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Posts posted by Streetstraw

  1. Subhuman Feinberg is blocking "Wrongful Death" suits filed 12/20/01 by 2/3 of 9/11 victim's families. They have 100 pre 9/11 points at which present administration knew 9/11 would happen.

    Very easy to understand why Cheney blocked 9/11 investigation. He's implicated in plan and act 108 times more than Usama.

    Unfortunately, most Americans cannot believe their own government could be that corrupt.

    Filing deadline www.911forthetruth.com or www.9114thetruth.com Hopefully Saddam will be allowed to speak; Noriega was not. Saddam has detailed information easily sufficient to put Chen, Rums, Reagan, Thatch, Wolfo + many others behind bars for many (not years) births to come.

    SOP Standard Operating Procedures - by 9/11 8:20am FAA should've notified NORAD that 4 planes were off course, which in turn activate/scramble all East Coast Air Force jets.

    That morning no helicopters were flying. Why?

    9th district Congresswoman Marcie ?Capter? of Erie County says some Ohio jets were scrambled but arrived in Pennsylvania too late.

    Ashcroft hasn't flown commercial aircraft since 9/11/01. Why?

    CNN proved they are complicit by utilizing former NYC Mayor puppethead Kroch to point his crooked finger away from <- culpable Republicans -> toward Usama.

    Chen still receives between 180k - 1,000,000/year from HALIBURTON.

    Cheney still holds over $35 million in unexercized Haliburton stock options.

    Cheney/Haliburton hide their investments in Cayman Islands.

    Wash DC will try to keep Saddam far away from any interviewers. Like Noriega he knows too much.

    Kaliyuga qualities will have no trouble spreading so long gov't leaders lie under oath.

  2. Why is one person born rich, another poor?

    Why is one child aborted, another not?

    Why is one child born healthy, another ill?

    Why is one born human, another beast, another fish, yet another fowl, yet another plant?

    What is wrong with pornography participants becoming trees next life so they can stand up naked in public... for hundreds of years.

    What is wrong with indiscriminate eaters & sexers becoming pigs?

    Pigs have sex with sister, mother, daughter.

    Why did Krishna turn His head away when Bhaumasura's mother Kotara appeared naked on the battlefield?

    Why can't intoxicators become ants next life so as to feel drunk on one grain of sugar?

    Mother Nature fulfills our degraded material desires by simplifying our next body type.

    Please type in your friend's answers.

  3. Animal raisers, killers, meat packers will be very upset. They are attached to ugra-karma. They can't picture themselves doing pious, nonviolent work. Even the president serves his guests dead cows for dinner. Such a putrid pathetic person. Save this rascal please before yamadutas have their love feast dragging his bare behind away for good.

  4. Well we all get that way sooner or later. Even big, big gurus show signs of total disappointment. Either don't complain or complain to Krishna Himself. The people on this planet can't help you. They are stuck in mud just like you. Even the so-called devotees. Only God can save you. Ultimately we all must die, leave this body behind, today or tomorrow. This planet is hardly worth mentioning considering the larger picture. Corruption on all levels, specially so-called religious.

  5. Not only was Degaulle, his tank warfare guru, correct.

    Sisya Hitler suggested the League of Nations set up Israel on Madagascar, in which case THAT would be there own country.

    Adolph predicted continuous turmoil setting up/overlapping Israel and Palestine.

    Abe's half-brother sons still at it after 4,000 yrs.

    When will they ever learn...

    Where have all the semites gone? Long time passing?

    Question: if an Israeli soldier disembowels a Palestinian, a practive still going on today, whose the anti-semite?

    If Airhead Sharon is NOT the ultimate anti-semite, then let me die miserable deaths over and over again with no hope for Krishna-bhakti within my next 15 trillion births.

    From this screen to Karanodakasayi Visnu's Padma-lochan Lotus Eyes.


    MoveOn Bulletin

    Friday, June 6, 2003

    Noah T. Winer, Editor

    noah.winer@moveon.org Subscribe

    online at:




    In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg was working at the Defense


    Recognizing that the public was being deceived about Vietnam and anticipating that

    President Nixon was about to escalate the war,

    Ellsberg risked imprisonment to leak

    the Pentagon Papers -- 7,000 pages of top-secret

    memoranda -- to the New York Times. This would ultimately force Nixon to resign rather than face impeachment.

