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Posts posted by Streetstraw

  1. You must be joking. Or your post's date is years off. Michael Moore is more heroic today than ever before.

    He's single-handedly done more for America & the Globe than your entire preferred partido conjunto.

    Bhagavatam states: "if your kid is not a hero or devotee, you passed urine."

    Moore's parents produced a hero, unlike ' offspring we care not to mention herein.

  2. Many fuels whose fame & distribution are being deliberately suppressed are pollution-free.

    When you see a petroleum station what do you see?

    When you see oil drills and wells what do you see?

    Before answering please reread 2nd Canto Chapter 7.

    ps - Varna-sankara can only be avoided by proper education which petroleum companies are hardly fond of funding.

    Quite the contraire, they further their fuel sale by illicit sex motif.


  3. Dervish - it's not too bad, it's quite good.

    Don't forget - those cows were all cow-eaters in their past lives.

    Narada Muni whispered nonsense into Kamsa's ear. Why? To bring on Krsna's appearance sooner. And it worked.

    Modern politicians are trying to imitate Narada by similarly lying to their constituents, but they don't know how, they're not at all acquainted with Narada's secret formula.

    They are so unfortunate.

    They think that by killing & destroying Satan's world, God or Jesus will sooner reappear.

    Now THAT's too bad. THAT's too bad.

  4. That's hysteria. That's hysteria.

    To bomb women and children totally ignorant of karmic or biblic law is HYSTERIA.


    Unfortunately, our American public is bombarded with everything but truth 24/7 making it difficult for one to clearly decide anything about anyone.

    Cleland's full story - who can say for sure?

    If you'd rather sniff this female reporter's feline feet, go for it.

    Personally amongst those running I would prefer Vegan Kucinich.

    If B turned vegetarian publicly i'd TRULY consider voting for him.

    Publicly a la Oprah.

    Replacing scandal-ridden Cheney asap would greatly strengthen his position too.

    But alas! surrounded by 5th class men he won't do either, for he's impelled to perpetuate Amarillo's Hell on Earth.

    2 years ago, B had the audacity to ask China "Why don't you embrace Amerikan values?"

    You mean Texas' ENRON? Beijing's still hardily laughing over that one.

    If B finally became Christian by following Jesus's lacto-vegetarian diet and told us so he'd be shot flat dead by his cow-killing mother-eating neighbors quicker than a JFK chaser rerun. Pitiful president.

    btw - Amarillo is much worse today - TODAY 2004 than Neo-cons fantasized Armageddon of tomorrow.

    So much for St John misinterpreted by falsified christians and jews.

    While B busies himself deregulating anti-pollution standards, extremely foolish non-breathing? bhaktas back him.

    12th Canto over and over and over again.

  5. Kaliyuga's clever strategy:

    Kick a cripple when he's down, while his head's closest to your foot.


    Shame on You, Ann Coulter

    By Scott Galindez

    t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    Monday 16 February 2004

    Ann Coulter's recent attack on Max Cleland shows just how un-patriotic the right has become. In a recent column, Ms. Coulter rewrites history in a shameful attack on a real American hero:


    Excerpts from Coulter's column:


    "Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine non-combat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix. In fact, Cleland could have dropped a grenade on his foot as a National Guardsman - or what Cleland sneeringly calls 'weekend warriors.' Luckily, for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it while in Vietnam."


    But he didn't "give his limbs for his country," or leave them "on the battlefield." There was no bravery involved in dropping a grenade on himself with no enemy troops in sight. That could have happened in the Texas National Guard - which Cleland denigrates while demanding his own sanctification."


    Coulter saying that Cleland was "lucky" the incident happened in Viet Nam is despicable. If Cleland was stateside he probably wouldn't have faced live grenades. Many conservative chickenhawks who now support sending our young men off to war never faced live fire or live grenades. For information on the service records of leading conservatives go to:


    The New Hampshire Gazette.


    As for the claim that a Silver Star winner is not a "war hero," Coulter said people "should stop allowing [Cleland to be] portrayed as a war hero" - despite the fact that, in a separate incident four days before he lost three limbs, Cleland won a Silver Star - one of the highest honors for combat courage the U.S. military gives out. The congressional citation which came with the medal specifically said that during a "heavy enemy rocket and mortar attack Captain Cleland, disregarding his own safety, exposed himself to the rocket barrage as he left his covered position to administer first aid to his wounded comrades. He then assisted in moving the injured personnel to covered positions." The citation concluded, "Cleland's gallant action is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army."


