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Posts posted by drkpp

  1. You must have used one of the online automated tools to get this.

    What you have is called Transliteration and NOT Translation.

    In transliteration, words in one language are written phonetically

    i.e. as they are spoken using letters from other language.

    In translation, actual meaning of words is converted to words of other language.


    hi, i love sanskrit, i think it is a beautiful language and am interested in getting a phrase tattooed on my side. i was wondering if you could help me translate this phrase.


    ' walk with me wherever i go '


    thank you very much for your help :smile: i would love to see it

    यत्र कुत्रापि गच्छामि मया सह चर


    How would the verb pil / pel be formed as in "Indra pil-"? Pelayati and pelati are related to the meaning "to send, throw, impel, incite". Could the verb be "pili"?


    pil root belongs to 10th conjugation parasmaipada

    Its present tense third person singular is pelayati


    Hari Om,


    I have acquired a CD Mahamrityunjay Mantra Jaap Mala by Anuradha Paudwal. It's one of the most beautiful versions of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra I've heard. Before the actual mantra chanting begins there is a short "intro" where they chant:



    Can anyone, please, explain the meaning and usage of the above?



    ॐ मृत्युंजयमहादेव त्राहि मां शरणागतम्‌।

    जन्ममृत्युजरापीडितं कर्मबंधनैः॥


    This is a literal word to word translation:

    OM O Lord Mahadew, the one who has conquered death,

    Protect me who has suffered birth, death & old age due to the bonds of actions(I did in my life) & has surrendered(to you).


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