    Ellsberg's recent book, "Secrets," undermines the

    naive assumption of many Americans that political leaders' inexplicable actions in times of war are

    based on accurate information from reliable sources.

    "Secrets" provides much needed

    insight for today's situation as many question the

    information President Bush

    used to base his claim that Iraq possessed weapons of

    mass destruction.

    Daniel Ellsberg will respond to five of the top questions written by MoveOn members. Post your questions at:



    ------------------------------ CONTENTS

    1. Introduction: The Nuclear Future

    2. One Link

    3. No More Hawks and Doves

    4. Reviewing Nuclear Posture

    5. Direction Since Sept. 11

    6. Bush-Putin Treaty

    7. Mini-Nukes

    8. Nuclear Weapons Go Underground

    9. Credits

    10. About the Bulletin

    ------------------------------ INTRODUCTION: THE


    For years, the threat of nuclear catastrophe consumed

    the energies of many

    activists. Washington and Moscow both seemed willing

    to risk the lives of

    millions of human beings in order to maintain nuclear

    superiority. And then the Cold

    War ended. Once rhetoric shifted to understanding the

    post-Cold War strategic environment, talk of nuclear expansion subsided. The assumption was that the weapons were no longer necessary and would be

    cooperatively dismantled by the now-friendly nuclear powers. This was, after all, in

    everyone's interest.

    Yet de-escalation has not ruled the day. The focus has

    shifted from communists to

    terrorists and while there is no evidence that

    terrorists have nuclear

    weapons, there is evidence they are trying to procure

    them. Precisely because

    dismantling never occurred, Russia still possesses

    nuclear weapons in great numbers, but they are now less securely protected. Once again,

    nuclear weapons must be preserved as a deterrent. More frighteningly, smaller nuclear weapons must be

    developed which would serve not as a deterrent, but as

    a usable complement to

    conventional weapons. These changes are immediate

    history -- the Bush-Putin

    nuclear arms treaty signed this week, the ban on

    developing small nukes

    lifted only last month -- and that history continues to

    unfold. This week's bulletin will prepare you to participate in the history to come.

    ------------------------------ ONE LINK

    If you read nothing else in this week's bulletin, read

    this article from the Union of Concerned Scientists:

    "[President Bush] should ask whether adopting a

    military posture right now to

    counter aggressive 'peer competitors' that might arise

    in the invisible

    future could create a self-fulfilling prophecy, while

    also aggravating the dangers

    that exist today.. He should, instead, move towards an

    unambiguous and whole-hearted endorsement of the Nuclear

    Non-Proliferation Treaty, and demonstrate

    this commitment by asking the Senate to ratify the

    Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty."


    ------------------------------ NO MORE HAWKS AND


    "Forget hawks and doves. The post-Cold War political

    struggle is between

    'dominators' and 'conciliators.' Right now, thanks

    especially to Osama bin


    those who believe U.S. national security lies in raw

    military power, not

    cooperative agreements, are in control."



    ------------------------------ REVIEWING THE NUCLEAR


    The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is a military

    planning document Congress

    mandated in 2000. The Bush administration delivered

    the NPR in 2002, but its

    contents were classified. Leaked versions reveal the

    NPR recommends a greater role

    for nuclear weapons and missile defense. The Natural

    Resources Defense Council published an analysis of the NPR called "Faking Nuclear Restraint."

    http://www.nrdc.org/nuclear/restraint.asp Analysis

    from the engineering organization IEEE describes how the NPR conflicts with the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Nonproliferation Treaty.


    Or maybe we're just "nuclear alarmists." So say two research fellows at the National Defense University's Institute for National Strategic Studies.


    ------------------------------ THE DIRECTION SINCE

    SEPT. 11

    "While there is much the Bush administration might

    have done to make nuclear

    terrorism less likely, the path they have chosen

    increases the risks of

    nuclear terrorism. It also undermines our relationship

    with countries we need in the fight against terrorism in general and nuclear terrorism in particular."


    ------------------------------ THE BUSH-PUTIN TREATY

    In 2002, President Bush met with Russian President

    Vladimir Putin to


    reducing deployable nuclear warheads. They drafted the

    Treaty of Moscow


    has since been ratified by the U.S. Senate and Russian

    parliament. On


    Bush and Putin signed the treaty in St. Petersburg,

    bringing it into full

    effect. Questions remain as to the seriousness of this

    arms reduction.

