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Posts posted by radharani

  1. Originally posted by JRdd:

    Well you knew that already. Did you think changing your username would make it any different?



    LAST POST: You think I've been here before, I'm assuming. It isnt pleasurable for me to say -this-, it actually pains me to say it, but it is disappointing to see such a good group of genuinely striving people so caught up in ritual and formalities. God (Krsna) is here now. Krsna is not bound by statements he may or may not have made in the past about his appearances, and do you really think he would appear in an easily recognizable form in the Kali Yuga? Believe me! It's much, much more complicated than that. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone's views about spiritual reality or how radharani should conduct herself, but all I can do and all I have done is speak the truth.

  2. Originally posted by radharani:

    since spirituality has been lost in society, gender roles dont mean so much. there is nothing special about a woman, or a man. women have to act as men and where did women go? all i see is men, and women trying to be men.

    Ok. I'll try this again. The main point to what I was saying was, 'since spirituality has been lost in society'


    I was not saying there is nothing special about men or women, I was saying that from the viewpoint of modern society, these special traits arent as important, as say, how much money one is capable of earning, for example.


    Women acting as men: the point I was making here is that with women having equal employment opportunites in comparison with 1900, 1920, etc, instead of bringing the uniqueness that a feminine viewpoint has to offer, women instead fill men's shoes, it seems to me, doing the jobs the way a man would do them, rather than the way a woman would. But probably the way a woman would do something is on its way to being forgotten by many (it seems to me). I think of the evening news, for example, when I'm thinking this, or of all the various other jobs that a woman can do if only she acts like a man.

  3. I have similar experiences as you, Pete, I just keep trying, what else is there to do? I am drawn to Krsna consciousness because it is the largest spiritual community that I am mostly in agreement with (I dont see using cow's milk as moral, though) but I am drawn to a certain mystery, that maybe there is something to learn here that I cant learn anywhere else. I dont agree with everything, and I dont like every truth that I believe I discover in the process, but if it's true, then I want to know it (or at least I think I do). New truths and new levels of truth are probably still to be discovered. I dont see why anything would have to be set in stone, even within Krsna consciousness. The goal for me (and for humanity), I thought,

    is to evolve to a greater level of consciousness, I got the impression that's what Krsna consciousness was about, so it would make sense that Krsna would continue to reveal more and more as humanity becomes

    capable of perceiving it.

  4. i'm not 100% sure, but i think i saw on little house on the prairie the other day, that the sign language for eternity, or forever, is the same as what one of krsna's hands/arms does in a lot of his pictures. this was new info. to me. had anyone else heard of this before?

  5. I wonder if technology and spirituality will at some point converge. Or will this all erupt into an unmanageable money-corrupt society?


    [This message has been edited by radharani (edited 07-03-2002).]

  6. thanks; i was wondering about info about initiation and that link had a lot.


    i thought maybe appearance and disappearance (dont laugh!) maybe was


    appearance:when the devotee appeared from out of society (to a guru), and their incarnation from a previous life (way back in vedic times) was remembered


    disapppearance: when they transcended the physical plane, not meaning death


    ok, you can laugh, i guess it is funny.

  7. Originally posted by pete1:

    I do understand the idea of karma,my question is why ? In your story with the horse, you describe how the horse is forced to surrender and how its free will is slowly broken by the rider. Finally the rider and the horse go on with each other, but not until the horse is conditioned by the rider to submit.


    Love based on force and pain ? I know the soul is supposed to come out of all this undamaged, but the soul does feel any pain, mental and physical whilest in the body and suffers terrible consequenses to his actions,because he is allowed (unstopped) to commit these original karmic activities in the first place.



    when babies' teeth grow, it hurts



  8. Originally posted by syama:

    Hari bol,

    I am seeking advice on an uncomfortable feeling that arises in the left hand side of my chest. It is like a welling of energy and there is fear in there also and it is not pleasent. It happens only in contact with certain devotees iether in person or via e.mail and I am hoping someone may be able to shed some light on what this maybe and how to remove it.



    When I am around people who eat meat, I sometimes experience fear, I think this has to do with the fear accumulated in their energy fields due to the fear from the animals that they have eaten (fear experienced as the animals are about to slaughtered, fear experienced during that whole life of being raised as food and treated as a commodity). Maybe the devotees that you talk to are absorbing some of this fear in service to Krsna, accumulated as karma from the meat eaters so that they (the meat eaters, or maybe new devotees) can more comfortably become vegetarian.



  9. Originally posted by Yashoda_dd:

    Srila Prabhupada's purport for Bhagavad-gita, 9.26:


    He clearly requests that a leaf, fruit, flowers and water be given to Him, and He says of this offering, "I will accept it."


    Vegetables, grains, fruits, milk and water are the proper foods for human beings and are prescribed by Lord Krsna Himself.


    © 1991 by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust



    what does milk have to do with a leaf, a fruit, a flower or water



  10. because krsna wants to help everyone to be more like him, in whatever respects he or she is able to handle; if one experiences suffering, he is unlikely to inflict it or cause it if he attains some of the powers or knowledge of krsna. he doesnt want to rule forever and ever and be the only one to enjoy creating,etc (although i'm sure he will be ruling for a very very very very long time before anyone comes that close to his wisdom, so it probably isnt even worth discussing . . . but i do think the suffering is meant to show us what we ourselves are capable of doing, (in part).just my view on the subject, just a theory. it's like creator-boot-camp.

  11. http://gaudiya.net/sbnm/text/y2001/lecture20010810.htm


    someone asked earlier what qualites i carry of radharani, i guess this is one . . .anyway, i thought it was an interesting story


    also it's weird someone posted somewhere on here about a story where radha stays up all night trying to write about her love of krsna but cant form any words . . .maybe radha was guiding me as i did just that(!), this past january, except it was over a period of weeks of staying up all night (and the words formed); hmm maybe i am her! how would i know, if krsna decided to make me forgetful of past lives? i had never heard that story before, it was strange. i'm scared now. what if i'm *her* (!)? AAAAAAHH! would there be some way for an outside observer to tell?!?

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