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Everything posted by animesh

  1. Shvu, I knew that you would ask these questions. Yes, I was present there. His all predictions have come true. He feels as if he is seeing things clearly, not just hearing. When he gets a vision, he gives description of what he saw. Regarding plane accident, the description given by him was exactly the same as the description of the place where the accident happened. He even mentioned the writings on one sign board. But he did not mention date. I know him very well as he is in my relation. He is my mausa ji (my mother's elder sister's husband).
  2. But Gauracandra ji, it is not that he decides to know about future and then knows it. Suddenly, he will get vision. It is also not necessary that the vision is very much related to his life. To give a few examples, he saw about the plane accident in Patna a few days before the accident. He saw India blasting nuclear weapon two days before it actually happened.
  3. But Gauracandra ji, it is not that he decides to know about future and then knows it. Suddenly, he will get vision. It is also not necessary that the vision is very much related to his life. To give a few examples, he saw about the plane accident in Patna a few days before the accident. He saw India blasting nuclear weapon two days before it actually happened.
  4. I am asking this question because I know one person who suddenly gets vision of things that would happen in future. He does not see these in a dream. While talking to people, suddenly he keeps quiet. After some time, he explains what he saw. What he sees happens after a few days. Some of you might be thinking that he must be somebody who is very much devoted to God. No, he is not. Of course, he believes in God, but not very deeply. Why do some people see things that would happen in future? Is it that everything is predetermined?
  5. I am asking this question because I know one person who suddenly gets vision of things that would happen in future. He does not see these in a dream. While talking to people, suddenly he keeps quiet. After some time, he explains what he saw. What he sees happens after a few days. Some of you might be thinking that he must be somebody who is very much devoted to God. No, he is not. Of course, he believes in God, but not very deeply. Why do some people see things that would happen in future? Is it that everything is predetermined?
  6. God save my from the charm of your earth daughters such as her. God save you when you come to India.
  7. God save my from the charm of your earth daughters such as her. God save you when you come to India.
  8. Thank God for small mercies and keep chanting for inestimateable unseen mercies Because on top of all that you may have been given, there is every chance that those who read this here are among a fraction of 1% that Lord Krsna has personally blessed with the chance to sing His glories. Very true. Has it ever occured to you how lucky you are to be alive? Study shows that more than 90% of people on Earth died before progeny. But not a single of your ancestors falls in this category.
  9. Sirona ji, I find that you have started posting in this forum just a few days back. Would you tell more about yourself?
  10. Did Buddha really claim that Vedas were wrong or was he just against the animal sacrifices mentioned in Vedas. Arya samaj is based on Vedas. Does this samaj encourage animal sacrifices?
  11. Did Buddha really claim that Vedas were wrong or was he just against the animal sacrifices mentioned in Vedas. Arya samaj is based on Vedas. Does this samaj encourage animal sacrifices?
  12. It is wrong to say that Buddha denied the existence of God. It will be more accurate to say that he did not want to say anything regarding God.
  13. It is wrong to say that Buddha denied the existence of God. It will be more accurate to say that he did not want to say anything regarding God.
  14. <QUOTE>In any case it is not good to keep statues or pictures of dancing Shiva (among a few other deities such as Ganesh) in the house.</QUOTE> Why is it so? Do other people in this forum (jndas ji and others) also think that we should not keep statues or pictures of dancing Shiva?
