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  1. It is most difficult to participate in the modern medical scenario when you have beliefs as a KC person. The whole system is so material and physical based than any spiritual needs become in contrast to the assistance they can offer
  2. Yes, I also think that if one has something to offer, they can offer it without a shield. It is much more comforting to associate when you have a name to identify with
  3. Yes, I also think that if one has something to offer, they can offer it without a shield. It is much more comforting to associate when you have a name to identify with
  4. Through an odd bit of bad luck, I get mailings from the Ku Klux Klan, Rev Robb division. I wish i could scan this stuff for all of you to read. Anyone who has ever wondered how anyone can tie racism to religion will get more than a mouthful from these folks. They feel fully justified in a white supremacy stance tied to Christianity
  5. Eastern religions have knowledge and philosophy and science and arts and every aspect of life permeated with religious doctrine. Western theology begins and ends with "I believe." I believe this statement to be wildly general in nature. If only it were all so easy
  6. Remember the Lord is independent,and whom He chooses to bestow His Grace unpon is up to Him.Time place circumstance are no hinderance to Him.All our so-called righteous acts fall short.Better to be a sincere contrite person praying in a Church,though illiterate, than a vastly erudite pandit chanting pious slokas in a temple, but with a proud heart. This is too often forgotten in my case. Thanks for the inspiration
  7. Even this forum is invaded by the likes of el presidente. I for one would have no part of his rascal ways and if I could, wouldnt even pay taxes to support this evil in the age of Kali
  8. I certainly dont pretend to offer any authorized or even politically correct view, but my feeling is that I have a tolerance of other views but can't accept them as the right path. The acceptance of a religious path is better than no realization at all, and perhaps an opportunity to open the door to the Vaisnava path for those who are ready
  9. I am inclined to agree with the above post. I see no harm in practitioners wearing the local flavor so thqt they may maintain themselves and further the effort of spreading the Vaisnava faith. In so far as filling out forms, I dont believe this information is anyones business but my own so I don't share it.
  10. I would like to hear your music. Any luck with getting the site ready?y
  11. I appreciate the posts on this link. Thank you all for the inspired dialogue
  12. I think as th saying goes, that science is the new religion of the masses. In Kali age it is easy to formulate theories and dissertations on the whys and wheres of creation and life. As a distration to the scripture, these platform,become more acceptable as man continues to form a world based around himself rather than Krsna
  13. I think that being racist is a part of the Kali age. It is not a part of spiritual life, but something to contend with on the path to pure KC.
  14. Just checked out your site after having notice it in your signature for some time. A wonderful tribute to KC
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