request, but do you think it is at all possible, I could find one in North Carolina. I know you may not have all the answers, but these are questions I have for someone.Why is it so important to have a spiritual advisor or guru? I know there is much I do not understand,and it will take sometime before I do, but I am patient and confident it will happen.Is it not possible to have spiritual advancement, without gurus and spiritual advisors? Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  11. Theist,

    Thanks,I thought I had the correct understanding, but I was not sure, because I guess it more of a feeling inside, instead of written proof. I know sometime, when finances allows I would like to purchase some of the books, with the first being the Bhagavad Gita, with the english translation, so I can read them more throughly,even when I am away from the computer.I would like to be able to have scriptures to back me up, as some of you sometimes do.For now, I have to use my gut feeling, which most of the time works pretty well. I know sometimes I may seem a little on the crazy side/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif, but in reality, I am OK. Thanks again, Theist.

    Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  12. Shiva,

    After reading your post several times, I could in some way see a little understanding what you were talking about.If I did, you were saying if someone uses God,Krishna,or whatever, their name they call God,in a way that says they are giving them the enpowerment to do something that is cruel, and evil, they are not empowered by that name. Maybe I had misunderstood you before, because it had seemed, to me, you were talking in circles.For me, I still believe that Jesus was born upon this earth, to try to make the people conscious of God, and to help them in spiritual advancement.You have your beliefs and I have mine.

    Debbie /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

  13. Is it entirely possible for a woman to strive to serve God or Krishna, and do the things that is required to serve Him, and still do my duties that are required for my husband and family, which include cooking and preparing non-vegetable items? This is not the only issue, but a big part of it.. I know God knows what I feel in my heart, but sometimes I feel like such a hipocrite trying so hard to do things that I know in my heart are right, but still continue to do things, such as buying,preparing, and serving meat items for my family..It really has me torn, and I still am not certain what to do about it..And would you clarify once and for all, the confusion I feel if God, as Christians believe in calling him, and Krishna, are one and the same..I am very confused about this, mainly due to some of the other posters that are here, with so many different views..Thanks in advance.


  14. Shiva,

    As usual, you confuse me.I know I am new at this, and I do not know alot of scriptures,etc..to base anything that I say as the rest of the posters, are advanced in this subject, and can do so. From what I hear, Krishna and God are the one and the same, Father of Jesus Christ, as viewed by most people.I am really confused, because I thought different people had different names for the Supreme Being..I hope someone can clarify and tell me exactly how it really is for sure. As for me, even though, I am not a "born again Christian", I have always believed in God as being the Highest Power, and that Jesus, his son was born from a virgin, Mary. As for the different names of God,I had just thought these were names that were used,depending on where you lived. Maybe I have been wrong, but that was and still is much of what I believe now.I also realize I am trying to follow a different path than the people around me follow in regards to religion, but somehow I feel I am still trying to find the same God, whether we call him Krishna or God. Please correct me if you think I am wrong in my beliefs. Debbie

  15. Theist,

    Thanks for asking.So far, so good.I am still continuing to eat vegetarian.I still have a few things to work on as far as making sure about hidden meat products is not present, but I am doing well, otherwise.It actually makes me feel so much better physically, and also knowing that I am not causing pain and suffering in animals, as well.My weight loss have stopped for now, but I am sure it will continue,in a while. It seems my life is changing quite a bit..But some changes,are for the better, I feel. Debbie

  16. Could you tell me if Krishna, and God,as is taught in the Holy Bible, is one and the same.Is Krishna,just another name for God? Also,could you tell me, if someone has to have a guru or spiritual advisor, to be able to get God conscious, and find spiritual direction? I know there is so much I do not know.Can I not find these things from reading the required books and by prayer and meditation?


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