    Coulter's claim that it was a non-combat incident was also false, as the 8/1/99 Esquire Magazine notes: "Cleland lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam when a grenade accidentally detonated after he and another soldier jumped off a helicopter in a combat zone."


    Peter Carlson of the Washington Post also wrote:


    "On April 8, 1968, during the siege of Khe Sanh, he stepped off a helicopter and saw a grenade at his feet. He thought he'd dropped it. He was wrong. When he reached down to pick it up, it exploded, ripping off both legs and his right hand. He was 25."


    He returned home to Georgia in December 1969. "I had no job, no girlfriend, no car, no hope," he says. "I figured this is a good time to run for the state Senate. And politics became my therapy, forcing me to get out of the house and be seen."


    In 1970, at 28, he became the youngest person ever elected to the Georgia Senate. In 1977, President Jimmy Carter appointed him to head the Veterans Administration. In 1982, he was elected as Georgia's secretary of state. In 1996 he was elected to the U.S. Senate, defeating businessman Guy Millner in a very close race."


    That sounds like an "American Hero" to me. A role model for all people, an example that despite obstacles anyone can succeed.


    Ann, I know you are getting nervous that your "War President" is surrounded by other chickenhawks, while John Kerry comes surrounded by veterans and real American heroes like our nation's firefighters. Nevertheless, that does not give you the right to slander the reputation of a man who has dedicated his life to service for our country. Shame on you!


    Max Cleland, keep up the fight!





  6. Can't we do anything right? Can't we purify instead of contaminate?

    If we can launder cloth and money, why can't we launder our desires?

    Today Castro stated: "Bush would have trouble debating a Cuban ninth grader."

    Unfortunately, (in either english or spanish) he's right.

  7. Not sure how to spell Howard Lymon's name. He was ex-millionaire co-defendent alongside Oprah in 1996 Mad Cow court case. He was Oprah's guest. He explained to her how horrifically disgusting modern-day animal slaughter has become.

    Oprah was so shocked... she honestly expressed herself, after which... church-going Texas cattle ranchers tried to sue Oprah for saying during primetime "I'll never eat a burger again" as 20 million people watched.


  8. Seeing how Sharon's military continued to mow down and murder Palestinian villages and villagers, Bush finally expressed, "This is too much".

    Naturally he requested Sharon to stop, but Ariel ignored George's plea.

    Apparently Congressional Zionist lobbyists now have the upperhand, so much so, one has to wonder:

    Who rules whom, Washington or Telaviv?

  9. This northerly newscast windbag recently tried to challenge General Wesley Clark in a tricky though dopey way. After Michael Moore strategically lent his support to Clark, Jennings tried to denounce Moore's statement labeling Bush "military deserter" to be unethical. How dare anyone, even an Oscar winner, publicly insult our beloved Commander in Chief? Fools do free-fall freely.

    Clark responded that he himself was not stressing this point, though he had heard such 'deserter' claims from others too, not only Moore.

    Some think nicknaming Bush "Commander AWOL" would b more appropriate. But because there's no record of Bush mustering or serving for several consecutive months while enlisted, DESERTER would b more accurate.


    AWOL = Absent Without Leave for 30 days or less

    DESERTER = " Without Leave for 30 days or more

    Apart from our daily death toll, body bags returning CARGO to Maryland, other American soldiers stationed in Iraq, seeing the obvious futility in US foreign policy, have already opted in favor of selbstmoord = suicide.

    As Kaliyuga increases, suicide will likewise increase.

  10. Yes, Technology in murderous cheaters hands most certainly produces fiction.

    Whatever they are broadcasting, at least we know THAT is not correct.

    All this so-called modern communicative and transportive technology was readily available 5,000 yrs ago and long before that.

    Nothing is invented; everything is discovered. Who gets the credit?

    Now that raksasas almost totally control our media, all is done deceptively.

    We Americans did not even discover Saddam's hideout.

    Saddam was discovered days before by... guess who?

    But guess who took the credit?

    Always recall that Alexander/Robber story SP told; it will help to set you free.

    vidyam cavidyam cayas yas tad vedobhayam saha... Isopanisad

  11. Yes, of course, for sure you can trust Krishna: as far as you can throw a city bus.

    Have you lifted a city bus lately? Country dweller?How 'bout a Greyhound? Try it. Maybe you can do it. Be patient. Wait till they unload. Then give it your best shot. I had a tough time myself. But maybe you'll have better luck. Inform us of your heroic results. We'll be here patiently awaiting your divine results.

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