The Editor
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Posts posted by The Editor
Now you can see it was a blessing that your work contract did not get extended in Iraq.
Atma is located in the heart chakra (not just the physical heart). Please read this gita sloka along with the commentaries by various acharyas for explanation of location of atma within the body:
Please see the seller sold the previous one for $170, and now this one is $500 (you can see the selling history). These things are all scams. Don't fall for them. All the sites that sell rudrakshas, shankhas, etc., prey on the beliefs of uninformed people. For example, rudrakshas are not at all rare. You can buy a good rudraksha bead for 5 rs., but the websites will sell them for thousands of rupees claiming they are super rare, empowered, etc. It is all fraud. These valampuri shankhas are the same. Parad Shivalingas are the same. Crystal shivalingas are the same. There is no real value in them. If you know the wholesale supplier you can get them for nothing, and then these websites raise the prices thousands of times and sell them to people who are unaware.
Water from the cremation ground.
Unfortunately years have gone by since the original post. So it may not be possible to get a reply.
The most common mantra is the maha mantra:
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Some scriptures have the mantra reversed beginning first with hare rama.
This is a nama mantra which does not require initiation by a guru, and can be chanted by anyone at anytime.
The Kali Santarana Upanishad states about this mantra:
iti shodasakam namnam
natah parataropayah
sarva-vedeshu drisyate"The sixteen words 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare' are especially meant for completely destroying all the contamination of Kali yuga. To save oneself from the contamination of Kali Yuga, there is no alternative in all the Vedas except the chanting of this sixteen-word mantra."
Other common mantras for Lord Vishnu are om namo bhagavate vasudevaya and om namo narayanaya.
In the present age of Kali yuga mantra japa is the yuga dharma, or main process for self realization. It is simple, requires no background qualification, and can be done anywhere at any time.
Sit down in a peaceful place and silently chant your mantra. In the beginning start for 10 minutes, and gradually increase. The mind will become fixed and peaceful usually after 30 minutes, and then the more fruitful sadhana will start.
Other options for sadhana are puja (worshipping a deity of God), meditation (dhyanam), svadhyaya (self study of scriptures), etc.
- che10 and kirti upadhyay
In Hinduism self practice is very important. So even if you are alone in a remote area, you still can do everything you need to advance spiritually.
Svadhyaya (self study of scripture) is essential. There are hundreds of ancient vedic texts on all varieties of spiritual paths and knowledge which you can study. Of all the Bhagavad Gita is generally considered the most important.
Sadhana (personal spiritual practice) is also an important aspect of Hinduism which you do alone. Depending on the path one chooses, it could consist of mantra chanting, meditation, yogic exercises (such as pranayama, asanas, etc.), worship of deities, or philosophical contemplation.
Since Hinduism has so many spiritual paths within it, you should first narrow down what attracts you by studying various scriptures.
Here is a good book. Archana Dipika:
Detailed instructions on performing worship.
Yes, please continue.
One sadhu once told me sad gurus are present everywhere and there is no shortage of gurus. The real shortage is finding sat sishya (true disciple). Everyone is looking for a guru but they are not finding because you must first become a true disciple. Then automatically one of the countless spiritual beings present on this planet will come to you.
You are pretty far north. I don't think there will be many temples out there. Most are around the bay area. Some in Sacramento also.
Which city do you live in? There are many Hindu temples throughout California.
Need a bigger picture, cant make it out. Something about beauty and love.
Both of those have mistakes, so don't make the tatoo. I don't know how to write in devanagari here on the computer, so I can't help you further.
Please see this link for the prayer you are looking for: http://www.vaishnavsongs.com/panca-tattva-maha-mantra/
There is some information in this article: http://www.remedyspot.com/news/health-and-ayurveda/ayurvedic-health-retreats-in-south-india-r172
They recommend Arya Vaidya Shala in South India as well as a couple others.
according to dvaita the basic properties (Prakruthika gunas) of jada(color,mass .....etc)
The color of things change constantly all around us.
Even on the elemental level you are looking at a product created by mixing ingredients, like flour is used to make bread. Elements are not the fundamental units of matters existence. You must first break matter down to its smallest unit of existence.
You will have to cite the original statements of Madhva for people to answer your questions properly. Though I am not an expert on dvaita, there are countless descriptions in shastra of changing bell metal to gold. The concept that one metal canot be changed into another appears to be something only you are arguing, unless you can provide an exact sanskrit quote from Madhva where he says this. Further transformation of matter is not even in question here. All matter transforms. This is a universally accepted truth. Everything we use is a transformation of matter. The food you eat is a transformation of matter. Where are the original ingredients in your dosa? You can no longer see them. The clothes you wear, you can no longer see the cotton plant. The metal items you use, you can no longer see the rough stones that were transformed into iron.
Everywhere in life there is transformation of matter form one state to another. Jada Jada Bheda speaks nothing about there being no transformation in the qualities of one material particle to another state. It simply states that one particle of matter is real and distinct from another particle of matter. Just as one atma is distinct from another atma, in the same way one particle of matter is distinct from another particle of matter.
Even if you convert one element to another, the essential building blocks of the element remained in their individual state, different from each other. Thus jada-jada bheda remains.
If you have a bunch of lego blocks you can build many things with them. You can build a car, and then you can take the same legos, rearange them and build a house. The essential building blocks of individual legos remain different form each other, even though you can convert the lego car into a lego house. When we see one item being converted into another, it means we are not seeing the essential building block that makes up that matter. We are only seeing the external manifested product.
MP3 of Aditya Hridayam is in the downloads sections:
Chandra-loka is the celestial planet of the moon where higher beings reside.
You can find a bit here: http://www.kamakoti.org/kamakoti/details/skandapurana37.html?PHPSESSID=70aeed497c6dfa4d2c6b0203621275ff
"The next is of Chandra Loka which is the epitome of coolness, happiness, health and mental peace. Chandra was the son of Sage Atri who performed Tapasya for three thousand Divya Years to Brahma who not only blessed the Sage to beget Chandra but even brought up the child. Having come of age, Chandra too did Tapasya to Bhagavan Siva at the Avimukta Kshetra Kasi and set up a Siva Linga called Chandrasekhara. Siva was pleased with Chandra’s worship and adorned the best ‘Kala’ (feature) of Chandra on His head; later on Daksha Prajapati cursed Chandra to disappear but the best Kala of Chandra retained on Maha Deva’s ‘mastak’ (head) is revived every Purnima night but gradually wanes day by day till Amavasya and grows gradually again grows there after in the ensuing fortnight. With the blessing of Mahadeva, Lord Vighneswara gave Chandra the responsibility of ‘Beejas’ (seeds), ‘Aushadhis’ (Medicines), Water and of Brahmanas. Mondays are the days dear to Chandra and worship to him, especially if coinciding with Amavasya, has far reaching benefits of good health, mental peace, ‘Dhanya Vriddhi’ or plentiful foodgrains and stay at Chandra Loka after life."
Do a search in google for Amar Chitra Katha comic books.
He was a muslim fakir who hindus respected because of his spiritual powers.
Sanskrit Jewellery Meaning
in The Sanskrit Forum
It says ahimsa (nonviolence, especially to animals). The photo is backwards like you thought.