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Everything posted by ksbh

  1. First of all prabhu, I'm disappointed to see this 'my guru is the only way' mentality in you. Srila Prabhupada is the current link to you, not to everyone. To disciples of H.H. Bhakti Sundar Govinda maharaja, he is the current link and to disciples of Srila Narayana maharaja, he is the current link. To make a statment such as "Prabhupada, the current link of the BRAHMA MADHVA GAUDIYA SAMPRADAYA" is not only factually incorrect, it is offensive as well. And also, I agree with H.G. Guruvani prabhu. Who one chooses to accept as Spiritual master is not your business. It is strictly between that person and his chosen Guru. We should not stick our nose into it.
  2. Superb post, Mahak prabhu. Was a pleasure reading.
  3. Thank you prabhu! Srila prabhupada makes it as clear as it can get and I don't see any ambiguity. Please see in bold letters below. It's exactly what I said a few posts back. That perhaps Srila Prabhupada was referring to Jesus Christ as saktyavesa avatara and saktyavesa avatara is not Visnu. But to those who wish to continue believing Jesus is Visnu, be my guest. We live in a free world and I don't see any point in loading up on someone with a different belief. P.S: Sorry for the repeat post. Previous post was missing Srila Prabhupada's comments.
  4. Prabhu ... I guess the disagreement is because you consider Jiva to be one and different from Visnu. I consider Jiva as eternal servant, never one (albeit simultaneously different). I have read where Srila Prabhupada says we are 'part and parcel of God' but can you provide references where he says we are simultaneously God?
  5. Prabhu, do you have access to where Srila Prabhupada says Jesus is a jiva?That might help come to a conclusion. My personal understanding is that he is Guru tattva.
  6. That is a pretty straight forward comment by Srila Prabhupada but how do we know he wasn't referring to Jesus as Shyaktavesa avatara, which is empowered representative, not the Lord Himself. Therefore the question must be asked- Is there any such statement in any of Srila Prabhupada's books?
  7. Prabhu ... I agree with your premise that Srila Prabhupada's accomplishments are truly astonishing! As for the rest of your post, I will refrain from agreeing or refuting it!
  8. I completely agree with your post, Guruvani prabhu (except the part that Jesus Christ is a 'minor' figure). The folks that go around saying Jesus Christ is Visnu are just propagating apasidhanta. Jesus Christ is a bonafide Acarya but he is not Visnu.
  9. From the following post, it would appear that Dr. Radhakrishnan, was just a fool with no realization at all. Unqualified people like him should not speak about Bhagavad Gita, much less write commentary on it. I hesitated to add 'Dr.' before his name but I did it because it only denotes a material designation.
  10. Yes, so your friend should just stay away from that ISKCON temple now that it is so mundane. Have him go to some other temple where he can find better association.
  11. Then let's agree to disagree. One cannot spoil the surface of the moon by throwing mud at it. Similary, the reputation of Bhagavad Gita As It Is cannot be spoiled by anyone because it is the spotless work of a person who has pure love for Krsna. H.H. Jayadvaita Maharaja is not doing anything to spoil the reputation of the book. Or in short .... I ain't buyin what you sayin!
  12. Some interesting excuses for not executing the order of Srila Prabhupada to distribute books. I should make a note of this somewhere. Will come in handy when someone asks why I don't distribute books.
  13. Great article prabhu. Smoking is for fools because it kills and they know it. Who can be more foolish than a smoker? I was a fool for a few years, being addicted to smoking. Thankfully, I was able to give it up and Vaisnava association played a huge role in my giving up smoking.
  14. Please also accept my humble obeisances prabhu. I'm sometimes staggered to see the lengthy posts that just have 1 purpose ... to defeat the opposing Vaisnava when the rampant mayavadis and foolish fanatic Christians are busy painting using their conversion brush!
  15. Thank you. Not that sex is wrong but it must be within the institution of marriage. else, it is considered illicit sex which will slow down one on the path of realization.
  16. Yes, so let's stop wasting time arguing amongst ourselves and work to defeat the mayavada philosophers who distract people and draw them away from Krishna.
  17. A balanced, thoughtful and neutral post. I couldn't agree more, prabhu. The ones complaining are likely the disgruntled ones looking for faults.
  18. Good point but a temple struggling to pay a temple president is better than a struggling temple with no leader. Just my opinion!
  19. While I agree that some things are best left alone, you are simply exaggerating the effect. Nothing that Jayadvaita Maharaja does is "butchering the reputation of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is". It is a fantastic masterpiece by Srila Prabhupada which will continue to be the best selling version of the Bhagavad Gita in the Western world.
  20. It does seem to be heading that way. I hope more young Americans will step up and take to this movement and we can hopefully curb that trend.
  21. I suggest you follow your own advice and do some learning first. It's not like ISKCON has hordes of young men lining up to become Brahmacaries and temple presidents. We just have to make the best of a bad bargain. Under the circumstances, I see nothing wrong with salaries to Temple Presidents.
  22. Then please explain why Srila Prabhupada said in some puports that 'it is a fact that no one falls from Vaikuntha'!
  23. I have heard of the translations being taken from Dr. Radhakrishnan's book (with minor modifications)and I think it is a credible story. Ultimately, it's the purports that matter most and those are Srila Prabhupada's.
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