  15. Lord Shiva is considered as the lord of destruction. But why dance? How is dance related to destruction?
  16. Read this love letter .. it is so funny ! This is a love letter from a boy to a girl.... However, the girl's father does not like him and want them to stop the relationship...... So the boy wrote this letter to the little girl. 1 "The great love that I have for you 2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you 3 grows every day. When I see you, 4 I do not even like your face; 5 the one thing that I want to do is to 6 look at other girls. I never wanted to 7 marry you. Our last conversation 8 was very boring and has not 9 made me look forward to seeing you again. 10 You think only of yourself 11 If we were married, I know that I would find 12 life very difficult, and I would have no 13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart 14 to give, but it is not something that 15 I want to give to you. No one is more 16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not 17 able to care for me and help 18 I sincerely want you to understand that 19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor 20 if you think this the end. Do not try 21 to answer this. Your letters are full of 22 things that do not interest me. You have no 23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me, 24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that 25 I am still your boyfriend." So bad..... However, the boy told the girl before to read only the odd numbered lines ! Please read it again!....it's so smart n sweet...
  17. <QUOTE> Posted by Shvu Then the following statement is bad too, because it is saying the exact same thing. There is no religion in the world except Krsna consciousness. All bogus. - Prabhupada I agree with you. Personally, I may like Hinduism but it will be wrong on my part to say that all other religions are bogus. THEY ARE NOT. If we have right to say that other religions are bogus, then others also have right to say that our religion is bogus. I have been posting in this forum for long. Not a single example can be given which shows that I ridicule other religions. On the contrary, many times I have objected to what ISKCON members have written. But it will not be correct if I decide that I should object to whatever they write. One more thing: I did not find the letter humorous. I found it offensive.
  18. This is too bad. I mean this is two bad, three bad, four bad, five bad ......... I tried posting in jokes forum. But I got the message that you might have run out of disk space.
  19. Let us imagine that I write the following. Will Ron S. like this? Howdy, I read your email. You have been deceived. Krishna is Lord of all, including Mr. Jesus. Here's what the true God says regarding all creaturs: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the LIVESTOCK, over all the earth, and over ALL the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over EVERY living creature that moves on the ground." This is God's truth and the truth will set you free. If you are not a follower of the Lord Krishna, then you are in bondage. Most Sincerely, Animesh Please note: I am not trying to say that one should write something what I have written above. I have written that just to show that if someone tells Christians that Jesus is not true God, then they will not like it. And they have every right not to like it. Similarly, people of other faith also have every right not to like it when someone tells them that their God is not true God and therefore they are in bondage.
  20. I have to say I am absolutely disgusted with your judgemental and racist response to Ron S. message. Everyone has a right to believe in their own faith. I do not ridicule you nor judge you because you are Hindu. Mary ji, There is nothing wrong in being a Christian. There is nothing wrong if someone wants to worship Jesus. But it is definitely wrong to say that all Non-Chritians have been deceived. You have written that everyone has a right to believe in their own faith. Do u think that everyone includes only Christians? Please read the content of the email sent by Ron S. to jndas ji. It is quite clear from the letter that all those who are not Christians are following some false religion.
  21. <quote> By the same standard of humor, someone who claims that Krishna is the ultimate, should also be laughed at. </quote> If the article mentioned that jesus was the supreme, then I would not have found anything wrong with that. But what is bad is the claim that all those who are non-Christians have been deceived.
  22. "It is possible to know what is at the base of Mariana trench. But it is impossible to know what is going on inside a femaile brain no matter what appears from ouside." -- Shakespeare
  23. Qur'an states that Allah has a form, a divine form, that He is not formless. And Satan states that His form is human-like. As Qur'an gives Satan an attribute of being God's opposite in all aspects, Qur'an admits that Allah has a human-like form. This did not become clear to me. Could you explain what you are trying to say? How come Satan sating that he is human-like proves that Allah is human-like? Please try talking to some Islam scholar on the form of Allah. Very often, the difference between formless and having form is a matter of semantics. As an example, some will consider air as formless because you keep it in a jar of any shape and it will take that shape. Some will say that it has form, because it consists of molecules which have form.
  24. I remember that long back, a poster named Sumeet mentioned that everybody is a fool, though the explanation given by him was different from the one given by SP.
  25. There are verses in Quran which say that Allah is either formless or even if He has a form, the form is beyond anyone's imagination. And therefore He man's form can not be Allah's form.
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