    This Chicago Tribune op-ed challenges Bush's claim that the

    treaty will "liquidate the

    legacy of the Cold War": "Moving [nuclear] weapons

    from silos, where they are

    extremely secure, to warehouses, where they may not

    be, would be a gift to Al Qaeda and every other outlaw group that lusts after Russia's 'loose nukes.' If we want to reduce the danger, we have to persuade the Russians to destroy nuclear weapons so that no one can ever use them. But they won't do that unless we agree to do the same."


    ------------------------------ MINI-NUKES

    The Bush administration has lobbied for the repeal of

    a 10-year ban on

    research and development of "low-yield" nuclear

    weapons. Opponents have

    argued these

    smaller nukes would blur the distinction between

    nuclear and non-nuclear

    weaponry, making nuclear warfare more palatable. In a

    late May vote,

    Senators Edward Kennedy and Dianne Feinstein were unable to

    preserve the ban. On the Senate floor, Kennedy asked: "Is half a Hiroshima OK? Is a quarter Hiroshima OK?

    Is a little mushroom cloud OK? That's absurd. The issue

    is too important. If we build it, we'll use it."


    Senator Feinstein on low-yield nuclear weapons:

    "The political effects of U.S. pursuit of new nuclear

    weapons could well be to legitimize nuclear weapons, and U.S. nuclear planning could serve as a pretext for other countries and, worse, terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, to build or acquire their own bombs."


    Slate magazine on the Pentagon's Dr. Strangelove, Keith Payne, whose nuclear infatuation is now

    making policy. Of nuclear war, Payne once wrote: "an

    intelligent United States

    offensive [nuclear] strategy, wedded to homeland

    defenses, should reduce U.S.

    casualties to approximately 20 million ... a level

    compatible with national survival and recovery."


    ------------------------------ NUCLEAR


    From Popular Science magazine:

    "[T]he Pentagon has begun to consider the previously


    developing specially designed nuclear weapons for attacking

    buried caves and tunnels....

    Such a move would represent the most significant

    rewriting of U.S. nuclear

    strategy in decades, because its intended purpose

    violates the two cornerstones

    of current policy: to use nuclear weapons only as a

    last resort and never to

    use them against non-nuclear nations."


    ------------------------------ CREDITS

    Research team:

    Leah Appet, Russ Juskalian, Janelle Miau, Kim Plofker,

    and Bland Whitley.

    Editing team:

    David Taub Bancroft, Melinda Coyle, Gillan,

    Judy Green, Mary Anne Henry, and Rita A. Weinstein.



    The MoveOn Bulletin is a free email bulletin providing

    information, resources, news, and action ideas on important

    political issues. The full text of the

    MoveOn Bulletin is online at http://www.moveon.org/

    moveonbulletin/; you can to it at that address. The MoveOn Bulletin is a project of MoveOn.org.

    --submitted by d. lattimore, moveon.org member

  7. 2 yrs ago we believe we helped end a more than year long drought by continuous kirtan, bhajan & classes 4am-10pm. It began raining shortly after.

    Maybe our singing was so bad demigods figured the only way to shut us up was...

    In any event, even if they had not begun showering, such intense musical spiritual expression was time well-spent and fun to boot.

  8. Some say before Noah's flood all were vegetarian.

    Those were the actual "Good Old Days"

    In any case, animals today (cows, pigs, chickens) were previously human, but then they lost/forfeited their rights by killing & eating such bodies as they wear today.

    "Blood Sweat & Tears" sang "Spinning Wheel & rightly so.

    Groups name matches slaughterhouse supporters vikarmik rxns.

    Texans kill & drill while professing Christianity.

    Could anything be farther from the truth?

    Such Mother Earth's blood, suck Mother Cow's blood.

    "What goes around comes around" - Hare Krishna

  9. Our 5th grade teacher told us to "read between the lines"

    At that time I could not understand.

    I looked between the printed lines yet saw nothing but space.

    Laughable though true.

    1) "Patriotism is the last resort for scoundrels" - Mark Twain.

    Modern day USA harbors the least educated society of all time.

    By least educated we mean most easily fooled.

    2) "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public" - _______


  10. Don't try to see God; work in such away that God will want/will come to see you."

    Who's Ruroni Kenshin?

    Seldom do we find our inner nature while still materially embodied/surrounded on this mundane plane. When we do we work at what we love most, making it, turning it into no work at all, but fun = play = divya-lila

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